Episode Highlights
Scalar light is life-giving energy without consequence because there are no chemicals involved. It's natural energy Share on XPray & meditate every day because prayer changes the world. When you pray, you're broadcasting scalar energy. You not only advance yourself but also mankind. Scalar energy is always positive and uplifting Share on XScalar energy is from God. God decides how much energy, like riboflavin, a person needs. It's impossible without these inbuilt instructions Share on XScalar energy emanates from the Sun and the stars. Every time we have a solar flare, it is a projection of plasma, a projection of scalar energy Share on XConsidering that there are two types of energy is an abrupt statement for many scientists today. We have to overcome that & teach people about the two types of energy & the two dimensions Share on XPodcast Sponsor Banner
About Tom Paladino
Tom Paladino is a Christian, husband, researcher and humanitarian seeking to bring Scalar Light healing to the world. Scalar Light will improve the quantum health of humanity.
He began researching Scalar Light during his undergraduate years after developing a deep admiration of two brilliant Scalar Light pioneers: Nikola Tesla and Galen Hieronymus.
Tom has focused a significant portion of his humanitarian efforts upon helping an entire host of Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) with outreach programs. NGOs are comprised of action-based program developers and a community of like-minded people. The organization is committed to making sustainable, humanitarian-oriented impacts all over the world.

Top Things You’ll Learn From Tom Paladino
- [06:51] Infinite Scalar Energy & Its Effects
- What is energy
- What is scalar energy/light (the difference)
- The human biofield & what it does
- Human photograph
- Energy field
- Scalar energy as a form of bioenergetic therapy
- Prayer as a form of positive scalar energy
- [11:18] How to Heal Yourself & Others with a Photograph
- Why use photographs
- How to Identify diseases & diagnose through a photo
- Working with photographs to elicit physical biological responses
- Use your intelligence to heal through the quantum field
- How to know it’s not a placebo effect
- [16:16] Scalar Energy in the World & How to Harness It
- Events occurring in the natural world that lead to an increase or a surge in scalar energy
- The first man to harness scalar energy
- Nikola Tesla 1899
- How to catch scalar energy
- Using bioresonance machines to harness scalar energy
- How to know if harnessing scalar energy is beneficial
- What are morphogenic fields
- Quantum entanglement
- How the force field of a photograph was connected to the astronauts on the moon
- [29:20] Scalar Energy Therapy Benefits
- Why scalar energy further enhances the average, healthy person’s health
- How scalar energy is different from your aura/chakra
- [41:31] Get Started with Scalar Light at Home
- 2 scalar energy therapy programs available today
- How to set life goals using scalar energy
- Tools that impact scalar energy positively
- Substances/supplements to ingest that improve your scalar light
- How to identify what nutrients you need using scalar light harnessing
- How long it takes to achieve good effects
Resources Mentioned
- Programs: Remote Scalar Energy Healing
- Article: World’s #1 Brown’s Gas Machine
- Teacher Nikola Tesla
- Teacher: Rupert Sheldrake
- Book: The Bible
- Website: Biohacking Resources
Episode Transcript
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Nick Urban [00:00:07]:
Are you a high performer secrets to unlocking the full potential of your mind, body, and spirit. We’ll learn from some of the world’s leading minds, from ancient wisdom to cutting edge tools and everything in between. This is your host, Nick Urban. Enjoy the episode. Is it really possible that you can heal yourself simply by manipulating a photograph of yourself? Well, that’s one of the applications of what is called scalar light therapy or scalar light healing. This is a form of nonphysical subtle energy that’s hypothesized to carry information without diminishing over distance, making it fairly unique. If you’ve heard of prana, chi, ki, Lifeforce, vital force, we discuss in this episode how those relate to scalar light as well as a bunch of other healthy and mostly free ways of increasing scalarlight, things like intention, meditation, breath work, visualization, sound therapy, surrounding yourself with nature and or crystals, and other ways of capitalizing on this phenomenon to improve your health. It is definitely far out there, and I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t heard a number of people that I follow in the wellness world mention that they noticed profound differences in their own health from using it over long periods of time.
Nick Urban [00:01:57]:
Perhaps it’s one of the core mechanisms behind all those healthy practices, and this is one area where modern science is still lagging far behind. Our guest this week is Tom Paladino. He is a scalar light researcher who’s working to bring this technology to the world and make it more available. To try to understand the scientific basis for this field, I asked our guest what exactly has been studied around it, and he mentioned that the National Institute of Health recognizes that there is an emerging field of study called bioenergetic therapies to which this falls under. He also mentioned that it is based on the work of Nikola Tesla, Antoine Pryor, Thomas Morey, we discussed the theory of morphogenetic fields, which essentially states that there are energetic fields or patterns that guide the development and organization of living organisms. As I like to think of it, the scaffolding that determines how things are built and rebuilt in the body. You can contrast scalar energy to the more widely recognized and scientifically understood electromagnetic energy. According to scalar light researchers, those are the only 2 known energies in the universe, and each is governed by distinct scientific laws.
Nick Urban [00:03:28]:
Tom has brought this technology to 1,000 around the world and achieved some pretty miraculous results. Now whether you choose to take him up on his special program or simply just to use this as justification to double down on your typical health practices, such as the ones I mentioned earlier. I hope you find the concept of scalarlight as fascinating as I did. You can find the resources and everything we discuss in the show notes for this episode at mindbodypeak.com/ the number 168. I’ll also put a link to Tom’s website so you can explore more about Scalar Light, the programs, the instruments, and the experience of real users. In other news, we recently launched some pages on the Outlier website dedicated to specific goals and topics. Whether you’re interested in fat loss or cognition or performance or hydration, gut health, stress reduction, you can just go to the top of the website under the topics menu, choose your goal, and there you’ll find some powerful tips to help you along your journey and a hand curated list of the articles, the podcasts, the products I’ve used that help with that goal, and a whole lot more. Instead of searching through about 300 blog posts that I’ve published over the years and another nearly 200 podcast episodes, I wanted to put that all on one page to make your life easier.
Nick Urban [00:05:12]:
Check it out. Let me know what you think, and you can also access those pages by going to outlier.com/topics. Okay. Ladies and gentlemen, sit back, relax, and let’s bring in Paladino. Tom, welcome to the podcast.
Tom Paladino [00:05:28]:
Hey. Thanks so much. Pleasure to be here. Thank you, Nick.
Nick Urban [00:05:31]:
Well, let’s dig in. So far today, what are the unusual nonnegotiables you’ve done for your health, your performance, and your bioharmony?
Tom Paladino [00:05:41]:
That’s a great opening question. I always start the day off with prayer with prayer and thanksgiving. So that’s non negotiable. And, I eat well, I usually have a a sensible diet. And I always I always look forward to having goals. I set goals every day. And one of my goals is to have a productive and and fruitful, discussion with you.
Nick Urban [00:06:07]:
Yeah. And it’s early there for you. It’s the end of the day over here for me. But so you’ve already gotten those in. What is your morning, like, goal setting and gratitude practice look like?
Tom Paladino [00:06:17]:
It’s very realistic. And when it’s realistic it’s it’s tenable. It is attainable. I have 2 or 3 goals every morning. Again one of those goals is to have a productive discussion with you. I’m going to be in the lab performing some research later today and some correspondence to fill out the day at the end. Simple goals, but again doable, tenable, and that way I see daily progress, I see weekly progress. This is what my research is all about.
Tom Paladino [00:06:48]:
You have to make progress.
Nick Urban [00:06:50]:
Well, take us to the beginning. What is Scalar Energy or the many other names it goes by?
Tom Paladino [00:06:57]:
Scalar energy, scalar light, I frequently say people are experts. They don’t realize it but they’re experts. It’s sunlight. It’s the natural light of the sun and the stars. I’m not working with electricity, I’m working with the energy that is the animating force of the sun and the stars. I’ve developed instruments to capture that animating energy and in so doing we’re going back to nature. I want to make that very clear. Even though I work with engineered instruments I’m going back to the first cause.
Tom Paladino [00:07:28]:
I’m going back to the animating force of the universe, the Sun and the stars, and it’s a benign energy. It’s, if you will, it’s a it’s a life giving energy without consequence because there’s no chemicals involved. It’s natural energy.
Nick Urban [00:07:45]:
So break down what the energy is because it’s not just photons of light in the visible light spectrum from 350 nanometers all the way up to the infrared range. It’s a bit different.
Tom Paladino [00:07:56]:
Precisely. There are no photons. This is massless. It’s nonphysical. So what am I getting at? Some people might call that intelligence or Christ consciousness. Others might call that, orgone energy or 0 point energy. That’s what I’m working with. So to be clear, there’s electromagnetic energy.
Tom Paladino [00:08:15]:
It’s very real, electricity and magnetism, And the other energy spectrum is scalar energy. It’s massless. It pervades the universe. So it’s my contention that this is the God force or or the energy that’s all encompassing.
Nick Urban [00:08:31]:
Are there other recognized instruments to measure such energy?
Tom Paladino [00:08:36]:
That’s an excellent question. There are none. This is all encompassing. This is infinite energy. It pervades the universe. Per se there’s no basic unit. There’s no liter. There’s no gallon.
Tom Paladino [00:08:49]:
There’s no foot. There’s no meter. How do you measure this? You cannot measure infinity. This is one of the drawbacks right now. You know people are trying to define this. I understand we want to measure, we want to at least have some type of data on the energy. How do you have data on what’s infinite? There is no basic unit. I’ve thought about that frequently, but, you know, if there’s not one quanta, there’s not one package of energy.
Tom Paladino [00:09:16]:
It’s infinite energy.
Nick Urban [00:09:18]:
I think there’s, like, a a device called the squid device, and that’s used by some to try and measure what I’d assume is some form of subtle energy that is given off by living beings.
Tom Paladino [00:09:31]:
I’m unfamiliar with that. So you you got me there. I don’t care.
Nick Urban [00:09:34]:
But I guess we should define what is the human biofield, and how does that relate to all of this?
Tom Paladino [00:09:40]:
Well, we’re gonna use the term, energy or human bio field. I believe everybody’s made out of flesh and blood. This is me, Tom, before you. And then I believe everybody has an energy field attached to their photograph. Now to be clear to your audience, I never work with people in person. I work with their photograph, which is their energy field. So this is the new science in which we’re beyond physical constraints. We only work with energy fields or intelligence.
Tom Paladino [00:10:13]:
My intelligence, my signature is on that photograph. So to be clear I only work with photographs, I don’t work with people biologically. This is the new science in which we’re finally working at the level of consciousness or the level of intelligence. We’re not working at a chemical level. Now that’s so important because we’re, if you will, we’re transcending the biochemical atmosphere or biochemical terrain. I don’t wanna work on a biochemical level. I wanna work at a level of intelligence.
Nick Urban [00:10:46]:
So at this point, I’m sure some people listening in have their eyebrows raised. You just said that you work not with the living being in front of you, but with their photograph. And if this was a potential that was readily accessible, you’d imagine that it would be practiced widely and be used because it’s much more convenient. It’s cheaper. There’s, like, a ton of advantages of this. Is there research around people working with photographs to elicit biological responses in flesh in a real person?
Tom Paladino [00:11:17]:
It’s limited to say the least. It’s limited, and I’ll tell you why for for a few reasons. Number 1, you have to accept that scalar energy is another energy besides that of electromagnetic energy. Number 2, you have to develop instruments that control harness scalar energy. And then 3, you have to prove that this energy can perform a function. That it’s not theory that there’s practical applications. Well, it’s taken me 50 years to to follow those three steps and today I I stand I’m here before your audience and I’m saying that I’ve accomplished those steps, but very few reach searches have gone that that road that I have. You’re absolutely right.
Tom Paladino [00:11:59]:
This technology is incredible. Scalar technology will change the social order for the better. We’re going to see an improvement in our in our well-being, soul, mind, and body, and then we can extrapolate this to the Economic Forum. This has great potential to improve industry, commerce, and industry. Now put all of that together, we need to introduce this concept. People need to realize that there is another energy.
Nick Urban [00:12:29]:
When I was looking into you, I came across some of your work and you mentioned that the National Institute of Health recognizing recognizes that this is one form of what they call bioenergetic therapies. Can you explain that?
Tom Paladino [00:12:43]:
It’s opening up. The National Institute of Health has has worked with practitioners who have energy instruments and who can demonstrate that in person with individuals. So we’ve gone as far as to say that energy being projected into a person locally that the National Institute of Health would recognize that. Now, has the National Institute of Health recognized that energy can project can be projected into a photograph? No. Nobody’s ever done it. Nobody’s ever given their their assent, their agreement to that. Why? My work is groundbreaking. Again, I never work with people.
Tom Paladino [00:13:22]:
These instruments are only designed to work with photographs. So I I think I’m a good, frankly, 10 years ahead of the curve here.
Nick Urban [00:13:29]:
I and Mitchell also mentioned doing something similar where he works with photographs, and he’s so that he’s elicited some pretty incredible results from that. But when you say that they recognize that you can project energy onto people, what form of energy is that they recognize already?
Tom Paladino [00:13:47]:
That’s electromagnetic energy. See this this is the the divide that we see right now. The scientific community is still almost single mindedly concentrating, focused on electromagnetic energy. To consider that there’s 2 energies is really that’s an abrupt statement for many scientists today. So we have to overcome that. We have to teach people that there’s 2 energies, that there’s 2 dimensions.
Nick Urban [00:14:14]:
Yeah. So that would be electromagnetic. But what about other forms of energy? Like there’s radio frequencies, wouldn’t that be form of energy also?
Tom Paladino [00:14:21]:
Oh, sure. You know you you look at the electromagnetic spectrum it’s whatever frequency you’re working with we have to look into each frequency, each range of frequencies, and say what what is the upshot? What what are the results to be experienced with with that type of energy, if you will, in person, on the on the physical body, on the on the soma. Now keep in mind, I work with the energy field around the body, so to speak. I I work with the energy field that’s projected from the body. I never work in a chemical sense. I work maybe with what some people might call the aura or the force field. Well we haven’t accepted it in, if you will, mainstream media or mainstream science that the projection of aura or a force field.
Nick Urban [00:15:10]:
Yeah. We haven’t accepted it, but virtually all old ancient cultures around the world accepted it in some form.
Tom Paladino [00:15:17]:
Yes so to be quite blunt academia and the scientific community is behind the times. Now I’m gonna use other names to to to bring this down to a common denominator. What’s the point? Scalar light. Other terms are are chi, prana, consciousness. Some people call it God force. Others might call it pyramid energy or ether energy. Some people might call it a plasma or others might call it a orgo noetic force. All of those terms have been used throughout millennia by different cultures to recognize this energy.
Tom Paladino [00:15:54]:
Okay? Even though that we haven’t been able to measure it, we still recognize that there is an energy from the Sun and the stars and it’s revered by many cultures. Now again the drawback is it’s hard to to to fathom something that’s infinite. That’s what scalar energy is. You’re never gonna be able to measure infinite.
Nick Urban [00:16:15]:
Yeah. Are there events occurring in the natural world that lead to an increase or a surge in scalar energy?
Tom Paladino [00:16:22]:
Yes. Okay. The scalar energy emanates from the Sun and the stars. And every time we have a solar flare that really is a projection of plasma, a projection of scalar energy. Now it’s also manifest as electromagnetic energy, but we we see the fact that if scalar energy is from the Sun and the stars, it is, it affects everything. It is the cause of life. It maintains life. So to be clear, the first energy from the Sun and the stars is scalar energy, then electricity is a derivative of that energy.
Tom Paladino [00:16:57]:
So the primary energy is scalar energy. It’s a double helix. That’s a scalar wave that’s been photographed. And if you can imagine this double helix emanating from a star and then when the helix breaks down, if you will, one arm of the helix becomes electricity. The other arm of the helix becomes magnetism. It’s that simple.
Nick Urban [00:17:20]:
And how is that photo taken? Is that with, like, Kurian photography?
Tom Paladino [00:17:24]:
Yes. Very good. This is a time lapse Kirlian Photography. This is a Tesla coil, k, inside a pyramid, and you could see the projection of the energy. It’s always heavenward. It’s always skyward. Look at that. It’s perfect energy.
Tom Paladino [00:17:39]:
It’s a double helix, And if you look at it in real in relation to our DNA code, it’s the same ratio and proportion. So to cut to the chase, the double helix of scalar energy downloads into our DNA. We are DNA. We are, if you will, a standing wave of scalar energy. We are scalar energy.
Nick Urban [00:18:03]:
So you mentioned that that required a Tesla coil. Does that build on his work? Was he aware of Scalar Energy?
Tom Paladino [00:18:13]:
Tesla was the first man to create and harness scalar energy. He was quite advanced. The latter part of his career was devoted to wireless energy, what he called radiant energy. A few people realized that that wireless energy was scanner energy. He gave up on AC electricity. If you really look at his career closely, he was no longer interested in induction motors. His the motor that he accessed were the stars. This is his brilliance.
Tom Paladino [00:18:43]:
We still haven’t caught up to him.
Nick Urban [00:18:45]:
When you say the motor he accessed was the stars, how what does that mean? How does he go about that?
Tom Paladino [00:18:51]:
For instance, he built a tower in Colorado Springs in 18/99 out in the middle of a of a farming community, a ranching community. And and that tower was did not have any moving parts. Now what what are you doing in the middle of the Rockies building a tower without moving parts? Where’s the motor? The motor was the stars. He was successful in capturing energy from Colorado Springs at an elevation of 6,000 feet without a nearby power plant, so to speak. So he harnessed the energy of the stars. That’s the future, people. Not having to worry about power plants. Oil, coal, hydrogen, natural gas, wind farms, simply extracting the energy from the stars.
Tom Paladino [00:19:41]:
Clean, free energy, energy in abundance.
Nick Urban [00:19:45]:
How did he do it though? How did he harness that energy?
Tom Paladino [00:19:48]:
You have to have this technology. You have to have this understanding how to capture that energy. I’ll show the audience my laboratory. This is a scalar energy instrument. I’m pointing to it. This instrument does not have any moving parts. I can capture the energy from this instrument, from the Sun and the stars. These are Tesla coils.
Tom Paladino [00:20:10]:
They act like a miniature star. They can illuminate a light bulb in my hand.
Nick Urban [00:20:18]:
And for those those listening in, Tom held up a light bulb next to the Tesla coils and did not actually plug it in, did not touch it to the Tesla coil, just in the vicinity, and it lit up.
Tom Paladino [00:20:29]:
So this is the future. I’m convinced of that, and it it solves problems. This technology solves so many problems. Those of you in the listening audience who want a green revolution, this is it. Why? This is not imperil the ecosystem. There’s no chemicals. This is benign energy without chemicals. There is no radioactivity.
Tom Paladino [00:20:53]:
There’s no physical mass.
Nick Urban [00:20:55]:
So clearly your technology has some Tesla underpinnings based on the Tesla coil I see behind you. Is it just based on Tesla, or were there other people, scientists, researchers that it was inspired by?
Tom Paladino [00:21:08]:
There’s a family by the name of Hieronymus. They’re American inventors, and they they lived an impression upon me. I was able to work with the Hieronymus inventors and in so doing I was able to, if you will, step into their laboratory. They opened their laboratory to me. I never met the inventor Galen but I met his wife Sarah. And that’s how I had my practical hands on application of scalar energy.
Nick Urban [00:21:34]:
Yeah there’s a documentary on Nikola Tesla, the Tesla files, and I’m sure others, I’m not sure how accurate they are, but they definitely portray a fascinating man with all kinds of contributions to the world. And sadly, a lot of them never saw the light of day.
Tom Paladino [00:21:49]:
Yep. And perhaps why have we not seen the the full bounty of Tesla’s work? It’s suppressed. This is free energy. Scan energy, the energy of the Sun and the stars, that’s free energy. The stars give off free energy. You don’t need a grid system for a star. The universe is the grid system. You don’t need an infrastructure is what I’m getting at.
Tom Paladino [00:22:12]:
There are no satellites. I don’t need satellites. I don’t need substations. I don’t need electrical wires. All I need are stars. That’s the that’s the best way to power the world with stars without the need of an infrastructure.
Nick Urban [00:22:29]:
I wonder how many those types of inventions and devices there are because I interviewed a man named George Wiseman, and he has a Brown’s gas system. And he showed that you can install it onto a car and you can, like, quadruple the fuel economy of a truck, for example, but, of course, that doesn’t come close to touching free energy. Are you using that system to power your house, or does it have, like, higher more valuable use cases?
Tom Paladino [00:22:53]:
Eventually, I want to I’m working right now with quantum help. What what I cons consider to be the health, the photographic force field health. I believe in the future God will give me the wisdom to light up a building, to reproduce Tesla’s work, to be able to use skin energy, to power homes, to power factories. But that’s probably 4 or 5 years off.
Nick Urban [00:23:16]:
Tal, are you familiar with bio resonance machines and, like, how they can go about diagnosing without actually, like, non invasively diagnosing all kinds of different health things? Is that related to, what you do?
Tom Paladino [00:23:28]:
I think that they’re related in some way but I but the main distinction is I don’t know if those instruments are scalar instruments. Again there’s an entirely different prospect here. 1 is the apple, the other is the orange. But I’ve heard of bioresonance instruments. I’ve seen them in operation and some people say that with these instruments they can diagnose. Now I’m not efficient. I don’t have any hands on experience. So all power to them.
Tom Paladino [00:23:56]:
You know science is moving forward.
Nick Urban [00:23:58]:
Yeah and people have mentioned that I’ve talked to that have used them pretty extensively that, like, practitioners that is that they are able to find deficiencies and toxicities that came back as negatives on the typical blood labs. And once they did a more thorough investigation, deep panels, other forms of testing, then they validated what the bio resonance machines said, but they would overlook them had they had just followed the traditional approaches because they came back normal initially at least.
Tom Paladino [00:24:28]:
Yeah. There’s always a curve here of learning and a curve of introduction. I’m still experiencing that curve of introduction. It takes time, you know, to to have a groundswell of support for my work or any new scientific advancement, It takes time, and I’m okay with that. You know, I realize you have to educate people. I’m still in the the process of educating.
Nick Urban [00:24:52]:
So there’s really no way of measuring or quantifying anything to do with scalar energy or the human biofield or anything like that? It seems like we’re so far advanced in many different facets of health and science that we should have at least some way of maybe even a proxy of, like, your scalar state.
Tom Paladino [00:25:11]:
I I wish there were, but, you know, that’s that’s one of the drawbacks. You know, how do you convince people that this works? Only by the outcome, by testimonies. That’s the only way I can prove to people that this works. I’ve never been able to measure the energy. The only exception is if I take a voltmeter close to those Tesla coils there’s no electromagnetic signal. Meaning what? That the scanner energy signal is so strong it overrides the electromagnetic environment.
Nick Urban [00:25:39]:
Because otherwise it would be producing an electromagnetic field because the componentry.
Tom Paladino [00:25:44]:
Exactly. It’s not electricity or magnetism. So I I can prove that the negation of the electromagnetic force field close to those Tesla coils is indicative of a scalar energy presence, a local scalar energy environment.
Nick Urban [00:25:59]:
I see. And do they, like, negate each other? Like, you look at them I don’t even know how you look at them, but, like, do they offset each other? Is that why you’re saying it’s able to register 0 magnetic
Tom Paladino [00:26:09]:
field? Yeah. They negate one another. You can either have an electromagnetic field or a scalar field. Again, let me go back to this this time lapse photograph of a scalar wave. That scalar wave, within that scalar wave you won’t find any electricity. It’s a different dimension. If this scalar wave breaks down one arm, one of the helix, will become electricity, the other will become magnetism, then you have electromagnetic energy. But it’s it won’t resemble that whatsoever.
Tom Paladino [00:26:40]:
It will be a sinusoidal wave. Electricity and magnetism operate and function at in a perpendicular sense, whereas scale energy works in a parallel sense.
Nick Urban [00:26:52]:
Are you familiar with the concept of morphogenetic fields?
Tom Paladino [00:26:56]:
Yes. That’s exactly what what I’m speaking of. Rupert Sheldrake, a theorist, has advanced that notion that there is intelligence in the universe, and that intelligence eventually produces the physical reality. He’s absolutely right.
Nick Urban [00:27:13]:
Yeah. And the way I’ve heard it described is that there’s, like, energy fields or some kind of patterns that guide and shape the development of tissues of cells and tissues and overall, like, living organisms?
Tom Paladino [00:27:26]:
That’s at the very heart of my work. This instrument is non physical. It broadcasts intelligence instructions. Well, again, I’d rather be at the level of intelligence than at the lower level of chemical. Why? It’s the intelligence that eventually decides the physical universe. Why not stay in the driver’s seat, which is intelligence?
Nick Urban [00:27:48]:
Well, Tom, what are some of the outcomes that you’re able to get when you work with people, and how exactly do you work with them? You mentioned that you have a photo of yourself currently, but also I imagine with your clients, and you use that somehow to get different outcomes for them.
Tom Paladino [00:28:04]:
Thank you. I’ll I’ll explain. Whether it’s one photograph or Oh, wow. 20 photographs or 20,000 photographs, this instrument can work with 1,000. It actually can work with millions of photographs in a day. Let’s say somebody came to me said, Tom, I have herpes. I said, well just send me your photograph and I’ll perform this function. What am I getting at? I have a photograph of the herpes virus and my photographs side by side, and I put these 2 photographs in the instrument side by side.
Tom Paladino [00:28:37]:
There’s a sharing of information. Again, all of this is intelligence information. The information of herpes, if I can locate it, identified in my quantum field, I can eradicate it. So if this has intelligence, I can find that intelligence in me, in my quantum field, and bring it to a state of chaos, Not by a chemical action, but by intelligence, but by scalar action. So a photograph of a microbe allows me to identify that microbe and negate the intelligence of the microbe, Negate the intelligence of the molecular intelligence of the microbe. In so doing, after I work with people, people tell me, Tom, whatever you’ve done, I no longer have symptoms of herpes or I feel better. Or many people will say, I went to the my physician and he the physician ordered a PCR test and after the work with Scalar, I don’t have a viral load for herpes. Now that cannot be explained by Newtonian physics.
Tom Paladino [00:29:45]:
That cannot be explained by Western medicine. It’s not. It’s a new branch of physics.
Nick Urban [00:29:52]:
Tom, how do you know when you’re holding them next to each other that you’re not gonna amplify them or change the, like side effect profile? How do you know it’s gonna be a beneficial?
Tom Paladino [00:30:02]:
That’s a good point. It’s it’s the way the instrument is calibrated, the way the energy works. Anytime I introduce a microbe into the instrument, the instrument looks for the signature. It’s only always signature, it’s not a chemical, and negates the signal or negates the signature. So we keep it at the level of intelligence. There’s no chemical action here. So that’s the signal and then by eradicating the signal it ceases to exist.
Nick Urban [00:30:29]:
Is it a molecular signal or an electromagnetic signal or some kind of other, like, scalar signal or something?
Tom Paladino [00:30:37]:
It’s a scalar signal. All of my work is 100% scalar energy. I believe scalar energy actually holds together molecules, which is the intelligence that holds together a molecule. It’s it’s not the molecule itself. It’s not an electron. It’s not a proton. So if you imagine, this is the herpes virus and you can negate the bonds. You can negate the intelligence of herpes, it falls apart.
Nick Urban [00:31:03]:
And I’m guessing when it falls apart, there’s no, like, die off Herxheimer reaction or anything negative like that?
Tom Paladino [00:31:09]:
Yes. Why? Because we did not imperil this microbe on a electromagnetic basis. We did not attack the microbe on a chemical basis. We simply negated its force field, its energy field, On account of the fact that all of my work is non physical, non chemical, you can never have a physical or a chemical reaction. So what does that mean? With all of my work, there’s never an allergic reaction. There’s never a die off. Nobody ever has a pimple. Nobody has any type of digestive problem.
Tom Paladino [00:31:46]:
Working through a photographic force field, it’s all intelligence. You cannot have an allergic reaction to your photograph.
Nick Urban [00:31:54]:
So this is different than the work of doctor Reif. He used frequency, and this is non that kind of frequency.
Tom Paladino [00:32:03]:
That’s correct. Now let let me say this. Rife, from what I can understand, was using electromagnetic energy and he could send electromagnetic energy into the human body. He worked in person and he could negate a pathogen or a disease, and he was very good at that. He was excellent. There’s two distinctions with my work. I don’t work with electromagnetic instruments and I never work with people. I work with force fields.
Tom Paladino [00:32:29]:
A lot of my ideas are have been spawned by Rife’s work, but Rife worked in person. I work at a distance, so to speak. I work through a photograph.
Nick Urban [00:32:40]:
Does the photograph matter, like, what you’re wearing, what your expression is? Like, it seems like that your signature would change based on, like, your physical appearance in the photo itself.
Tom Paladino [00:32:48]:
What I’ve noticed is a photograph is always in real time. This photograph is probably 4 years old, but it still captures my blood pressure now. It captures who I am now. It captures my demeanor now. It captures my my organ functions now. So the photograph, if you will, transcends time and space. Cannot transcend time and space with electricity and magnetism. The electromagnetic energy is one fixed point in time.
Tom Paladino [00:33:18]:
Scaled energy transcends time. It’s past, present, future. And frankly, the the only time that matters is the present moment with scalar energy.
Nick Urban [00:33:27]:
Gotcha. And not to be too blunt, but to play devil’s advocate, how do you know this isn’t just placebo effect that you get a photo, someone tells you what they wanna work on, and then you put the photo next to the machine, and you put your intention into it or however you do it physically, and then they feel better because they believe that they’re going to feel better.
Tom Paladino [00:33:46]:
I believe in part some of it is placebo effect because when you when you give a person the this assurance that what we’re doing is safe and will help them, then there is some type of placebo there. But nonetheless I’ve never seen a placebo test or a placebo event which could reduce the herpes virus to an undetectable no viral load. Test after test that comes to us, people tell us they no longer have a viral load for herpes. Now I’ve never been able to meet anybody I’ve never met anybody who can do that psychically.
Nick Urban [00:34:20]:
Yeah. And for those listening in, Tom showed a the 2 photos of test results. I’m assuming those are after working with you and that the result beforehand was the opposite that they tested positive, but those photos showed negative test results. So you’ve established there’s definitely a use case for working with different conditions. What about people who don’t have any conditions per se?
Tom Paladino [00:34:45]:
It still enhances their health. Many people say, Tom, whatever you’ve done I I have a very deep dream state now and I’m calmer. The energy seems to balance the chakras. Now keep in mind if if this is scalar energy, a double helix, then it’s probably gonna balance our chakras. So what am I getting at? I’ll match these 2 up. A double helix scalar wave is going to download into our chakras, into our brainwaves. That’s my contention. This has always been my theory, my thought, and if that’s accurate it helps us.
Tom Paladino [00:35:22]:
It helps our memory. Many people say it makes them calmer. Some people say they can give up drugs or alcohol through this program. We just don’t know what’s in that infinite energy, that double helix. We just don’t quite understand how that downloads into us but it does. And I contend that the spinning scalar energy, the double helix, causes the spinning of our chakras. So if you wanna realign the chakras and the brainwaves, you do it with the spinning vortex because the chakras are spinning vortices.
Nick Urban [00:35:56]:
I would love to see a, say, a qEEG brain map before and after to see, like, how that would change. I mean, the different chakras in the head and around the head. And I mean, I don’t know if there’s any other good correlates throughout the body for the other organ systems, maybe HRV for the heart. Not sure exactly what else you wanna check going down the system, but maybe even blood work would change. Have you seen that?
Tom Paladino [00:36:20]:
I’ve seen before and after blood panels and they were promising. They were promising. And we have a nutrient program that I’ll get into but I would like to see that myself. Somebody with, if you will, wired up with performing an EKG and then simultaneously will download the the, if you will, the chakra balancing. And let’s see how that has an immediate influence upon their brainwaves.
Nick Urban [00:36:44]:
Yeah. And if you do something like that, I don’t think being able to quantify other facets of this technology matters as much because you can actually quantify the outcome and people care usually more about the outcome unless you’re a scientist and then all you care about really is the mechanisms.
Tom Paladino [00:36:59]:
Yes. You’re right. And I’ll say this. I’ve met many scientists, and in their own right, they’re they’re brilliant and hardworking good people, but they can’t take that leap. They can’t accept the fact that there’s 2 energies and even though we can’t measure this energy it’s real. You know, they want something on paper, they want to be able to measure, they want something that can be quantified. How can you quantify infinity? Scalar energy is an infinite waveform. So step 1 is faith.
Tom Paladino [00:37:31]:
You have to have some type of faith that this other energy exists. That’s a good point.
Nick Urban [00:37:36]:
What makes this better than tuning your human biofield or your chakras or your aura, whatever you wanna call it, with the more traditional tools such as either meditation or even, like, sound healing, something like that.
Tom Paladino [00:37:49]:
If somebody has that that pecking order, so be it. Whatever you value, so be it. To be clear, one of the reasons why I pray every day, it balances my chakras. It calms me. Now I can do that through an instrument, but I realized very few people on the planet have a scalar energy instrument. So in substitution, how do you balance your chakras? Stay calm. Avoid problems, especially avoid people who who are not of your best interest, and pray and meditate. You can keep your chakras aligned in so doing.
Tom Paladino [00:38:22]:
So if anything, my research will introduce and reincorporate pray, you’re broadcasting scalar energy. Well, that makes sense because scalar energy transcends time and space, a prayer transcends time and space, Scalar energy produces a favorable outcome. Prayer produces a favorable outcome. So we we could see that prayer is an incredible tool, a powerful tool.
Nick Urban [00:38:57]:
That’s great. Are there any other tools that you know of that are accessible that have impacts on scalar energy?
Tom Paladino [00:39:05]:
Yes. Go out for a walk in nature. Listen to some inspiring music, have a great conversation, eat a balanced meal, maybe go boating, or or or light exercise. All of that all of that is part of this normal way of living. Make no distinction here. I am going back to nature. I’m going back to the initial energy, the primary energy of the universe, scalar energy, which is a unifying principle.
Nick Urban [00:39:35]:
This makes me wonder if we’re looking on the biochemical realm for the group to break down the benefits of exercise, wondering, okay. We take this molecule here. We take that molecule there. We combine them, and hopefully, we get the benefits of exercise in a pillar 2. But perhaps the largest benefit of exercise and healthy eating and all these things that are well known to be healthy is not on the physical biochemical molecular level, and it’s actually on a scalar level.
Tom Paladino [00:40:05]:
Yes. Yes. Thank you. You know, God God bless everybody and their desire to understand nature. That’s wonderful. But it has to be driven by energy. Why? Energy, light is fundamental. There’s only one concept in in creation that’s fundamental.
Tom Paladino [00:40:23]:
Light energy. Light energy dictates everything. It’s fundamental. So light, scalar light, is really the, if you will, the animating force of everything. It dictates everything.
Nick Urban [00:40:36]:
Following that, are there any substances that we can ingest that improve or increase cellulite?
Tom Paladino [00:40:43]:
I think we do that. You know, when we eat natural food, food that’s nutritious, well what is that food? It’s taking in sunlight, starlight, and that’s really where we’re getting our nutrition. Yeah, there’s a chemical consequence, but at the very core of that you’re you’re taking in chemical instructions, yes, but more importantly you’re taking in scalar instructions through the food. For instance, my program called nutrient program, I actually take photographs of nutrients. This is a photograph of riboflavin. It’s magnified. Again, I never administer anything in a chemical sense. I simply take a photograph of riboflavin and I place it next to my photograph.
Tom Paladino [00:41:28]:
Yes. It’s that simple. And there’s no human interpretation with any of my work, so the signature of riboflavin enters into me. I receive the energy of riboflavin, the scalar energy of riboflavin. This is how I receive my multivitamin every day. I do not take multivitamins. I energetically receive riboflavin that’s downloaded into me. That’s my multivitamin energetically.
Tom Paladino [00:41:58]:
Now what’s the point? Well, if I can do that with an antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, etcetera, and incorporating that in a scalar sense, not in a chemical sense, by way of information.
Nick Urban [00:42:18]:
So when you put that nutrient next to your photo, does the scalar energy or the intelligence of whatever it is know how much to provide you or can you overdose on it essentially?
Tom Paladino [00:42:31]:
That’s a great question. I’ve never overdosed. I’ve worked with millions of people. Nobody’s ever overdosed. Now how is it that I could work with millions of people and never have an overdose? Well, 1st and foremost, it’s not a chemical. But secondly, the instructions from God, scale energies from God, God will decide how much of the energy of riboflavin a person needs. Without those inbuilt instructions, my work would be flawed. I would not do this.
Tom Paladino [00:43:02]:
But it’s not a chemical, so it’s mistake proof. When you’re working at the level of intelligence, it’s mistake proof. At the chemical level, then you have to use human reasoning. My work is with divine intelligence. There’s no mistake. At the level of human reasoning, a chemical level, there are mistakes.
Nick Urban [00:43:21]:
This makes me think that for something like vitamin d where there’s tremendous variability between people, sometimes people take 10,000 IU and they get into a healthy range. Some people go above the healthy range from 10,000 IU. I wonder if you were to use the vitamin d signature on number of people, you’d if you found out their, like, whatever range you brought them into, say, 30 nanograms a deciliter, 40, if they went above that, if they’re more likely to, like, with via supplementation, if they’re more likely to have symptoms or if it’s, like, that’s, like, their natural ideal set point even if it conflicts with with what some of the research says is ideal. Maybe there’s, like, protective reasons that their body is keeping their vitamin d down below what’s considered optimal by modern scientific standards.
Tom Paladino [00:44:09]:
I think that’s brilliant. And we need people to step forward and say, Tom, I’ll I’ll perform as an experiment with you before and after. No. The sky is the limit here. I would love that and I agree with you. You know, there there are accepted limits and and ranges but, you know, everybody’s different. That’s that’s what’s so unique about people. There is no common diet.
Tom Paladino [00:44:29]:
There is there is no one diet because everybody’s different. My diet is my nutritional desires and needs is different than that of others. This is what I like about my work. I let the energy decide how much of riboflavin. The energy of riboflavin, I assume. I don’t wanna have to measure out or with an I IUIU, an international unit, adjudicate what people should take every day. I work with half a 1000000 photographs today. There’s no possible way that I could decide what each person what their nutritional needs are.
Nick Urban [00:45:05]:
So when you do this, the Nutrien program, do you actually include all of the necessary essential nutrients people need, or how do you choose which ones to use?
Tom Paladino [00:45:14]:
Yes I do. I have all the, amino acids. I have, every vitamin, every mineral antioxidant that I that I can get a photograph of. And in so doing, if you will, it’s across the board. I think I’m very very successful. Even sulforaphane, even different types of phytochemicals, etc. So in total I have 350 photographs of nutrients and the energy from those nutrients is always downloaded at the person’s quantum field. So to answer your question, 350 photographs is really a broad approach to nutrition.
Nick Urban [00:45:56]:
With the vitamins and minerals, there’s often interactions in the biochemical plane. Are you gonna have those? Like, for example, if you have too much calcium, you’re not gonna absorb magnesium. So how does this work with those?
Tom Paladino [00:46:08]:
Automatically without my intervention. Again, if this were not divine energy, then there would be mistakes. I’ve worked with actually millions of people now. And with working with millions of people I’ve never had a complaint. If there is some type of drawback in a chemical sense, the fact that we don’t work with chemicals and we’re working energetically, it’s an entirely different cause and effect relationship. There is no chemical consequence. You cannot have any chemical biochemical reaction. Why? I don’t work with chemicals.
Tom Paladino [00:46:43]:
So working at the level of intelligence, it’s mistake proof. And I don’t say that to be coy with you. I mean every word of that. My work is mistake proof because I work with divine intelligence.
Nick Urban [00:46:55]:
Okay. So we’ve talked about 2 different programs you have. Are there any others?
Tom Paladino [00:47:00]:
There are. We have a program called Natural Foods. We’ll actually take photographs of natural foods and we can download them to people. So if I took a photograph of watermelon, now these are magnified photographs, watermelon, and I wanted the the phytochemicals, the anti, the flavonoids of watermelon, I would simply place my photograph in the instrument with watermelon. Then I receive energetically the benefit of watermelon without the chemical consequence. So this, you know, this is the easy way of doing things. I’m gonna make this distinction. Let’s say, you know, 30, 40 years ago we were still mailing letters, snail mail, And that would deliver a message, but that’s the physical way, and the mail could be lost or could be torn up or or could be delayed, as opposed to doing energetically by email where you don’t you’re working at the energetic plane, the non physical, you’re just sending a message by email.
Tom Paladino [00:48:01]:
Well, doesn’t it make a lot more sense people to send an email, which is instantaneous, at the energetic level than snail mail at the physical level. Well, the same thing. Why not? By way of analogy, why not receive our nutrients energetically where they’re instantaneously rather than having to to eat all the time and and to have to suffer those chemical consequences?
Nick Urban [00:48:25]:
What about for a particular goal? Say someone wants to improve their performance, whether it’s cognitive or athletic, or they wanna slow down their rate of biological aging. They wanna find a new partner. Can you accomplish this, like, wide variety of goals with your programs also?
Tom Paladino [00:48:44]:
Yeah. Many people, even athletes come to me. That’s a good point. They say their athletic performance is enhanced. So usually after 2 or 3 months a person’s, athletic performance or their memory is enhanced. I’ll speak to this point. I’ve unveiled a new program in which the energy is stronger. I focus the energy.
Tom Paladino [00:49:03]:
And this has actually helped me recently in the past month with my back pain. I I played sports as a kid and it’s helped me with with my back posture and it’s helped me with my back pain and I’m actually stronger. I’m physically stronger now because this energy is concentrated. It’s like a laser like focus. That’s the best way I could put it. So what’s the point? Even at my age, my athletic performance is enhanced, and it has, if you will, realign my back. I’m 64 years of age. So this divine intelligence has helped me measurably throughout my life and it as I discover new facets, I’ll bring that out to the public.
Tom Paladino [00:49:41]:
No. I I think this is going to be the game changer. The day is coming. One of my goals, Nick, is I want to be able to work with a 1000000000 photographs a year. That’s one of my goals.
Nick Urban [00:49:52]:
Is this harnessing the phenomenon that’s sometimes called quantum entanglement?
Tom Paladino [00:49:57]:
Yes. Exactly. That’s brilliant. Now if my photograph represents me and I can have an instantaneous communication with my aura, my force field, that’s quantum entanglement. My predecessor is a man by the name of Hieronymus, I’m gonna show a photograph, of the Apollo 11 astronauts. Hieronymus, the inventor who had a Scalar Energy Laboratory, worked with NASA and the 3 astronauts were monitored during Apollo 11. And hyronomists working obviously here in the United States had an instantaneous reading on the photographs as the astronauts were in outer space, We’re on the surface of the Moon or orbiting the Moon. Meaning what? The photograph registered their organ function or their heartbeat a quarter a 1000000 miles away in real time.
Tom Paladino [00:50:50]:
In real time. So, evidently, the force field of the photograph was connected to the astronauts on the moon.
Nick Urban [00:50:59]:
So you’re saying that he was able to determine, like, where they needed different support across their organ systems based on the feedback he got from the photo?
Tom Paladino [00:51:08]:
Yes. That’s correct.
Nick Urban [00:51:09]:
Is there any NASA documentation of this?
Tom Paladino [00:51:13]:
Yeah. Actually, I have the report on my website, about monitoring of the Apollo 11 astronauts. And that was presented again, Gale and Hieronymus, the inventor, was working hand in hand with NASA back in the sixties. But, you know, it’s never been taken up. This takes time and effort, and no scientific group has ever followed up on this yet.
Nick Urban [00:51:36]:
Are there any other well known scientific groups that have experimented with it such as NASA?
Tom Paladino [00:51:42]:
No. And I’ll tell you why. You need an instrument. In order for you to play golf you need a golf course, you need a pair of golf clubs. That’s the key here. Now a lot of people read a book on golf, but does that mean you’re
Nick Urban [00:51:56]:
a golfer? No? But did Hieronymus or any of the others who had similar technologies work with other large groups?
Tom Paladino [00:52:03]:
Yeah. Hieronymus was in demand. The federal government was working with him for a while. He was trying to introduce his work to the FDA and various government agencies. Well, this is back in the fifties sixties in his heyday, and he he was way advanced.
Nick Urban [00:52:21]:
How do people get started with this? What’s the process look like to go from hearing about it now to likely skeptical as I am currently, but I’m keeping an open mind. And I wanna try it at the end of this as well and see what I notice, and I’ll report that. What’s the process look like?
Tom Paladino [00:52:37]:
The best way for me to to inculcate these matters is not just by speaking, but by doing. Okay. Go to my website. We offer 15 days of free sessions. Just email us a bus shot. Okay. Just just a bus shot. Just your face.
Tom Paladino [00:52:52]:
You can include your family. If you have children, by all means. And we will treat you for 15 days for free And we’re going to identify and negate microbes. We’re gonna download nutrients and every day we’re gonna perform 1 hour of a chakra balancing. Your chakras will be balanced and you’re going to feel the sense of peace and tranquility. That’s the best way for me to prove it, for you to prove it to yourself. Keep in mind, my work is groundbreaking. It’s different.
Tom Paladino [00:53:21]:
And as a unique approach, you’re this is the only way you’re gonna get it, from me, from my website. I don’t think anybody else has developed these instruments to the point I have.
Nick Urban [00:53:32]:
How can people find you, follow your work, and sign up via your website?
Tom Paladino [00:53:37]:
The website, scalarlight.com. Scalar. Scalarlight.com.
Nick Urban [00:53:42]:
You mentioned earlier that for certain things, it takes a bit longer, like up to a month or 2. What’s the usual timeline? Like, for some of the better results you’ve seen, does it take longer than the 2 weeks?
Tom Paladino [00:53:55]:
It does. I’ve unveiled this new program. I’m starting to work with people with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s and I project that to reprogram the mind that’s what I’m gonna I’ll have to reprogram the mind. It’ll be probably 8 to 12 months, but we’ll see significant progress. I’ll let you know next year at this time how successful that program is.
Nick Urban [00:54:20]:
So I send you a photo via your website and then I just wait do I do anything or is that it?
Tom Paladino [00:54:27]:
That’s it. We’ll send you daily emails, we’ll explain to you what we’re doing on a daily basis, and then you just you just consider maybe journal, consider how you feel before and after. That’s what I like about my work. There’s no obligation. You don’t change your diet. You don’t change your living routine. I do all the work by way of your photographic force field.
Nick Urban [00:54:49]:
What would be really cool, anyone listening in, if you wanna run experiment to do a baseline blood test or some kind of self quantification test. Maybe even just look at the data on your Oura ring and take a note of when you’re starting, run the 2 week experiment, and then do another follow-up test, whether it’s blood or wearable data, whatever. And let us know what you find because I’m gonna be trying this, and I’m excited to hear what impact it has on others as well. I have a couple more questions for you before we wrap up the day. If there was a worldwide burning of the books, but you get to save the works of 3 teachers, who would you choose and why?
Tom Paladino [00:55:25]:
I would save the Bible, first and foremost. That’s that’s our moral code. And then the other 2 I’d leave that up to humanity. That’s a tough decision. I would save the Bible though, definitely.
Nick Urban [00:55:37]:
If people want to explore this realm, some of the science behind it, are there any resources that you recommend? Perhaps your website has all of the science and background necessary or anywhere else?
Tom Paladino [00:55:50]:
No. It’s Tessa. Tessa’s the still the master. Everybody, myself included, can learn from Tessa. Read try and read some of Tessa’s, original notes. He’s especially his autobiography or his notes from Colorado Springs. Read those notes.
Nick Urban [00:56:07]:
Okay. And what is one thing the Scalar Light Tribe does not know about you?
Tom Paladino [00:56:12]:
Meaningful travel. You know, when you go visit someplace, spend 3, 4, or 5 days there, not not just, you know, an afternoon. I love to travel. When you travel you experience different cultures, a different way of living. You educate yourself. It’s yeah. Sure. It’s pleasurable, but but it’s also an education.
Nick Urban [00:56:31]:
Totally agree with you. I’m in India right now, so I’m doing that everything. Good for you.
Tom Paladino [00:56:36]:
Yeah. Good for you. Well, if people have
Nick Urban [00:56:38]:
made it this far, what are any final thoughts or parting wisdom you have for them?
Tom Paladino [00:56:45]:
You know, let’s go back to the basics. Try and pray and meditate every day. I’ve always contended that prayer changes the world, and now I can understand why prayer is a scalar form and you’re broadcasting scattered energy. So you not only advance yourself, but you’ll advance mankind. It’s positive energy. Scatter energy is always positive. It’s always uplifting. So what is prayer? It’s always positive.
Tom Paladino [00:57:10]:
It’s always uplifting.
Nick Urban [00:57:11]:
Are there any ways of people who are non religious taking advantage of prayer?
Tom Paladino [00:57:15]:
Sure they do. By by positive thinking. That’s a form of prayer. You know, there’s a lot of, health coaches out there, there’s a lot of business coaches that say let’s be positive. What are the goals that we have today? Well, in many ways, a goal is a form of prayer. You’re not praying to God necessarily but you’re you’re you have this intention. You have these goals. You have these instructions, and it starts with intelligence and then eventually you have a business plan that unfolds.
Nick Urban [00:57:44]:
Perfect. Well, Tom, thank you for joining me on the podcast. This was a interesting one. I’m excited to testing out your service and looking forward to hearing some of the feedback I get from the audience on how their trials go as well.
Tom Paladino [00:57:56]:
My pleasure. Thank you for the audience. Thank you, sir.
Nick Urban [00:57:59]:
Thank you. Until next time. I’m Nick Urban here with Tom Palladino, signing out from mindbodypeak.com. Have a great week, and be an outlier. Thank you for tuning in to this episode. Head over to Apple Music, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts and leave a rating. Every review helps me bring you thought provoking guests. As always, you can find the show notes for this one at mindbodypeak.com/andthenthenumberoftheepisode.
Nick Urban [00:58:32]:
There, you can also chat with other peak performers or connect with me directly. The information depicted in this podcast is for information purposes only. Please consult your primary health care professional before making any lifestyle changes.
Connect with Tom Paladino @ Scalar Light
This Podcast Is Brought to You By
Nick Urban is a Biohacker, Data Scientist, Athlete, Founder of Outliyr, and the Host of the Mind Body Peak Performance Podcast. He is a Certified CHEK Practitioner, a Personal Trainer, and a Performance Health Coach. Nick is driven by curiosity which has led him to study ancient medical systems (Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hermetic Principles, German New Medicine, etc), and modern science.

Music by Luke Hall
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