Episode Highlights
EDTA may be taken in capsule form without affecting dental amalgams if it avoids direct contact Share on X"Awesome 8" essential nutrients include vitamins A, D, K, C, E, magnesium, zinc, & copper Share on XCellular energy is like a "battery charger" for cells, emphasizing the role of increased cell energy to prevent fatigue, disease, & aging Share on XCombining EDTA with substances like silica & zeolite helps detox the body more effectively Share on XUse humic & fulvic acids from ancient deposits for optimal nutrient absorption Share on XPodcast Sponsor Banner
About Theo Lucier
Theo Lucier is a biohacking entrepreneur, natural health researcher, and supplement formulator dedicated to helping people escape burnout and restore vibrant energy. Creator of BioRecharge, BioBoost, and Pure Vitamin C Flush, Theo’s work centers on optimizing cellular energy to support the body’s natural healing intelligence.
After overcoming severe chronic fatigue and discovering suppressed wellness principles, Theo transformed his health and made it his mission to share practical, effective remedies that boost energy and well-being. His approach focuses on results, empowering others to reclaim their vitality and live their best lives.

Top Things You’ll Learn From Theo Lucier
- [6:16] Importance of Detoxification, Subtle Energy & Cellular Health
- How you enhance cellular energy for natural healing
- Importance of energy in combating fatigue, disease, & aging
- Different detox strategies
- Saunas
- Niacin
- Zeolite
- Why use binders for detox
- Long-term detox methods
- Why you develop detox sensitivities when you get healthier
- Importance of avoiding nutrient deficiencies
- Impact of environmental chemicals
- [13:15] Micronutrients & Supplements
- Magnesium chloride therapy
- Megadosing vitamin C (10,000mg/day) & its benefits
- Spacing out supplements for better absorption
- Best supplements for nutrient absorption
- Daily essential micronutrients
- Vitamins A, D, K, C, E, magnesium, zinc, & copper
- The Glyphosate & glycine connection
- Magnesium chloride benefits
- [25:08] Unusual Health Practices & Historical Therapies
- What is EDTA
- How to take EDTA safely & effectively
- Subtle energy harmonization (Pulsor, biogeometry)
- A quick dive into BioGeometry & geopathic stress
- How to avoid geopathic stress lines
- Benefits of urine therapy
- Healing with colored light &homemade devices
- Spectrochrome light therapy & morphogenic fields
- Free diving & its benefits
- Pressure
- Negaive ions
- Sunlight
- Direct electrical grounding
- Hypoxia training
- Sun gazing & its growing popularity
- [35:25] Choose the Right Protocol for You
- A smarter way to figure out which supplements actually work for you
- How to choose the right tech for your health needs
- Ancient supplements to consider
Resources Mentioned
- Website: Forgotten Health
- Gear: BioGeometry Kit (code URBAN saves 8%)
- Article: Best Infrared Sauna Review
- Article: Natural Ways to Detox Fast
- Page: Everything You Need to Know About Supplementation
- Book: Your Own Perfect Medicine
- Teacher: Linus Pauling
- Teacher: Jack Kruse
Related Episodes
Episode Transcript
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Nick Urban [00:00:07]:
Are you a high performer, obsessed with growth, and looking for an edge? Welcome to MINDBODY Peak Performance. Together, we’ll discover underground secrets to unlocking the full potential of your mind, body, and spirit. We’ll learn from some of the world’s leading minds, from ancient wisdom to cutting edge tools and everything in between. This is your host, Nick Urban. Enjoy the episode. Are the simplest health protocols the ones most commonly overlooked? In this episode, Theo and I dive into forgotten remedies and unconventional strategies, like micronutrient balancing, contrast therapy, megadosing supplements, and a whole lot more. Get ready to rethink what you know about wellness and discover powerful tools hiding in plain sight. Some of the topics we discuss include magnesium therapy with a form called magnesium chloride, why Theo is a huge fan of megadosing vitamin c, a compelling case to spread out your supplementation throughout the day, potent ancient mineral supplements such as humic and fulvic acids, which not only provide essential trace elements, but they also boost nutrient absorption and your energy levels.
Nick Urban [00:01:33]:
We discuss ways of detoxifying heavy metals, why you’d wanna do that, and substances such as chelating agents like EDTA and DTPA and DMPS and several others. We also talk about the different clays and zeolite and why all of this is now more necessary than ever. We explore how Theo uses Rife technology to enhance his detoxification, amplify his fasts, and a whole lot more. We get into the impact of geopathic stress and how that impacts human and other biology. We also talk about the benefits of free diving and the mammalian dive reflex. Best of all, most of these are either extremely affordable or downright free. Joining us today is Theo Lussier. He’s an entrepreneur in the biohacking world, a natural health researcher and supplement formulator dedicated to helping people escape burnout and restore their vibrant energy, which is also the goal of Theo’s work to optimize cellular energy to support the body’s natural healing intelligence.
Nick Urban [00:02:51]:
He created several products such as BioRecharge, Bio Boost, and pure vitamin c flush to help you accomplish those goals. The show notes, which will contain links to everything we’ve discussed and a whole lot more, will be at mindbodypeak.com/thenumber188. And if you want to connect with Theo, you can do so at forgottenhealth.com. If you find something interesting or useful in this episode, I’d love to hear from you. Drop me a comment or a DM on Instagram at mind body peak performance. Alright. Sit back, relax, and enjoy part 1 of a 2 part interview series with Theo. For a sneak peek, tune back in next week because you’re not gonna wanna miss part 2 where we discuss perhaps the ultimate form of fasting called dry fasting.
Nick Urban [00:03:47]:
Alright. Let’s get started. Theo, welcome to the podcast.
Theo Lucier [00:03:50]:
Hello. Yeah. The tech demons are trying to get us already.
Nick Urban [00:03:53]:
We’ll make it work, though. I’m confident in us.
Theo Lucier [00:03:56]:
Absolutely. So what’s going on, man? What what do you wanna talk about today?
Nick Urban [00:03:59]:
Let’s start off today with the unusual non negotiables you’ve done for your health, your performance, and your bioharmony.
Theo Lucier [00:04:06]:
Unusual non negotiables. That is a really interesting and good question. Let me think about that. I would say, unusual non negotiables. I mean, if we’re just gonna go straight into unusual. So I used to think this was complete BS. But I am really into subtle energy harmonization now. So that and a lot of people, they are not a huge fan of, of talking about that that are more left brain.
Theo Lucier [00:04:41]:
But if once you experience it, you can actually feel it, it works. So I use one system from the 1980s called pulsor, p u l s o r. And those are for like area harmonization. So a room, a house, a piece of property, your desk, your bed, whatever. And then there’s a system now, called biogeometry. Have you heard of that?
Nick Urban [00:05:07]:
Yeah. I have their home kit right here, and I have I have their l ninety on as a necklace, and I have their ring, the biogemeteries signatures, biosignatures over there charging right now. So yeah.
Theo Lucier [00:05:21]:
Great. Yeah. So that’s I have the same stuff on right now except for the ring. So that’s a nonnegotiable for me. I mean, I I got really into it. Like, I have some cosmic towers. I don’t know if you’ve run into those. The biogeometry home kit, the pulser system, there’s kind of a unique company.
Theo Lucier [00:05:40]:
It’s called Safe SafeSpace, but they make something called georesonators, which help harmonize geopathic stress. So actually, in this office here, like, I mapped out the Hartman lines and the Curry lines, the geopathic stress lines and my desk is like right in between the lines. So Wi Fi off at night, that’s a non negotiable for me. I’ve got a timer, but that’s not that unusual. I would say some of the more unusual stuff. I usually get up in, sun gaze as the sun rises.
Nick Urban [00:06:16]:
Before you go on, first of all, I sungaze also, but I recorded a podcast with Daraya Karim. Yep. The doctor Ibrahim Karim, biogeometry’s wife Yep. And or daughter? Daughter. Daughter. Yeah. And she was talking about how common geopathic stress is. And it’s not just like every couple miles there’ll be a fault line.
Nick Urban [00:06:38]:
It’s like the stress lines are much more frequent than that. And it’s cool to hear that you’ve mapped it out. But what have you noticed in general from harmonizing your environment, your space, and your own energies?
Theo Lucier [00:06:50]:
Well, I’ll take it back to, what you’re talking about. So Hartman lines discovered by doctor Hartman, back in 19 fifties, during part of a cancer study, actually, actually. And you wrote a book on it called Disease as a Problem of Location. Because this in these same houses, in the same areas in the house, generations of people were getting the same types of cancer. And so Hartman lines are every 6 to 8 feet. And they’re oriented north, south, east, west. And then Curry lines are about every 30 feet, 30, 30, 36 feet. And those are oriented at an angle to the Hartman lines.
Theo Lucier [00:07:30]:
So, they’re everywhere. And they’re not necessarily good or bad. It’s just they carry information. And if one of them goes to the neighborhood junction box or across a Wi Fi or new neighbors, you know, most people have enough electronics in their house to control a nuclear submarine now. It picks up all that dirty electricity and the harmonics from that, and then it carries it along the line. And there’s I mean, there’s decades of studies on this that I mean, Europeans are much more into it than the Americans. So they’ve done most of the research on it. So that’s, that’s that’s where that comes from.
Theo Lucier [00:08:13]:
What have I noticed?
Nick Urban [00:08:15]:
And and to play devil’s advocate on that also because you mentioned that generations of families in the same house are having the same experiences. Mhmm. I’ve looked in some of the research around it, especially coming out of other parts of the world. Couldn’t you also, to play devil’s advocate, just say it’s either something to do with genetics or it’s epigenetics? It’s the environment they’re in. There’s a black mold issue or something else that could be causing it. Perhaps they’re too close to, like, high powered EMFs.
Theo Lucier [00:08:42]:
Sure. There’s always that. You know, I I don’t like the genetic excuse for stuff because your genetics will will I mean, there’s really only two reasons for poor health. Right? It’s toxins and lack of nutrients. That’s that’s pretty much it. So if you have toxins, it’s gonna make your genes express differently. So I think you can consider geopathic stress lines a form of a toxin, just like you can consider emotions or feelings that don’t serve you a toxin. It’s not just lead, arsenic, mercury, cadmium, microplastics, like stuff like that.
Theo Lucier [00:09:14]:
There’s there’s toxins that are on and energetic wavelength as well.
Nick Urban [00:09:20]:
So clinical infections too would probably fall into that.
Theo Lucier [00:09:22]:
Yeah. Like, how do you mean?
Nick Urban [00:09:24]:
Like, infections that you have, whether it’s parasites or something else that you’re not aware of, but they’re still they’re draining your body, they’re depleting nutrients. I guess it kind of falls into both categories.
Theo Lucier [00:09:33]:
Completely agree. Yeah. I mean, like the I don’t know where you’re at on viruses. I know that’s a hot topic these days. Do they exist? Do they not exist? Are they exosomes? But I mean, Epstein Barr virus, whatever it actually is, is I mean, that’s a huge one. I mean, there’s tons of people running around that can be diagnosed with that that’s causing chronic fatigue.
Nick Urban [00:09:54]:
Yeah. Okay. I interrupted. You you were talking about your others. You mentioned sungazing. Oh, actually, before that, you mentioned what you personally notice, and then we’ll go on to sungazing.
Theo Lucier [00:10:02]:
Sungazing. I mean, well, I I think sungazing is more common now too because Jack Cruz is talking about it. He’s done a lot to to so I guess the most unusual thing that’s a non negotiable for me is I free dive. I doubt anybody listening to this free dive. So that’s breath hold diving for depth in the ocean. So you get 4 benefits from that. So you get, pressure, You know, at 10 meters, 33 feet, you’re under 2 atmospheres of pressure already. And, you know, we go a lot deeper than that.
Theo Lucier [00:10:35]:
So that squeezes your cells. There’s a whole Bulletproof Labs back when they were around. You still have this machine that would that would alter the pressure and release it and increase it and release it. It’s supposed to, like, exercise your cells. So you get that. You get negative ions. Whenever you’re around the ocean, you get negative ions. So you get that good negative charge entering your body as an antioxidant.
Theo Lucier [00:10:58]:
You get sunlight, because you’re obviously out there, there’s no shade in the ocean. And you get direct, directly electrically grounded. So all that positive charge that we’ve built up from all these electronics in front of us, it just dumps that charge immediately. And then you get hypoxia. So I guess that’s 5. But working out while you’re in a hypoxic state is it’s like a huge stressor to the body, but in a good way. So that’s that’s a non negotiable for me. I mean, I go 1 to 2 times a week.
Theo Lucier [00:11:33]:
We have a group that goes in line dives here in San Diego. So that’s probably, I think that’s the most unusual one.
Nick Urban [00:11:40]:
I really like that. I I don’t you need a body of water near you that’s deep enough to be able to do that. But, yeah, I was thinking about the intermittent hypoxia benefits of that, but you’re right. There’s also the negative ions. There’s the earthing. There’s the cellular. I don’t know what would be engorging in constriction.
Theo Lucier [00:11:55]:
Nick Urban [00:11:55]:
So many cool things all in one.
Theo Lucier [00:11:56]:
Kinda pumps it. I mean, you can simulate some of it in Austin. Right? So, like, you can do the Paul Newman thing. He was famous for dunking his face in a a bowl of ice water every morning. So that’s actually will stimulate your mammalian dive reflex and tones your vagus nerve and does all kinds of stuff like that. And then I mean, you can do sprints while holding your breath. Or some people do hypoxia walks. Yeah, which are actually are terrible.
Theo Lucier [00:12:26]:
They’re like worse than free diving. For some reason, they’re super hard.
Nick Urban [00:12:31]:
I used to do those every single morning back when I lived in New York City, and I’d be like just walking briskly. Did you know about it in a book called The Oxygen Advantage?
Theo Lucier [00:12:39]:
Yeah. I’m talking to a human.
Nick Urban [00:12:40]:
Yeah. And I was doing this, and people would look at me like, what is he doing? Why is his face red? Why does he look like he’s about to explode? And it’s because it’s, like, it’s really intense.
Theo Lucier [00:12:48]:
You got attention on the street in New York that, I mean, that takes effort. So that must have he must have been pushing it.
Nick Urban [00:12:55]:
Theo Lucier [00:12:55]:
I guess the other unusual stuff I do is probably some of the supplements that a lot of people don’t take. And I’ve scaled back my supplements in recent years. I used to just take a million of them, but, I’ve kinda figured out what I need and what I don’t need. But you before they call you, I mean, you mentioned EDTA. That’s one that I take daily.
Nick Urban [00:13:15]:
Let’s go into that. I’m curious how you settle on these, first of all. Like, you said you figured out what you need and don’t need. How did you figure that out? Was it through blood work, intuition, some combination of other modalities and technologies?
Theo Lucier [00:13:28]:
All the things. Here’s what I’ve noticed is the more healthy I’ve gotten, the more detox I’ve become, the more I feel things. So it used to be the signal to noise ratio on my body was like, really high. It’s just off, I couldn’t feel anything. You know, I was just probably filled with all kinds of different toxins and processed food and sugar and, you know, sleeping with the Wi Fi. You know what I mean? This is like, there’s just so much noise in my body. I could take a supplement, I wouldn’t feel it. And now I can take, you know, like, ginger, and I can, like, feel it in 20 minutes, which is a new sensation.
Theo Lucier [00:14:06]:
I mean, I think it comes back to what I think, are the only two causes of low health, low energy disease, which is, you know, overload of toxins and, cells that are underserved by nutrients. Like, they’re missing something. I mean, if you look at the work of doctor Wallach, you ever heard of this guy?
Nick Urban [00:14:27]:
What’s his first name?
Theo Lucier [00:14:29]:
I think it’s Joe. I just know it’s doctor doctor Wallach. Super interesting guy. OG. I mean, he his rise to fame was in the 90s. Right, which is why not many people heard of him today, but he’s still around. And he was a medical doctor who became or he became he’s a veterinarian, who became a medical doctor, to prove a point when the FDA sued him. But his point was that in, animal husbandry, so raising livestock or taking care of zoo animals, they have solved health problems in that field.
Theo Lucier [00:15:07]:
Like the animals don’t get sick. Why is that? I mean, in general, they don’t get sick, not like the human population does. And it’s because they don’t have nutrient deficiencies. They figured out 100% of all the nutrients like these animals need and then give it to them and then they don’t get they don’t get sick. They they’re they’re healthy until you know, they’re harvested or whatever. And the same thing they figured out and zoo animals. I mean, this guy did like 1000 of autopsies on animals and related them back to specific nutrient deficiencies or toxin overloads. And then he created a product line around that for humans and then got sued by FDA.
Theo Lucier [00:15:45]:
So he went and got a medical degree and then defended himself for 1. Pretty wild story. But, that’s a really like the books that he wrote on this topic. It’s really clear illustration of how just like one trace mineral missing from your cellular metabolism can have downstream effects that later manifest what we call disease. So, and then obviously, the overload of toxins, I mean, we have a huge amount of I mean, I think it’s since World War 2, it’s like 86,000 new novel chemicals have been released into the market. So I’m not one of those people. It’s like, doom and gloom, like, we’re all gonna die. Everything’s toxic, like, can’t touch anything.
Theo Lucier [00:16:28]:
Like, of course, we have to operate in this world. But, I mean, you if you’re not detoxing, it’s you got a problem. Yeah. I mean, children are born with gallstones now. It’s not wild. It’s just like, like, just imagine. So anyways, the more detox I’ve gotten, the more I feel stuff. So I in the early days, I assume blood work and this and that and all this self quantification stuff, and I still do.
Theo Lucier [00:16:57]:
Over there in my office, I’ve actually got a RGL systems Quantum 4. It’s a bio electrical impedance analyzer. So you
Nick Urban [00:17:04]:
Theo Lucier [00:17:04]:
do your full, body composition and you can see how much water you’re carrying inside your cells versus outside. And you can even look at your phase angle, which is essentially like a cell health score. I don’t know why more people don’t use it. It’s I guess it’s it’s nobody really explains it well. It just measures 3 things on your cells. It measures how much electrical charge your cell is holding because each cell is like a little capacitor or battery. So the more electrical charges cell can hold, healthier it is. It measures the integrity of the cell membrane.
Theo Lucier [00:17:38]:
So people that are, you know, bombing down a lot of seed oils, canola oil, that gets incorporated in the cell membrane. And the cell membrane is not healthy. It doesn’t have a lot of integrity. So it measures that and then it measures how much water is inside the cell. So the more water that’s inside the cell up to a certain amount, the machinery inside of it runs better. And the toxins are removed better. So it measures those three things and gives you a score. Why they measure it as an angle, I don’t know.
Theo Lucier [00:18:06]:
But pre dry fast on me, I was like 7.64. I think it was my highest. And immediately after my dry fast, it was like 9.1. And now it’s kind of settled down into like the 8.48.6 range, somewhere somewhere like that. So, and as you age, your phase angle goes down. If you’re sick, if you’re filled with toxins, your phase angle goes down. If you have a disease, your phase angle goes down. So there’s decades of research showing a range of where your phase angle should be at for your age and body weight.
Theo Lucier [00:18:43]:
And it was really interesting doing the dry fast because it went I mean, it it I was like, average, which I was kind of sad about. About. I’m like, man, I do everything right. Why am I average? And then, after it just, like, pin the needle on cell health. So I was super excited about that.
Nick Urban [00:19:00]:
That’s cool. And we will explore that topic momentarily. 1st, I love what you said earlier about you developed sensitivity as you detox and got healthier. I came across that I guess I realized that myself maybe a year or so ago. I was like, wow, interesting. Like one perspective of health is the returning towards sensitivities that are being like, things are coming up inside you and your body is giving you all this information. And it’s the ability to tap into that stream of information and decode it and adapt your lifestyle accordingly. And it’s almost like a superpower once you develop it.
Nick Urban [00:19:36]:
And other people might label you as, oh, he’s extra sensitive. He has these powers, and it’s, like, really just returning to baseline optimal health.
Theo Lucier [00:19:45]:
Yeah. I mean, think about all these studies done. Right? Like, I’ve always had this question. There’s like, really no wild humans left that. So all these studies that are done in health, they’re taking people that, you know, maybe they had 6 vaccines because they were born in the early 70s. Or maybe they’ve had 100 because they were born in the 2000s, you know, like, and it doesn’t take they usually don’t adjust for toxin exposure that they may have had in life. And so you take like the quote unquote, healthy normal population, and most people can’t feel anything they like there. I mean, one in what’s the latest statistics, it’s like 1 in 6 Americans is on 4 prescription drugs.
Theo Lucier [00:20:32]:
It’s like, that’s the average. It’s like, I mean, it’s wild. So we are in the minority. I mean, it’s got to be like point 0 something percent where, you know, you can take something and feel it. Once you clean that noise out of the body. But I mean, to bring it back to EDTA, that is, you know, once I read, doctor Gary Gordon’s book, and I saw a YouTube video of him, where he was in his late 70s. And he and he looked great. And his mind was great.
Theo Lucier [00:21:07]:
His brain was great. His skin looked great. I was like, wow. And, you know, he mentioned he’d been taking EDTA since I believe the 1960s. And he practiced he had a clinic in Arizona. They practice that up until I mean, right before he died. He died in his late 90s, I believe. And so EDTA is is a good catch all for 4 types of metals.
Theo Lucier [00:21:29]:
I mean, it preferentially will pull out lead. And then after that, mercury and then cadmium and arsenic. And it’s just a great daily driver for detox.
Nick Urban [00:21:40]:
So that’s a dietary supplement. And since it binds to things such as heavy metals, do you recommend using it away? Like, do you personally use it away from, say, your other supplements or minerals or anything else you’re taking?
Theo Lucier [00:21:54]:
There’s a lot of debate on that. And doctor Gary Gordon talks about it in his book detox with oral chelation, which is a great book if you can find a copy. There’s debate on whether it binds to zinc. So, you know, in nature, when you’re in a mine, and you’re mining for lead, zinc is always found in your lead deposits. They’re chemically actually really similar, only differ by a couple molecular steps. That’s that is why lead screws you up physiologically is because it plugs into your body where zinc is supposed to go. And it occupies that role.
Nick Urban [00:22:29]:
So that reminds me of glyphosate and glycine.
Theo Lucier [00:22:33]:
Oh, dude, Glyphosate. Now tell me about this glycine connection. I didn’t know that. I just I have a personal experience with glyphosate. It’s one of the reasons I’m in natural health, but tell me this connection.
Nick Urban [00:22:43]:
It’s just really Yeah. I’ve read that it’s the same thing where it, glyphosate docks into the same receptors and blocks glycine. And there’s a bunch of other downstream consequences of that as well. And, like, how it works in the shikimate pathway in the bacteria and everything. But, yeah, that’s where I first came across that idea, and I guess it applies to a lot more than just glyphosate and glycine.
Theo Lucier [00:23:06]:
Wow. So does taking do you know if taking glycine helps ameliorate the effects of glyphosate?
Nick Urban [00:23:13]:
I would imagine, but I haven’t read specific about
Theo Lucier [00:23:16]:
that. That’s interesting. I I do take glycine as a supplement. It’s like a nice natural sweetener. It’s good for the gut. I I love it. That’s a really interesting fact. Yeah.
Theo Lucier [00:23:27]:
I mean, and that’s how a lot of these toxins mess you up. They plug into areas where the good thing is supposed to go. So I do take it away from the Zinc. But in the book, it’s speculated that it just removes old biologically inactive zinc, and it doesn’t mess with, you know, new biologically active zinc. I don’t know if that’s true or not. But I didn’t personally see any zinc depletion signs because I forgot. And I was doing it that way for, like, 2 months. I’m like, oh, man.
Theo Lucier [00:23:57]:
And, you know, I didn’t see any signs on my nails or anything, but I didn’t get tested for either. I mean
Nick Urban [00:24:04]:
Well, those tests are also notoriously inaccurate, like the blood labs.
Theo Lucier [00:24:08]:
I know. So
Nick Urban [00:24:08]:
it’s it’s difficult to test for. You can do maybe, like, hair tissue mineral analysis. But even then, that requires, like, a really deep understanding of it, and practitioners often get it wrong. There’s, like, there’s no really excellent state of the art way of testing for that to go off.
Theo Lucier [00:24:21]:
Yeah. And the reference ranges are all off. The reference ranges are based on a normal population and the normal population is starved of nutrients and usually poisoned by toxins. So it’s it’s like what they say for vitamin c levels, vitamin d levels, like they’re all I mean, they basically those reference ranges are based on you not dying. So they’ll recommend the amount of vitamin C to prevent you from dying, which is tiny. I think the RDA is something ridiculous, like 60 milligrams or something a day. You need to be taking like 5,000 at least. So, yeah, that’s that’s I mean, we could go we could do a whole podcast on that.
Theo Lucier [00:25:04]:
But I totally agree with you on that.
Nick Urban [00:25:08]:
So EDTA back to that. You take that every night, and are you taking it right before bed? And are there any concerns about, like, this binding and then causing issues when like, during excretion? Do you need to take anything else with it to make it effective and safe?
Theo Lucier [00:25:24]:
That is a really good question. So I have a lot of friends that have gotten on it through me and we’ve got years of experience working with it now. So I didn’t personally run into this, I think because I did so many sauna and niacin detoxes prior to doing the EDTA, but I have had friends who they had so much metal in them that the amount of EDTA they were taking, it it pull out, it liberated the metals from the tissues, but they didn’t take enough EDTA to grab all of it. And so in those cases, you have to add like silica for aluminum, zeolite for some of the other stuff. Charcoal actually is not a good metals binder at all. So I didn’t use that one. And then people have had mercury toxicity, like, there’s some exotic stuff you can take for that. But I would say there’s like DPMS, is one of them.
Theo Lucier [00:26:24]:
And then there’s another one called emiramide, which is not easy to get. But that is a really good mercury binder. Mercury is really hard to get out of the body. I would say, if you really want to move the needle on energy and brain health, if you focus on detoxing metals first, that is gonna move the needle for you the most.
Nick Urban [00:26:47]:
Okay. So if someone’s tuning in and they have had, say, amalgam fillings that have mercury in them, and they have other sources perhaps from paint. I don’t know all the different possible sources. There’s a lot of them. If they are gonna take, EDTA you also mentioned that, like, if you don’t take enough, that can be an issue. So it’s not one of those things where, like, I’m just gonna experiment, take a little bit because then you can liberate toxins and then not bind them adequately and excrete them. Are there any tips around that? Like, what would you do in that situation?
Theo Lucier [00:27:19]:
Yeah. Well, there’s so this was the whole green smoothie girl controversy in around the 2010s. So maybe it wasn’t her there’s there’s some woman who just blew up the green smoothie thing back in the 2010s. And she was recommending everyone do these cilantro. Yeah, smoothies for metals detox, but cilantro is is not a chelator. It’s a liberator. So if you take cilantro or spirulina or chlorella, they are not binders. What they do is they liberate the metals in your bloodstream from tissue, usually fat, And then you’re just floating you got all these metals in your bloodstream and there’s nothing to grab them.
Theo Lucier [00:28:00]:
And so that I mean, you can get kidney damage, liver damage. It’ll give you a leaky gut. It’ll give you brain fog. It’s not good. So, if you’re gonna use, like, cilantro, scurrilen, and chlorella, then you need to stack it with the right binders. But then each metal sort of needs a different binder. And that’s like aluminum, it needs silica. Lead needs EDTA.
Theo Lucier [00:28:23]:
Mercury can use EDTA and or Emeramide. There’s different and it depends the ratios of metals in your body. If people want their handheld and are gonna do this, I would actually do the Quicksilver Scientific Metals detox because it’s it’s really good. And I think it even comes with a lab test before and after. It’s not cheap. But if it’s your first time and you’re just dipping into this, that is one option. The other option is do what I did, which instead of messing around with exotic supplements at first, I did a sauna and niacin detox, which
Nick Urban [00:28:59]:
Theo Lucier [00:29:00]:
even if you don’t have an infrared sauna, if you’re willing to put in the work, you can still do it. You can actually use a really hot bathtub to do it. Have you heard of the sauna nice? Have you have you done it?
Nick Urban [00:29:12]:
Yeah. I’ve I’ve done both. I don’t know if I’ve done it with an infrared sauna. I’ve done it with an traditional Yep. Sauna. And I’ve done the hot bath, but I much prefer the sauna Yeah. It’s way easier. The hot bath.
Theo Lucier [00:29:24]:
My first one I did was, I put on 5 warm up jackets, 2 pairs of, like, sauna suit pants, and I jump rope.
Nick Urban [00:29:33]:
Oh, wow.
Theo Lucier [00:29:34]:
It was just it was like, that’s how I was doing it. But I had benefits from it. And, I if somebody has access to a traditional sauna or infrared sauna, I would highly recommend looking into a sauna niacin detox protocol because what that does is it’s a glow it’s a it’s a global detox. So in your body, most toxins are shunted into your fat cells because it seals them away from active circulation and it protects you. From there, it goes into your bones if they’re metals. That takes 7 to 15 years depending on who you talk to to get out of your bones, which is one of the reasons that Doctor. Gary Gordon said you take EDTA every day for life. Because your bones remodel daily and every time they remodel, they release a little bit of metal.
Theo Lucier [00:30:22]:
So if you look at older people, particularly women, they lose a lot of bone density after menopause. And then they start having all these health problems because their bones are releasing a tonne of metals, because there’s less bone mass. And so there’s nowhere for the metals to go. So they’re released into active circulation and then their hair starts thinning and graying and falling out. Their skin gets affected. They have liver problems, kidney problems, and then there’s downstream hormonal effects from that. And it’s because they lose bone density as they age and as their hormone shift and then poof, all these metals come out. So the nice thing if you have access to an infrared sauna or normal sauna, you get a $5 bottle of niacin.
Theo Lucier [00:31:02]:
You do this protocol. It’s basically just take a little bit more niacin every day, and then you wait 3 hours and get in a sauna. It just everything comes out all at once and it skips the detox pathways. It just goes in your bloodstream and then it’s immediately sweat out of your skin.
Nick Urban [00:31:19]:
Yeah. You don’t need to take any binders with that, do you?
Theo Lucier [00:31:22]:
I mean, you can and people do, and and I I do. But you don’t have to. Like, my first 3 or 4, I didn’t take any and, like, they have, like, black rings on the towel. I mean, it was just just crazy. Yeah. So I’m I still never forget my first one, man. I felt awful for 8 days. And I was like, this is the worst thing.
Theo Lucier [00:31:46]:
I’m more tired of more brain fog. On day 9, I would fell on top of the world, just so much energy more. And that was after years of doing all the normal health stuff that you and I talked about that we know and love all the things. And but it was really that that that was the initial big chain.
Nick Urban [00:32:06]:
So that sounds like a much more accessible and easier way to get into this world than it is to try and stack the right binding and liberating supplements together. So if someone does that and they wanna go to the next level, would taking, EDTA with silica and what was the other one? Zeolite. Yeah. Be a good combo?
Theo Lucier [00:32:29]:
Be a great combo. Abs absolutely. I mean, the more EDTA you take, the more it’s gonna pull toxins out. So, like I started really low, I was doing a pretty low amount of it. And then after 6 weeks, then I slowly ramped it up. And now I do like 1,000 milligrams a day, you know, throw it in my smoothie or whatever I’m having. And then I mean, I don’t even feel it. I think because I’m just over the hump.
Theo Lucier [00:33:03]:
Right? But other people just I mean, it’s smoked my mom. My poor mom, man. I mean, dentists are just such butchers. She’s had a ton of root canals, which, you know, yeah, you know about that. And then she’s got a lot of amalgams. And I want her to get the amalgams out, but, you know, she’s got so many of them. She doesn’t wanna mess with it. She’s older now.
Theo Lucier [00:33:26]:
And like, doctor Gary Gordon said you can take EDTA in capsule form if you have amalgams and it won’t, like, actively pull more out of the oral cavity. It’s only if it, like, comes in physical contact with your mouth. But it it made her so tired right away because it was just doing work. And so ultimately with her, she’s done one sauna nice and detox protocol, but she just gets in the sauna all the time. And I mean, that’ll help her stay on top of it. And I got her set up with a rife machine, which actually is
Nick Urban [00:34:03]:
Theo Lucier [00:34:03]:
unusual thing I should have mentioned because I’d use the rife machine a lot.
Nick Urban [00:34:07]:
Interesting. And what do you use the rife machine for?
Theo Lucier [00:34:09]:
Well, everyone thinks of the rife machine as, you have a specific pathogen or type of cancer, and then you you kill it using frequency. But a lot the Rife machine, interestingly enough, can be used, it’s right over there. So I’m looking at it, it can be used as a wellness machine. So there’s a specific frequency, 40,000 hertz. That is like a cellular wellness frequency that it makes your cells work better. So whatever that cell is there to do, it’s gonna do it better. It speeds up the cell metabolism. And so it helps the cell respiration, so pulls in more nutrients and flushes out more toxins.
Theo Lucier [00:34:48]:
So that is one of the ones that I use the most. But there’s some other really cool frequencies. So like for testosterone, you can run that. There’s literally a specific frequency for that. There’s one for eyesight. There’s a bunch of cognition ones that you can run for sharper cognition. There’s physical attribute ones like for muscular performance. There’s even a muscle relaxant one.
Theo Lucier [00:35:17]:
So if you have like a back injury or something, you can do that. So it’s really it’s a really interesting form of healing.
Nick Urban [00:35:25]:
These technologies are fascinating because you go you get one, you open up the menu of all the different options, and it’s like, okay, I want this one. I want this one. I want this one. I want this one. How do you choose?
Theo Lucier [00:35:35]:
I know. There’s in the Rife community is divided on that. So some people use a very medical model approach, so they match the treatment to symptoms they’re experiencing. And other people just go straight intuition or they’ll even douse, like, they’ll use a pendulum. And I mean, because there’s hundreds of thousands of frequencies, right? And they can do any number of things. But, yeah, some people in that community will actually douse for the right color. Or not color. I was thinking color because I’ve got my Dinshaw lights down there, the spectrochrome light.
Theo Lucier [00:36:09]:
Have you heard of that?
Nick Urban [00:36:10]:
No. I haven’t.
Theo Lucier [00:36:11]:
It was around the turn of the last century. It was actually late 1800s where there’s a guy named Darius Dinshaw. He’s like a polymath, really brilliant, India guy, immigrated to the US, and he created a system of healing with colored
Nick Urban [00:36:25]:
light. Oh, yeah. I’ve I’ve heard of color therapy. I didn’t know it was he did he’s the one who pioneered it.
Theo Lucier [00:36:31]:
Well, actually, it was a guy named Babbitt, in the 18 sixties that did the original version, which was charging water with colored light, and then you drank the water. So it was like a homeopathic solution. But Dinshaw took it really far so far, in fact, that the FDA arrested and put him in prison, and they actually burned all of his books and destroyed all of his devices.
Nick Urban [00:36:58]:
Theo Lucier [00:36:59]:
It was used clinically at a hospital, I think in Cleveland, by there’s a Kate Baldwin was the surgeon there. And she her name is still known today. She testified for Dinshaw in the court case against him, but it was used clinically there for 20 years, and it was particularly good at healing burns with no scars.
Nick Urban [00:37:22]:
How is this used? Like, was this the water, the homeopathic colored
Theo Lucier [00:37:26]:
No. Well, that’s one way, but it the the I have it right here. I’ll show it to the camera. The unfortunately, you can’t buy the device. There’s still band to make, so you have to go, you have to
Nick Urban [00:37:40]:
Build your own.
Theo Lucier [00:37:41]:
A homemade. Yeah. But the the build your own version looks like this. So
Nick Urban [00:37:47]:
Oh, wow. Yeah.
Theo Lucier [00:37:48]:
So this is a p 38 can, they call it. They’re used in in lighting, and green is a a color frequency for muscular equilibrium. And so, you basically expose your body like this, the skin on your body from the waist up, to the light and no more than an hour and it does its thing. But you know, what’s weird is if you are looking to do a parasite detox, this is actually more effective than a Rife machine.
Nick Urban [00:38:22]:
Theo Lucier [00:38:23]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yellow. It’s the weirdest thing, man. And so, like, my girlfriend has cats and, you know, sometimes they get these physical maladies or whatever. And so we will charge up their water and just put it in their bowl, and then they drink the water.
Nick Urban [00:38:39]:
So is that how you use it too? I know you mentioned shining it on your upper body for up to an hour, but are you also putting your water in front of it and charging your water?
Theo Lucier [00:38:49]:
I do. Yeah. So, when I’m looking for a specific effect, because that accelerates the the potency of the treatment. I mean, what I know this sounds crazy for people listening, but if you look up spectrochrome light therapy spectro with an O on end light therapy or Dinshaw, You, you’ll see it. I mean, this was used clinically for a long time. The reason the FDA came after him is because he got so big. And it is directly counter to the pharmaceutical industry, which was really growing rapidly at the time. But it’s it’s potent therapy.
Theo Lucier [00:39:28]:
And there’s a company called Roskaline. They make, colored gels or filters for lights for the movie industry. And Roskaline, still to this day, sells a set of these, and they’re called the Dinshaw, lights, Dinshaw filters, something like that. And you can order the set.
Nick Urban [00:39:46]:
Do you need special bulbs for this? It seems like you would.
Theo Lucier [00:39:49]:
Yeah. Not LEDs. It needs to be an incandescent, which they ban, so that’s cool.
Nick Urban [00:39:54]:
Doesn’t need to be high power?
Theo Lucier [00:39:56]:
No. That’s just a 60 watt. Wow. Yeah. It it works on my understanding of it is that it works on one of the energetic bodies. So it’s not working directly on the physical. It works on, I guess, your morphogenetic blueprint. And then underneath that, the the physical body starts to express differently.
Theo Lucier [00:40:18]:
It’s kinda like homeopathics, but using colored light.
Nick Urban [00:40:21]:
What What else works in the morphogenetic field, which is like the energetic blueprint that eventually gives rise to the physical structures I understand it?
Theo Lucier [00:40:29]:
Yeah. That’s I mean, I haven’t dove into that a ton because that’s a whole world that I could tell I would just get distracted in and just lose myself in. But I do have a lot of experience with homeopathy, Bach flower essences, autopathy, which is kind of a like homeopathy on steroids. And they all work. And so and I mean, even in the UK today, there are entirely homeopathic hospitals. And they’ve been there for forever. I mean, you can use their national free healthcare and go to homeopathic hospital there. My understanding just in a simple way is those inform the energetic blueprint, just like you said, the morphogenetic field and that in turn affects the underlying physical structures.
Theo Lucier [00:41:19]:
But out of all those, I would say atopathy was one of the most effective I’ve ever used, which is just using the body’s own information. You it’s literally just like this little bottle, and you take your body’s own information, either breath or saliva, and you do a preparation and a dilution. And then you apply that back into your body’s field. And it I mean, man, that one was great. Like, I felt the effects right away. My mom do it for a while, and it kinda changed her constitution, you know, and she had a lot more energy. And, I mean, it’s really interesting stuff.
Nick Urban [00:41:58]:
So this is just your saliva you’re taking in your diluting that and then you’re
Theo Lucier [00:42:03]:
That’s one of
Nick Urban [00:42:03]:
the administering it?
Theo Lucier [00:42:05]:
Yeah. Yeah. It’s one of the methods to do it.
Nick Urban [00:42:07]:
Yeah. That sounds incredibly simple. I recently recorded a podcast on urine therapy. Yeah. It’s similar, but it’s a lot more extreme than just using your own saliva.
Theo Lucier [00:42:15]:
You know, it’s funny. Urine therapy has been coming up a lot. Maybe you can expand on this for me because I think you know more than I do. Is urine therapy kind of like a homeopathic? Or is that what’s going on there? Because like, it’s been getting a lot of traction. And I’ve heard a lot about it. And a lot of it makes sense. And I’m just like, Oh, God, I’m gonna have to do this now. You know, because it because it makes too much sense to not pay attention to.
Theo Lucier [00:42:41]:
But I’ve always wondered is it’s so it’s like a homeopathic for your body.
Nick Urban [00:42:46]:
Yeah. Exactly. And there’s a lot of myths and misconceptions around it. I read a book called Your Own Perfect Medicine.
Theo Lucier [00:42:51]:
Nick Urban [00:42:52]:
And there’s a lot of information about it that’s been suppressed and it was used by doctors.
Theo Lucier [00:42:58]:
It was
Nick Urban [00:42:58]:
in a lot of newspapers over the years. And there’s commercial products that use it and use enzymes such as urokinase as an active ingredient in their product. But when you take one constituent, one part of it, and you break it apart from a whole urine, then you get side effects and you have issues and it’s not suitable for everyone. But, yeah, it works as, like, a homeopathic. And you have a ton of different things from neurotransmitters to hormones to heavy metals, but like in very, very small amounts that you need to reduce in your body and helps stimulate the healing response.
Theo Lucier [00:43:36]:
It makes sense on a frequency level. It’s like everything in your body diluted down just like they do in a homeopathy. They or homeopathy. They they, they dilute the substance down so there’s not one molecule left, basically. And then the more diluted it is, the more potent it is. I did have somebody tell me one time, because for some reason since I’ve been a kid, I’m susceptible of bloody noses. I don’t know why. It’s only out of the right nostril.
Theo Lucier [00:44:04]:
It’s the weirdest thing. And I had somebody tell me, I say next time that happens and if you’re just stuck out somewhere, like, just get a little bit of urine on your finger and just put it there. And if you’re not comfortable with doing that, then just inhale the fumes. So I did one time and it it stopped in, like, like, less than a minute, like, 20, 30 seconds. And I was like, oh, wow. That’s super interesting.
Nick Urban [00:44:34]:
There’s a lot of really interesting stories I’ve heard about it too, such as, like, if you get bitter stung by something and you’re out of the middle of nowhere, if you introduce a small amount of that and it will help your body, like, counter the the venom and can potentially save your life, it’s used topically for skin care purposes. Apparently, after doing it frequently, it loses the like, you lose the sensitivity to the taste. It starts stops tasting extreme, like, something you wouldn’t wanna consume. And people compare it to green tea, like a an aged green tea.
Theo Lucier [00:45:09]:
Yeah. You wanna hear something crazy? I just found this out yesterday, so or day before yesterday. So there’s this cafe in San Diego, and it’s it’s where all the natural health people hang out. There is woman I see there all the time. And I always she’s got this mason jar and I was like, oh, she brings in her own tea or her own apple juice or whatever. I just found out she she every day into the cafe, she brings a jar of her own urine. She just brings it all day. I was like, I mean, this is getting mainstream now, man.
Nick Urban [00:45:42]:
That is yeah. I I have not heard that, but that is something. And I’ve I also heard, like, if people do this regularly sometimes, like, some people will I think there’s even been, like, a Joe Rogan episode on this or something where one of his guests did something similar. And if you’ve only consumed that for a while, they call it looping. If you just consume your own urine and it produces, like, psychedelic like effects.
Theo Lucier [00:46:05]:
Wow. It’s interesting. I don’t know if I’m ready to go that far yet. But it’s it’s interesting. Right? Like, there’s this whole world out there. And I always try to make it practical because like the whole subtle energy world and homeopathy and spectochromelites and the Rife machine and morphogenetic fields and, you know, all you can get lost in that. But really, for me, it’s like, well, what’s the takeaway? What can I actually like? What’s the practical thing I can take from that and use, you know? And, like what we’re talking about, I think detox is such an important thing. And then you become more sensitive to these therapies, and I think they actually work better.
Nick Urban [00:46:47]:
Interesting way of framing it because then everything else you’re doing in life, all the biohacks, the natural health hacks, all these things, just the practices become more effective. You’re essentially amplifying them by turning up your sensitivity.
Theo Lucier [00:47:00]:
Yeah. I mean, my early biohacking journey was probably like most people’s, especially men, which I just kept adding stuff. Like I was I was taking it started with nootropics because it was something that I could feel. So nootropics, brain stimulants, basically, cognitive enhancers. Because it was like one thing I could feel because I couldn’t feel anything. So it was like basically like drugs essentially, like taking whatever strongest nootropic I could find. Shout out to Natural Stacks back in the day, SilTep. I think they call it neuro fuel now.
Theo Lucier [00:47:38]:
Great company, by the way. And then that segued into, you know, all these other crazy supplements for like micronutrients. And then I got into detox. And then I was like, I gotta subtract, like, what’s the basics?
Nick Urban [00:47:53]:
Theo Lucier [00:47:53]:
know, like, what what what do my cells need, and it’s really 8 different nutrients, that they need on a daily basis. And then you got to work really hard on keeping your body clean like that, like everything you got to do liver detoxes, gut detox, cellular detox, every once in a while. Kidney detox like, I think that makes the biggest difference. Do you know the story of the immoral chicken heart?
Nick Urban [00:48:22]:
No. But before before going on to that, what are the 8 nutrients that you that you’re concerned? Yeah.
Theo Lucier [00:48:29]:
Let’s see if I can remember them. I I I call them awesome 8, but it’s it’s, so vitamins a, d, and k. So really important for your calcium metabolism. We’ll loop back to that. Zinc copper because they both need to be taken together. So that’s 5. Vitamin c, magnesium, so we’re at 7. And I’m missing 1.
Nick Urban [00:48:55]:
No vitamin e?
Theo Lucier [00:48:57]:
Vitamin e, your body synthesizes. It makes it if you take enough c.
Nick Urban [00:49:03]:
And it probably also depends on if you’re not consuming a diet rich in, PUFAs, polyunsaturated fats. Yeah. Oh, iodine. Okay.
Theo Lucier [00:49:10]:
Iodine’s the other big one. So that’s that’s number 8. So those are the one I take those every day. And then the only other things I take are detox stuff like ETA or whatever. So psyllium husk, you know, like very basic weak binder, but really good for cleaning out the gut.
Nick Urban [00:49:27]:
What’s your diet like? Are you eating a lot of fiber or are you carnivore or plant based somewhere in between?
Theo Lucier [00:49:32]:
I’ve tried them all. I I was carnivore for a while. So nowadays, I do a Weston A Price style diet. Have you have you gotten into Weston A Price at all? Or
Nick Urban [00:49:40]:
Yeah. His work’s really fascinating. And if I recall correctly, his diet is basically just really high quality whole foods.
Theo Lucier [00:49:47]:
Yeah. And and prepared in the traditional way. So, like, you’re eating tomatoes, but you’re not eating the skins because the skins have, like, a ton of lectins in them. And so, you know, like the Italians have always had a way to prepare tomatoes to pop the skins off. Really, I mean, it’s been they’ve been doing it for centuries. You know, I don’t eat a lot of nuts. But if you’re gonna eat nuts, like soak them first, you know, and like, there’s just certain ways to prepare foods. But I will say, you know, I’m 46 now.
Theo Lucier [00:50:17]:
So I do eat like a really protein high diet. For men, particularly if you’re over 35, you got to eat a lot of protein. And then I take particular care in the water that I drink. Like I’m really particular about that. So spring water, structured water, I usually am adding potassium or magnesium chloride to it. And I just drink that all day.
Nick Urban [00:50:41]:
Magnesium chloride internally.
Theo Lucier [00:50:44]:
Nick Urban [00:50:45]:
Interesting. I thought magnesium magnesium chloride is used most commonly as a topical spray.
Theo Lucier [00:50:49]:
It is. But if you could find magnesium chloride flakes, it’s it is I mean, the water tastes so good. And your brain just starts working so good. I mean, there’s like, what 16 forms of magnesium, magnesium chloride is the most bioavailable of them all. Yep. So people talk about the elemental forms and all that. Magnesium Chloride is the one that’s the most bioavailable.
Nick Urban [00:51:16]:
Interesting. That’s the one typically used in no. Epsom salt baths baths are magnesium sulfate?
Theo Lucier [00:51:21]:
I can’t remember. It’s, it it yeah. I can’t remember the form. But I’ve certainly drank that a lot too for my liver detoxes. And that’s has a has an effect of loosening things up. But yeah, you can drink tons of magnesium chloride, it won’t make you do that yourselves just like it. I mean, one of the reasons is because we’re exposed to so much EMF and your, you know, your blood is your largest wellness system in your body, right? And your blood picks up charge from the external environment pretty easily. One of the reasons because your veins look like antennas, right? And so they’re resonant with different electromagnetic frequencies.
Theo Lucier [00:52:01]:
So as your blood picks up that positive charge, it burns up magnesium, and c. But it particularly burns up magnesium, and so you need to take a lot of magnesium to counteract that.
Nick Urban [00:52:13]:
How much vitamin c did you say you’re taking per day? Like, how many grams have you taken? 5000?
Theo Lucier [00:52:17]:
I do 10.
Nick Urban [00:52:19]:
10,000? Mhmm. Oh, wow. That’s definitely considered high dose.
Theo Lucier [00:52:22]:
Yeah. You know, there’s I mean, Linus Bolling took 20,000 milligrams a day for, like, 30 years. I mean, a guy died in his late nineties. He was diagnosed with, like, prostate cancer in his fifties. He never got it treated. Died at, like, 96 or something. I can’t remember. But I mean, it’s if you’re gonna do a daily driver for detox, you can’t go wrong with vitamin c because it helps counteract the fact metals and all kinds of other toxins.
Theo Lucier [00:52:47]:
And, your body uses vitamin c to make glutathione and vitamin e. And, I mean, it’s to generate collagen. It also chelates excess cortisol out of the body. So Really? I didn’t know that. Yeah. Yeah. There’s a German study that I think they use public speaking as a stressor, and they had some people in vitamin C and some don’t. And it was like a placebo controlled, you know, randomized study.
Theo Lucier [00:53:17]:
Yeah. The people with vitamin C have measurably lower levels of cortisol, which is a very aging hormone if you have too much
Nick Urban [00:53:23]:
of it. It’s also really good, really important after getting sick to recover and to really eradicate whatever it is that got you ill. Yeah. That’s whenever I get sick. I I take a I mean, I already take pretty high dose vitamin c, but then I take even more. And it’s really interesting to see how much of your body can tolerate. It really just, like, sucks it in because there’s no bowel intolerance that you usually get at a certain level. And with your supplements, including vitamin c, are you spacing out throughout the day, or are you concentrating them in the morning or evening or tomorrow?
Theo Lucier [00:53:55]:
Space them out because you have to look at supplements as information, and there’s only so much information that your gut can process at one time. So I have my morning supplements in my evening, basically. And I like to mix them with food, waters, that kind of thing. And, I mean, I do take capsules, but I try not to when I can.
Nick Urban [00:54:17]:
Are there any supplements from your own studies, ancient supplements that you think deserve consideration in the modern human diet?
Theo Lucier [00:54:27]:
Like ancient supplements?
Nick Urban [00:54:29]:
Yeah. Like sea minerals or sheet or algae or any of these types of things have been around for a long time. They’re not like Well, yeah. Synthesized molecules.
Theo Lucier [00:54:37]:
Absolutely, man. I mean, I I mean, I founded a company based on hemic and fulvic, and I have 2 products in that category, BioRecharge and Bio Boost, but hemic and fulvic, absolutely. You need that that is I mean, the source that, I get mine from is 64000000 years old, that deposit.
Nick Urban [00:54:58]:
Theo Lucier [00:54:58]:
But all it is is it’s an organic trace minerals and organic just means that they carry the right electrical charge that your cells love and they’re highly, highly, highly bioavailable. Then it’s like 70 plus trace minerals that go right into your cells and they they increase nutrient assimilation, they increase, cellular respiration, they increase cellular hydration, they detox glyphosate from your gut, which is the original reason I started taking personally. We used to spray glyphosate as a college job. I was covered in that stuff. And I had gut problems for years afterwards. And, you know, glyphosate is hard to remove. But the biggest reason to take hemichinfolvic and Shilajit is a form of it. It’s just a different method of gathering it from the Earth’s surface, is because it’s not in our food supply anymore.
Theo Lucier [00:55:50]:
It used to be in our food supply, and it was in pretty, pretty abundant. So if you ate a fruit or vegetable pulled it from the soil, it was in the tissue. If you ate an animal that ate a fruit or vegetable or grain or whatever, it was incorporated in their tissues, and he got that way. But after World War 2, they started with the NPK fertilizers, and they industrialized farming and that stripped all the humic out of the topsoil, all the fulvic, and it it disappeared from our food supply. It’s gone. So you have to add it back in your diet. Unfortunately, the only place you can get it is are if it’s mined from ancient freshwater plant deposits. So that’s that’s a huge one.
Theo Lucier [00:56:33]:
I mean, I take that every day.
Nick Urban [00:56:34]:
Yeah. That makes a lot of sense. I am a big fan of it also. There are a lot of different reasons to use it.
Theo Lucier [00:56:42]:
Oh, I mean, yeah, absolutely. The the main reason is the energy. So that’s why I need there’s an epidemic of tired people walking around. I used to be one of them. And energy is a currency of life. You you need energy and your body needs energy, your cells need energy to fight disease and to maintain good health and slow down aging. And so that’s kind of the main reason to do it. It’s like this holistic source of energy.
Theo Lucier [00:57:07]:
It’s like a battery charger for yourselves. And that’s that’s why I take it.
Nick Urban [00:57:11]:
There’s a whole movement around the bioenergetic bioenergetics and bioenergetic nutrition. And although I don’t necessarily agree with all their principles on that style of nutrition, like the idea that, like, everything you do is gonna increase your cellular energy is gonna improve your overall health assuming everything’s
Theo Lucier [00:57:26]:
working otherwise properly. That’s really interesting.
Nick Urban [00:57:26]:
I haven’t heard of that. Assuming everything’s working otherwise properly.
Theo Lucier [00:57:30]:
That’s really interesting. I haven’t heard of that. So it’s called bioenergetics.
Nick Urban [00:57:33]:
Yeah. I mean, Ray doctor Ray Pete is the one who made it famous and more popular.
Theo Lucier [00:57:37]:
The Pete the Pete stuff.
Nick Urban [00:57:38]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. In pro metabolisms and everything. It’s like Yeah. I like the general concept of that, but not necessarily the implementation.
Theo Lucier [00:57:44]:
Yeah. He has some great stuff to say about cellular metabolism, but he was a chemistry guy. So he he completely left out biophysics. And Yeah. What people forget is that there’s no chemical reaction in our bodies that happen without the movement of electrical charge first. And so by default, it’s health is biophysics. Chemistry is layered on top of that. So if you focus on biophysics first, I think that’s a better model to use.
Theo Lucier [00:58:13]:
So if you take human metabolic, you’re adding the super like it’s literally nature’s strongest electrolytes, you’re adding all these spare electrons to your cells. And it neutralizes toxins and then donate cells to the mitochondria and then your cells start working better immediately. That’s kinda the main reason like biophysics. Right? Like how do we generate more power in our body? How do we get more electrons in our body? And how do we limit electron stealers, which are toxins? They steal electrons and they run you down. It’s really that simple.
Nick Urban [00:58:48]:
The water we’re consuming doesn’t have organic minerals. Largely, it’s inorganic minerals. Is that right? Yeah. So it’s like even though you might be getting some of these and you’re hopefully not tap water, it still makes sense to remineralize and get it other ways as well.
Theo Lucier [00:59:01]:
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it’s I’m lucky enough I have spring water delivered. I’m like really hardcore on the water thing. But prior to that, I had a very elaborate water filter system. And then the final stage after structuring it was to add minerals, which some minerals will structure it too. But in my case, because I always had a ton of, you know, hemoglobin laying around, I would I would just add that in. And and then the water is just smooth and velvety and, like, almost creamy feeling.
Theo Lucier [00:59:32]:
And, you don’t pee as much when you start drinking it because your cells pull more of it into their little bodies and they hold on to it. You know, when if you drink something and it goes right through you and you have to pee right away, it wasn’t very bioavailable.
Nick Urban [00:59:46]:
Thank you. And do you have any final words of wisdom, parting advice, or ways you’d like to wrap this one up for anyone who’s made it this far?
Theo Lucier [00:59:53]:
Yeah. And, yeah, this episode was a long one, but but hopefully a good one. Be consistent. That that’s kinda my thing is is, you know, natural health is all about consistency. So like those 8 micronutrients we talked about, whether you’re getting your vitamin, you know, DNA from cod liver oil like I do or you’re doing a supplement, but just be consistent with that every day. And over time, like, accumulatively, it just builds up. That’s it’s like consistency is key. So, yeah, that’s that’s my thing.
Nick Urban [01:00:26]:
Perfect. Well, excellent way to end this one. Theo, thank you so much for joining the podcast today. You bet. Appreciate it. Thank you for tuning in to this episode. Head over to Apple Music, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts and leave a rating. Every review helps me bring you thought provoking guests.
Nick Urban [01:00:48]:
As always, you can find the show notes for this one at mindbodypeak.com/andthenthenumberoftheepisode. There, you can also chat with other peak performers or connect with me directly. The information depicted in this podcast is for information purposes only. Please consult your primary health care professional before making any lifestyle changes.
Connect with Theo Lucier @ Forgotten Health
This Podcast Is Brought to You By
Nick Urban is a Biohacker, Data Scientist, Athlete, Founder of Outliyr, and the Host of the Mind Body Peak Performance Podcast. He is a Certified CHEK Practitioner, a Personal Trainer, and a Performance Health Coach. Nick is driven by curiosity which has led him to study ancient medical systems (Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hermetic Principles, German New Medicine, etc), and modern science.

Music by Luke Hall
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