Urine Therapy: Your Perfect Medicine For Natural Stem Cells, Hormone Balance & Detox?

  |   EP179   |   61 mins.

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Episode Highlights

All body fluids are "dirty," but urine comes from a different system, containing hormones, vitamins, & minerals, making it homeopathic Share on XUrine therapy has shown consistent improvements, including reduced inflammation, better sleep, lower stress, improved heart rate, & oxygen levels Share on XUrine is full of stem cells & is pushed out of allopathic medicine since it can’t be patented Share on XHormonal imbalances aren’t normal; menopause doesn’t have to involve suffering if everything is balanced Share on XAged urine is stronger & richer in stem cells, but may cause a deeper reaction Share on X

About Darlene Teahen

Darlene Teahen earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts with a minor in Business from Mount Allison University in 1997. After a life-changing event in 1998, she became a volunteer firefighter & First Responder, which sparked her interest in holistic health.

Motivated by her daughter’s health challenges & preventable illnesses in her community, she researched alternative treatments & nutrition, leading to her family’s improved health. Darlene then pursued a career as a Naturopathic Practitioner, earning a Doctorate in Holistic Health, & is now working on her PhD in Natural Medicine.

Darlene Teahan 2

Top Things You’ll Learn From Darlene Teahen

  • [5:45] The Controversial Way to Heal Your Body
    • Urine as healing medicine
    • Why Urine & where it all started
    • Ancient cultures & their “Golden Water” usage
    • Ways you are ingesting it without knowing
  • [12:10] The Research Behind Urine Therapy
    • The history & research behind urine therapy
    • Preliminary results of Darlene’s urine therapy study
    • Other literature for further urotherapy study
    • The possibility of toxins or other undesirable substances remaining in your urine
  • [20:13] Health Benefits of Urine Therapy
    • Health benefits:
      • Hormonal balancing
      • Anti-inflammation
      • Detoxing
      • Bug bites
      • Anti-venom
      • Stress reduction
      • Sleep improvement
      • Burns
    • How it indicates body cleanliness
    • Other uses for urine therapy
    • How to apply urine on your scalp for hair growth
    • Aged urine advantages & disadvantages
  • [26:33] Debunking Myths About Urine Therapy
    • The safety issue around urine
    • Common myths about urine
    • Unknown substances your urine contains
    • Energetic healing from urine therapy
    • Possible concerns with urine therapy
      • Potential toxins
      • Heavy metal excretion
  • [40:16] Practical Ways to Get Started with Urine Therapy
    • Basis of homeopathy & the importance of feeling your body
    • Basic ways to get started on urine therapy
    • Dosage and frequency for urine intake
    • Where to apply urine topically
    • Importance of clean storage conditions for aged urine
    • Proper storage conditions
    • How to do “looping” & get more out of urine therapy
    • Why water fasting practices provide more benefits

Resources Mentioned

  • Website: Work with Darlene
  • Article: Natural Ways to Cellular Detox (FAST & Effective)
  • Book: Your Own Perfect Medicine
  • Gear: HeartMath
  • Teacher: Doctor Emoto
  • Teacher: Barbara O’Neill

Episode Transcript

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Nick Urban [00:00:07]:
Are you a high performer, obsessed with growth, and looking for an edge? Welcome to MINDBODY Peak Performance. Together, we’ll discover underground secrets to unlocking the full potential of your mind, body, and spirit. We’ll learn from some of the world’s leading minds, from ancient wisdom to cutting edge tools and everything in between. This is your host, Nick Urban. Enjoy the episode. Can drinking your own pee have health benefits? If you’re willing to push the cultural stigma, the taboo nature of the subject aside, that would put you into the small group of humans around the world and throughout history who have used something called urine therapy. Yes. It’s a real thing, and its use dates back 1000 of years to the Ayurvedic practice known as Shivambu.

Nick Urban [00:01:06]:
Now I know you’re probably thinking this is ridiculous. It makes no sense. That’s what I thought when I first came across the idea. I read a book on it. There’s actually multiple. And based on all the research and case studies provided by doctors over the last century, I’ve began to open my mind that this could be something worth considering or at least knowing about just in case something life threatening comes up and you don’t access to your usual tools. In this episode of the Mindbody Peak Performance podcast, we unpack some common myths and misconceptions about urine, such as it being dirty, it being a waste product, it being high in heavy metals and other toxicants. We discussed the sterility of it, how people actually use it effectively, the many different use cases and, yes, benefits of urine therapy, even the commercialization and business of urine.

Nick Urban [00:02:07]:
Just so you know, it might already be in some products you’re currently taking, and certain medications are actually derived from urine. One such medication is an enzyme called urokinase, which can help dissolve blood clots, but it also comes with some side effects, whereas whole urine does not. We discuss some more about the contents of urine, what’s actually inside it, and the forgotten signs of it because it has historically, like I mentioned, been used quite successfully, but it remains a taboo subject today. Our guest this week is a researcher who’s seeking to bring this awareness to public knowledge. As mentioned in the episode, she’s actually conducted a study on urine therapy, which we discuss later. Darlene Tehan became a volunteer firefighter and first responder in 1998. And due to myriad health concerns and challenges occurring around her, she began looking into alternative treatments and nutrition. She then became a naturopathic practitioner with a doctorate in holistic health, and she’s now working on her PhD in natural medicine.

Nick Urban [00:03:24]:
You can find the show notes and resources for this episode at mindbodypeak.com /179. If you want to look up the book that I referenced multiple times, the one I read on this subject, it is called Your Own Perfect Medicine. If you’d like to explore some of the substances within urine, there is a website called urinemetabolome.ca, which breaks down many of the things we so far have confirmed exist within urine. For more of the research on this subject, you can go to euro, letter u r o, therapy research dot com. And I will also put a couple links to the studies I found most interesting in the show notes for this episode as well. We did have some audio issues, unfortunately, so bear with us. And whether or not you decide to actually try your own urine, understanding how to use it in case of emergency could just save your life. So sit back, relax, and keep your mind open for this conversation with Darlene.

Nick Urban [00:04:30]:
Darlene, welcome to the podcast.

Darlene Teahen [00:04:32]:
Welcome. Thank you. Thank you for inviting me, Nick.

Nick Urban [00:04:37]:
Well, today, we’re discussing a topic that’s gonna be a bit out of left field for most people. It’s actually has been trending in the alternate health world for the last, I wanna say, year or so. I first came across it a while back with a book called, I think it’s your own perfect medicine, and you’ve been involved in this field. So let’s dive in. Before we get started, though, tell me the unusual nonnegotiables you’ve done so far today for your health, your performance, and your bioharmony.

Darlene Teahen [00:05:07]:
I have put urine on my face and my skin to help heal it. I wear minimalist shoes. I got up this morning out of my floor futon mattress for my bone and body health. I don’t usually eat breakfast, and that’s controversial even. You know, everybody says breakfast is the best meal, but then I think intermittent fasting is more important. So I have not ate today.

Nick Urban [00:05:32]:
Okay. Well, let’s dive right in. You mentioned applying urine to your face and skin. So let’s explore this world a little bit. Tell me about it.

Darlene Teahen [00:05:42]:
Yeah. Urine is full of our own stem cells. It is absolutely full. And because it’s our own product and our own medicine, you know, it has been pushed out of the allopathic medicine again and again and again because they can’t patent it. You know, they want stem cell therapy to be this big painful procedure that takes a lot of money, takes a lot of time, and only certain people can afford it, and only certain people can do it. But in reality, anybody can do it in their own bathroom anywhere, even if you don’t own a bathroom. I’m in Guatemala right now, and I’m, you know, working with, some indigenous groups and, you know, a lot of them don’t even have, you know, indoor plane, indoor you know? And, you know, healing can be done anywhere in the world without any money. And this is what I want people to know.

Darlene Teahen [00:06:33]:
You don’t require, big fancy even in even in the holistic health world, you don’t require big fancy med beds and big, energetic devices. They are tools and they can help. And just like going to the right practitioners are tools that they can help. But really the healing comes from what is inside. It comes within from what’s inside you. And your own urine is one of those tools that you can use just like herbs in your garden and all those tools, that you can use for your body to get what it needs. And so when there’s been breakdown in the body, and this is what I was really in particular looking at, what happens when there’s been breakdown? Because a lot of natural medicine is preventative. But what happens if, you know, you know, there’s been breakdown in the body over the years and you’ve been given, you know, some poor advice and you’ve taken this and done these surgeries and this medicine and that medicine and or you’ve been in accidents or serious circumstances happened.

Darlene Teahen [00:07:34]:
You know, this how can it be rectified? How can you heal your body from when there’s been breakdown? And this is what I started looking, you know, I read, you know, all the different urine therapy books out there but none of them are actually scientifically proven. They are antidocable. But, you know, this is how people come to do the studies is because people say this has been working for me. This is, you know, all of that primary, you know, in the office, what’s worked for you, what hasn’t worked for you. Research is kind of the the stepping stone to actually doing a study and making it, legit in people’s minds of this is actually working. And and then people getting over the fact because we’ve been told all our body fluids are bad. All our body fluids are dirty, you know. But urine, it comes from a separate system than the intestines.

Darlene Teahen [00:08:29]:
It comes from a separate system from, you know, what we’re. So it is kind of homeopathic in a way. It’s got hormones. It’s got vitamins. It’s got some minerals. You know, there’s a whole study being done now, by one of the American universities about what is the biome of urine and how many different enzymes and nutrients are in. So they’re counting all the new every single enzyme, every single nutrient in the, urine, biofield. And this is important so that people can understand it’s not just waste.

Darlene Teahen [00:09:05]:
It’s not just bacteria. If there’s bacteria coming out, you know, if there was bacteria in our urine, then we wouldn’t be able to put it on burns. We wouldn’t be able to put it on jellyfish bites. We wouldn’t be able to it would get very infected.

Nick Urban [00:09:18]:
Yeah. There’s a lot of different ways I wanna go with this, and that was one of the first things that I kept seeing come up. It’s like, well, is it sterile? It’s it it’s not sterile. It but then you also in the book I was reading about this, and there’s actually a number of books about it surprisingly, but they were talking about how doctors I think it was in last century, they would have case studies, documented a bunch of different case studies about how different uses, whether via injection or just oral or, like, other forms of administration, how this would affect their patients and the success rate, the safety, and everything. And it wasn’t, like, 1 or 2 doctors. There was, like, a ton of them around the Indian world who were having great success across, like, a wide variety of conditions with this. And then also, I was looking back, like, where it came from, and there’s references to it in Ayurveda, the ancient Indian medicine that dates back more than 5000 years, and I think they called it shivambu or something like that. And it’s been around for a long time.

Darlene Teahen [00:10:18]:
It’s been used for a long time, and urine is sterile. The only time urine isn’t sterile is if you have an active infection. So if you have a bladder infection, if you have a UTI, it’s not sterile but it can still be used to your benefit because it’s homeopathic then, like cures like. So there’s a little bit your body forms what is, needed in your body and then you, pee it out. So it comes from the kidneys. It’s plasma ultrafiltrate, which is it’s actually more sterile than your blood is because it’s the red cells are filtered filtered red blood cells are filtered out and it’s the plasma that’s left over. And that plasma is what feeds all your cells and gives all the nutrients. So that when your body digests its foods, it, you know, all those nutrients goes into the plasma.

Darlene Teahen [00:11:01]:
And then the, you know, the cells absorb from the plasma, the nutrients it needs to do its functions. So the healthier your plasma is, the better healthier cells are, the healthier your body is. So it is just your plasma coming out.

Nick Urban [00:11:18]:
Yeah. And the easy way to tell this is if it was not sterile and you were to inject it, that’s gonna have some serious repercussions if there’s a lot of bacteria or viruses or other things

Darlene Teahen [00:11:29]:
inside of it. Sick very, very fast, and you don’t. And so in my study, you know, I had people, injecting it needlessly rectally. And then people are like, well, is a bacteria rectally and stuff like that? But, you know, you are just like you’re absorbing your nutrients when you drink water and when you drink food in the colon, in the small intestine, you’re absorbing all those nutrients out. So, yes, there’s good and bad bacteria in your intestine, but if it’s at a good level, you know, your floral balance is good. You’re not going to be, you know, contaminating yourself in any way.

Nick Urban [00:12:08]:
And then also, I was surprised when I was learning about this that not only were doctors reporting good success across a bunch of conditions, but it was published in a lot of the major newspapers around the country about the success rates. And then also certain companies were going to porta potties, and they were taking the urine from porta potties and trying to extract out what they viewed to be the most valuable constituents within the urine and selling those. And when this was researched, the researchers were trying to isolate, okay, maybe it’s the urea. Maybe it’s this. And they would, like, take it, and they’d modify it, try and make it more palatable, and be, like, more clean, more sterile. And as a result, they sometimes they had, like, significant side effects versus using the urine as it naturally occurs.

Darlene Teahen [00:12:58]:
Right. All the components together has an effect on the body. And this, you know of course, urine needs to be studied more. And mine is just a ground based study that I I did and and still working on. You know, it takes years to do to do a study. But, yes, Johnson and Johnson, I believe it was, had a major contract, and I believe they still do with a lot of the pharmaceutical companies. And they were collecting the urine, and they were trying to, like, extract a little bits because when you extract a bit from anything, and this has been proven and it’s coming out more recently in hair. You know, hair is in a lot of the commercial breads, because they extracted an enzyme from the hair and then they sell it as it’s the enzyme to the bread companies and they just put it on the bag as, you know, either the processing ingredients or just that enzyme.

Darlene Teahen [00:13:44]:
They don’t put where it’s coming from. And a lot of our consumer products that we’re using a lot of creams and, medications and that stemming from people’s urine in, you know, coming from porta potties, which is way, less sterile to me than you’re using your own urine. Because then once they subdivide a nutrient, then they can patent it. And then once they patent it, then they can sell it to different companies that are make certain drugs. And I’ve got this enzyme and I’ve got this enzyme and I could patent this enzyme. So it’s a it’s a big business and every you know, most people know that big pharma is is huge business. And Yeah. This is why, you know, all the hate for urine has come out because they don’t want you to know that, you know, it’s free.

Darlene Teahen [00:14:30]:
And you can use it in your body. You can use it for medicine. You can use it for rejuvenating cells. You can use it for everything.

Nick Urban [00:14:37]:
Yeah. And it’s one thing to read about these types of things. It’s another to talk to people that have used it and had good success. And over the last couple of years, I’ve talked to dozens of people who have, like, raving stories about this, and it could be placebo. Sure. But when you’re hearing the types of transformations that people don’t usually experience, and sometimes they go in skeptical thinking there’s no way this will actually work, and then it does work and it does things they weren’t even expecting. To me, it seems like there’s a lot more going on there than what you can possibly chalk up to placebo.

Darlene Teahen [00:15:07]:
And people are like, oh, 5000 years, they innovated. That doesn’t mean anything. To me, that means a lot. 5000 years of, you know, Chinese and, Eastern, Indian medicine. You know, they’re not fooling around. You know, you would think over, you know, every 100 years, they’d be reexamining things and seeing, does it still work? Yes. It still works. Does it still work? Yes.

Darlene Teahen [00:15:32]:
It still works. And this, you know so alpaca medicine has only been around for the last 100, 150 years. And we’re putting all our kind of our ducks in one basket for for that medicine. It’s only been around a 150 years and saying anything before that can’t be can’t be true. Anything before that can’t work. So I’m trying to bridge the gap between the worlds. I’m trying to bridge the with my study between both worlds that in the scientific world to say, yes. Yes.

Darlene Teahen [00:16:00]:
This this is, you know, scientifically proven, and I have proved it. And that way, other people can do more studies and leapfrog off my study as a baseline study. Line study.

Nick Urban [00:16:11]:
Tell us about your study. What is it that you’re studying, and how is it working? And are there do you have any, like, preliminary results so far of what you’re seeing from it?

Darlene Teahen [00:16:19]:
The study part is, is completed. So my participants I took my participants through there’s different sections of the study that took different amounts of time. But basically for, you know, I measured I did all their blood work, all their physicals. I did, you know, did a full kind of health on them. I wanted healthy participants that were because it’s a baseline study. I’m not testing it right now on cancer. I’m not testing it right now on diabetes. I’m not testing it.

Darlene Teahen [00:16:45]:
I’m just doing a baseline. Can I make a healthy person healthier? And so I took a range of participants, you know, between 3565 years old that were healthy. They weren’t on any major meds, you know, they might be on 1 or 2 or none. You know, they’re they’re able to, you know, work and have a good daily schedule, you know, everything, everything was going well for them. And so I took, you know, all their, you know, I I checked their blood, you know, I checked them for inflammation. I checked them their cortisol levels. I checked their, you know, their heart rate. I used the heart math machine to check their emotion between the brain and the heart.

Darlene Teahen [00:17:28]:
Because how can I see if they’re feeling better? They can tell me if they’re feeling better, but how can I really see if their body is feeling better? So I wanted, you know, to have all these tests to make sure things were in line. And I took 14 participants. I ended up with 12 in the end that completed it. And, over so I checked them at the beginning, I checked them in the middle, and I checked them at the end, and then I checked them after they finished. So for 2 weeks, I had them inject 2 week old aged urine in them. So they started this study before. They start collecting the urine. I had little cups where they measured every day.

Darlene Teahen [00:18:06]:
And, you know, I get this question all the time. Don’t play at home. I did this for the study to keep everything consistent. It doesn’t have to be too weak all to urine. It doesn’t have to be, you know but the older it is aged, the more stem cells are in it. So I took 2 week old urine. And so each cup, you know, was exactly 2 weeks old that they heat in every day. So they did that for 2 weeks, and then they started injecting.

Darlene Teahen [00:18:30]:
Once the first cup became 2 weeks old, they started injecting every day. And then every cup consecutively, they were injecting in the morning 5 milliliters. So it’s just a teaspoon is all they were injecting. Just a a little bit. I wanted enough to be able to see a change, but not so much that they would have massive detox reactions. Because urine is a very strong detoxer is what I found. So but, you know, people are gonna try this at home. They have to go slow and listen to their body depending on where the toxins are built up in the body and that.

Darlene Teahen [00:19:01]:
And if they don’t find it’s working for them, they get practitioners, that are out there. There’s myself. There’s, Brother Sage who has the sham shabamboo.org. He does, classes on how to do it. There’s Meg McDonald. She has workshops and courses and one on ones on how to do it. So there’s lots of people who are becoming more and more knowledgeable of how to, do the treatment for the body if you have any issues. But all these people are healthy, can I make them healthier? So I finished at the 2 week, I measured them again, and then I measured them 2 weeks after they did it.

Darlene Teahen [00:19:43]:
So I said, even if you want to, don’t do it for, you know, another month. I wanna keep measuring you. And what I notice is even after the 3 month period, people were still seeing improvements. So I wasn’t originally going to them that far into the future after that, and I realized that anybody I could get back that wanted to be measured again, I want I needed to keep measuring them because I found out they were still improving just from that 2 weeks of doing it.

Nick Urban [00:20:11]:
Amazing. Were there any particular benefits or effects that seem to be the most consistent across the

Darlene Teahen [00:20:17]:
Inflammation was the most consistent, reducing stress, sleeping better, heart rate improved, you know, oxygen levels, improved on most people. Consistently, everybody saw improvements.

Nick Urban [00:20:33]:
Okay. There’s a lot of ways to go with this too. It’d be awesome to see more research around this too because, obviously, this kinda trial is very hard to carry out. It’s expensive, and the sample size is gonna be very limited based on just the taboo nature of the subject in itself. But then also, like, there’s no very little incentive for a big trial of this. Like, who’s gonna fund a big trial of this kind of thing? But I also noticed when I was looking through the literature that urine therapy goes by a bunch of different names and keywords, like urotherapy, auto urine therapy, and a whole bunch of others. What are some of the other things that people can look into if they wanna figure out more about this?

Darlene Teahen [00:21:15]:
I have so many books on urine therapy, auto urine therapy, shavambu, UT, Golden Water. You know, over the ages, some of the ancient for Ayurveda. A lot of them call it golden water or shabamboo. You know, those 2 also speak of a spiritual component to it too. You know? And that is why, you know, scientifically, things have been hard to cut and paste. You know? How can you measure how well you’re feeling in your body? You know? Do you measure just the mental health? I try to do it by measuring, you know, the emotional corona between the heart map with the heart map device. You know, how in sync is your brain with your heart? That’s been proven again and again through heart map research that, you know, that, you know, shows the coherence between the 2. And the more coherent you are, the more relaxed you are, the anxious, and and out of balance your body is with your mind and your heart.

Nick Urban [00:22:14]:
Yeah. Okay. So there it seems like one of those golden bullets, pun intended, but there are also certain use cases where it seems to be the most effective, such as recovery from surgery or, let’s say, injury, a wound of some sort, possibly detoxification. What are like, what’s the range of things people are using it for that’s more specific than just general well-being?

Darlene Teahen [00:22:39]:
The most benefit I’ve had from it is burns and bug bites. If I you know, my wife burned her hand and I talked before, my wife burned her hand last year, and I said, you know, this this is bad. It was starting to blister. I said, you’re gonna put urine on it. And she’s like, okay. I don’t have any saved, and I said, okay. Use mine. And we just had our hand poured over a bowl, and we just kept scooping it in a bowl and pouring it over.

Darlene Teahen [00:23:04]:
And it didn’t blister. It didn’t you know, within 2 days, there was nothing left. And within, you know, 4 days after that, even the pink wasn’t on. And there there’s no scarring. I’ve used it on wasp bite. I was bitten a couple years old by a wasp.

Nick Urban [00:23:20]:
Wow. And does urine have antivenom properties?

Darlene Teahen [00:23:25]:
Well and this is what I would love to see in reach. Some people have said if they get get my something, they can pee right away and put it underneath their tongue, and then that takes away, you know, any effects from, you know, snake bites to, you know, scorpion bites to bigger spider bites, like, you know, more serious insect type bites. And so I’ve heard, incidents of people doing that and having really good results. I haven’t tried it myself, but definitely that would be my first go to if that happened to me.

Nick Urban [00:23:56]:
Okay. I unrelated, but I hurt my back a couple days ago. Would this help my hurt back if I was to apply it topically or internally?

Darlene Teahen [00:24:05]:
Try it and see. You know, internally, it no. I like to, you know, say that you’re in really good health and then, you know, you you wanna do it internally to the point of where you’re feeling better, but not detoxing too much. So you need to find what is the right amount internally for your body. I would put it on a cloth and put it on your back because that’s going to immediately reduce the inflammation. But, of course, injecting it into your liver is gonna reduce inflammation in the body too because that’s what I did in my study. So Oh. When you have an injured spot, the biggest thing, the culmination to protect that spot.

Darlene Teahen [00:24:38]:
Yeah. But sometimes it gets so inflamed that can’t get enough circulation to heal it properly, and that’s when long term injury you know, short term something happens, turns into long term injury, and then build up starts building up in in in that spot too after long term. Toxins tend to build there because it’s an inflamed area that just never heals properly. So if we keep the toxin level down and the inflammation at where it’s enough inflammation that it’s going to put extra circulation to that area, that it’s gonna heal faster, but not so much inflammation that can prevent circulation.

Nick Urban [00:25:11]:
I think that we’re already some people at least are using urine. They’re realizing it in their everyday lives. Components of it are within certain products. You mentioned an enzyme earlier, and I think I’ve seen that used for, like, internally as a medication, like a patent to the enzyme, I guess. And then also, I think it is a component within certain skin care and personal care products. Like, what are the different ways that we’re currently ingesting, yeah, taking it in in some way or another?

Darlene Teahen [00:25:42]:
Not urine, but hair has been used in some commercial breads. In they’re taking they’re they’re buying hair from China and extracting the enzyme. So in mass amounts, extracting enzyme and then using it in reds. But urine, pharmaceutically is already used in, hormone replacement drugs, skin creams, and you never know what little enzymes we’re still finding out every day what because we’re going down the chain now to these companies and not just looking at the main company that’s putting the ingredients together and saying, yeah, there’s an enzyme in it, but where does that enzyme actually coming from? Where are they deriving it from? And we can see, you know, all sorts of medications and vaccines and that already have, different cells and urine in them.

Nick Urban [00:26:32]:
Gotcha. Okay. What are some of the big myths that you hear, Darlene, about urine? Things that keep coming up and are partly the reason that it’s not more widely adopted.

Darlene Teahen [00:26:43]:
You know, we talked about it briefly in the beginning, but that it’s dirty, that it’s got bad bacteria in it, or that it, you know, can’t be it can’t be safe from you because you’re excreting it. Because we’ve been told everything, you know, that we excrete is dirty. But that goes back to knowing our body and really knowing ourselves and not giving away our own agency when it comes to health care and saying, you know more about my body than I do. If you say my whole body’s dirty, it must be dirty, and I have to scrub it with all these antibacterial soaps and all these antibacterial things. When, you know, naturally people have been living forever before the antibacterial came online that’s actually stripping us of our microbiome. Yeah. All these heavy soaps, shampoos, and everything is actually stripping us. And we’re getting sicker and sicker as a society.

Darlene Teahen [00:27:31]:
And, you know, then we get more antibiotics and more antibiotics and more, you know and then the body starts fighting against each other, and then you end up with autoimmune diseases, because it just can’t keep up. And, you know, all these things aren’t don’t magically fall from the sky. They are up and down in the body over time. And you may may or may or may not notice it because you are preoccupied with your job, preoccupied with other things, and you’re told that your doctor says you’re fine and I’m fine, so I don’t need to look at it. You know, I’ve got a little ache here, a little pain here. It’s okay. It’s fine. Well, it’s not every time your body talks to you, there’s something going on that needs to be addressed.

Darlene Teahen [00:28:10]:
And so it’s kind of like your body is a house, you know, and everybody that owns a house knows that if you do regular maintenance, then everything will be good. Where there’s little things that could be fixed on the daily, that is just part of your daily routine of noticing what’s going on in your body and just making little cheat tweaks and adjustments. And urine can help you do that. Eating well can help you do that. You know, herbals can help you do that. Exercise, you know, all the different things you talk about regularly can help you do that if you pay attention.

Nick Urban [00:28:43]:
I think one of the big concerns is also not necessarily about the sterility because we’ve already covered that, but about what else it might contain that we wouldn’t want it to contain and be ingesting, such as potential toxins after all the kidney filters, the fluid going through our body, including the urine and everything. And is it possible that toxins or say things that we wouldn’t want to be ingesting?

Darlene Teahen [00:29:06]:
You know, there’s micro bits of, you know, toxins coming out of our body all the time. So there is micro bits of toxins. But, you know, I feel like it’s kind of like people are microanalyzing everything we eat now to eat in the plant where kale’s bad for you because it’s got isoxylates in it. But, you know, they’re negating the the chlorophyll, the vitamins, the minerals, you know, the, fiber, everything else. So, you know, if you pinpoint one little thing and say that’s bad, so the whole thing must be bad. And instead looking at every thing that you ingest and see, is that something I need right now? So it might have a little teeny bit of bacteria if you have a urinary tract infection. But we’ll introduce you in a little bit of that bacteria back into yourself, help heal that bacterial infection.

Nick Urban [00:30:00]:

Darlene Teahen [00:30:01]:
And this is where more research is needed. But people, you know, are are wanting to put it down because they can’t patent it. And, again, look at the bigger picture in the bigger system. And what’s going on with why this has been so demonized.

Nick Urban [00:30:17]:
Yeah. Okay. So it’s not necessarily an issue with bacteria, but, like, heavy metals or things like that because it’s gonna be in, like, a very it’s gonna be filtered first of all and, like, the a lot of it doesn’t actually go out through the urine like that.

Darlene Teahen [00:30:28]:
Most heavy metals will go through the feces. You know, they have chelators that, you know, whether you’re eating or that, you know, whether it’s chlorophyll or, you know, different, chelating agents that, I like zeolite, but there’s all kinds of different ones. And that will come out, through your feces and not through, the urine. So you’re not taking it back in. You know, if you’ve been exposed to, you know, excess radiation or excess, you know, nuclear fallout, then yes, your urine’s going to have some extra in it, and then you would take it from somebody else. Mhmm. It’s kind of like, you know, breastfeeding a baby. You know, it’s usually the best even if the mother’s not healthy, because they’re getting the nutrients.

Darlene Teahen [00:31:20]:
But, you know, there’s certain circumstances where it might be better to take them off on somebody else.

Nick Urban [00:31:25]:
Yeah. And one thing I I find really cool about this is from what I’ve learned about it is that when your body produces urine, it’s producing, or I guess, it’s you’re excreting some of the hormones, the neurotransmitters, and all these different, like, chemicals, like bioactive peptides, antivenoms, all these things in the urine in the exact amount that your body needs. I don’t know why it’s like that. It’s the proportion that your body needs, I guess, perhaps as your own your own perfect medicine. But then I’ve I’ve heard reports of people, like, literally waiting, say, 30 minutes after getting stung and then ingesting it or using it topically or something, and because it has, like, a little bit of whatever in it that it provides results.

Darlene Teahen [00:32:06]:
And that’s the whole basis of homeopathics is like cures like. Yeah. So homeopathic pellets are a little bit of what ails you. Just a fraction of of a bit. And that’s what’s also coming out in the air. And it’s a little bit of what ails you is going to heal you. It’s going to kick your body into that balance where we’re like, oh, this is really off. It’s not just a little bit off.

Darlene Teahen [00:32:28]:
It’s now a little bit more off, so I’ve gotta fix that. And your body wants to heal itself constantly, and that’s just its job is to try to try to put your balance. But if the top load is too high and you don’t have enough nutrients, it’s hard for it to do that.

Nick Urban [00:32:43]:
That’s well, yeah, that’s gonna be how I was inspired by. Like, if you’re under a bunch of, say, stress or you’re currently, like, going through, like, you you were just exposed to a lot of ray radiation like you mentioned or something else, in that circumstance, would you not want to? Because, like, if you’re already having a huge toxic burden,

Darlene Teahen [00:33:00]:
it seems

Nick Urban [00:33:01]:
to me that adding even a little bit more is not necessarily gonna have the therapeutic effect. It might actually just worsen worsen the outcome.

Darlene Teahen [00:33:08]:
Right. And this is why I say feel your body, you know, and feel how much you can do because, you know, some people are like, well, if if if a little bit is good for me, then a lot’s good for me, but not necessarily because you might be detoxing too much. And some people are able to drink it on the daily and be perfectly fine. Other people have the littlest bit and it causes a major detox reaction. So you have to listen to your body every time you put anything in your body, any food, anything. Listen to your body. Does this feel good in my body, or am I sick every time I eat it, but I eat it anyway because it tastes good?

Nick Urban [00:33:44]:
Yeah. So you mentioned that it naturally can contains stem cells earlier, and that is, like, impactful because it’s not many things contain appreciable amounts of stem cells. And then also, there’s enzymes naturally present in it. Anything else that’s mind blowing that people wouldn’t think that could be inside their own urine? There’s

Darlene Teahen [00:34:00]:
hormones. There’s vitamins and minerals. There’s, you know, there’s everything that your body needs in order to function. Because without the enzymes, we can’t can’t break down our food properly. Without the enzymes, the body can’t do all the it needs in order to do all the breakdown. And so without all the metabolites and enzymes and acids, you know, it’s got a bit of everything in order to balance itself. So many people have hormonal imbalances. So a lot of people are taking synthetic hormones where the body may respond well to or may not because it’s for an object to the body.

Darlene Teahen [00:34:38]:
Same with synthetic vitamins and synthetic, you know. So there’s all these synthetic thing the body need respond well to, but may have a trouble breaking it down properly for what it needs. And so coming from a natural source and coming from your own body, and it’s the hormones that, you know, can you know, it’s a gift that keeps on giving because it’s exactly what you need as an individual.

Nick Urban [00:35:01]:
That’s the part I have a hard time understanding. It’s like if you’re having issues with a particular hormone or, say, a vitamin or mineral, say, I’m deficient in magnesium, why would my body excrete magnesium through my urine? Because it seems like to me, like, that would be counterproductive. Like, why not just maintain the level of magnesium and excrete other things instead?

Darlene Teahen [00:35:20]:
Right. And and so sometimes the body is not able to absorb it. You know, it will just be excreted out the urine. So you see that in b vitamins all the time. If you take an excess of b vitamins more than your body needs or what your body can absorb, you just you just pee it out. But it may not be in form that your body can absorb of what you’re taking it in. So without it, it may join up with the other enzymes and the other peptide and and everything else so that it’s in a more absorbable form Mhmm. If your body has some breakdown issues.

Nick Urban [00:35:50]:
Oh, that’s interesting. And I wonder then if you’re taking supplements and exogenous hormones and peptides and things like that, if the dosage your urine dosage would wanna change, maybe decrease because you might be excreting more than you would naturally. And if you consume that and you’re getting too much, say I mean, like, those are water soluble, so I guess you’ll probably just recycle them again. But say a fats, I guess, a fat soluble vitamin really apply. But are there ever instances where you’d wanna, like, reduce your intake based on what you’re consuming?

Darlene Teahen [00:36:21]:
Right. So, you know, if you are on certain medications, if the jury’s still out whether it you know, you’re going to be peeing some of that out and then taking back in and it’s not going to it’s gonna be overdoing it. I would love a study to be done on that, you know, because we need to get off all these pharmaceutical drugs and start really feeling healthy from the inside out these band aids that are that are holding.

Nick Urban [00:36:50]:
And it sounds like even if you’re depleting your different bodily systems and pathways with exogenous substances that perhaps urine in the right amount could help offset some of

Darlene Teahen [00:37:03]:
that. Right. So, you know, you go going back to hormones, you know, so many women’s have issues balancing their hormones throughout their life, whether it’s before pregnancy, after pregnancy, during menopause. And then men, they have problems with their hormones too. They just don’t even most time even notice it. It happens with the the loss hair loss, you know, the ED, you know, all these different things that are going on that they’re they just think it’s part of aging. Well, it’s not part of aging. It’s, you know, you’re out of balance.

Darlene Teahen [00:37:31]:
You know, it’s not normal to have major hormonal imbalances. It’s not, you know, menopause is not just, you know, something you have to go through and suffer through. You know, if everything’s in balance, you can through it and just just move on with, you know, you’re not in a fertile period. You’re, you know, your hormones are all in balance, and you’re just aging naturally.

Nick Urban [00:37:55]:
I wonder, do people ever apply it to their hair?

Darlene Teahen [00:37:59]:
Yes. Absolutely. A lot of people, and I would say it would help a lot of hair issues, you know, whether it is because a lot of the shampoos and conditioners are clogging the pores in in the head. So if you can unclog those pores, and then some people have, you know, infections underneath the scalp. They have psoriasis. They have all these issues that, urine can help with other, you know, enzymes, herbals can help with, but urine is a free thing that can be put on the head regularly, without, you know, without concern of being too much or too little. It will kind of adjust itself. You know? And if you’re having detox reactions, then you know back off of it.

Darlene Teahen [00:38:43]:
If you’re not having detox reactions and the hair is starting to grow back, you know, a lot of alopecia is hormonal ly, caused. But all of it is, you know, just the clogging of the pores, all those chemicals that you’re putting on your head. You’re putting all a lot of chemicals on a sensitive part of the head. They encourage people to read all the ingredients and look them up that’s on the bottles of your shampoo and conditioner. A lot of chemicals that are going into your body through those, everyday products, your creams, your conditioners, your aftershave, burns.

Nick Urban [00:39:19]:
Yeah. And not only do they clog the pores, but they also are oftentimes endocrine disrupting chemicals, meaning they disrupt hormones.

Darlene Teahen [00:39:28]:
Right. Absolutely. The phenoestrogens in all of those, are gonna disrupt the hormones, which then are gonna cause issues as they build in the body. And this has been, you know, talked about again and again and again, but yet they’re still in the products. So people are starting to get more awareness of them, but they’re not doing anything about it because they’re in the products and they don’t think because they’re on the shelf harmful. Just because they’ve been approved by the FDA, you know, that is, again, big business. The corporation doesn’t mean it’s good for you.

Nick Urban [00:39:55]:
Yeah. And a lot of things that were once approved are now taken off the list and known to be dangerous were once validated scientifically and approved by the FDA too.

Darlene Teahen [00:40:05]:
Right. Even cigarettes were approved by the FDA. They were saying that, you know, there was a plan where they said they were good for pregnant women even. You know?

Nick Urban [00:40:14]:
Well, Darlene, I’m curious about the practical aspect of this. So I don’t think injection is necessary for most people, especially when they’re getting started. And I know that there’s certain circumstances that you would wanna be careful of. Obviously, check with your primary health care provider before doing any of this stuff to make sure that it’s safe for you. But if someone wants to get started, what are the things they should know about, like, does it need to be aged first thing in the morning or last thing at night, when to collect and how much to have, all these types of things.

Darlene Teahen [00:40:47]:
And, you know, this needs to be studied too. So most people believe the first thing in the morning has the most nutrients in it. But also first thing in the morning does have a bit, you know, of extra bacteria from the night before. Not so much that’s gonna harm you in any way, but it got extra little bits in it from the night before because it’s coming from the urine. So the jury’s out of whether it’s better for you first thing morning or it’s not better for it first thing in the morning. For my study, I had them do the 1st morning urine. I had them collect that because that seemed to have the most cells. And that’s what my goal was was, you know, stem cells in this pool of nutrients seem multiply.

Darlene Teahen [00:41:28]:
And why is that? So if you take, you know, your little jar and you put it in cells, keep multiplying, and it’s becomes its own ecosystem. So as long as nothing no debris or anything falls into it, there’s no mold forms on it, there it becomes healthier and healthier. And it does become stronger. So, you know, I, you know, caution that, you know, the longer it’s aged, the stronger it is, which has more stem cells, which is better, but also you can have a bigger deep reaction. So whether you drink it, whether you inject it, whether you put it on your skin, whether you put it on your hair, you know, some people put it up their nose, some people bathe in it, some put people put it in a foot bath. Whatever you decide to do for you, start slow and and work your way up. And if it’s working, then do more. If you’re having a detox reaction, it doesn’t mean it’s not working.

Darlene Teahen [00:42:18]:
It means that your body’s letting go of some of those toxins. And that’s where some people get confused too. They’re like, it may be sick. It’s not good. And sometimes people do that with herbals or other, you know, even, you know, plants and vegetables are like, well, you know, too much of this made me sick. Well, there’s there’s moderation in everything.

Nick Urban [00:42:35]:
When you’re aging it, it’s also gonna increase the scent, and it’s gonna be a lot harder to pallet, I’m sure.

Darlene Teahen [00:42:44]:
So there is ammonia that comes off of it when it’s been aged. And so some people like to put a cloth over it. I like to seal it with with a airtight sealant, only because it keeps the smell out of, you know, your living space in your bathroom. And then when you open it, then the ammonia comes out, and then you can close it again. Everything’s good. But it also keeps debris and sediment falling on the top. This is when I noticed when people have had mold in fat form on top of their urine is when they they’re either putting a cloth over top of it and little bits can get in and cause contamination to the urine, or the jar is not completely clean. You know, you wanna you wanna have a clean clean jar, clean lid.

Darlene Teahen [00:43:27]:
If you it’s it’s a good indicator of whether the urine is still clean. If anything builds on the top, then it’s, you know, it’s time to get a new batch. But if nothing you know, people have had it for years and nothing build on it.

Nick Urban [00:43:39]:
Wow. Okay. I still think that aging process is more advanced for people just getting started. Do you recommend, like, I mean, of course, it varies from person to person, but, like, a teaspoon to start with. Does it matter if you have it? Do you, like, hold it under your tongue or anything, or do you

Darlene Teahen [00:43:54]:
Just think you’re in it. And and, you know, put a dropper underneath your tongue.

Nick Urban [00:43:59]:
But does it need to go under your tongue, or can you mix it into a drink in

Darlene Teahen [00:44:03]:
You can mix it into orange juice. You can mix it into water. You know, that drop. Basically, that little bit yeah. A little bit underneath your tongue, yes, it’s gonna absorb faster into your, into your bloodstream. But, just to know that you’re, you know, putting a little dropper in your mouth is not gonna kill you. I think that’s step 1. That, you know, I take a little drop of even if I take a gulp of it and see, oh, I I, you know, don’t feel bad.

Darlene Teahen [00:44:29]:
It actually takes because there’s so many nutrients in it, you’re not as hungry after drinking it.

Nick Urban [00:44:34]:
Okay. So so that’s the the first part. You can really use it however little. It’s probably best to start small then titrate up slowly. That’s what I think she recommended in the book that I read too. But and then, like, I was surprised. Really starting with one drop is enough to make a dent and to actually move the needle a little bit, but then you work up as necessary.

Darlene Teahen [00:44:56]:
Even in my study, I was only using milliliters, which is 1 teaspoon.

Nick Urban [00:44:59]:

Darlene Teahen [00:44:59]:
So they were just doing 1 teaspoon a day. So that’s a very small amount.

Nick Urban [00:45:04]:
Yeah. And that’s injected too. So I would assume that it differs from what you orally ingest. I’m not sure the absorption difference between injecting urine and consuming it orally.

Darlene Teahen [00:45:13]:
It’s gonna be longer injecting it than orally. And some people can’t do it orally because they have a breakdown in their digestive system. So I do find people who’ve had huge digestive problems are don’t do well at first, drinking it. Because of that. Some people do really well. Some people, it helps with their digestion. Yeah. Some people, they’ve had too much breakdown and they need to do some healing first, and then they can drink it.

Darlene Teahen [00:45:37]:
But there is the smell and everything. So this is the biggest thing, the smell. The cleaner your body is, the less the urine cells. Mhmm. So your urine when you fresh urine that you pee out shouldn’t have a smell. It shouldn’t stink. If your urine stinks when you pee it out, you know, there’s a major cleanup that needs to be done on the body. As it ages, it kind of dilutes the contracts, you know, even some fresh smelling urine that doesn’t smell can smell over time for sure.

Darlene Teahen [00:46:06]:
But, again, then the more you clean things up, the less it’s going to smell. So what I do if I my skin is I use in to help, take away the smell. It goes away immediately. And but just like, you know, you the cream’s have all the essential oils and, you know, or fragrance if you’re using creams. You know, they have chemical fragrances to cover up your urea that’s actually been put in.

Nick Urban [00:46:35]:
Yeah. And I think it also depends on, like, what you’ve been consuming. Certain foods that are higher in sulfur might temporarily change the aroma of your urine, and that’s necessarily a bad thing. But if you’re having that and it’s say it’s not the most concentrated urine, it’s not first thing in the morning, it’s, like, mid afternoon or something, perhaps that means extra detox before?

Darlene Teahen [00:46:55]:
So it means you need to clean up your diet more. You need to you need to look at each thing, and you can just smell urine after each thing eaten during the day. You know, 20 minutes after you’ve eaten it, how does your ear smell? Does it still smell good? Interesting. Or does it smell really bad?

Nick Urban [00:47:09]:
I’d love to see that correlated with, like, blood sugar or other biomarkers to see how, like, the scent of your urine, reflects your food choices.

Darlene Teahen [00:47:18]:
Absolutely. Well, it is an excrement, so there is some of the chemicals coming out. But it again, if you put that back in your body a little bit at a time, is that good for you? Because then your body, you know, heals what you know, that that homeopathic like yours like.

Nick Urban [00:47:36]:
Yeah. I’m thinking now about even, like, the man made chemicals. If you were to get a homeopathic dose of that, perhaps the next time you ingest whatever it was contained within, your body would know how to process and handle that better. And, generally, I’d assume that when you’re starting, you start slow. And by slow, I mean, once per day. And then eventually, is it if you if you’re under, like, you have a need or a reason to, do you increase your frequency of dosage up to multiple times per day, or is does it always stay at once per day?

Darlene Teahen [00:48:03]:
You can use it to multiple. Sometimes some people loop. So some people drink absolutely everything they pee out as part of a detox protocol. So everything they pee out, they will put back into their body, and you can do this for a day. You can do this for 2 days. You can do this for some people have done for months. And, they find that they, you know, are perfectly healthy, and you don’t need to eat as much. Because there’s a certain, you know, body to break down the food, there there’s certain stress on the body to have to break down food constantly.

Darlene Teahen [00:48:36]:
Certain stress on the intestinal tract, certain

Nick Urban [00:48:38]:

Darlene Teahen [00:48:38]:
So taking breaks, you know, doing water fasting, you know, all of that. Smoothie fasting has been done in the past, And lots of people have had huge benefits from that. Mhmm. So this is an tends to just like, you know, if smoothie fasting and then juice fasting is 1 step stronger, and then water fasting was 1 step stronger, urine fast.

Nick Urban [00:49:01]:
We heard about that. I was gonna ask you specifically about urine fasting because I’ve heard people, they call it looping, I think you mentioned, say that their experience after water fasting for 24 hours or more, they felt akin to being on, like, a mild psychedelic.

Darlene Teahen [00:49:19]:
Yes. And so that’s a spear component that some people talk about. You know, does it at least DMT into the brain? Does it, release the sense of of being at one with with yourself? You know, all these things need to looked at, you know, how does that help? Sometimes you could feel dizzy just by detoxing. So, you know, are you feeling psychedelic because you’re feeling a little dizzy because you’re detoxing? Well, that you know, you gotta look at that too. But absolutely, I do believe there’s DMT in there because we’re releasing it all the time. Naturally we’re producing it in the brain. And yes, there’s DMT, you know. Has it been proven? Not yet, but there’s DMT, you know.

Darlene Teahen [00:49:58]:
But I’d love to see different studies, you know, of how much DMT if you’re lupine it, are you producing more DMT in the body? So I’ve done I’ve done longer water fast. I’ve done a 7 day water fast before. I think the longest I did was 10 days. And I year end fast for I was thinking, do I do it for 3 days? Do it for 5? So I put off in 5 day kinda chunk just because I wasn’t sure how long I would do it. After 3 days, I was done. That took me the other 2 days to recover, because there it really did a job of, you know, detoxing and, I just needed to rest. And even those those last 2 days I was eating again, I just needed to rest and let my body, recover. And, you know, every time you give your body a break and, allow it to heal itself, there’s great potential on that.

Nick Urban [00:50:48]:
I could see a really cool study around this, like a 3 day water fast versus a 3 day urine fast. And then it’s pretty easy to placebo control. You just create a mixture that smells and looks like urine, and then you can do a crossover arm of it after they go through that a while later to see what the same participants experience from the the other arm of the the trial.

Darlene Teahen [00:51:10]:
Right. Or you could do an injection. You can inject water for 3 days or you can inject urine for 3 days, and they wouldn’t know the difference Yeah. And see how they’re feeling. There’s lots of studies that could be done.

Nick Urban [00:51:21]:
Speaking of, one of the things you told me about previously is that you believe there’s a energetic healing and emotional, like, traumatic experience healing that results from urine therapy?

Darlene Teahen [00:51:34]:
Yeah. So there is a frequency to urine, and, you know, Einstein always said that medicine of the future was crazy. So, you know, there’s lots of, studies pro proving that singing bowls and different frequency objects, you know, can improve your mental wellness. It can improve your physical wellness. Well, there is a frequency to urine. Every cell in your body has a frequency. And so if I broke my arm, you know, the broken spot would have a different frequency than the rest of my body. So it’s been proven if you put, you know, singing bowls or tuning forks on that area to help bring up the fin heel faster.

Darlene Teahen [00:52:13]:
Well, if you’re putting urine on it that has, you know, a higher frequency on it because it’s coming from your body, that lower frequency so the same frequency that’s your body and it’s got lower frequency that’s hurt. If you’re putting it on it, is that frequency to raise it, the benefits of it and heal you faster too. So definitely if I broke something or twisted my ankle or something, I’d be putting urine on it. Not just for the anti inflammatory properties and the nutrients, but for the frequency.

Nick Urban [00:52:41]:
You’re making me think I should try putting some urine on my back and then hit it with a a tuning a tuning fork.

Darlene Teahen [00:52:48]:
Absolutely. So to me, you know, when I see people in my office or online, you know, health vitality and health is pain free, medication free, full of energy and joy, a clarity, so free of fogginess, full of inner purpose, a wellness and empowerment, a confidence of knowing yourself, and then the balance of your frequency. So we are constantly energetic beings, so the frequency is coming through our body. And, like, you know, frayed electrical liner in your house when, you know, there’s been trauma in the body, when there’s been different things, that can put off your end off your frequency. And so urine can help, but so can meditation, so can and that’s why, you know, people have been only the frequency in meditation. And your urine has a frequency. You have a frequency. Every object has a frequency.

Darlene Teahen [00:53:42]:
So this is just part, you know, of my study of 1 c in the bigger picture of, understand the electrical system and the how the frequency, is the other half of the balancing. We can’t just look at the physical. We have to look at the energetics.

Nick Urban [00:54:00]:
Are there any instruments in particular that you can use to measure the frequency differences throughout the body, such as, like, an arm in one part versus the other part where it’s broken?

Darlene Teahen [00:54:10]:
Yeah. You you can use, people have used leads just like you would for a couple devices. They put them on their bodies and check them on different spots. I’ve seen that done online. You know, there’s there’s devices all the time coming up. There’s all kinds of devices coming up. There’s harm harmonics, I think one of them. I don’t know all the devices, that do, measure the body.

Darlene Teahen [00:54:35]:
And even the heart math machine is is a is a specific frequency measuring, between the brain and the heart to see if they’re incoherent together. So there’s lots of devices there that do it. Mhmm. I encourage people to feel their own body and learn how to feel their own frequency and know when something’s off. And then I can feel people’s frequency just with my hands and feel when their frequency is off. So, you know, through years of studying this, you know, practice, you know, and this is the basis of of rate, but I look at that as more of the electrical system. Ricky is just using your energy to push on somebody else’s energy. Yeah.

Darlene Teahen [00:55:12]:
And for people who are skeptical about all that, you know, just know that let’s say something bad happened and you walk into a room, you can feel when when the energy is not right in the room.

Nick Urban [00:55:22]:

Darlene Teahen [00:55:23]:
You can feel when, you know, something major has happened. You know? There’s an energy to that. You don’t nobody has to tell you something bad happened. You can feel it the second you walk in the room.

Nick Urban [00:55:32]:
Exactly. And whether we call it this label or that label, we all have that shared experience that sometimes gut feelings and things like that where it’s, like, it’s just obvious to us. And I think that what what also, your experience with Reiki and other modalities like this, you can learn this kind of stuff. Like, you it takes time and it takes, like, tuning into your own body and being healthy enough to be able to do that. But it’s it seems to me like one of those skills that we all are born with to some extent, and then it’s just certain people cultivate it more than others.

Darlene Teahen [00:56:02]:
Right. And so I think everybody can cultivate whether you’re interested or not, but for your own health, I think feeling your own body and feeling your own emotions, feeling your own energy, and keeps you in balance. And so when I’m talking to people in my office, I’m not only looking at their fizzle and what’s been going on in the medical industry and everything. I’m looking at their energetics. Mhmm. What is going on in the electrical body? So it’s an electrical system that goes out and around their body through acupressure points and all that. And when there’s been conflict, when there’s been trauma, there’s freeze in that electrical system that just needs rid of rewiring and, you can feel so much better. Mhmm.

Darlene Teahen [00:56:40]:
And so you can spend a lifetime in talk therapy and never get anywhere just because the electrical system that’s been negated by the allopathic system. You know, in natural medicine, we don’t, subdivide mental health and physical health. It’s all one. It’s all Yeah. You know, when one is up the other’s out, there’s there’s a balance beam, within the

Nick Urban [00:57:00]:
Yeah. Well, Darlene, this has been a blast so far. If people want to connect with you, to follow your work, to perhaps enroll in one of your future studies, how do they go about that and find you online?

Darlene Teahen [00:57:13]:
I call the expert.aordarlene tn.ca, and email help at darlene tn.ca.

Nick Urban [00:57:20]:
And I’ll put links to all those in the show notes for this episode and a couple more questions for you before we part ways today. If all knowledge on earth was lost, but you get to save the works of 3 teachers, who would you choose and why?

Darlene Teahen [00:57:33]:
Instead of teachers, it’s like schools of thought. Doctor Emoto and his frequency in water, which also shows the frequency in your in your arm. But he studied the freak of water and how, you know, speaking to the water made different shapes in the water and how important that is. But there’s many other people, who’ve studied frequency different way, whether it’s in water or frequency like Reif and Epstein and, you know, there’s lots of people who have been doing frequency. So anybody who studies frequency, anybody, who looks at our belief structure like Bashar, who’s way out there, but he’s he’s act bringing to light the the belief structure and how that affects our energetics in our body. And then somebody with practical knowledge of herbals like Barbara O’Neil or any of those, people who, you know, know how the plant is react to different, plants and different herbal properly. And when things go off in the body, how to tweak it with those, all the medications and the pharmaceuticals.

Nick Urban [00:58:38]:
Perfect. And then, finally, what is one thing that your tribe does not know about you?

Darlene Teahen [00:58:44]:
That I’m working, a frequency. So it’s one thing to go from a medical practitioner to a musician, but at the same time, they’re interconnected. I mean, on some tone and frequencies with my voice that will affect help people’s frequency, you know, if they’re feeling awesome to it and, and and connect and ground.

Nick Urban [00:59:10]:
Very cool. And when you are done with that project, let me know and I’ll put a link to that in the show notes as well. Alright. And if people made it this far, what are your parting words of wisdom or actionable takeaways that you like them to leave here with?

Darlene Teahen [00:59:22]:
Oh, that you are in charge of your own health. Up to you to make sure that you are fully functioning person and that dealing with joy and abundance, and all of that is possible. So if you don’t know what to do with your your health, find somebody that can show you that you can continue on working our health for your life. And, you know, the second thing is a little little bit off that you can Mhmm. You can fix, and it doesn’t become this big issue. It’s just little teeny tweaks throughout your whole life.

Nick Urban [00:59:53]:
Beautiful. Darlene, thank you so much for joining me on the podcast today. It’s been a pleasure hosting you and chatting about this subject that is a bit more taboo, a bit more controversial. And nonetheless, I’ve heard enough success stories that I had to share it with the Mindbody Peak Performance Tribe. Really appreciate you coming on today.

Darlene Teahen [01:00:14]:
Oh, thank you for your open thoughts and, and for having me.

Nick Urban [01:00:19]:
Thank you for tuning in to this episode. Head over to Apple Music, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts and leave a rating. Every review helps me bring you thought provoking guests. As always, you can find the show notes for this one at mindbodypeak.com/andthenthenumberoftheepisode. There, you can also chat with other peak performers or connect with me directly. The information depicted in this podcast is for information purposes only. Please consult your primary health care professional before making any lifestyle changes.

Connect with Darlene Teahen @ TheVitalityExpert

This Podcast Is Brought to You By

Nick Urban is a Biohacker, Data Scientist, Athlete, Founder of Outliyr, and the Host of the Mind Body Peak Performance Podcast. He is a Certified CHEK Practitioner, a Personal Trainer, and a Performance Health Coach. Nick is driven by curiosity which has led him to study ancient medical systems (Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hermetic Principles, German New Medicine, etc), and modern science.

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Music by Luke Hall

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