On this episode of Mind Body Peak Performance, Nick Urban, and Karen Hurd, Master of Science in Biochemistry, delve into the transformative power of soluble fiber from legumes.
Tune in as they explore the potent impact of soluble fiber on the body, the crucial role of legume consumption in bile excretion, and the far-reaching effects on hormone levels. Discover the surprising link between legumes and optimal health in today’s episode.
Episode Highlights
Fiber is absolutely essential. If we don't have fiber, then you can expect to have a myriad of different health issues as you continue through your life Share on XOur body will make as many hormones that are necessary. But, you have to be excreting a certain amount of hormones. Share on XWe will only excrete what we have to excrete. It's what is considered excess that's creating a detrimental effect on you. Share on XPodcast Sponsor Banner
About Karen Hurd
Practicing for 30 years, Karen, in addition to her nutritional training, holds her Master of Science in Biochemistry and is currently enrolled at The George Washington University in the Master of Public Health program. Her philosophy in approaching health is that “Food has the power to kill; food has the power to heal. It’s your choice.” Karen applies her knowledge at the biomolecular level to understand the cause of the health problems we face and what dietary and lifestyle changes are needed to correct that cause and unlock our best health.
Top Things You’ll Learn From Karen Hurd
- The role of liver and gastrointestinal tract in digestion and waste elimination
- The critical filtration role of the liver in processing fat-soluble waste and producing bile
- The impact of bile as a digestive enzyme for breaking down fats
- The process of fat-soluble waste traveling through the duodenum
- The liver’s role in eliminating the waste from the bloodstream
- The connection between gut health and neurotransmitter production
- The role of soluble fiber in addressing acidic bile and hormone levels
- Consuming legumes to combat the effects of acidic bile
- How acidic bile affects the gallbladder and digestive system
- The role of soluble fiber in facilitating the excretion of bile
- The efficiency of soluble fiber in legumes to other binders like activated charcoal and chlorella
- The impact of bile recycling on hormone levels, especially testosterone and estrogen
- The science of soluble and insoluble fiber
- The significance of fiber in the human diet and its impact on health
- The impact of essential amino acids and soluble fiber on brain chemistry
- The role of beans in facilitating the elimination of acidic bile
- The potential impact of hormones on fermentation pathways leading to bloating and gas
- Understanding the nutritional content of cooked beans as a source of soluble fiber
- Comparing the soluble fiber content in various cooked foods
- Health implications of dietary choices and nutrient balance
- The impact of consuming sweets on adrenaline production
- The importance and practicalities of consuming fiber and legumes for optimal health
- The significance of stress management and its impact on hormone production
- The dangers and risks associated with a ketogenic diet with kidney strain and liver health
- The importance of nutrient balance and digestion in dietary choices
Resources Mentioned
- eCourses: Karen Hurd Courses
Episode Transcript
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Nick Urban [00:00:05]:
Can eating beans save your life? Hi. I’m Nick Urban, host of the Mindbody Peak Performance Podcast. And in this episode, we are delving into exactly that. We’re talking about the science of soluble and insoluble fibre, and specifically around legumes and beans. Our guest this week will share a story I found pretty surprising about how legumes literally saved the life of her daughter. We talk about the different properties of fibers, why they are so important, the biochemistry of it, the practical uses, How much you should consume every day for optimal health? What it means and what to do if you get gas from consuming beans? The validity and importance or lack thereof of the so called bean nutrients, the lectins, the phytates, the trypsin inhibitors, and all that stuff inside legumes and what to do about them? And why the blue hormones, the longevity hot spots around the world where People often liver beyond age a 100 in healthy nutrition, often consume lentils. Since this recording, I’ve been consuming a lot more lentils and Legumes in my diet. I now have a small portion at just about every meal.
Nick Urban [00:01:22]:
I like to meal prep them and dish just a little bit gut. And I hope after this conversation, you’ll consider doing the same. Our guest this week is Karen Hurd. Karen holds a master of science in biochemistry and is currently enrolled at the George Washington University in the master of public health program. Her philosophy in approaching health is that food has the power to bile, and food has the power to heal. It’s your choice. Karen applies her knowledge at the biomolecular level to understand the cause of health problems we face And what dietary and lifestyle changes are needed to correct that cause and unlock our best health? She’s been practicing for 30 years now, and Karen I say, she’s one of the few voices advocating legumes. We also make it practical so you can implement this without having a bachelor’s or master’s in biochemistry yourself.
Nick Urban [00:02:20]:
If you wanna check out Karen’s work, you can find it at karenherd.comkarenhurd. And she does have a lot of information around particular health topics, dietary protocols for them, and even offers 1 on 1 email support. If you want to check that out, a link to that will be in the show notes. Speaking of show notes, you can find everything we discuss at mind Body Peak. And if you find this podcast episode interesting or useful, go ahead and share it with a friend, A carnivore or someone on keto that perhaps has completely removed all sources of fiber from their diet. They may just thank you down the line. Alright. Ladies and gentlemen, sit back, relax, and enjoy this conversation with Karen Hurd.
Nick Urban [00:03:13]:
Karen, welcome to Mindbody Peak Performance.
Karen Hurd [00:03:16]:
Thank you. I’m pleased to be on this.
Nick Urban [00:03:18]:
Yeah. Well, today, we’re gonna dig into a topic that I think needs a lot more discussion on, and that is all things fiber and legumes. And I know that you specialize in those, and so I’m looking forward to discussing with you.
Karen Hurd [00:03:35]:
Okay. I look forward to to educating everybody on it.
Nick Urban [00:03:40]:
Let’s start off today with a warm up, and that is the unusual nonnegotiables you’ve done for your health, your performance, and your bioharmony.
Karen Hurd [00:03:51]:
First of all, I don’t eat any sweets at all, period, exclamation point. No exceptions. So you won’t find me eating a cookie or having a piece of candy or anything like that. It’s absolutely destructive to my health to everybody’s health. It’s very necessary to also not let Let yourself become stressed out. You know, there are major things that occur in our life Mind we can’t change, and then our attitudes towards ourselves, we have to be careful because Stress is a major component of our physical well-being. And so I make sure that I don’t allow myself to come stressed out and Take time for myself. Take time for my family.
Karen Hurd [00:04:28]:
Don’t do caffeine at all. Caffeine is a destructive force. Don’t do supplements at all. They are also Stimulants Mind cause destruction Mind can cause more harm than blood. And I eat a good diet that includes proteins Mind legumes and metabolism, and I live a good life, and I’m very happy and healthy.
Nick Urban [00:04:50]:
I love it. Lots of controversial things in there. Seemingly basic, but also, like, one of the big things you mentioned is you consume legumes. And this day, it seems like those are public nutrition enemy. Number 1, They’re a subset of carbohydrates that is fiber. I’m sure people are gonna be curious. How did you get so involved in fibre, in legumes?
Karen Hurd [00:05:12]:
It was to save my little girl’s life. So I my I had bean months old, and then I had 2 other children waste slightly older. I had 3 children, 5 and under. And we moved into a home where they had just put down a new to the home carpet. Although this carpet had been stored in man’s garage for several years. Well, it was infested with carpet beetles, which we didn’t know because they have to be in the warm to be able to hatch out. Anyway, they hatched out all the larvae hatch into the little adult. They they both are these more stages anyway.
Karen Hurd [00:05:40]:
They came out as carpet beetles. We had carpet beetles, not 10, not a100, not a1000. We had Hundreds of thousands, millions of carpet beetles everywhere because they put the carpet throughout the entire house. You open the sock door, they’re running out where you open the kitchen door of the where the silver were. Everywhere they were everywhere. We could not vacuum them up quick enough. You couldn’t smash them, hit them. It it they were just they were we were overwhelmed.
Karen Hurd [00:06:03]:
And so, we called the exterminator, and he came out and sprayed for them. It killed them all. And it also caused us all to be very sick, and my 18 month old went into grand mal seizures. And so we, of course, rushed her into the hospital, and it was they said, no. This had nothing. I said, they just sprayed our house for bugs. They sprayed every square inch of the carpet. Think it has something to do with fat.
Karen Hurd [00:06:24]:
And I have some military training. I was in the United States Army. I knew that this was a nerve agent Mind that, you know, and that this could be a biological Response to the this particular nerve agent that they put on the carpet. And they said, no. No. No. No. No.
Karen Hurd [00:06:36]:
No. No. She’d have to drink the, you know, the it waste. So you have to drink it. They sprayed it on the carpet. This couldn’t happen. I acid, we’re all sick. I was carrying a baby fat that time.
Karen Hurd [00:06:45]:
I began to miscarry that baby, and I did end up miscarrying that baby. It was a very horrific time. So they sent us back home, said, look. She has double pneumonia. I said, but if she was poisoned with a nerve agent, that’s how they die with double pneumonia. Their lungs with fluid. They said, no. You’re wrong.
Karen Hurd [00:07:00]:
And they sent us back home, and I went back home. Now she’s unloading doses of Phenobarbital, and then She started with the same symptoms which I trained all my troops on. This is what you need to look for for nerve agent poisoning, pinpoint eyeballs, slight cough, diarrhea. Anyway, I said she had all those, but this time she’s on phenobarbital, and I thought She is going to diet. She’s going to die if I keep Hurd. So I walked out of that house and said I will not return till I get the bottom up. And you have to understand, we were in Saint Louis Children’s Hospital where they were treating us, And they said that fat I was wrong. I was barking up the wrong tree.
Karen Hurd [00:07:28]:
I had 9 neurologists in the same room with me sat down and said, missus Hurd, you were barking up the wrong tree. Those are exactly their words. Missus Heard, you were barking up the wrong tree. Your little girl was not poison. She has double pneumonia. She’ll have to be on phenobarbital loading doses and on it for the rest of her life. And so I said, just do a cholinesterate level. I begged them because I knew enough.
Karen Hurd [00:07:48]:
I said because of going my army training. Just do a cholinesterate level Because then you can check her liver to see what the liver enzymes of cholinesterase is, and then you could tell me if she’s poisoned. There is no need to do that. It’s a simple blood draw. It is a simple blood draw. It’s a simple test. They refused to do it. Anyway, so I went home, and I came out of that house, and I said, I will never go back in that house again until we get to the bottom of it.
Karen Hurd [00:08:07]:
So I called every poison control. I mean, you got a mad mama, Okay. When you get a mom trying to protect her young, you’re you’re yeah. I waste on the trail. And so I finally got ahold of Poison Control Center in Dallas. They said, well, you could talk to doctor Sheldon Wagner out in Corvallis at the university there. He knows child talks, Holly. I told him the whole story.
Karen Hurd [00:08:25]:
He acid, it’s absolutely probably that your daughter was poisoned. Have you had the Carpet test, I acid, I wanna do that, but the lab said they have to recalibrate their instruments, and it’s 1,000 of dollars. My husband is a pastor of a church. We had no money. You know, I said he said, send it to me for free. Put on a dry ice because it breaks out at this rate. I sent it to him, his lab gut in Corvallis at the university. He tested it.
Karen Hurd [00:08:44]:
It was 100 Peptides the normal strength that it should have been. And he said, why hasn’t she been Hurd a cholinesterate level test? I said, because the doctors wouldn’t do give me your doctor’s name. Within 30 minutes, The doctor was calling you and saying, would you bring Ruth in for a colonnestrate level? Yes. Colonnestrate level’s pot. She’d been poisoned. It was a 100 times as strange as she should be. Actually, the Illinois EPA had to come out and take all of the carpet out and everything because it was so highly toxic. They had to haul it to a special waste Facility hazardous waste facility.
Karen Hurd [00:09:13]:
It was so bad. But now so high. I have a little girl. And so now they’re all aware of the problem. They’re testing her liver. She’s dying, and she was dying. It was apparent to me. It was apparent.
Karen Hurd [00:09:22]:
All of us were very sick. By this time, I miscarried this baby, and we were all very sick. My husband and my 2 other little older children but my 18 month old, she was not recovering, and they waste their liver enzymes inside or off the charts. They said she is going to die, And there’s nothing we can do. It’s just a few more weeks, missus Hurd. And I said, Body, somewhere Health me. And they all I took her to a specialist in Chicago. We conferred with specialists, of course, in Saint Louis.
Karen Hurd [00:09:47]:
We conferred on phone with specialists in Dallas, and they all said the same prognosis. She is not going to live. This is no way her liver can detoxify from this poison. There’s no way. And so I left Ruth. She’s just 18 months old with my Urban. And the other 2 kids, I said, I’m going to the Washington University Medical Library, and I’m going to read. Nobody has an answer, but I’m going to see if there’s any answer.
Karen Hurd [00:10:12]:
And so I read and I read about this thing called the anterohepatic recirculation And that we could pull toxins out if we had soluble fibre. So then I made a concoction of psyllium, basically, and bing, and then she wasn’t eating at that time. I mean, she was languishing. It Really, she was almost gone. And I would in shoot it with an oral syringe and make her swallow it. You know? And she began to recover. And she was covered with war she was covered with everything because every virus took a hold too. I mean, everything was shot.
Karen Hurd [00:10:41]:
I mean, she was it was really bad, and she began to recover. And in 6 weeks, she was completely well. And all the doctors I mean, they were like, what happened? How could this be? And then it was in the newspapers, and then people started calling me and saying, What did you do? You save your little girl? Save my you know, it’s like, I’m not a doctor. I’m not a nurse. You know? Hey. You know? I’m not anything. Waste tried to save my little girl. And she, by the way, is saved.
Karen Hurd [00:11:04]:
She’s 35 years old today, and she’s married and has 2 little children. And so Body saved Hurd, but it was through soluble fibre through these beans that people won’t eat because they’re afraid of gas, and they don’t understand. And so that’s how I got into it all. Yeah. Wow.
Nick Urban [00:11:22]:
Yeah. What a story. What is the bile? Why does Fiber matter in the human diet.
Karen Hurd [00:11:30]:
Fiber is absolutely essential. If we don’t have fiber, then you ex can expect to have a myriad of different health issues as you Continue through your life and even starting when you’re a child or even as a baby. I wanna there’s 2 different types of fiber, and so we have to understand there’s differences and fibre. The 2 main categories there are only 2 categories. They are insoluble fiber Mind soluble fiber. Soluble fiber actually comes from insoluble fiber as insoluble fiber is broken down by cooking, Bile, a plant weathering in the on the, you know, liver a pea on a a pea plant as it stays gut and is not harvested when it’s young and tender Urban it stays there all summer long and it’s harvested in the fall, then it’s lost some of its insoluble fibers converted to soluble fiber by The sun, the wind, the rain, time. And then, likewise, soluble fiber can be converted back into Insoluble fibre. So if you have a let’s take a mung bean, that’s a hard little dry bean, and you Soak it and you can sprout it, then that sprout has become insoluble fiber coming from the soluble fiber.
Karen Hurd [00:12:47]:
Fiber is a very complex matrix of polysaccharide. So if you look at the structure of it in a chemical sense that you’ll see it’s a Mind branched carbohydrate. Carbohydrates is carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. And so it’s it’s not just a straight chain. Like, when we look at a fat, we just have a straight chain of carbons. It’s a very branched Mind it looks like a a complicated tree shape. And so the more complicated that is, the better it is for the human body. Now let’s go back into the 2 types of fiber, insoluble Mind soluble fiber.
Karen Hurd [00:13:24]:
The one that is the most critical to our health is soluble fibre. Because soluble fiber has an incredible ability to bind with our digestive fluid bile. And now I’m gonna stop there at that because we have to understand what bile is and the incredible impact that it has upon our life. Bile is a fatty acid fluid that is produced in our liver. And our liver is just underneath the right rib cage, and it is one of the largest organs besides skin. We count skin as an organ that we have in the human body. The liver is responsible for pulling out of the blood. All your blood, everybody’s blood Goes through the liver at about a gallon a minute.
Karen Hurd [00:14:14]:
So, I mean, it’s it’s working all the bile, 247. And the liver is a filter Fat is pulling out of the bloodstream all fat soluble waste. Just fat soluble waste, not water soluble waste. Water soluble waste is the kidney’s job. To give you an idea of how important be able to pull the fat soluble waste out, Let’s look at the other filtration systems in the human body. We have the lymph tissue. The lymph tissue is constantly filtering Also, the bloodstream, and it pulls gut, antigens. Antigens are things that are foreign to the human body that could Create a reaction.
Karen Hurd [00:14:54]:
So it’s bacteria and virus. It also pulls out other things that are antigens that are dead, that don’t have that can’t reproduce, Perfumes, fragrances, allergens. So lymph system is definitely involved. But if you lose major parts of your lymph system, Say you had breast cancer Urban you had one of your breasts removed, they will oftentimes remove many of the lymph nodes underneath your arm. Or if you have been a football player and you got a damaged spleen, which is a fairly common occurrence, you know, you get It in your spleen as part of your lymphatic system. It can be gone. You will live because we have hundreds and hundreds of lymph Nodes and tissue throughout the human body. You might have some swelling where they remove some or but you’re gonna live.
Karen Hurd [00:15:41]:
It’s not a life threatening thing to have lost that filtering system of the lymph. Then you have the kidneys, which are filtering your water soluble waste. If your kidneys completely fail, they just stop. They’re not going to function at all anymore. They are no longer cleaning your bloodstream, And you don’t have dialysis to Health, will you die tomorrow? Nope. What about the next date? Nope. What about the next date? It will take you 2 weeks before the toxin water waste the water soluble waste toxins build up in your bloodstream to a point that it will kill you. So you got 2 weeks if your kidneys conk out.
Karen Hurd [00:16:19]:
However, fats Karen 3rd filtration system, and that’s the liver, filtering out fat soluble waste. If your liver fails you, you will be dead in 24 hours because that is how nasty and toxic the waste is that the liver is filtering out of your bloodstream. Your liver cannot fail. I mean, we’ve all heard stories about, you know, a person that, you know, got overdosed on drugs or overdosed on Alcohol or something happened, and and they’re dead in 24 hours. Let’s focus on the liver and its important role in clearing out the fat soluble waste. The blood flows through the liver. The liver pulls all of these toxins, and most of those toxins Peak need to understand, are your own Metabolic waste. It’s not a drug you took.
Karen Hurd [00:17:06]:
It’s not the alcohol you drink. It’s not the pollutants that you’re breathing in from the air. It’s not the BHT. Peak. It’s not the the the glycosides that they’re using in the fertilizer. All the things that we get all wrapped around the axle about, The vast majority the liver is pulling those things. Yes. But the vast majority of waste that is being pulled out of your bloodstream is your Own metabolic waste from just being liver.
Karen Hurd [00:17:33]:
Your own hormones that you produce, all of that is being pulled out the of the liver. And if you leave bean extra hormones that shouldn’t be there, you’re gonna have some major health problems. So the liver is vital. It pulls all of this stuff Out of the bloodstream. Okay. So now what are we gonna do with it? Okay. It has been removed from the bloodstream. Now it’s in the liver tissue.
Karen Hurd [00:17:53]:
What what does the liver do with it? I was like, oh, okay. Well, maybe we can send it on down to the kidneys because the kidneys, you urinate, and then you could pee it out. Right? Well, no. No. No. No. No. You gluten understand.
Karen Hurd [00:18:02]:
Fat soluble waste has nothing to do with water. In chemistry, we call it hydrophobic. Phobic means afraid of. We’re afraid of water. These molecules in chemistry will not Combined with anything waste, it’s just it’s impossible. So we’re not gonna be able to get rid of this waste through the kidney system. Okay. Well, what can we do? Well, maybe we could put it in the skin.
Karen Hurd [00:18:23]:
But to get it to the skin, you gotta dump it back into the bloodstream, which will poison the bloodstream again, and then it will come out through the skin somehow, You know? Or Peak out through your eyeballs or you know? No. None of that is going to work. It’s all it will not work at all. Chemically, the biological Makeup a human bean. It will not work. But there is one thing that could work. The liver has to get rid of Things that it clears from the bloodstream called Bilirubin, which is dead red blood cells. Our blood cells only live for a 120 days.
Karen Hurd [00:18:55]:
That’s right. That’s all they’re supposed to live. Then they have ex they have lived their they’ve done their job Mind they’re exhausted Mind they die off. Well, the liver is constantly clearing out bilirubin, the dead red blood Mind so they have to be placed and gotten rid of someplace also. Well, the liver is making this digestive fluid bile that it puts the bilirubin in, why couldn’t we also put in this fat soluble waste that we’re clearing out of the bloodstream? We Urban, and we do because bile is made out of a fat. Mind, see, fat soluble waste has to be put into a Fat carrier. That’s the only way chemically these things will be able to associate with one another. And so your fat soluble bile becomes a trash truck.
Karen Hurd [00:19:45]:
It is now getting rid of your bilirubin red blood cells, dead red blood cells, and all this trash. And in addition to that, Because when you’re talking about a fatty acid, bile is a fatty acid, it is of a pH That is lower. The lower the pH, the more acidic something is. And we want a pH of some type of digestive something coming down into your gut So that when you eat foods, that you can break them apart, digest them. You eat them, and then they’re digested. And so This bile has got a dual purpose. It’s the trash truck for the liver, which is keeping us from dying, and 2, it becomes a digestive enzyme. It’s helping you digest very specifically gut? Carbohydrates? No.
Karen Hurd [00:20:32]:
Think about fats. Fats Only like to deal with fats. Fats are very particular about whom they associate with, and that is only fats. So your bile fluids are your waste stream, but they’re also the digestive enzyme that’s breaking down every single fat that you eat. So when you eat a fat, you will have a release of bile. Where’s the bile released from? From the gallbladder. You’ll say, wait a minute. Gallbladder.
Karen Hurd [00:20:59]:
How does this come in? What type of organ is this? It’s actually just a little storage facility. Bladder is actually an old term that means storage. A bladder we have water bladders. We have a bladder that stores urine. We call it a bladder. It’s just a storage facility for some type of liquid. And so The liver producing the bile. It travels down what are called biliary ducts into the gallbladder where the gallbladder just stores it until you eat a meal.
Karen Hurd [00:21:29]:
And when you eat a meal that has fat in it, it will go through a peristaltic that means a smooth muscle contraction, and it will literally shoot. It’s like you can hear it. Remember you’re fat next to somebody, and it’s really quiet, and you hear ketosis, and they’re noise, and you’ll, oh, yeah. That’s it’s not a stomach growl. It’s just this little that’s bile being released. It’s literally shooting out of the gallbladder into the duodenum. The duodenum is the top part of your small intestine. So it’s right here under your sternum, and the bile is carrying the trash.
Karen Hurd [00:22:03]:
Now you also need to Nick, because some people don’t have a gallbladder, they’re gonna say, I don’t have a gallbladder. I don’t have that Storage facility more. You still Karen releasing bile into the duodenum. We have a common we have a couple different ducks, biliary reflux. And so we have a Nick That is dripping bile constantly into the duodenum 247, but you’re not getting all this sometimes bean get a quarter cup bile released at once. I mean, We’re shooting a large amount of liquid into the Hurd when when you eat fats. We are just getting a drip and spout this fast. Drip.
Karen Hurd [00:22:38]:
Drip. Drip. It’s very slow. So the amount of bile that you’re putting in the duodenum is nothing compared to the bile that you’re getting when you eat a meal, when you get this. And it depends on the person how much fat you waste, but you could easily get a quarter cup bile released. That’s a that’s a whole lot more than the slow drip, but it’s a steady drip from the other biliary ducts. So Our bile is making it into the guava. Okay.
Karen Hurd [00:23:05]:
Yay. We made it. It’s out of the bloodstream. All this nasty toxin waste Gone from the bloodstream. Now it has entered into the liver. The liver put in the bile. The bile is now either in the gallbladder or it is in the duodenum. Hooray.
Karen Hurd [00:23:19]:
Gone. Out of danger. Okay. So now what happens to it? Well, this is a fat soluble substance. Bile is a fat, and so it’s going to travel through the Duodenum, where all of our proteins are absorbed. That we have little villi that stick out from the The wall, the the it’s called the lumen. The lumen is the opening of our gastrointestinal tract of that colon, And there’s these little hair like projections which are villi that that are sort of waving out in that open space, and then they Catch a Hurd of the particles as they go by. In the duodenum, they’re grabbing proteins, and your proteins are being digested.
Karen Hurd [00:23:59]:
And Your carbohydrates, some of those are being digested too, but most of those were digested in your stomach, which is 1 step before you get to the duodenum. K. So we’re not absorbing fats. We don’t absorb fats in the stomach. We do not absorb fats in the duodenum. So all your bile is just Trekking through this in this waste, turning. Your small intestine does this little little hairpin turns back and forth. And so it’s twisting and turning and going through the entire duodenum, and it reaches the jeuginum, which is the second part of your small colon or small intestine.
Karen Hurd [00:24:31]:
Geugeneum, do we absorb fats there? No. Nope. We don’t absorb fats there either. We’re absorbing the rest of the proteins in the geugeneum. But then we reach the ileum, And the ileum is the last part of the small intestine. Well, at the right side, right where the terminal part of the ileum is, the last part of the small colon, which is called the ileum, It’s connected to the large colon by a valve that opens and closes. It’s called the ileocecal valve. In the small colon, It is in the ileum that our fats are absorbed, and very specifically at the terminal part of the ileum We’re absorbing.
Karen Hurd [00:25:08]:
That’s where all those little villi are reaching out and say, oh, I I am targeted to absorb fats now because it’s it takes a certain type of. These are all chemical reactions, and you have to have certain pull from electrons. I mean, it gets very complicated in what is attracted. But at that point, in the terminal parvialium, we’re going to absorb all of these fats. So all the butter you ate, any of the good bile that you ate, Olive bile, you know, whatever is a fat, that is where it’s going to be coming through the intestinal tract and entering the bloodstream. So here’s the question for the day. If bile is made out of a fat, which we already have identified that it is, and we absorb fats, The ones that you’re eating Mind then the bile is breaking down and helping digest. If we absorb fats from the terminal Part of the ileum, do we also absorb our own bile that’s carrying all that nasty trash? Yes.
Karen Hurd [00:26:00]:
We do. And it used To be believed that Hurd absorb 90 to 95% of that bile. However, in recent years, we have confirmed that it is not 90 to 95%. It is a full 95%. 95% of your toxic bile that’s carrying all this stuff that’ll kill you in 24 hours flat If you don’t get it out of the bloodstream, has just been dumped back into the bloodstream. Oh, no. And it goes right back through a portal vein to the liver, and the liver goes, oh my goodness. What are you doing back Cure bile.
Karen Hurd [00:26:34]:
Now you have to understand that when it’s being absorbed, this being gut coming in Mind it’s backed down into all its little hormone shapes, All the little drug shapes you know, I say shapes because all of these molecules have a very particular shape. Okay. So all of these individual things are going back in, and they’re loose. They’re on the loose again. They were all gathered up and placed in the bile for excretion, and all they got Dumped it back into the blood, 95% of them. They’re recycled. Into the bloodstream, they go. They hit the liver because, remember, the liver is filtering a gallon of blood a minute, and you only have so many gallons in you.
Karen Hurd [00:27:11]:
Okay? So We’re talking in a very short bile. Mind a very few minutes, all your blood has been filtered through the liver. The liver’s going, gut are you doing back here? All this trash, All this stuff that I filtered gut, I have to filter out a Mind bile, and it filters it all out a 2nd time. But bear in mind That while this bile was down in your gastrointestinal tract, and it can be down there. It depends. You recycle your bile. So your bile’s recycling anywhere average 21 to 70 times a day you’re recycling your bile. So while your bile is fooling around down here Biohacking lazy through that little squiggly small intestine just, you know, going along its path before it gets reabsorbed, what was your liver doing in that time? Taking a rest break? No.
Karen Hurd [00:27:58]:
It was continuing to filter your bloodstream. It filters your bloodstream 247. So now it’s got the old bile That’s coming Nick. And I’m just calling it bile, but remember it’s coming back Mind all the little constituent parts that made up all the toxic waste. And so it’s got The old bile coming Nick, and bile itself is made out of triglycerides, which is a fat. And so the old bile comes back with all its trash, 95% of it, Plus now it’s got new trash. So what does it do? Okay. Pack it down, shake it together, make more room.
Karen Hurd [00:28:30]:
We’re gonna put more trash into the bile that already has 95% recycled trash. So now we have more concentrated bile. More concentrated with what? With more fat? No. The fats can carry a lot. It’s more concentrated with this toxic waste. So that gets dumped back down fat the gallbladder or it’s dripping, drip, drip, drip down into the bottom, and around she goes again for a second time. So we’re talking 21 to 70 something times a day it’s recycling. And every time it comes through the liver, it’s picking up more garbage.
Karen Hurd [00:29:05]:
And when you pick up more garbage, you have to understand because these things are fat soluble, you were changing the pH because the pH is the negative log of hydrogen ion concentration. Well, that’s a whole bunch of chemical garbly goop. What does that mean? It is the hydrogen ions that tell you what the acidity of the bile is. The more hydrogen ions that you have in a substance, That is the lower the pH, which the lower the pH means it’s more acidic. So then you have even more acidic bile besides all of its toxic The components getting dumped into your tender little until a point that it recycles so much. It’s an acid burn, And it backwashes through the pyloric sphincter into the stomach, comes all the way up up to the esophagus, and then we call that acid reflux. And we blame it on hydrochloric acid. It has nothing to do with the hydrochloric acid.
Karen Hurd [00:29:57]:
That is made by these cells that will only produce enough hydrochloric acid for the moment to digest things in the in the stomach. Anyway, so we we get the blame all misplaced, but we are we have acidic bile because we’ve been recycling it over and over and over again. Then this acidic bile causes problems. It begins to cause problems in the gallbladder because it causes the gallbladder. Because this is so acidic, it causes inflammation on the interior wall of the gallbladder. This is a problem. You have inflammation. Oh, and I didn’t tell you.
Karen Hurd [00:30:23]:
This is a really neat piece of chemistry that everybody has to understand. The more Hydrogen ions that you add to a substance you actually change the physical state. We have physical states. We have Gas. So it’s we have liquid. We have solid. And the more hydrogens that you put into something, you turn it into a solid. So now we have bile that’s coming down that is so thick that it starts to be a sludge, And it’s hard to push through the biliary ducts, and so you have to work really hard through the peristalsis to get it to come out when you eat something, Which creates pain, even worse pain.
Karen Hurd [00:31:01]:
What if this bile gets so solid? Because remember, as you lower the pH, the more hydrogen particles you have, you’re gonna turn this liquid into a solid. It rolls into little stones. What if these stones are big enough that they block the biliary duct altogether? Oh, you wanna talk about pain. I know that you’re male. You’ve never had a fee a child, but I’m a female and have children. A gallbladder attack is more painful than having a child. It is painful. You will go to the ER.
Karen Hurd [00:31:28]:
You’ll say, do anything. Knock me out. Stop the pain because you have a stone that has blocked the duct. So you have this this smooth Nick, which is a smooth muscle trying to push the bile into the to the duodenum, but it can’t push. It’s blocked by a stone, and so it backs up. It creates a tremendous pain. It goes all the way and wraps around your back. I mean, it’s a horrific experience.
Karen Hurd [00:31:54]:
So we have bile turning into solids, making sludge, inflaming the inside of the gallbladder, then it hits when the bile, Well, you know, okay. Well, let’s assume you don’t get the stones. You just get the acidic bile duodenum. And now it’s coming back up because I always backwash this because the way the sphincter closes, and we have a closed system. If you look at a p trap and plumbing I mean, this is just simple plumbing. When you open it and you close it, then you have a backwash, you force things back up to the throat. We call throat esophagus, and then you have all this problem. And then you have Barrett’s esophagus, and the esophagus is all inflamed and Well, when and if you can’t swallow Health, well, that’s because you got burning bile that is in constant contact with if I had bile burning my hands out, they would come inflamed and hurt.
Karen Hurd [00:32:33]:
I’m not able to use them very well. I mean, it’s just common sense, but we just have to understand the whole cycle and what’s happening with the chemistry of it all. Okay. So now it hits the duodenum, and now it’s causing inflammation in the duodenum. Mind now it goes down further and further. And the five Percent that does go into the large colon because, remember, we’re recycling 95. Well, what happened to the 5% of this burning bile? It’s now in your large Colon. As it goes through the colon, it causes it to be inflamed and have sores.
Karen Hurd [00:32:59]:
Now we have Crohn’s disease, and now we have, ulcerative colitis. Crohn’s disease, small tout, colon. And now we have The ulcerative colitis, and now we have proctitis, the Optimization, the that’s the right there at the Mind, right where it connects to the anal column and goes out the rectum. Now we have, Health, yes. You have burning bile. Waste let’s not have the burning bile. Okay? So How do we get rid of it? 95% is being absorbed because it’s a fat. We have to find a substance That has 2 qualities.
Karen Hurd [00:33:33]:
2 qualities. 1, it has to be able to bind with fat So the fat cannot come unbound. So we’re talking about we’re talking about a bonding in chemistry, which gets really complicated. Okay? And then 2, It cannot be absorbed at the ileum or any other place. It has to be excreted into the toilet in the form of a bowel movement. Nick, there is only 1 food that we only one thing that we can eat that has both those qualities, And that is soluble fiber. Remember, we started this discussion talking about insoluble fiber and soluble fiber. Insoluble fiber, that’s the wheat.
Karen Hurd [00:34:13]:
That’s the the the the husky stuff, you know, on the wheat bran. We call it wheat bran. Or, you know, it’s it’s the peel on a a corn kernel. You know, it’s the stuff that you chew up, and it comes out the same way you swallowed it. You know, it’s if you eat a carrot and you didn’t chew it up the little bile, so you’re looking at insoluble Fiber that’s coming through in the toilet. Insoluble fiber cannot do this. Only soluble fiber can do this. And so the soluble fiber Is found where? Because we need the soluble fiber.
Karen Hurd [00:34:43]:
Before I tell you where it’s found, I’m gonna tell you how it works. So soluble fibre is consumed. You eat it. You swallow it. It goes down your esophage esophagus. It moves into the stomach. The stomach then, there’s a pyloric sphincter between the stomach and the duodenum, and it enters into duodenum, and guess what it meets? It meets the bile, This fat that’s carrying all this toxic waste, and the soluble fiber looks across a crowded duodenum Fat the bile, and they rush into each other’s arms. There is a physical chemical nutrition.
Karen Hurd [00:35:18]:
It has to do with electron charges Mind valence electrons, bronze. And they rush into each other’s arms, and they bind. And they do not come unbound. They are forever captured together. And it has to do with the polysaccharide very complex structure that I mentioned at the very beginning of this fat It it captures it in a net that it can’t get uncaptured. And so now they are married. The bile is married to the soluble fiber. There is no such word as divorce, and the soluble fiber in the bile, This married couple travels through the small colon, through those zigzags, and they make it down to the terminal part of the ilium.
Karen Hurd [00:36:00]:
And when they reach there, The bile, the fatty acid says to its marriage partner, I have got to be absorbed now, and I’m going to go back into the bloodstream because I’m a fat, and fatty acids absorb here. And the soluble fiber says, honey, honey, wait just a minute. I forgot to tell you something. Before we got married up there in the duodenum, I can’t cross the intestinal Urban, and we’re married. And there is no such word as divorce, and so I’m going into the large colon and in Gut into the toilet in the form of a bowel movement, and, baby, you’re coming with me. And that’s exactly what happens. That’s exactly how we carry the bile out.
Nick Urban [00:36:45]:
So, Karen, I’m curious. You said that only the soluble fiber or, in this case, Legumes are able to do that and actually bind to the the waste to help us eliminate it. What about something Liver, the binders such as activated charcoal or chlorella or even, like, the more strong, like, pharmaceutical binders.
Karen Hurd [00:37:06]:
They can still be separated out. They’re not as efficient as your soluble fiber, which is found in legumes. And so I should say right now that legumes so people know what legumes are. They’re your beans liver pinto beans, navy beans, Red beans, kidney beans, lentils, black eyed Peak. They are not peanuts because a lot of people are concerned that peanuts are are biologically classified as the legume. It’s because of the way they grow. They’re little short bushy things, and so they’re it’s going by fats As you will, it’s foliage and the type of growth. It’s it’s got oil in it.
Karen Hurd [00:37:43]:
Your legumes don’t have oil in it. You’re not gonna find any oil in And black eyed peas or black beans or kidney beans. There’s no oil. And so in any of the gut, a peanut is Truly a type of nut. It’s a ground nut instead of growing on a tree like an almond. So these legumes are absolutely Critical that we should be eating them 3 times a day so that we can stop stop this recycling a bio. If you think about it, if you’re one of the 21 or maybe you’re, you know, in the Thirties, forties, fifties, sixties, depends on your motility, how fast things are moving through your gut. But you can do this up to 70 times a day, And you’re only eating beans 3 times a day.
Karen Hurd [00:38:22]:
You’re only throwing away bile 3 times. So and you’re but you’re throwing away with your meals where you’re having the greatest Release of bile. Because remember, in between your meals, you have that slow drip that’s coming from the liver. It’s not nearly as much as what you’re releasing when you’re eating a meal. You gut A large amount of bile that is released at that time. So 3 times a day is for a healthy person is what everybody should be doing. However, if you have some problems that have been caused by these toxins, and remember, I’m calling them all toxins, but some of them are your own endogenous hormones, Your own testosterone, your own estrogen, your own progesterone, your own adrenaline, which is epinephrine and norepinephrine. All your growth hormones.
Karen Hurd [00:39:04]:
It’s every hormone that you make. All of those are cleared by the liver and being recycled. And for those who don’t understand about hormones, Our body will make as many hormones that are necessary. That is a very tightly controlled this works with the pituitary gland, and there has to be stimulating hormones to be able to produce the hormones. That’s another subject for another day, but ketosis really cool subject. But you have to be excreting a certain amount of hormones because if you don’t, You bile have too much estrogen in your bloodstream. What happens if you have too much estrogen? Well, in a male, you’re gonna have prostate problems, period. You’re gonna have an enlarged prostate.
Karen Hurd [00:39:38]:
That’s what that excess estrogen is gonna do to you. What happens in a female? You’re gonna have premenstrual problems. You’re gonna have cysts, ovarian cysts. You’re gonna have all kinds of fibroids. You’re gonna have fibrocystic breast disease. You can end up with breast cancer. With breast cancer or cancers of the the female anatomy, They’re always testing it to see if it’s, you know, receptive to certain hormones. The vast majority are, estrogen.
Karen Hurd [00:40:01]:
They’re these hormone receptive cancers. Well, why do you have so many hormones? It’s because you’re recycling them constantly. People think, well, hormones are all broken down. They are not. I the liver is able to break a hormone down, but it rarely does because there’s no need to get to those constituent parts that make up hormone. Hormones have Alright. We have fatty acids in them, and so those fatty acids are long carbon chains with hydrogens attached. We we very rarely need those because we have enough fat in our diet.
Karen Hurd [00:40:30]:
And so your recycling hormones, they don’t get broken down. People think, oh, if you use a hormone to stimulate a chemical reaction, because that’s what hormones do. They’re actually attaching on to a molecule, to a cell, and it triggers the cell into some sort of action, usually into a growth. And so and and when we trigger those, you think, well, then you used up the hormone. It got used up in the triggering. No. Not at all. Hormones are don’t do not function chemically like that.
Karen Hurd [00:40:57]:
They go from a relaxed state into a waste state. And They will be they will trigger the reaction, then they release from the receptor site where they’re triggering, and they go to another receptor site and trigger that reaction. It’s they can go and trigger Tens of thousands of reactions, and they’re never used up. And they’re clear out of the bloodstream, and they are in their complete Full molecular form, and they can go down as the gut. And bile the way, you have receptor sites in the gut that they can nutrition. And so you’ll have receptor sites in the gut that are sending all kinds of so you feel nauseous and sick at your stomach and all kinds of you know, we call them vagus nerve reactions Mind on and on and on. These are hormones that are triggering that reaction because they are still active Mind they’re still potent. And when you have large amounts these hormones that are coming through your gut and going back in the bloodstream, you are going to have problems.
Karen Hurd [00:41:46]:
You’ll have problems with anxiety. What’s anxiety? It’s an overproduction of Norepinephrine and Epinephrine. Those are 2 hormones made by the adrenal glands that that enable you to think quickly, To deal with situations, but if you have too much of it, everything’s gonna bother you. It’s too much noise in the room. I feel like I’m going nuts. There’s too much stimulus. You know? That’s too much epinephrine and norepinephrine. That’s a panic attack.
Karen Hurd [00:42:08]:
Health, you’re recycling all these hormones over and over, and then you eat things to stimulate the Production of those very hormones. You eat a bunch of sweets. You heard me say at the beginning. I don’t eat sweets at all. Why? Because sweets increase your adrenaline production. Well, I’m already an on the go, very passionate person that is already moving. I naturally produce a lot of adrenaline. Adrenaline is norepinephrine and epinephrine, And so I produce a lot of that.
Karen Hurd [00:42:33]:
I am not going to eat things or drink coffee, which also increases the production of epinephrine, norepinephrine, the adrenal hormones, Until I’m bouncing off the walls. Is that ridiculous? No. I make plenty of hormone for exactly what I need at the moment, and I can remain calm when I need to be calm. And I don’t have panic attacks or any of the rest of it. Then the this is so connected. The legumes in your diet are absolutely essential. And if you’re not eating them, you should not be wondering why you’re having the reactions that you have, and you blame it on all kinds of other stuff because you don’t know. Nick because you’re not stupid.
Karen Hurd [00:43:06]:
It’s just no one’s ever taught you this before. Everyone needs to hear this information so that they can begin to include legumes as part of your diet.
Nick Urban [00:43:15]:
Can you break down the different types of soluble fiber?
Karen Hurd [00:43:18]:
There are 5 different types of soluble fiber, and some of them are more effective than other ones. It’s like we have pectins. Pectins are fairly good. We have mucilages. We have hemicellulose cellulose, And we have some of the nucholages. And all of these together, whether they’re hemi or they’re they’re not, they are making up the 5 types soluble fiber. Some are more effective than others. There are only there’s only 1 type of supplement because we see, Oh, let’s just name some of the supplements that are out there.
Karen Hurd [00:43:52]:
Dextrin is one of them, and people will go buy dextrin, but it is a very weak soluble fiber with very little binding capacity. The one that has all 5 and the most effective are your beans. If you wanna do something to substitute in case You don’t have beans or you’re traveling and you can’t you don’t carry cans of, you know, pinto beans with you or whatever. You can take psyllium. Cylium is the is the husk to the plantago seed. And so it is It has got comparable of those 5 soluble fibers as as a bean does. And so if you’re going to have to take a supplement, Psyllium is the only one we’ll do. You can’t do the dextrin or, you know, I mean, you can just bring up examples.
Karen Hurd [00:44:36]:
I have people write me all the time saying, will this work? No. It has to be psyllium or it has to be beans because, otherwise, you’re not gonna get much effect. Their dextrins don’t work. It’s wheat dextrin is one of the most common Peak will use or they will just use apple pectin. Well, apple pectin, it’s nice. Pectin is a soluble fiber, but it is only one of the 5 that we really need to be effective, and it’s not very strong on its own.
Nick Urban [00:44:59]:
So that’s obviously one of the big reasons to consume Legumes and soluble fiber in general. What about other things that they do for the body such as, like, the fibers Increasing the production of post, postbiotics liver butyrate and that Mind of thing?
Karen Hurd [00:45:16]:
We have prebiotics and probiotics. Those are the Hurd good gut flora. And so the legume, when you eat that, is a carbohydrate, And it’s the carbohydrates that are providing the fuel for these are live bacteria, I say, fuel. It’s a it’s a source of food for them. They have to have something to fat, and so the carbohydrate in the bean is also is feeding those good bacteria. So it’s a prebiotic Nick what it’s called. A fiber is classified as a carbohydrate. Well, a carbohydrate is gonna give you 4 calories per gram, But if fiber gives you 0 calories per gram, insoluble Mind soluble liver you 0.
Karen Hurd [00:46:01]:
Fiber has zero calories in it, but it’s classified as a carbohydrate. So when you’re reading the liver, it’s gut bile is gonna say, oh, look here. It’s got this many carbohydrates, and I’m a diabetic, and I can only have so many bile Take the number of grams of fiber And subtract, and then you have to multiply that by 4 because there’s 4 calories per 1 gram of carbohydrate. And then you say, well, now subtract that many calories from there because the the soluble fiber and the insoluble fiber liver you 0 calories, But you can’t get that from a label. It’s all just rolled in there. And they say, look. We have this many grams, and you take that many grams because you bean just look at it and do the math yourself. They’ll say it has 20 grams of carbohydrate, and they multiply that by 4, and they say, see, you have 80 calories.
Karen Hurd [00:46:48]:
It’s 4 calories per gram. So you Hurd 80 calories. It’s like, well, no. Because 10 of those grams were fiber. So what’s 10 times 4 or 40? We’ll take Eighty and subtract 4. You really only have 40 calories there. So diabetics Karen okay. You know? So but nobody knows that because unless you were you study this Like like you do or like I do.
Karen Hurd [00:47:08]:
And so then she’s like, no. Mind so they should have a separate category. You know, they have protein. You know, you’ve seen the heaviness. They have protein. They have fats. They have carbohydrates. And then the fiber is a little indention.
Karen Hurd [00:47:21]:
It’s a sub to the carbohydrates. So it’s like, No. No. No. No. You just need a whole separate category. We’re bringing that all the way to the left side of the margin here and giving it a whole category, fiber, because fiber carries nothing. It doesn’t carry any nutrients.
Karen Hurd [00:47:34]:
It doesn’t carry any fats. It doesn’t carry any proteins. It doesn’t carry anything. So I have people call me all the time And email me all the time. I’ve seen undigested food in my stool. This is terrible. I’m not digesting my blood, and it’s like You’re seeing insoluble fiber and fiber because it goes out the same way it you swallowed it. If you don’t chew up that carrot stick in your mouth Or all those peas or all those bean skins, because beans that skin on a bean, that’s insoluble fiber.
Karen Hurd [00:48:06]:
If you don’t masticate it, that means chew it up to its ground to a pulp. When it comes through, you’re gonna see the little bean skin float, and you’re gonna see the little pieces Carrots because you didn’t chew it up. And and you say, oh, I have to do a better job chewing. Well, sure. You bean, but it doesn’t matter. All it’s doing is providing bulk to your stool. It’s not a problem.
Nick Urban [00:48:24]:
What are other great sources of fiber soluble and insoluble that people should consider adding to their diet? I mean, obviously, legumes and beans are a huge one.
Karen Hurd [00:48:36]:
If you eat a half a cup of beans, you Karen going to get 5 grams of soluble fiber. Let’s bile it a cup because then we can compare it and make it reasonable to other things. So if you eat a cup of cooked, okay, cooked lentils, cooked black beans, the kidney beans, you’re eating. You’re gonna get 10 grams of soluble fiber. And I’m I’m this is a generality that you’re getting 10 grams because you need to understand the longer that bean was on the vine or the more wind or the more sun that it was exposed to, it’s gonna have more soluble fiber. So if it’s on the north side of the hill, It’s gonna have more soluble fiber than necessarily being on the waste side of the hill. You know? It just all depends. And so, you know, they’ll say, well, this one says that it has this many grams in it.
Karen Hurd [00:49:19]:
Well, you can go to. I have done this. I’ve done all this research. I’ve gone to a 100 different sources, and they all vary by slight amounts. Well, it depends because when you test it, It’s like, well, what crop was fat? And was it a good growing season, or was it a horrible growing season? And how much sun did it get in wind and rain? And, you know, It all changes because remember, the soluble fibre coming from the breaking down a chemical breakdown of insoluble fiber. Okay. So a cup of cooked beans, you’re gonna get bean grams of soluble fiber. The next closest source that we have in nature that has a large amount of soluble fiber is oatmeal.
Karen Hurd [00:49:55]:
Mind a cup of oatmeal, you’re gonna get 2 and a half grams of cooked a cooked oatmeal, you’re getting 2 and a half grams. Compare that to 10. It’s like, oh, 4 it’s only a 4th of what you’re gonna get in in eating your beans. Then if you go after that and say, well, you know, I know vegetables are great for me. You know? I’m gonna eat my carrots. I’m gonna eat my broccoli. I’m gonna eat, you know, my asparagus or whatever vegetable you’re eating. A cup of cooked vegetables has only 1 half of 1 gram of soluble fiber.
Karen Hurd [00:50:29]:
The rest of it’s insoluble fiber, which is great for adding bulk to your stool. It’ll absorb a bunch of water too, and, you know, it’s all that’s all fine and dandy, and it comes with all kinds of nutrients that not in the bile inside the fiber that’s separate in the rest of the Vegetable. Every person should be getting 5 grams of soluble fiber every meal eat 3 meals a day. That’s 15 grams of soluble fiber a day. So let’s do some math. If you’re gonna eat 15 grams of soluble fiber and you’re getting 1 half of 1 gram and a cup of vegetables, How many cups of vegetables do you have to eat to get to 15? Hurd. Okay. Let’s go to the oatmeal.
Karen Hurd [00:51:05]:
We’re getting 2 and a half grams in 1 cup. Well, we need 15 for the day. But if you did beans, it’s a half a cup each meal. Can a person eat a half a cup of cooked not not, you know, the dry cooked completely done? A half a cup at breakfast, a half a cup at lunch, a half cup at dinner, you can do that. I can do that. Anybody can do that. We can easily do that. That’s What we have to do.
Karen Hurd [00:51:30]:
So there’s unless you’re gonna take psyllium, like I said, if you’re on the road, then you would to get a half cup, 2 level teaspoons. To level, not bean, teaspoons of psyllium will give you the same amount of fiber, but then you don’t get any of the prebiotic. You don’t get any the carbohydrate calories. So true carbohydrate calories. And you don’t get the any of the minerals. I mean, you’re talking about calcium. You’re talking about potassium. You’re talking about they’re they’re liver gold with coming with nutrients.
Nick Urban [00:51:55]:
Yeah. Do you have a favorite of the legumes, like, say, black beans or pinto or lentils or anything in particular?
Karen Hurd [00:52:03]:
I love them all, and I love them all. It doesn’t matter what they are. I eat, and I eat all of them. And then and hummus works 2, by the way, you can do you know, because that’s that’s just ground fat beans. Refried beans, that works too. You know? They’re all does so what if they’re more cooked and more Mashed up. Remember that the more cooked something is, the more processed when you’re talking soluble fiber, the more soluble fiber it adds Because you’re breaking down that insoluble fiber into soluble fibre. So this is the one time the more you cook it, beat it up, you know, process it, The more soluble fiber you get.
Nick Urban [00:52:42]:
And I have a feeling that people listening to this may avoid beans For several reasons. I mean, the classic is that the age old adage of beans causing bloating Mind gas, and then also, What’s the impact on people who are in ketosis or trying to burn their own stored body fat?
Karen Hurd [00:53:00]:
It is not The bean that is creating the gas, it’s your hormones that create gas. You have to understand there’s Two ways to digest food in the gastrointestinal tract. The first is through digestive enzymes, and that is the preferred method, and that is what the body will always default too. We we make a large amount of digestive enzymes mostly made in the pancreas, although some are made in the stomach also. But those digestive enzymes break down the food so they can cross a little hair like projection of the villi and enter the bloodstream. There is another process of the digest of digestion. And so the digestive enzymes are Actually, with the catalyst to cause a breaking down of these molecules so they come to pieces. There is another way that we can make these molecules come to pieces, and that is through fermentation.
Karen Hurd [00:53:46]:
We’re all familiar with fermentation. You make you take cabbage Mind you ferment it to get sauerkraut. You take grapes, you ferment them, you get wine. You know, you can see fermentation happening all around as things get fermented. However, to trigger the fermentation pathways, a chemical pathway, Okay. These are chemical pathways. You have to have something that is going to trigger that receptor site to cause fermentation to happen. And the only thing that will trigger that receptor site is a hormone.
Karen Hurd [00:54:16]:
Hormones do the triggering of the receptor sites. And so if your bile is full of these hormonal waste products gut their fully fully alive Mind functional hormones, they’re coming down into your gut, And they are triggering the fermentation process, and then whatever is in your gut will be fermented. And fermentation always creates gas. We know this. If you’ve ever fermented cabbage, you take that lid off that crock, You can smell. I bean, you know, or you can smell a winery. You know, if you could you can smell a winery within 5 miles because they’re fermenting these grapes. Like, I smell that.
Karen Hurd [00:54:54]:
I smell that. Yes. Because they’re the fermentation causes a release of gas. And so a bean Has something that can be fermented, because everything can be fermented, and carbohydrates are the most easily fermented thing. That’s why we use hops. It’s a grain To make beer. Health, guess what a bean is? It’s a carbohydrate. It’s not just it’s not just the fiber.
Karen Hurd [00:55:16]:
A bean has Actual carbohydrates in it too that we count with the 4 calories per gram. And so you’re gonna ferment the bean, but I will tell you, you will ferment Whatever you’re eating that’s a carbohydrate anyway. You will ferment whatever it is if you’ve kicked in that fermentation cycle, which is this recycling bile. I just have to tell you a quick story about a client. He called from Acid, and he said, Karen, I have a really bad gas problem. It is so bad Mind it’s so painful that I can’t even go to work. And if I’m at work, I clear the room, You know, because I cannot eat beans because beans cause gas. And I acid, I need to ask you a question.
Karen Hurd [00:55:50]:
He said, what’s the question? How many beans are you currently eating now? None. Because they cause gas. I said, okay. So now help me go through the logic here. You have a horrible gas problem. Yes. I do. That’s why I’m calling you.
Karen Hurd [00:56:04]:
And you’re gonna tell me to eat beans. And I said, but you’re not eating beans now, But you have a horrible gas problem. So what’s causing your gas if you’re not eating beans? And he went, never thought of that. I said it’s the hormones in your bile, and the reason you’re recycling your hormones is because you don’t eat beans. You start eating beans, and there bile just be a matter of time, and you’ll have no more gas at all.
Nick Urban [00:56:26]:
I’m guessing you told him to start eating beans very slowly and gradually,
Karen Hurd [00:56:30]:
and produce the carburetor. Slowly Mind then to work up. By the way, he called back in a few weeks. He had no more gas. He’s eating beans half a cup 3 times a day.
Nick Urban [00:56:37]:
So if someone has these exact issues, then your recommendation would be to start really small. Like, I don’t even know. A quarter cup
Karen Hurd [00:56:44]:
Let’s start with a tablespoon. Tablespoon at once for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You say, that didn’t bother me. Fine. Go to 2 tablespoons. Go to 3. And there are times we need to understand too that we’re going to be producing large amounts of hormones Mind that even if you’ve been doing your beans Mind you say, I’ve been doing beans for years Mind I haven’t had Gas. Now all of a sudden, I have gas, and I’m doing the same amount of beans.
Karen Hurd [00:57:04]:
It’s because you’re under stress. I don’t know what happened in your life. You lost your job. You’re going through a divorce. You don’t have any money to pay your bills. I mean, something is really stressful in your life, and you’re making huge amounts of hormones to deal with the stress. With women, usually, once a month this is happening because they’re making large amounts of hormones as they up on a menstrual cycle, and it’s like, always when I come on my menstrual cycle, I have so much more gas. Yes.
Karen Hurd [00:57:24]:
Because you have that many more hormones that you’re producing, and you have to excrete those hormones, and you’re not getting rid of them as much. So you’d have to eat the beans more frequently. And for some people, if they say, I just can’t do it, well, then do the psyllium. There are no carbohydrates in psyllium. It’s all fiber. I know they’re classified as carbohydrate, but they have no calories. You cannot get any any sugar out of them. Any that’s gut carbohydrate.
Karen Hurd [00:57:46]:
Nick to a blood glucose Urban. And so Bean eating beans save your life? You can have psyllium. They will not cause gas. You say, well, I still have gas even if I did psyllium. It’s because you also ate a piece of bread with it. You’re gonna ferment the bread. It’s the hormones that cause fermentation, and the body would love to go back to the default state and just use digestive enzymes. But if you’ve got all those hormones here, believe me, it’s gonna kick into play, the Fermentation pathway.
Karen Hurd [00:58:07]:
I do not recommend a ketogenic diet for anyone because you do not have adequate carbohydrates in the bloodstream To be you have to have carbohydrates. They are a very essential fuel the mitochondria have to bean, and especially in your bean, Because the brain has to make neurotransmitters for you to send signals back and forth, and you’re gonna force this into burning fat as a fuel, Which the body is very loathed to do, and there’s all kinds of of downsides to this. And let me tell you the biggest downside right now Is that when you don’t have enough carbohydrates in the bloodstream, then your body is going to say, we’re gonna die because you will die. You will eventually die. And And so it’s gonna say, we’re gonna have to come up with a source of carbohydrates. Well, you can’t come up with a source from fats because a ketogenic diet is high in fat. A carbohydrate is made out of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Fats are made out of carbons and hydrogens.
Karen Hurd [00:59:01]:
They do have a carboxyl head which has 1 one atom of oxygen. It is not even suspicion for some of these Karen 20 carbons long. We’re not we we can’t even make it happen. You will not be able to turn a fat into a carbohydrate. However, we can turn a protein into a carbohydrate. And when you’re in a ketogenic diet, you will go into Ketosis. That’s where they get the name ketogenic. You will go into ketosis.
Karen Hurd [00:59:26]:
What is ketosis? That is when you waste taking a protein molecule And you convert it into the carbohydrate. You convert it into that blood sugar, and you have to do this, otherwise, you will die. And so, you need to understand a protein molecule is made out of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and a nitrogen. That’s the only difference between a carbohydrate and a protein molecule is that nitrogen. If we bean just strip off that nitrogen off that molecule and get rid of it, We can. Guess where it’s done? In the liver. Oh, boy. Your liver already dealing with toxic waste out the kazoo, so the liver now has got a new job.
Karen Hurd [01:00:03]:
You don’t have enough carbohydrates. And whether you say, oh, I’m sure my liver’s not doing that. I’m on a ketogenic diet. When I’m eating enough fat, my liver’s not doing that. You are burying your head in the sand. Your liver is doing this. You are in ketosis. You are going through the deamination process.
Karen Hurd [01:00:17]:
The liver can take a protein molecule. So this is your muscle acid, And muscle is heavy, by the way. A lot of people say, look at all I’m losing. Do you understand what you’re losing? Do you understand what you’re losing muscle? And it will begin to work on your muscle, And it’ll take it from your maximus gluten, which is one of your biggest muscles. It will pull from every muscle in your body. The liver will start taking protein legumes, and it will Strip off the nitrogen atom. It’s called deamination. Amine is the the Latin for nitrogen, And so all proteins have a nitrogen.
Karen Hurd [01:00:48]:
It will strip off the nitrogen, and then what do you have left? You have a CHO molecule, which is a carbohydrate. It’s a sugar. Hooray. Saved the day. We can think. We can function because you if you don’t have carbohydrates, if you don’t have that blood sugar, you are gonna die. So we’ve saved the day okay. So that’s fine.
Karen Hurd [01:01:05]:
You got your sugar. You say, oh, blood. But you have to look at what happened. What where did that nitrogen go? There’s a you got you got a free Floating nitrogen atom hanging around. I am telling you, they do not just state pure little nitrogen atom. They are going to immediately because of the valence electrons in a nitrogen atom, you’re gonna immediately have hydrogens attached to it. Hydrogens are prolific Throughout the entire bloodstream. You’re gonna have 3 hydrogens immediately slam into that nitrogen and make an NH 3.
Karen Hurd [01:01:35]:
Anybody that’s a chemist out there, what is NH 3? Ammonia. Is ammonia a poison? Oh, yes. Don’t drink ammonia, people. Ammonia will kill you dead, and ammonia is water soluble. So the liver has just made It’s it it stripped off the nitrogen, and now we’ve got the hydrogen attached. Now it’s gut run down to the kidneys. This is in the bloodstream. You have ammonia in your bloodstream.
Karen Hurd [01:01:58]:
It’s gut run down to the kidneys. They gotta filter out this water soluble waste, which is ammonia. And how it’s gonna do fat, it’s immediately gonna say, you’re gonna die of ammonia poisoning really fat, so we’re gonna Slap a hydroxyl particle, which is an o h, another it’s a an oxygen, another hydrogen. We’re gonna slap that fat the n h three, which will turn it into what’s called Urea. Well, urea then has to be cleared by the kidneys, so now you you put your liver under massive strain. Now you just put your Chitti’s under massive strain, and it’s got all this urea that it has got to excrete, and it will be excreting at great rates. And at the same time it’s excreting the urea, guess what else it excretes? All your water soluble minerals. Highest number 1, most prolific is calcium.
Karen Hurd [01:02:39]:
I will tell you when you stay on a ketonic diet, You’re gonna end up with kidney stones, and you will regret it the rest of your life. It’s just like you want you you oh, man. Kidney stones. You I talked to you about gallbladder? Okay. Let’s talk about kidney Oh, this is bad. And it it’s like, this is really stupid. This is So stupid. Why would you stress and put your liver at risk? Why would you stress and put your kidneys at risk? Why would you do this? And what you’re losing what are you losing? Muscle is dense.
Karen Hurd [01:03:08]:
Fat, by the way, is very fluffy. Okay? It doesn’t weigh a lot. You’re losing muscle mass. Muscle mass is so heavy. So you’re destroying your health. Do not do these ketonic diets.
Nick Urban [01:03:20]:
Is it pulling from the muscle tissue itself, or is it first preferentially Stripping the aminos off of your last meal that you consumed.
Karen Hurd [01:03:30]:
It will strip it off the last meal that you just consumed because that’s still in the bloodstream, then it hasn’t Mind add it to the muscle mass. But there will be a time that there’s not enough of that too, and then you will strip it off of your existing muscle.
Nick Urban [01:03:42]:
Peak, Karen. Whenever I scroll through social media, my algorithm shows me the waste on the carnivore and going Super low carb and all, like, the miraculous health transformations. And when I look at the comments, everyone’s talking about, oh, yeah. There’s essential amino acids, which is true, and you need to get those from your diet or you will die. And there’s no such thing as essential carbohydrates, so therefore, you don’t need them. They’re a waste. And it’s like, well, Sure. You can live if you’re not consuming those, but it’s not like just because you’re not consuming those, your body’s gonna function at its best.
Nick Urban [01:04:16]:
You’re like, what about the impact of Legumes and soluble fiber on the neurotransmitters. I know you’ve mentioned, epinephrine and norepinephrine a little bile. Anything else that what other effects does it have on the brain chemistry?
Karen Hurd [01:04:29]:
It does have an effect on the brain chemistry or in the context That you’re affecting the amount of norepinephrine, epinephrine that the adrenal glands produce because that We make epinephrine and norepinephrine in the brain itself. It is one of the neurotransmitters. We have over 100 different neurotransmitters. Epinephrine and norepinephrine is one of the most common. Those 2, and then we also have dopamine, serotonin. Those are common also. We’ll see the a choline too. All of those are very common.
Karen Hurd [01:05:00]:
And the what we produce in the adrenal glands is where the vast majority of epinephrine and norepinephrine is made. That will actually go it goes through there’s a pituitary hypothalamus axis, and it will travel through that, and it will arrive in your brain. It will act as a neurotransmitter So that you can think faster. It causes you to think faster. It’s it allows messages to cross from 1 neuron to the other. But if you get too much of it, then you will have diet. And you will you know, people who are really nervous, they say, I’m so nervous. I can’t even do my you know, like, Stage fright.
Karen Hurd [01:05:31]:
You know, they they can’t speak. You know, you can get so much of it is actually hinders you. And you get so much of it, it causes diet, and it hinders you. And you can’t think clearly. You want just enough so you can be able right on. You know, you’ve got all those thoughts right there. So The consumption of soluble fibre, if you have an excess of epinephrine and norepinephrine, will Bring it down so there’s not as much in the brain. But if you say, well, I don’t wanna eat it because then I won’t have as much brainpower.
Karen Hurd [01:06:00]:
No. No. No. You have to understand that that is controlled by the there is actually another stimulating hormone that says create this much or don’t create this much. You’re not going to change that at all. So we won’t only excrete what we have to excrete. What’s considered in excess that’s creating a detrimental effect on you.
Nick Urban [01:06:19]:
Yeah. I have a couple more questions about Your approach to legumes in general, and that is like, first of all, do you recommend combining them with anything or, like, having them separately, like, before the bean, like, I mean, preloading before the meal with just the legumes or combining them with fat, bile, I’m not sure from a bile perspective gut you’d wanna do.
Karen Hurd [01:06:38]:
You usually can combine them. But there are a few cases where I’ll ask you to separate from your fat, your bean. Because when you eat beans with a fat, You’re gonna bind with the bio fat, yes, but you’re also gonna bind with the fats that you just consumed in that meal. And so you will bind with less Biofasts because you’re gonna immediately combine with what is in that what you just ate. So if you had beans and cheese together, Okay. That that soluble fiber is gonna be binding with that saturated fat Mind that cheese, and so you’re not going to be getting rid of as much bile, gut you’re still gonna be getting rid of a nice amount. Now there’s an advantage of eating beans and fats together because when they combine together, you’re not going to have problems with constipation. If you have constipation, You need to be eating fat at every meal and beans with that fat because that all that is fat is gonna be carried out and will be landing in the The large cone, which makes your stools easy to pass.
Karen Hurd [01:07:32]:
There are times we need a large amount of fats to enter the bloodstream, and we don’t want the beans capturing all that good fat And putting it into the toilet. We want that in the bloodstream. For instance, if you have psoriasis or you have, you know, different skin issues that are calling for the an An up amount of increased amount of fat. And so then you would want to eat your beans an hour and a half away from your fat. And so then you’ll have a maximum absorption fat, and then you can eat your beans later, and you’ll still carry out bile.
Nick Urban [01:07:59]:
I was also thinking, like, a little hack if you’re traveling would be to Eat beans if you’re not sure about the quality of the oil they’re using in a restaurant. It might be rancid or something, and then perhaps you’re gonna Bile that oil and get less damage from it.
Karen Hurd [01:08:13]:
Yes. Yes. And that will work. Yes. It will. Nice. It will work. Yeah.
Nick Urban [01:08:17]:
That’s cool. It’s pretty easy to do a lot of restaurants. You can just get, like, side beans or and you don’t have to have any fancy expensive binders with you.
Karen Hurd [01:08:23]:
Peak. Exactly. Mind most restaurants, they do serve beans. Even if they say, well, we don’t have, you know, Like, whatever restaurant. We don’t have a side of beans. You say, well, don’t you put them on top of salads? Don’t you put garbanzo beans or black beans on top Well, yeah. We do have them in the kitchen. Well, like, give me some.
Karen Hurd [01:08:37]:
You know? Yeah. They do. I mean, everywhere I go, they do. So
Nick Urban [01:08:41]:
Karen, do you have any preferred ways of Preparing your beans doesn’t matter. Like, how worried are you about the, quote, antinutrients that are contained within beans, and do you take any special precautions around those?
Karen Hurd [01:08:52]:
Whenever you cook a bean, you cook the bean nutrients out. So all the oxalates, the phytic acid, you know, whatever you’re gonna pick on, Those are whenever I mean, we have so many scientific good scientific studies that start with the bean not cooked, and we can test for the phytocast or the oxalates. And then you cook them, and then you see, wow. They’re gone by 70, 80, 90%. Of course. Because and you’re not going to eat a raw bean. I mean, they’re so hard to break your tooth. You know? You can’t do that.
Karen Hurd [01:09:18]:
So you’re gonna cook them, and so all you have to do is just know you’re cooking them. They’ll be fine. And then you throw throw the water away. So, you know, when you cook the bean, whether you cook them in gut open kettle Or you put them in an Instant Pot. You know, that’s a pressure cooker, basically. Then you drain off the water, rinse Mind. And the same thing in the can. You gut them in a can, rinse them, and then you’re throwing away any of those anti nutrients you throw them away.
Karen Hurd [01:09:41]:
You just rinse them off. And then you can add whatever you want to it. You know? Oh, I want salsa on them, or I wanna make a little gravy and or put them in a soup or, you know, then you can do all that.
Nick Urban [01:09:51]:
Well, Karen, I am eternally grateful for your work and for convincing me to open my Mind enough to have this conversation about beans, about legumes, about fiber in general because this is exactly what the world needs right now. Thank you for joining me on the Body Peak Performance Podcast and sharing your wisdom and your time.
Karen Hurd [01:10:12]:
Thank you. Thank you very much,
Nick Urban [01:10:14]:
Until next bile. I’m Nick Urban here with Karen Hurd signing out from Body. Have a great week, and be an Health? If you enjoyed it, subscribe and hit the thumbs up. I love knowing who’s in the 1% committed to reaching their full potential. Comment 1% below so that I know who you are. For all the resources and links, meet me on my website at mind Body peak .com. I appreciate you and look forward to connecting with you.
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This Podcast Is Brought to You By
Nick Urban is a Biohacker, Data Scientist, Athlete, Founder of Outliyr, and the Host of the Mind Body Peak Performance Podcast. He is a Certified CHEK Practitioner, a Personal Trainer, and a Performance Health Coach. Nick is driven by curiosity which has led him to study ancient medical systems (Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hermetic Principles, German New Medicine, etc), and modern science.

Music by Luke Hall
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