How Shapes Healed a City: The Science of BioGeometry, Vibrational Science, Geopathic Stress & Sacred Power Spots

  |   EP182   |   59 mins.

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Episode Highlights

Shapes affect environments objects and individuals creating resonance & energy exchanges Share on XBioGeometry is a science that studies the energy of shapes & their effects on biological functions Share on XThere are different systems for studying & classifying energy Share on XA vibrational, subtle energy approach views the body as a whole energy system, in contrast to conventional methods, which often don’t. This is where biogeometry plays a role Share on XFor many people, the root cause of health problems is environmental in nature Share on X

About Doreya Karim

Doreya Karim is the director of BioGeometry Energy Systems Ltd. and has been a key part of the BioGeometry research & development team for over a decade, focusing on reducing environmental stress on biological systems. She has led projects in areas like electro-smog solutions, architecture, agriculture, & industrial design.

As a Building Biology Environmental Consultant, she also holds degrees in Psychology & Graphic Design. Doreya has taught BioGeometry in over eight countries, delivering more than 50 trainings. In 2018, she was recognized as a “She’s Mercedes” honoree, celebrating empowering women in Egypt.

Copy of Jeff Boyd

Top Things You’ll Learn From Doreya Karim

  • [4:52] What Is BioGeometry
    • How shapes affect your health
    • Different systems for classifying energy
    • The basics of biogeometry
    • How and why biogeometry addresses root causes
    • Why it’s not just a placebo effect
    • Biometry as a vibrational language
  • [21:23] Intro to Energy & Shapes
    • How biogeometry shape solutions are designed
    • Resonance & energy exchanges:
      • Impact of shapes like circles, pyramids, and domes on environments and individuals
      • Effects of installing shapes on cell towers to alter energy quality
    • Energy emission:
      • How energy properties associated with the pyramids of Giza
      • Power spot placement enhances energy emissions
    • Impact on living spaces:
      • Geopathic stress: Occurrence and its effect on residents’ well-being
      • Structures like cubes are used to balance geopathic stress
    • How energy keys & planes work:
      • Use of energy keys to harmonize energy flow through windows & doors
      • Balancing shapes influence energy planes within homes
    • What is geopathic stress & how it affects your health:
      • Historical connections between geopathic stress and negative health outcomes
      • Importance of maintaining centered energy environments for resilience
      • Centered energy: Focus on cultivating a balanced energy state in living spaces
      • Sustainable solutions to enhance resonance with the environment
  • [25:41] BioGeometric Tools & How They Work
    • Practical applications & cooperation:
    • Resident & product use
      • Community cooperation to alter energy quality of cell towers
      • Home kits featuring shapes for energy balance
    • Energy approach
      • Holistic healing: Emphasis on a centering quality in products for overall well-being
      • Designs incorporating shapes like toruses & domes
    • Jewelry compatibility & maintenance
      • Wearing practices
    • Retesthesemic perspective
  • [42:16] BioGeometry & The Environment
    • Power spots & historical settlements
    • How a city was healed through shapes on a cell tower
    • Sacred locations:
      • Use of sacred sites and power spots for balanced energy
      • Case studies showing health improvements from biometry solutions
      • Use of sacred power spots in various civilizations
      • Comparison of traditional versus modern architecture’s health impacts

Resources Mentioned

  • Gear: BioGeometry Kit (code URBAN saves 8%)
  • Article: BioGeometry & EMF Protection
  • Teacher: Dr. Ibrahim Karim

Episode Transcript

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Nick Urban [00:00:07]:
Are you a high performer, obsessed with growth, and looking for an edge? Welcome to MINDBODY Peak Performance. Together, we’ll discover underground secrets to unlocking the full potential of your mind, body, and spirit. We’ll learn from some of the world’s leading minds, from ancient wisdom to cutting edge tools and everything in between. This is your host, Nick Urban. Enjoy the episode. Have you ever stepped into a space and just immediately felt good? Perhaps more energetic, perhaps more relaxed, perhaps a wave of calmness or even happiness? Now what if that wasn’t because of the negative ions in the air? It wasn’t because of the low levels of electro smog. And, no, they weren’t even diffusing some essential oils or doing anything observable, but it could still be quantifiably and qualitatively measured. Today, we’re diving into a fascinating blend of ancient wisdom and cutting edge science that brings measurable changes to not only humans, but also animals and entire ecosystems.

Nick Urban [00:01:21]:
This is an entire field of study called biogeometry. Bio for life and geometry for shape. Now if you’re at all like me, you’re probably wondering, how do I know this isn’t placebo? Because there are a lot of charlatans in the space and people that make exaggerated claims about quantum this or upgraded that. What I like about biogeometry specifically is that they’ve performed a whole bunch of research and have even been commissioned by governments to help optimize environments. And when you optimize your environment, your body starts moving towards balance automatically without requiring any conscious effort or discipline and willpower to do so. I’ve gotten several requests from you guys to create a video on how all this works, so I’ll be doing that. But for the time being, I’ve also summarized some of the science behind biogeometry in an article I will put in the show notes for this episode, which you can find at Our guest today is none other than Daraya Karim, the director of Biogeometry Energy Systems, and she’s been a key part of the biogeometry research and development team for over a decade, focusing on how to reduce environmental stress on biological systems, which include humans.

Nick Urban [00:02:43]:
Doreya has taught biogeometry in over 8 countries, delivering more than 50 trainings. In 2018, she was recognized as a She’s Mercedes honoree, celebrating empowering women in Egypt. Now this is one of those products I’ve been using for about 4 years now. I currently wear the ring. I have the l nine dependent on my necklace, and I have a home kit cube over in the back over here that you can’t see. It’s just out of the camera. And I take it with me traveling because unlike supplements, which cause biochemical changes, this works at a level below the biochemical. So it also doesn’t come with any side effects.

Nick Urban [00:03:26]:
The main benefit I notice is a level of calmness, and I seem to just recover better even in the presence of cell towers. I used to have a massive cell tower in my backyard, and this technology was instrumental in helping me mitigate any consequences. I’ve been recommending their products for a long time now, and I’m excited to now partner with them. So if you use the code urban, that’ll save you 8% on any order. But as a warning, they are usually out of stock. These things are hard to get. So if you happen to see it in stock, you’re in luck, but don’t expect that to last. This is an area where I also have a lot more research to do of my own because biogeometry is essentially a whole another language.

Nick Urban [00:04:10]:
So if you too wanna dive deeper, I suggest you check out the article I already mentioned and also pick up 1 or more of their books, which will help you more easily digest some of this. Alright. Ladies and gentlemen, Doreya Karim. Doreya, welcome to the podcast.

Doreya Karim [00:04:28]:
Thank you for having me.

Nick Urban [00:04:30]:
So I came across biogeometry, I wanna say 4 years ago, and I have a couple of your different products in front of me right here. And today, I’m excited to dive into the world of sacred geometry and biogeometry and really how just shape impacts biology, not just humans, but animals and plants and the whole gamut of life. So since we don’t have time today to do the usual warm up questions, can you start off by sharing what this is and how you got involved in it?

Doreya Karim [00:05:02]:
Okay. So bi geometry, like the introduction you you gave, it’s, a science where we study the energy of shape and shape’s effects on biological functions. So if we break down, bio, with the looking at life, geo Earth, and METRI, we can look at that as the life the measurement of the life force of the Earth. And within that, we can add all biological beings, like you just said, and our energy interactions, with the life force of the earth as well as, the life force in our bodies. And to understand, exactly what I’m what I’m talking about in the birth of biometry, the first question that kind of comes about is what when we say life force, what are what do we mean, or what are we talking about? Or, and we have a very specific definition for what we’re looking for, whenever we’re creating a space or a shape or a design. And that has to do with the energy of sacred power spots. So the birth of bi geometry is really based on this energy quality, where if you’ve studied different types of vibrational or energy practices, a lot of times what you do is you have a way of class of studying and classifying the energy of the body. Right? So even if it’s as simple as, a polarity based, yin yang.

Doreya Karim [00:06:34]:
Or we can even just say, overbalanced or underbalanced or anything in in that manner. There’s different types of systems for being able to study and classify energy. So we work with a system that was, I would say, handed over to my father. So looking at how I got involved, handed over to my father as a scientific retestheisic method that that’s referred to as French or physical retesthesia, as that classifies energy qualities based on color qualities. So we can look at different types, different different locations, different shapes, and measure different color qualities related to them.

Nick Urban [00:07:26]:
What would an example of that be?

Doreya Karim [00:07:27]:
So an example of that would actually be colors. So if you take if we take colors, if we take 7 colors, for example, and we take our instruments, each one of those colors has a different length on our pendulum. So it’s a way that’s why we say it’s a vibrational science versus a lot of times if if your audience has seen people with pendulums or radicesthetics instruments, they’re mostly what’s more popular would be people who are using it to have a dialogue with the subconscious, which is not, at all how we’re using biogrometry. It’s really, like I said, based on if we go back 1000 of years, back to even if we look at things like ancient Egypt, we understand that we can classify, everything based on its resonant color quality. And we explain that, and it goes beyond. So once you get things like the wavelength of a color, you can find that you have notes that are in resonance with the color, for example. So you begin to see how everything is in vibration and everything’s in information exchange across all of our sensory experiences. And then we have a scale for which we can talk about energy qualities.

Doreya Karim [00:08:44]:
Now this is I’m diving in quickly here, Deep, because I think it’s important for people when I come now to the next point of the basis of bi geometry. Because when we talk about, like I said, there was French anesthesia as part of the development of biometry in the sense that it’s a science that classifies energy according to colors. You have it, again, you have it classified in many different ways in different systems. Right? It’s it’s the the what they share is that vibrational sciences deal with, classifying everything in a kind of sympathetic resonance. So I can classify everything according to its resonant quality depending on whatever scale I’m using. So with biogeometry, my my father who inherited a bulk of this work and whose, whose father had a lot of, interest and knowledge into different esoteric aspects of ancient Egypt as well as being, both my father and and my grandfather architects. It drove them to a different way of looking at this criteria, which is rather than looking at at it as an assessment system, which is assessing the body, finding so which was, part of the original French metastasic work. It was I could assess, for example, if you have an issue in your liver, I could I could find, okay.

Doreya Karim [00:10:21]:
What’s the resonant color quality right now that that we’re picking up when we’re measuring your liver?

Nick Urban [00:10:27]:
And you would do this with the pendulum? You would hold the pendulum over my liver, and then you figure out what color it is based on, like, testing of some sort?

Doreya Karim [00:10:33]:
From a retesthesemic perspective, yes. You can go there’s different types of retesthesemic pendulums. One of them, for example, is, it’s just one pendulum, and it has a disc that you would every time you move up and down the disc, it’s related to a different color quality. So I would see, for example, which one is in resonance with the liver and then which you’re having an issue with right now. And then I could see, for example so with that, we understand that that liver, because it’s showing an imbalance, is either overfunctioning or underfunctioning, and we would find the color that would bring it back into balance. Of course, it’s a very basic, but it was part of, spreading French rhodesesia because a lot of it, for example so there’s famous, Jesuit monk, Abbe Marmee, famous rhodes thesis who was known for his healing practices. So he would go to different areas and offer healing practices among other many, many hosts of, of things that he was able to offer.

Nick Urban [00:11:33]:
Will this type of thing address the root cause? Like, how would it be different from me just going in and getting some routine blood work done and looking at, say, liver enzymes to understand how my liver is performing?

Doreya Karim [00:11:42]:
Okay. So there’s different aspects here. This is, right now, just a very small portion of how we would look at that. But the difference by understanding root cause is a lot of times when we talk about a vibrational, approach to the body, a subtle energy approach to the body, versus one where you’re going to get blood work and trying to address an issue is that one doesn’t see this the body as a whole. So one doesn’t see the body as a complete energy exchange system within the body itself and within the environment, and that’s actually where biometry comes in. So with the introduction I was giving is basically where biometry where we got to or where my father got to is he started to look at if we’re talking what if we’re talking about the ideal energy quality that can help hold the body in balance. We’re looking at the energy of sacred power spots. So he looked at that from an architect’s perspective.

Doreya Karim [00:12:46]:
And he looked at that where there were already some clues, where there’s in in history, they would say that there were certain energy qualities associated with very spiritual people or with areas where they were buried as well. But he started to look at sacred power spots as being areas and going back to plants and animals. These were areas where it goes beyond belief and where plants and animals were also also thriving. So it would be areas that animals were attracted to for healing that became the basis of ritual. And then most importantly, they were areas on the subtle energy level where you could visit. And whether that liver that we’ve been talking about is overfunctioning or underfunctioning, you could visit and spend time there, and it would bring the body back into balance. So this is why we refer to it as a centering energy quality. So now it comes to okay.

Doreya Karim [00:13:43]:
So how do we bring this about, or how do we measure? Or we talked about now that we use a color quality system. Well, that’s what he actually found. In sacred power spots, you can find a specific combination of color qualities that we refer to as BG 3, the energy of sacred power spots. And it opens the gateway to be able to access what we would call multidimensionally, a multidimensional healing moving from that physical energy exchange level through the vital emotional, mental, spiritual because that’s the energy of a sacred power spot. It’s taking it’s that centering quality because when we understand it, we understand that there is no center on the physical level. If you draw a circle and you look for the center, there will always be a center of the center. One of the main things now going back to the root cause, what biometry brings to the table because we get thousands of practitioners in our classes. And what biometry brings to the table as a solution is the energy ex is a solution for the energy exchange with the environment.

Doreya Karim [00:14:49]:
So for many people, the root cause is environmental in nature. And we’ve seen that through various studies. And probably the one we’re most known for is, in regards to Hamburg, Switzerland. And in Hamburg, Switzerland, there was installation of a cell tower, and people started having major problems. And I’m talking about health problems across the board, including things related, not just physical problems, but emotional ones as well. Things like agitation, anxiety, more fighting. Of course, those are also related to physical problems because many of them had lack of sleep, breathing issues, different things like that. Now biometry came in as an environmental solution.

Doreya Karim [00:15:41]:
We installed specific shapes on the cell tower, specific shapes in in various places in the environment, a complete environmental solution. And we saw that symptoms disappeared within a week, and the solution held 2 years later. So so that’s an independent study that anybody can find on our website, but it proved that factor of the environment being a root cause the energy exchange of the environment being a root cause that is ignored. Because if anybody looks at that study and they look up, you know, that that pilot study with a few families, you see that there’s a graph where the families we look at how many are, how many individuals are symptom free in general, health symptom free, emotional, symptom free. And we look before and after the biometry solution. And it’s a clear graph where you see that before the biometry solution, almost everybody has severe symptoms, and it’s like this. After the biometry solution, almost everybody, the majority are symptom free of any type of issues, whether it’s physical, emotional, mental. And so that’s what biometry brings to the table when we talk about the root cause.

Doreya Karim [00:16:58]:
The energy exchange with the environment is actually something that any any energy practitioner out there knows that it’s one of the missing keys that’s extremely hard to address.

Nick Urban [00:17:09]:
Yeah. And so when you guys were doing this installation, were you seeing changes to the livestock in the area and or the plant growth? Because it’s one thing if I don’t know if the humans there knew they were enjoying the benefits of biogeometry getting installed onto the tower around them.

Doreya Karim [00:17:27]:

Nick Urban [00:17:27]:
The plants obviously don’t know.

Doreya Karim [00:17:28]:
I mean, going going back to to my father, he did a TED talk called why is the cow smiling. And he explains at the beginning of the TED talk that had it not been for the cows, this would have all just been chalked up to a placebo effect. And I do have to also say that it was repeated as well in another town called

Nick Urban [00:17:44]:

Doreya Karim [00:17:45]:
And in that talk, he explains because there was a press conference that was held, and somebody came out and said placebo effect. And one of the residents themselves stood up and said, you know, sir, our cows do not speak Arabic. And it actually had to do with that is with the installation of that cell tower. There was a lot more stillbirths with the cattle, and then that was a problem, for example, that was solved. There was different ecological things that were issues, like, for ex like migrating birds. One of the big things that first happened was bats came back, and they had left the area. So there’s a lot of changes that happened, that Biometry was able to restore in the environment. Also, I’ll say this.

Doreya Karim [00:18:27]:
Whenever we talk about this, so many people ask, or if this was a viable solution, why aren’t you repeating it everywhere? And and I’m I’m just saying it because most of the time at this point because we’re talking about all these amazing results, and and, that’s the question that comes to mind. Now there was a specific this was a specific time. I would say before there was so much, research coming out about EMF or I would say vocal research about EMF when at that time, also, my father was actually he’s he’s a graduate of ETA, in in Zurich. So, that’s one of their top universities. And he knew people personally who allowed them to to do this as a as, two project installations. But, it was that we actually did this in conjunction with Swisscom. So in conjunction with the telecom company. And that’s why, when a lot of people ask why isn’t it repeated, well, we need the the the telecom company to give us access to the tower in order for us to be able to do that.

Doreya Karim [00:19:39]:
The residents of these two towns have been great in the sense that whenever there’s been an upgrade to the tower, they still let us in there. Like, they won’t let them change anything until we’re there and and putting solutions. And that’s so so instead now so you held up one of the products, and that’s actually so one of the products you have is our home kit. That and it comes with a bunch of little attachments. And so that that home kit has a bunch of little notches in there, and they’re not actually notches. The shapes in there have to actually do they’re part of the shapes that were installed on the cell tower and in the environment, but made really small. For

Nick Urban [00:20:16]:
those who can’t see, I’m holding up a cube, a transparent cube that has a bunch of shapes inside of it.

Doreya Karim [00:20:27]:
And then you have different attachments to go on the water, on the electricity, and different aspects. Like, we say different energy keys in the home, different things on the windows, as well. And so I would say that, basically, when we understand the centering quality, it opens up the door for not just a biometry approach, but I would say any subtle energy approach, to go beyond a polarity based solution and to be able to when I talked about kind of what we call the planes of nature, vital, physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, the reason I’m I’m referencing those is because when you have that centering quality that’s at the basis of many healing rituals and traditions and locations, when you’re able to reproduce it, in any practice, then you know that you you’re communicating with the body on the level where you’re producing these results multidimensionally through the environmental energy exchange, and it’s why we get to see those results that we see.

Nick Urban [00:21:34]:
I’d love to know more about the actual process of, like, designing the solution. First of all, like, how do you come up with these shapes? Because I’ve looked at them, and some of them look like objects that I’m familiar with, and then some of them look like just cool designs, but not shapes that I’ve seen.

Doreya Karim [00:21:48]:
And I’ll say there’s a few aspects to many of the shapes that you would be, seeing in different biometry shapes. So so you’re holding up one of our biosignatures ring. That has to do with the body. I’ll I’ll explain that as well. But in a lot of in a lot of the products that we have, you’ll find actually shapes that many people may be aware of. Things like, like a torus, for example, but adjusted to specific proportions. You will find, domes and and and kind of hemispherical shapes as well, specifically adjusted in specific proportions. So we do have to one of the things, for people dealing with energy of shape is you have to be very careful dealing with, domes or pyramid shapes if you don’t have an understanding of being able to measure because they’re, they’re shapes that need a specific proportion, a specific correction, and they’re energy emitters, and they will so you you always have to be aware of how you’re using them and how they’re being configured.

Doreya Karim [00:22:54]:
But, also, what you’ll find in there is lots of different number qualities. So you’ll you’ll see that we have multiple discs either generating specific number qualities. And when I say number qualities, I know for a lot of people so a lot of times when we talk about understanding things like like color healing now is something that people understand. Even if we talk about different sound healing, color healing as as, as different types of healing, people are like, okay. I get that. As soon as I talk about numbers or shapes, people, for some reason, it doesn’t register as easily even though if you understand them as sensory experiences. And we understand that colors being sensory experiences basically means that they have different energy effects on the body. Well, it’s the same thing with numbers or shapes.

Doreya Karim [00:23:45]:
You see different shapes. So there’s different shapes that are, that have different color qualities to them. There’s different numbers that have different color qualities to them. So you will find these different configurations in all of the biometry shapes. So, basically, what we when you learn biometry, you learn this vibrational language that is an interplay between color, all of your sensory experiences. Color, sound, smell, touch, taste, and you begin to see as well I mean, there’s a lot of research on how one experience can affect the other. Like, there’s a lot of research now, for example, on how different smells can affect tastes, different things like that. But you begin to learn it all as an abstract vibrational language, and you begin to see when you learn it that way and you begin to see our physical reality as a manifestation of these abstract qualities, it, it lends to a lot of the understanding of different, knowledge bay if if you’re if you if you have a bit of a background in hermetic knowledge or or different, schools where we begin to understand this concept of as above, so below.

Doreya Karim [00:24:56]:
So understanding this aspect, just learning to measure from a biometry perspective, puts it all in your hands very, I would say, concretely. I mean, surprisingly, a lot of times, the the way so biometry, the way that we teach, a lot of people actually feel like it’s a bit more left brained. And what we do is when we teach, we feel like we have to do this because when we look at human beings, we understand that we had a shift from the right brain to the left brain. And now and we’re we’re using the left brain to widen and open up that window to that right brain knowledge and understanding and way of looking at the world, but we’re able to actually do it for those who sit down and listen. We’re able to do it in a way that I would say almost everybody can agree upon.

Nick Urban [00:25:51]:
So do you guys have an alphabet of different symbols and what they correspond to?

Doreya Karim [00:25:57]:
So the ring. The ring, I said we would, explain that. So the the ring that you have is actually, if we look at different energy pathways in the body, we can begin to trace different energy pathways. So an example of this would be the meridian system. Meridian system in in traditional Chinese medicine, for example, is energy pathways that run along the whole body. Now what we’re looking at biosignatures, these are actually energy pathways that are within the organs themselves. And within in each organ, we find multiple energy pathways that you can pick up, each having different color qualities, for example. And the way that it works is, again, I’m I’m I’m trying to I’m diluting this a little bit, but to just make it accessible, is once we have an energy pathway in the body, we look at how we can adjust it using design principles to keep it in resonance with the body through what we call resonance of shape, in resonance with, the the the pathway in the body while bringing in that centering quality, the quality that we find in sacred power spots.

Doreya Karim [00:27:13]:
So that’s what allows us to have that. And then when when we do that and we bring it into the energy system, then what are we doing? We’re in resonance with that energy pathway through resonance of shape. But the adjusted shape that we have has that centering energy quality to it, And that then we begin to have an information exchange on that look.

Nick Urban [00:27:35]:
Okay. And if I’m wearing other jewelry, other things in my body that don’t have these specific shapes on them, is that going to counteract or even out the biogeometry?

Doreya Karim [00:27:46]:
No. I wouldn’t say that. I mean okay. So there’s different things, where, for example, sometimes, electro sensitive people can’t wear metal on the body, But you’ll notice that the biometry pendants or the ring are metal, and that’s because these were designed to interact with electromagnetic fields. Whereas so I would say maybe. I mean, that’s one exception that some people who are electrosensitive do not like to have metal in the body, do not like to have metal chains. But having other shapes, no. I won’t say, like, it’s it’s not an issue.

Doreya Karim [00:28:20]:
You’re not gonna be causing, I would say, damage to the energy system. But if they’re combined with the biometry pendant or or, well, not the ring. You don’t have to worry about that. But if they’re combined with the biometry pendant, they shouldn’t be covering it. So in that case, what we recommend is to have it on a different chain. And that way, you could have a different length so they’re not, covering it. So you’re not basically stopping the pendant from working. Same thing for people who have the home kit, installed.

Doreya Karim [00:28:55]:
If you have other subtle energy, solutions, what you will find is sometimes that home kit, we say it needs to be cleared. So so on a daily basis, we just need to clear it of of impregnation that happens from energy exchange. Just like anybody familiar with crystals, those need to be cleared, for example. If you do have other solutions, we may find that you need to clear it more often.

Nick Urban [00:29:23]:
I’d like to know more about how it all works. I’m I’m getting, like, the idea of it it’s increasing, like, levels of BG 3 or, like, that centering quality and the different shapes correspond different colors, and the different colors can correspond to different organs in the body and everything. How does this, like like, one shape in the environment have that, like, such a dramatic effect on an individual or, I guess, not even just an individual, an entire, like, ecosystem around it?

Doreya Karim [00:29:52]:
Looking at Hamburg. Right? It’s not it’s not that that there was a shape just installed on its own that made a huge impact in the environment. It was a shape installed on the cell tower. And you already saw the cell tower itself was having a huge impact on the environment before we even installed the shape. So what we did is we used the shape to superimpose the energy quality of the shape on the existing carrier wave. So that carried it into the environment. And it’s the same idea. Now when we look at the body, for example, so the pendant that you’re wearing, how it works, I’ve I’ve just been talking about resonance of shape, and and that’s basically it.

Doreya Karim [00:30:34]:
I want you to just I’m gonna try to say this in a way because I know not everybody’s gonna be able to see us. I was gonna, show it. But just imagine that there’s, you know, if I’m just drawing, like, a little pathway, a little random pathway right now. Okay? Or even say, like, I’m drawing a circle. So imagine there’s that same circular pathway in the body. Whenever I bring those two shapes close to each other, there’s a resonance of shape that occurs. And that creates an energy exchange with the body. And that so that’s how the biosignatures work because we have to have them on the body.

Doreya Karim [00:31:12]:
Now there’s different aspects of shapes in general. For example, if we look at I mentioned pyramid and and dome shapes and how these are energy emitters. So if we look at the pyramids of Giza, for example, one of the main secrets of the pyramids so the pyramid shape we know is an energy emitter regardless of where you put it. And anybody kind of interested in energy of shape, you can YouTube, you know, shape experiments. Pyramids. Like I said, you have to be careful with pyramid shapes because they do need a corrective solution. But the bigger thing is you need to be aware of what you’re emitting. And so since the dawn of humanity, it’s whether it’s just a regular dolmen that, that’s placed over an area at high energy point and and that dolmen itself made of something like a quartz will allow that energy to resonate in the space.

Doreya Karim [00:32:07]:
We’ll save thing with if we look at the pyramids, not just their material, but the shape itself. So they’re placed on a power spot. And by placing that energy emitter shape on a power spot, the power spot itself has emitting properties, and the shape itself has emitting properties. So it increases that throughout the space. So it’s a lot of it’s the same thing where even when we’re looking at your home, how is a little cube, for example, having an impact on the entire house. Well, then we begin we have to look at. So just like, for example, how is the pendant having an impact on the whole body? Well, there’s something on it that’s resonating with a moving pathway in your system. Same thing with your home.

Doreya Karim [00:32:53]:
What most people aren’t aware of is, the phenomenon of geopathic stress. And geopathic stress is sometimes what we refer to as grid lines, but they’re different Earth energy lines that we can measure. And I’ve just talked about power spots. And, generally, so we we differentiate those. So whenever we’re looking at, movements of energy in the Earth, We can talk about ones that have a centering effect, and we could talk about ones that are imbalancing. And so, generally, when we talk about geopathic stress or grid lines, we’re referring to something in, that’s causing an imbalance. Well, what most people aren’t aware of is geopathic stress lines occur about every 2 meters. So you have a lot in your home.

Doreya Karim [00:33:43]:
And by having something like the cube, which has shapes that are designed to balance the geopathic stress slides, that’s one example of carrying that energy in the whole home. Even things you might have noticed, I said at the beginning when we talked about the cube, I talked about you have these attachments. And I said the word energy keys. And energy keys to us are basically when we’re looking at your home again, what’s the easiest way for us to have an effect on the entire home is to look at the movement of energy in the house. So we’re not we’re we are balancing the electricity and the water because they’re generally imbalanced as well as the energy coming through the windows. But whenever we balance these things, they’re actually things that are carried over in your whole home. Right? So, again, the water, electricity, and and whenever we look at any movement of energy. So even if I talk about balancing the energy movement coming through a window or a door, that affects the whole space.

Doreya Karim [00:34:50]:
And that’s what we call, our energy key, which is basically whenever we have a a straight line of movement of energy, I want you to imagine that line of movement of energy creating a toroidal field around it, and you can measure that. And so those are all examples of how we can have that energy have a huge impact in the space. Even for example, I talked about geopathic stress. You actually also I mean, you have it on the ground as lines. Another thing that most people aren’t aware of is that you can have planes. So a plane basically appears. And you could see that, we have a slide in our foundation training where you see the leveling of the pyramids, and you can see that they’re aligned to these different energy planes as well. And with the plane, basically, just like the electricity you place a solution carries over the whole house, well, same thing.

Doreya Karim [00:35:42]:
If I put a shape and I balance that plane, it creates a field in the whole home because that plane is running through the entire home. So that’s that’s an example of how we can get these small things to have a big effect.

Nick Urban [00:35:58]:
Sure. And will you quickly summarize for people who aren’t familiar what geopathic stress can do to human biology?

Doreya Karim [00:36:06]:
I’m not, a huge proponent of of the word just, you know, coming in because we say everything causes, right now, we like to just say everything causes cancer. So I’m not, like I I don’t like to come in with that fear based explanation. But, again, looking at geopathic stress, the one of the most famous, then this is why I had I’m bringing this up. One of the most famous research related to geopathic stress was by Van Paul. And, basically, what he did is he, looked at a town in Germany where you had the highest incidences of cancer. He mapped out different areas of geopathic stress, and there was, like, an official, from from the county kind of going behind him where he he was mapping it out and then identifying the correlation between that and, I would say, like, cancer, clusters. And then and then repeated it after some negative feedback, repeated it in the area with the least incidences of cancer. And but the reason, like I say, that, one of the things that’s very important for us in in biometry is and I think that kind of also has to do with now looking at the root cause of things.

Doreya Karim [00:37:20]:
When or looking at how we resonate with our environment. There’s a lot of solutions out there for geopathic stress. There’s a lot of solutions. I’d say a lot of people that might be speaking exactly the same way, I’m speaking. You know, there’s this but the difference that biometry brings to the table is most of the time that we tell peep we actually tell our students what we want you to do is focus on creating a centered space, and bringing that center and quality into your energy system. Only after we do that do we worry about things like geopathic stress or other factors in the environment. And the reason for that is if you come in and you say, you know what? The geopathic stress in my home, that’s that’s all balanced. That doesn’t mean much to me for several reasons.

Doreya Karim [00:38:16]:
I still don’t know if you have a good environment. Okay. So you’ve balanced the geopathic stress. I don’t know if you have a good environment. I don’t know if you have a sustainable solution as well. Because when we’re dealing with geopathic stress on its own, it has to be within the context of an environmental solution. And so one of the main things that we actually do is we look at just bringing the center in quality higher and higher, how we resonate with it, how we can recreate it in our daily life. And then we even do it for things that are beneficial.

Doreya Karim [00:38:47]:
So you can take, for example so one of the practices that we we say to do, you could take a glass of water and find that it’s balancing on your energy system. It’ll it’ll measure well, but it doesn’t necessarily have that sensory quality. So we see how we can add it to that. So it’s not just looking for a problem and solving it, which is the usual go to approach. But in the end, what we do is once you once you focus on raising that center and quality, it will create a cascade of solving different things in your body and the environment. And then we can kind of see what we missed and what needs to be addressed. And that’s how we work with the environment. That’s how we work with the body.

Doreya Karim [00:39:28]:
And so a lot of times when people come to us for for consultations, a lot of times people will will want us to measure land for them that they’re about to buy. And we don’t do that for the simple reason that our resonance and energy exchange with the land always is first dealing with the centering quality. So we won’t look for the negative aspects to start. We will actually look for the BG three lines. We will start bringing design principles in, dealing with the land where we can increase that energy quality as much as we need, and then verifying that we’ve taken care of many things. Now the reason, I’m I’m kind of bringing this up to your to your audience is because I think it’s one of the the most important things for somebody going into vibrational work or having an interest, in this to hear is that I want you to imagine that that there’s 2 kind of sets of people. 1, and this is and this is what we’ve seen, one whose energy system is really good at finding problems and one whose energy system is really good at finding solutions. And both of these people are gonna help many people.

Doreya Karim [00:40:47]:
But at the end of the day, the one who’s very good at finding solutions is going to be healthier as a person. And that’s one of the main things that we try to focus on for anybody going into this work, trying to help themselves and help other people.

Nick Urban [00:41:03]:
I see. So let me make sure I understand this. The focus is the first work on centering oneself, myself. And after do that, it might be a lead domino that makes all the other environmental corrections less necessary or, I guess, some of the issues potential issues there would be addressed because I’ve already balanced and centered my own energy.

Doreya Karim [00:41:27]:
And that’s and that’s it’s an important aspect because in energy work related to the home, it’s not usually done in this manner. It’s usually done in the opposite manner, but it doesn’t lead to the same and people can see this with diet. You can there’s a lot to avoid. But just because you’re avoiding a lot doesn’t mean that you suddenly have this balanced microbiome. Right? You have to look at what you can incorporate in your energy system. And what happens when you incorporate that When you incorporate a lot of things that are centering, when you get that good healthy, microbiome, then even that negative stuff has less of an impact, on the body. And so you might not solve everything by incorporating all these beneficial foods, but you’re gonna solve more than taking out 1 or 2 things. Of course, this is a blanket statement, obviously, if you’re allergic to something or have a specific, but just a way of understanding that from something very physical, but now looking at it from the subtle energy perspective.

Nick Urban [00:42:26]:
Well, I’m curious on that note specifically too. If you have an intolerance, let’s not say a full blown allergy, but if you have that and you go from totally imbalanced over or under I guess, that’d be overactive, then what would biogeometry do, if anything, to that person?

Doreya Karim [00:42:47]:
I mean, we worked on dairy, farms, and we had the farmer that we were working with was lactose intolerant. So what he did is this. We looked at at different areas where he had the cows, and he had a few. So, basically, what they do is they have a a leukocyte cow. And if you have 1 or 2 sick cows, it can throw off your complete leukocyte count for the whole farm. And he had he had a few very sick ones and then a lot that were very healthy. And so we explained to him that it actually when we did measurements, it had to do with the location. We’re not saying everything has to do with the location.

Doreya Karim [00:43:20]:
Like I said, we did the measurements. It had to do with the location. So what he did is he said, okay. Thank you. And then he took his healthy cows and put them in the location where we said that there was issues. And then he took his, unhealthy cows, and and he he moved them. Now the healthy ones started getting the the other ones may have been getting a bit better, but not enough where the healthy ones started getting, also, a leukocyte count that was higher than than before. And so he called us, and he was like, okay.

Doreya Karim [00:43:50]:
So now we need a biometry solution. Please come come help. And, and, we went in and and applied different biometry solutions. We did get a solution for, the leukocyte count that that worked for him. But more than that is he started drinking the milk that is from that farm. He was able to drink it even though he was lactose intolerant. But even going to that, I mean, what we he ended up drinking, like, a whole jug of milk, and we even told him. We’re like, listen.

Doreya Karim [00:44:22]:
Like, we’re not lactose intolerant. If you’re gonna try this out, don’t drink a whole jug of milk. Like, we would not feel good doing that as well. And then, again, that’s going back to, it’s a solution. Whenever we’re talking about solar energy solutions, they you can see amazing things. But, but one of the things I think that people forget when it comes to the energy of the body is the best one of one of the the not the best, but but your easiest way to change your energy is actually through physical actions. So a lot of times, even if you have no notion of what I’m talking about or multidimensional energy exchanger, but you’re putting, you’re putting everything into centered physical actions, that’s gonna show up whether or not you know the rest of this work. Of course, it’s beneficial to know because, like I said, of the environmental energy exchange and different things.

Doreya Karim [00:45:19]:
But it’s the same idea where if you can supersede it with an energy solution, it doesn’t mean we should. It comes in and hopefully becomes part of that holistic solution for your body.

Nick Urban [00:45:34]:
So by centered physical actions, I’m assuming, but it could be wrong, that you’re talking about if you have an issue with EMF, the first thing you wanna do is to remove the source of e m distance between you and the EMF. Is that what you mean by centered physical actions?

Doreya Karim [00:45:48]:
Okay. If you’re electro sensitive, definitely, that’s gonna be your your go to. Now the thing with EMF is it’s negatively impacting you, whether or not you’re electro sensitive. I mean, that’s that’s one thing to keep in mind. But I think what what I’m saying is is that you take care of your mind and your body, and that can look like so many different things. Right? So it can look like choosing, to eat in a specific way, choosing to place your phone on airplane mode, doing, whether it’s acts of kindness, connecting to other people, all of these different practices that are part of I mean, it’s it’s that are part of, creating that centered energy exchange as much as possible. And then from a biometry perspective So biometry does make things easier for the simple reason that shapes are generally an abstract vibrational language. And this can make things easier where, for example, when we measure different levels of emotional or mental energy, for example.

Doreya Karim [00:47:00]:
And we can we can do that, with the body. There’s shapes that are corresponding to different aspects of the body. And and it’s easy also to see because when we talk about the energy level, a lot of, different energy levels in the body, there’s a lot of as well, texts and documentation out there where you can begin to see that an imbalance in one, organ, for example, will lead to different emotional issues in the body. So, the thing that biometry gives you is a lot of times, psychologically, when we’re trying to analyze something within our own thoughts, it can be a little bit of a wormhole depending on what we’re dealing with. So coming in with an abstract shape can help. Coming in and applying an abstract shape to that solution can help. So, again, so that so, basically, that’s where I’m saying where it’s kind of coupled in with everything. And it had to do with answering the question of, okay.

Doreya Karim [00:47:54]:
So if someone has an intolerance, you know, what could you do? And the answer is, okay. So even if we can’t solve that intolerance, it doesn’t mean that necessarily we need to be exposing the body constantly to to that.

Nick Urban [00:48:06]:
Yeah. Of course. It’s just a cool party trick to be able to let someone consume milk after they haven’t had it in, say, 10, 20 years.

Doreya Karim [00:48:13]:
Exactly. It’s a

Nick Urban [00:48:14]:
A couple other things I wanna cover. One thing I was thinking about when you were speaking is that archaeologists often will dig and find that ancient civilizations tend to build on the same places, and it there’s a whole world out. A lot of it is habitable. So is there any correlation there between, like, power spots around the world? And

Doreya Karim [00:48:36]:
So that’s kind of where in the beginning, I had mentioned, that their power spot that these sacred power spots go beyond any, any belief or tradition. And I gave the example of of maybe plants and animals, but but that’s also one example where we see that different civilizations will choose the same locations as these spiritual locations even though you’re coming in with a completely different civilization that that the normal thing would be to actually kind of eradicate and build somewhere somewhere else. And so you could see examples of layers of these locations. 1, the same location being chosen for different, for different civilizations.

Nick Urban [00:49:20]:
Okay. And then also when it comes to building and geometry of buildings, I’ve read about claiming that they got sick when they went from their traditional houses, homes into the more box square rectangle style buildings we live in now. Have you seen anything around that, or do you guys, when you consult with people, recommend they shape their structure accordingly?

Doreya Karim [00:49:46]:
Okay. So that is, I think a question that we can stay on for a long time because, I mean okay. So the first, person to actually bring biometry lectures to North America was, Helmutz, who is the founder of the Building Biology Institute. So with building biology, we look at a lot of different and and they and you look you look at a lot of different building practices. They have a whole host of building practices related to, electromagnetic fields, but also natural building materials, and and the energy exchange. So dealing exactly with what you said about how the industrialization of the building industry, led to a lot of, led to basically homes where we’re not looking at materials that can do a natural energy exchange and filtration, whether they’re regulating temperature, but rather or or air quality, but rather ones that are that are basically the how they’re evaluated is how well sealed they are so that I can then mechanically, mechanically, you know, heat, cool, deal with all of that air energy exchange, and how that can also create whole host of, health issues. And then coupled with that, yes, when we do look at natural building shapes versus boxes and different angles of shapes and everything, I would say that, I mean, what we did find when we were dealing with, designing classrooms for autistic children is that 90 degree angles were not ideal in the classroom design. So, ideally, what you would have, though, when we’re looking at it, is we would have from a biometry perspective so just the reason I brought up building biology is I said that one of the things that you lost when you moved away from natural building materials is you lost that energy exchange with the environment when we’re dealing with things, like natural temperature regulation, air quality.

Doreya Karim [00:51:46]:
Well, from a biometry perspective, you also lost the energy exchange with the land itself. And it’s really easy to bring that back. So there’s one video, on on YouTube that my father just recorded and put up. And and at the end of that video, there’s a really clear example of how this is so easy to implement. He’s originally a master planner. And he looks at one of the sites, and he says, we’re so used to just coming in and look at a master plan, and you’ll you’ll can imagine that a lot of times, you’ll find, like, a straight path that’s the main, kind of line that people are moving down, and then everything can kind of branch off or a few main lines. So in in Roman times, for example, we find these, there so there was lines called. These were based on the power spots and where they interacted.

Doreya Karim [00:52:37]:
The crossings as well was seen as the center of if you think of an imaginary dome going over, the city. But now what we do is when we don’t see when we don’t see those energy pathways, and instead, what does that line do? It cuts across the energy line, that b g three line or for people who wanna say lei line, the that’s available, which is, it cuts through it. And now are you’re not only ignoring it, but you’re damaging it. You’re cutting through, and it’s so easy to just move along with it and branch off from it. It might not be the exact straight line that you’re looking for, but it’s really easy to actually come in and then have that kind of feed the entire ecosystem you’re building.

Nick Urban [00:53:33]:
I have a feeling you’re not gonna like this question because it’s gonna draw an overly simplistic answer. But what are the things people notice in general when they use biogeometry or they take more note of what you’re describing right now and do things according to the principles of BG 3 and centering energy?

Doreya Karim [00:53:52]:
I don’t wanna be someone that says everything gets solved, and I’m not I’m not saying that. The the answer is related to things that are affected by the environmental energy exchange with the body. And that’s going back to that root cause, going back 360 when we talk about that root cause. It is a cause of many of of various issues in the body, not all issues, but various issues in the body. And and the reason I’m saying that is because, like I said, we get so many energy practitioners that they come to class because that’s where they’re stuck. That’s where they’re stuck, where, for example, they you can have a balancing session, and then they can measure your energy system after. But then tell the client to imagine themselves sleeping in their bed and suddenly that everything you’ve done is back to nothing. And that’s and so the problem is that that could be a cause of so many different issues in the body.

Doreya Karim [00:54:48]:
And and so that’s where I’m saying it depends on what the cause is for for if it’s it’s something that’s affecting so many people, but manifesting in different ways. Now one of the things I will say is for the home kit, we do in classes, we’re able to measure the ideal location of placing that cube. But for people who don’t come to class, my advice is always this. It’s always take 3 weeks and pick 3 different locations to place your cube. Remember to clear it every day. Don’t do it sometimes the first night, you’re not always gonna sleep the best, but by the second and third. Compare your sleep in the those those three different locations with the cube, you will find a big impact.

Nick Urban [00:55:40]:
Nice. Well, I’ll have to try that. But, Doreya, I have so many other questions for you. You have to run, so I’m gonna let you go. If people want to check out some of the resources you’ve mentioned, the videos, the studies that you guys have done to find your products, how do they go about that?

Doreya Karim [00:55:56]:
So by Let them, from by, they can go to, for the products, by geometry shop dot com, but there’s also a list of retailers on there as well. And I would say, lots of resources in in doctor Crane’s books. He has 3 books on, you could find them on Amazon if you just search by geometry. And the recent one is quite, heavy. I feel like I I have it here. Quite heavy, quite dense. Might not be the easiest to understand.

Doreya Karim [00:56:30]:
I do suggest that people start with the other two books because a lot of times people wanna start with the one that’s just released. But the great thing is he’s doing a we’re we’re slowly recording a book review of the chapters. So whoever is reading the book can actually follow along, and we’re pretty early on pretty early on in recording that book review. So you can kind of catch up and join us for the whole I’m gonna say it’s gonna take a year or something.

Nick Urban [00:56:57]:
Yeah. And if you guys want to try these products yourself, you can use the code urban on, I think it’s biogeometry, and that should save you, I believe, 8%. Okay. Dorea, if how would you like to leave people today? Any final thoughts if they take away because it’s too complicated for them? What is your your message here?

Doreya Karim [00:57:17]:
Like everything we we spoke about, I do think if you’re, if you’re diving into the world of subtle subtle energy, if you’re diving into the world of vibrational practices, I would say always, it doesn’t have to be by geometry, but look for a school that can offer, can offer some solutions without necessarily taking you down the path of looking for problems. You’ll be in a better place mentally, emotionally, physically, and, and, you know, vibrationally across all levels.

Nick Urban [00:57:52]:
Well, Doreya, thank you so much for joining me. I’ve had a blast exploring this technology on my own and then chatting about it with you here today.

Doreya Karim [00:58:00]:
Same here. Same here. Thank you so much for having me.

Nick Urban [00:58:03]:
Thank you for tuning in to this episode. Head over to Apple Music, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts and leave a rating. Every review helps me bring you thought provoking guests. As always, you can find the show notes for this one at and then the number of the episode. There, you can also chat with other peak performers or connect with me directly. The information depicted in this podcast is for information purposes only. Please consult your primary health care professional before making any lifestyle changes.

Connect with Doreya Karim @ BioGeometry

This Podcast Is Brought to You By

Nick Urban is a Biohacker, Data Scientist, Athlete, Founder of Outliyr, and the Host of the Mind Body Peak Performance Podcast. He is a Certified CHEK Practitioner, a Personal Trainer, and a Performance Health Coach. Nick is driven by curiosity which has led him to study ancient medical systems (Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hermetic Principles, German New Medicine, etc), and modern science.

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