Episode Highlights
You need to get comfortable being uncomfortable or else you won’t grow Share on X10,000 repetitions are more effective than 10,000 hours of practice Share on XThe athletes who have the best results have long term relationship with their coaches Share on XIf you solely rely on motivation, you will not move forward toward your goal Share on XA small mistake leads to disastrous results down the line if you don't receive feedback early on Share on XPodcast Sponsor Banner
About Adolfo Sanchez
Adolfo Gomez Sanchez has spent the last 3 decades studying scientific research on performance. As CEO, he has managed teams of over 300 members and has led post-merger integrations, transformations, and turnarounds. He also has over 35 years of martial arts training & coaching with professional athletes in sports such as tennis, track & field, motor racing, soccer, & football.
By building Gold Results – he and his team are the go-tos for driving optimal performance that allows any team to finally operate at its maximum potential.

Top Things You’ll Learn From Adolfo Sanchez
- 3:27 The Blueprint of Successful People
- The commonality between Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan & Tom Brady
- Foundational skills used by high performance athletes:
- Physically (The Body)
- Mentally (Mindset)
- How to find your focus & the right goals in life
- How to effectively filter your decisions for best results
- Why achieving the impossible is possible
- 11:26 The Keys to Next Level Performance
- Tips on how to achieve your long-term pursuits
- An exercise to cultivate optimal focus
- The formula to build your expertise
- The Triangle Performance
- Work
- Rest
- Nutrition
- 2 types of practice for improvements & progress:
- Deliberate practice
- Repetition
- 3 blocks to drive your optimal performance & achieve mastery of skills:
- Mindset: Setting your intentions, goals & expectations
- Maps: How you know where you’re going & where experts come in
- Mojo: How you execute, handle stress & pressure
- 21:46 Biggest Mistakes You Should Avoid
- The paradigms that limit your potential
- How to stop limiting your potential
- 5 mistakes people make than hinder growth:
- Blaming External Factors
- Not Challenging Existing Beliefs
- Overcompensating for Mistakes
- Reaching an Endpoint
- Incorrect Techniques
- 3 stumbling points when developing expertise:
- Ego: Big ego, small growth
- Not having a map: You will get lost in your journey
- Thinking that there’s an end: You will stop working towards something
- `The sacrifices you need to make
- 42:23 The Importance of Tracking, Coaches & Mentors
- 5 processes of collecting data throughout your growth journey:
- Tracking
- Diary
- Videos
- Spreadsheets
- Coaches/mentors/ 3rd person perspective(s)
- 4 fundamental skills you need to reach your goal:
- Analyzing
- Communicating
- Getting help
- Creating long term support networks
- Why getting a mentor or coach is crucial for high performance
- What to do if there is no mentor/coach available
- Benefits of self-correction
- Tips on choosing the right expert for you
- 5 processes of collecting data throughout your growth journey:
Resources Mentioned
- Adolfo’s Podcast: The Optimal Performance Podcast
- Article: Bioharmony Principles for Peak Human Performance & Quality of Life
- Book: Thinking in Bets
- Book: The Power of Now
- Teacher: Malcolm Gladwell
- Teacher: Victor Frankl
- Teacher: Bill Walsh
- Free Gift: Optimal Performance Guide
Related Episodes
Episode Transcript
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Nick Urban [00:00:07]:
Are you a high performer obsessed with growth and looking for an edge? Welcome to MINDBODY Peak Performance. Together, we’ll discover underground secrets to unlocking the full potential of your mind, body, and spirit. We’ll learn from some of the world’s leading minds, from ancient wisdom to cutting edge tools and everything in between. This is your host, Nick Urban. Enjoy the episode. CHEK you think of elite performance, what’s the first image that pops into your mind? Perhaps it’s Steve Jobs or Elon Musk or your favorite professional athlete. Now they do a lot of things differently than the rest of us, but one of the most important things that anyone can do today is to master the skill of meta learning, which is basically the art and science of learning how to learn things more effectively. The earlier in life you get good at this skill, the easier it is to develop every other skill that will set you apart in your craft.
Nick Urban [00:01:14]:
If you’ve heard of the famous 10000 hour rule, in this podcast episode, you’ll learn why that is no longer enough and what elite performance really requires so that you can decide if the inevitable sacrifices are worth it or you’re okay settling for, instead of elite performance, just high performance. In this episode, you’ll learn about some of the shortcuts you can take to get there faster, many of the different traits and commonalities shared by the world’s best professionals, and perhaps most importantly, a few exercises to help you decide where you wanna focus in the first place. Our guest this week is Adolfo Gomez Sanchez, and he has spent the last 30 years studying the scientific research on human performance, both with some of the top athletes saves well as business people and everyday folks just looking to take their performance to the next level. He has managed teams of over 300 people and as a consultant, has led post merger integrations, transformations, and turnarounds. As we discussed in the episode, he also has three and a half decades of martial arts training and coaching with professional athletes in sports such as tennis, track and field, motor racing, soccer, and football. So safe to say he’s seen a lot of the commonalities and differences between high achievers. In this episode, we worked to make it actionable so you can go in and implement some of the things that we discuss here today. If you have any questions, comments, or you wanna grab the resources we mentioned, those will be in the show notes at mindbodypeak.com Peak the number of this episode, which is 161.
Nick Urban [00:03:11]:
Alright. Without further ado, let’s bring him in. Opho, welcome to the podcast.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:03:17]:
Hi, Nate. Thanks for having me. It’s a pleasure to be here.
Nick Urban [00:03:20]:
You have quite an interesting background, and you’ve done some consulting with big multinational corporations, $1,000,000,000 corporations, and you’ve worked with elite performers across all domains. I’m excited to dive into these topics with you today.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:03:38]:
Cool. Yeah. Well, glad to be here and share whatever I can that might be the use.
Nick Urban [00:03:42]:
We’ll start off today with the unusual nonnegotiables you’ve done for your health, your performance, and your bioharmony.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:03:51]:
Okay. So one of the keys that I’ve always done and I teach my clients is, so I work a lot with professional athletes. And I’ll always say, when you go into a locker room, you hang up your clothes, you hang up everything else too. Right? All your your worries, your issues, you just leave them there. Mind I think all too often, we just we drag stuff from one environment into the other. Right? So we’re not we’re at home, but we’re thinking about work. We’re at work, but we’re worried about issues at somewhere else. Right? So I think it’s about, you know, focus on one thing Mind then knowing how to stop and and turn over.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:04:26]:
I think that’s really, really good. Also, I find I sleep better. Right? I used to close my eyes and it would be like, you know, remember the old movies when they used to have saves, like, the physical sail. Right? And they would, you know, when someone would run out and he just she passed me on the screen. That was the sense CHEK I would close my eyes, until I get you know, I learned to then meditate and and slow down. So I think that’s absolutely, one. And I think the other one is just being authentic.
Nick Urban [00:04:51]:
Yeah. Absolutely. For some background, will you explain who you are or what you do and some of the people you’ve worked with so that we have an idea of where we’re going in this conversation?
Adolfo Sanchez [00:05:02]:
Sure. So I guess since I was a kid, I was always obsessed with with performance. Although I didn’t call it that, and I didn’t know what that was. But but even as a kid, you know, would go and I take I I used to play American football, and I’d go and I’d take footballs in the summer, and I spend 2 hours throwing them into a net. You know, which is kinda weird, I guess, for a kid. But, it was all about, you know, what what makes humans you know, how can you be better? Right? I was never naturally gifted, so but I was I was really a hard worker. And then I discovered the martial arts about 45 years ago, and and it was great because I remember my master saying, look, my first teacher, he said, this is a never ending journey. And something about that appealed to me, and it and it filled us.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:05:40]:
Right? That that sense of no matter how hard you work, you’ll get better, but you’ll never be at the end. There’s there’s something nice about that. Right? And I think it’s so contrary to what we do in in our current world. Right? We’re worried about, you know, the Optimization, and it’s actually, that’s that’s one of the the pitfalls that I find people have. So I, you know, I was always competitive, in in you know, I played American football. I played tennis at pretty high level, and and I’ve been doing martial arts for many years and competed. And then that combined with my academic background. So I did my graduate degree at Yale, and that’s kind of where I discovered the the science of performance.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:06:14]:
And, and I that well, I was sort of going down a rabbit hole. And so there was series Mind there was, you know, science around all this stuff I’d observed that worked. And that’s where I started marrying the 2 worlds. I thought it was really cool. As soon as my graduate degree, I ended up starting a company, running it, selling it, and then being CEO of a bigger company about 3 to people. And when I stepped away from that, that was my moment. That was in 2002. And I said, you know, the hardest part of this whole journey was people.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:06:42]:
How do you get the most out of people? I guess the last 30 years, what I’ve done is work on solving that.
Nick Urban [00:06:47]:
Yeah. And with both professional athletes and in the workplace also, in order to excel and to thrive, there’s a certain level of baseline competence that’s required. And for athletics, it might be very obvious to the professional athletes. But when you look around, you survey the scene, the people you’ve worked with, what are some of the things, the foundational elements that are there consistently between both the athletes and the business people that are successful, the foundational things that might not be as intuitive. Like, for example, most people know at this point that athletes have a different mindset than most. You talk to a lot of the Olympians. You listen to them on interviews, and they mentioned how they were determined that they’re gonna succeed despite the odds, yada yada yada. But then I’m sure there’s a bunch of other factors that you see consistent across groups also.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:07:43]:
Yeah. And it’s funny. I I talk about what I call foundational skills. Right? And and in sports, it’s kind of understood in the physical Health. And in corporations, they don’t even have it. But so you’re gonna play a sport. 1st, you’ve gotta, you know, be strong. You gotta be fast.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:07:57]:
You have an URBAN, you know, flexibility before you can learn how to hit a baseball or do a ballet or do whatever it is you’re gonna do. Where whereas mentally, people don’t understand. There are foundational skills too. That’s exactly right. Right? So one of the big things, that trips people up, you were talking about mindset for me, is is this belief that, there is an end to the journey. Right? And that that kills people. So let’s take the example of the top elite Performance, the the Kobe Bryants, the Michael Jordans, the Tom Bradys. I don’t code.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:08:30]:
Take whoever you want Andre Agassi, not less than a doubt. Now what’s common about these people? When they became, famous Mind they were top performers, they got even more intense about improving. Right? And that’s real that’s a distinguishing factor. The lesser athletes, don’t do that. They got to a certain point and then they’re they’re good enough. Right? And if you go to the corporate world, that’s actually very common. Right? It’s actually even offensive. Right? When I meet a CEO usually Mind they’ll tell me about their challenges, one of those problems one of the questions I’ll ask is, so what’s your 3 year plan to be a better CEO? They go, what? And and I’ll go, because that’s the whole if you think you’ve arrived, how are you gonna transform this organization? How are you gonna trickle that down? And so I think that’s really important.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:09:14]:
And and so that’s a foundational skill. It’s a a beginner’s mindset. Right? And that’s not a bad thing. It’s actually a good thing. And you need to get comfortable being uncomfortable because if not, you’re not gonna grow. If not, you’re you’re just gonna be good at what you know. Right? And practice does not make perfect. Practice makes permanent.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:09:30]:
What I mean by that is you get to a certain level of skill Mind then you consolidate that level of skill. Right? Or you push out of the limit Mind you and there’s 2 different types of training to do that. And so driving is a good example. Right? Most people learn to drive. And once you stop bumping into things or running people over, you stop getting better. Right? Because no need. Right? But how much better could you actually get if you consistently worked on that over years? And that’s where I think that’s that’s to me one of the fundamentals. The mindset is, you know, I need to say say, I wanna be the best I can be, and it’s not a 1 year or, you know, even a 1 month prommer.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:10:08]:
It’s it’s a it’s a 10 year challenge or a 20 year challenge. Right? That’s where if you take that to the corporate world, people are, you know, quarterly, reports, quarterly earnings. Right? That kind of stuff. It let takes a lot of pressure, but you have to really think, where do I wanna take this? Well, how do I wanna make CHEK leave a legacy in this company? And then you’ve gotta make some tough decisions. So leadership is tough. It’s really hard. And it’s hard because you have to make difficult decisions that, you know, in the short term may not be understood. But that’s why you’re a leader.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:10:35]:
That’s the whole point. You know? If you’re not making mistakes, if you’re not sailing, you’re not pushing outside of your comfort zone. And human beings are wired to grow. I think that’s why, you know, that famous midlife crisis or the forties. You know? It’s because people have been doing things over 20 years, and then all of a sudden, it’s like and is this all it’s about? Right? And your life is about really exploring, growing, and seeing how much you can become, and that’s what makes you happy.
Nick Urban [00:10:59]:
Yeah. There are so many parallels with what you just said to overall health, and it makes me think that a lot of it is choosing the right area to focus on. What what if you’re an athlete and you’ve been playing tennis since you were a little kid, it’s pretty obvious. It’s right in front of you. And at least you know where to focus and whether or not you actually choose to fall through follow through on that is up to you. Mind in business, if you’re a CEO, perhaps that path is clear also. What about for your average person? How do they find what that North Star is gonna be that they’re gonna cling to Mind make sure they focus on the right thing to put the blood, sweat, and tears into to develop expertise in that over a long time frame. Because I could see if you choose to focus on something that’s going out of date, you’ll regret it in a couple years.
Nick Urban [00:11:49]:
But if you choose a larger mission, a larger item to develop expertise in, then perhaps that would be more bulletproof.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:12:01]:
I think and this is true for anyone. Right? You need to choose what’s important for you. So success is one of those words that we use very poorly in in all languages because we talk about it like it’s one thing. Right? But it’s not. It’s like intelligence. Right? There’s a whole bunch of different types of intelligence. That’s not just IQ. There’s there’s emotional intelligence.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:12:22]:
There’s spatial intelligence. Right? Success is the same thing. Maybe Performance person, it’s just, you know, not having stress Mind being happy and feeling, you know, you like what you or working with your Health, or it could be making money. Right? It doesn’t matter, but it it’s not a standard. So I guess the answer to your question is choose what really means success to you. And that’s hard because all of us, you know, we have stories wired into our brain since we’re kids. So I think it’s what’s most important to me. In my opinion, I think there’s a couple of basics that everybody should really if you don’t realize it, your house is wonderful.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:12:54]:
Right? Just just health mobility, you know, all just being able to be functional. Right? And we we actually you know, between the garbage we eat excuse me. But, and and the lack of activity, we’re not mental. It’s like that. Right? And I see people who are 40, relatively young, and they’re just in really bad shape. And the other one is is, you know, being able to have something that you’re fighting for. So one of the things that in my model I always say is important is you need a map. But you need to say, I wanna be this.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:13:27]:
And then these are all the steps that take me there. And then you’re building a masterpiece. And building a masterpiece is, you know, it’s a lot of work, but it’s exciting with the good and the bad. I mean, Michelangelo, I think it was who said, if people knew how hard I worked for my master, they wouldn’t be so impressed. And that’s and that’s exactly right. Everything seems easy on the outside. But it’s that process of spending the hours Mind, you know, and and that’s where you start you have to be something that you really love. Right? When people talk about work, I say, what would you do if you didn’t have to make money? Right? Mind what would you do for free? And what makes you happy is is very personal.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:14:01]:
Right? I remember I met a guy who, a gentleman, he was he was an older gentleman. And he said to me, he says, you know, people have all these complex requirements to be happy. He says, I find life is much easier. He says, I have he was, like, sincerely older. I mean, it was, like, 70, 80. And and he said, I was, like, a teenager. And he and he said, look. I got one rule.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:14:20]:
If I wake up in the morning, that’s a good day. Right? Because I’m never sure. And I said that’s actually a pretty good way to look at it. Right? The less requirements you have to be happy, the more it’s in your in your own hands. Right? And and how often do we make ourselves miserable or stress ourselves or make ourselves sick or limit ourselves. Right?
Nick Urban [00:14:40]:
What’s the difference between him being satisfied with just waking up and someone like Steve Jobs or Elon Musk or the people who are innovating in the world, they don’t just feel satisfied from waking up. They have a vision or something they’re working towards that’s larger than than themselves. And do you think that that’s necessary to actually, like, perhaps not to live a good life, but to reach that next level of performance?
Adolfo Sanchez [00:15:10]:
Depends on on what you value. Right? So Steve Jobs is famous for right before he died saying that he made a lot of mistakes in his obsessive pursuit of his his business vision. Right? His health, his family, whatever. Is that worth giving up? I’ll let you know. Actually some athletes are absolutely obsessive Mind their entire career training is, you know, they get everything else up. That’s not good or bad. It just means that is it worth it for you? Right? Mind and I think for most people it probably isn’t. But if you decide that, that’s fine.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:15:40]:
And that satisfaction can be anything. It doesn’t have to be creating, you know, space techs or whatever. It can be just creating a farm, and, you know, creating an environment where people can natural eat natural food. Right? That’s to me innovation Mind it’s a great noble and and that’s in the pursuit of something bigger than you. Right? And you’re teaching. Right? So it doesn’t have to be big, famous, and you make a lot of money off it. I think that’s why I say it’s very important what’s important to you.
Nick Urban [00:16:07]:
So if I think about actually applying this to my life, when I was a lot younger, I was in my teens, I really wanted to be a bodybuilder. And then fast forward a couple years, I completely lost interest in that. I still enjoy working out and getting a good lift in. But the idea of making that my career or devoting a large chunk of my day every day to that sounds extremely unappealing. And knowing that, like, how do you recommend we focus on the right things? And, of course, it’ll change as we live life. But are there any ways or tips or techniques to find or identify the things that are most likely to be your long term pursuits?
Adolfo Sanchez [00:16:50]:
Yeah. Well, that’s that’s a really simple exercise I do. I could ask you to do. And it’s so I’ll say, you know, write the thing, like, on a take a piece of paper and then put it on the headlines things that make you when you’re most happy. So being with family, hot walking in nature, playing tennis, whatever. Right? So you you put the 4 or 5 or 6 things that you say, when I’m doing these things, I’m generally really feeling happy. Right? Then under each of them, you you say, why? What is it about that that make you feel happy? Right? So you start putting, well, I don’t know. I’m free.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:17:19]:
I’m not pressured. You know, I whatever. I’m learning, being code be 1, whatever. And then what you do is you go through the list and you find all the common terms. And what you will find is that there’s always 2 or 3 scenes that come back. Right? And that’s those are the ones that you have to follow. So for me, when I did that, it was around freedom. Right? It was I need to manage my own time and do what I believe.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:17:41]:
And it’s just just one of those things for me. I just hate to be controlled. I just absolutely hate it, And I’d rather do something even if I think it’s unlikely, but if I believe in it, CHEK something somebody’s telling me to do. And so with freedom, it was about innovation and growth. It was about, you know, doing cool stuff, proving people wrong, and it was about pushing limits. Right? That’s just what lights me up. So from there, then you can saves, those are your guiding principles. Let’s call it your mission.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:18:07]:
Right? Then your your strategy may change as life you know, things happen. But you can always say, I need to find time to do some of those things that fill me give me the sensation. Because your environment changes too. Right? And your priorities change. All of a sudden, you become a parent. Right? It changes the way you look at things.
Nick Urban [00:18:25]:
Yes. Absolutely. I was thinking if I’d put my previous, like, desire to be a bodybuilder through that framework, I was thinking that the time component would have a significant effect because if I had said, okay. What’s the how long I wanted this? Oh, 2 years. Probably not gonna hold up as well as something that I’ve wanted since I was a little code. 10 years down the line, that’s probably a more sure bet. But if you just look at your qualities, your attributes, who you are, and you just come up with a list of those, put that together, and then use that as your guiding force, that’ll be more even more timeless Urban something that’s stood the test of a couple years or even a decade or 2.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:19:06]:
And and, you know, even in relationships, I mean, that’s, you know, that’s the whole idea. I teach people I I talk I go a lot. One of the foundational skills I talk about a lot is communication. I think as human beings, we’re terrible at communication. Nobody has taught us to how to really communicate. And what I mean by that is understanding other people and understanding their rules. Right? We each have like, we don’t see the way the the world the way it is. We see it the way we are.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:19:29]:
So the problem is Body teaches in that. Right? So so imagine in my you know, with my wife, she has a series of rules of what Peak her feel loved and supported and so do I, but nobody ever tells you to talk about that. And, you know, the golden rule, although well intentioned, is actually not the best advice because I may treat her the way I wanna be treated, but it’s it’s the opposite of what she wants. Right? But you have to have the same more or less thing that you value. Otherwise, I wanna live in the country. I should wanna live in the city. You know? I wanna go to the beach. She’ll wanna go to the mountain.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:19:59]:
And then, you know, it you’re always, you know, you’re always giving in for the other person. And and you can do that, but it’s not as fulfilling as if we both love going to the beach.
Nick Urban [00:20:08]:
Yeah. Communication is one of those skills that everyone thinks they do a great
Adolfo Sanchez [00:20:13]:
job of. And then when you actually,
Nick Urban [00:20:14]:
like, learn and study communication, you realize how difficult it is. It’s, much more than just a little passive activity that you do when people are speaking. It’s not the same thing as hearing. But one thing that you said that really stood out to me was that you’ve foregone a bunch of opportunities that have come your way that have been lucrative or had potential very large upside because you’ve defined what matters the most to you. And that’s one of those things where it’s never easy when you have an opportunity like that to actually filter your decisions through that EMS. How do you remember to do that? How do you give any tips on more effectively filtering your decisions through the lens that you lenses that you set previously?
Adolfo Sanchez [00:20:56]:
You know, I always took the example of focus. Right? From focus, I’ve done a lot of martial arts. Right? So you ever seen a martial arts master Peak breaks. Right? What are they doing? They’re taking all the power in a tiny spot. Right? It’s like a woman’s high heel. When they step on you with a high heel, it hurts. Why? Because all the force is in a small area. Right? If she takes off her shoe, it disperses.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:21:16]:
It doesn’t hurt as much. Well, cognitively, focus is the same thing. Right? So really being successful in something is, and and moving it forward is knowing what you’re gonna focus on Mind what you’re not gonna focus on. Right? And that’s that’s where it comes in. You know, even in the obsessive examples. Right? So Rafsan Dadell tells a great story about, you know, he is the consummate competitor. He loves tennis. He really loves tennis.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:21:39]:
He doesn’t Peak for the money. He never played the money. He never played the same. He just wants to be see how good he can be. That’s that’s his thing. Right? And so when he was like 12 or 14, you know, he he his friends in the summer would go out, and he he told the story, you know, he would he that summer, he went out a lot. And when he got back, he wasn’t as good. And then he realized, you know, if if this is really important to me, I focus on this and I say no to everything else.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:22:03]:
Right? Not obsessive focus. You know? And that’s why I say, what is, you know, what is essentially who you are. Right? And then everything, he’s made enormous sacrifices. I mean, he’s a guy who would watch that. He shim in the hotels. He wouldn’t go out drinking and partying. I mean, he’s incredibly disciplined. He’s a professional.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:22:19]:
Right? But he never had a problem with it. It wasn’t a sacrifice. Right? Making decisions today that you that will, in the future, take you where you wanna be. Right? So that’s the the biggest impact on your future Mind your future self is what you decide to do today. There’s a a tool called the future self. Right? Think of who you wanna be. What does that Urban and what kind of decision would that person make? So, you know, if I wanna be that pro tense player, like, off Mind out, today I would say, well, I’m gonna give up everything else that’s not training because that’s what that person would do. Right? That’s what that and it just it just helps you be coherent.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:22:54]:
Right? A lot of people are very incoherent with their decision. I think another tool that’s really valuable, and I would say to your listeners, is staying present. Right? Being in the present. Code, great book called The Power of Now by Gutold, if you haven’t read it. And he talks about that. He’s like, look. The past obviously is Podcast, and you can’t change anything about it. And the future is not anything.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:23:14]:
It’s one of many multiple futures, and you don’t know which one is gonna be real. So what are you gonna stress about it? So the only thing you can really focus on is now. Right? This is another exercise I do. Take your diary on an average week and put it into categories. Right? I don’t know. Whatever. Family, work, exercise, whatever the big categories. And then calculate what percent of your time you’re actually spending on that.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:23:36]:
And you’ll be shocked on something. Right? You see how important I work with executives. Right? All my sound and my sound. You know, you dedicate 3% of your time to your salary. Is that clear? Is that right? Is it a priority? And we just need to state. I’m just giving you data. Right? Or, you know, a lot of EMS, you know, work with corporate clients. They’ll say their values.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:23:54]:
We trust Peak. People first. You know, you trust my team. Great. Okay. You really trust your team. Yeah. How much? Fully, like my family.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:24:01]:
Great. Do you track expenses? Yeah. Do you track vacation days? Yes. Why? I don’t I don’t track my wife’s visa. I trust her. Whatever she’s gonna you know, she’s. Right? So you don’t you don’t trust. It’s just data.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:24:14]:
I’m not saying any right or good or bad. It’s just data. It’s a reality. Right?
Nick Urban [00:24:17]:
I see 2 things around this. 1st is deciding whether you really wanna chase elite performance or world class performance or if just high performance is acceptable. First of all, because that will dictate what you’re willing to sacrifice. If I wanna become professional tennis player at the highest level, I’m gonna have to sacrifice a whole lot to actually be successful and make it to the world class level. And then it’s also the demands of the particular specialization. If I wanna become a fighter pilot, even if I wanna become world class, I still need to dedicate a lot of time and energy and focus resources to becoming a fighter pilot just because that’s what it requires.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:25:00]:
No. Absolutely. And and, you know, and we also have to learn along the way. So you talk about professional athletes. One of the things that, I find is really shocking, but many professional athletes just destroy their bodies along the way. Right? And and that doesn’t have to be that way. I mean, it’s because they they’re brought up a certain way, but they’ll stop and say, hey. What if I, you know, learn about deep hip mobility? So a lot of tennis players have hip problems, knee problems, and it’s because the supporting structures don’t do the right thing.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:25:30]:
Right? And that’s the way the the body works. If one you want a goal. Right? You wanna be able to bend over. You wanna be able to get over. Your body will do that. It it may have to compensate 1 piece for another. Right? But if you consistently are compensating one part over another, that part will break. Right? Or aware of.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:25:46]:
It’s a and a and we don’t do the hard work of saying, let me work let me balance it out. Right? And
Nick Urban [00:25:50]:
so a lot of times
Adolfo Sanchez [00:25:50]:
it’s, you know, getting to a certain point and stopping thing. Hey. Let me look outside of my environment Mind let’s see what else I can learn. That’s where I’m a big fan of specialists. Right? So for example, I’ve been doing martial arts for 35 years. I had a an operation on hernia, about 8 years ago, and then it my fascia got all messed up, and I and I was Mind recovering my hips. And I went and I URBAN this dance teacher, professional dancer dance teacher, and she took me down the rabbit hole of selectability that I it was like she forgets more every day than I’ve ever known about flexibility, than most people ever learned. And it’s just a whole new vision, and she just opened up a whole new world.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:26:32]:
I never would saves gotten there myself. I just it’s just, you know, somebody who’s dedicated their whole lives to this Mind they’re exceptionally good at it. Right? So why wouldn’t you wanna do that? And if you look at the greats we’re talking about, you know, Tom Brady and and Kobe Bryant, these guys Tom Brady went to look for a guy who worked on the salt work. And another guy who worked on his film study. Another guy who worked on his flexibility. Right? You know, specialists, you know, bring all those together because there’s no way you can be the best that we can do. And that’s true in companies too. Right? Go find somebody who knows what you don’t know.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:27:01]:
Right? And don’t get offended by that. Right? Go out and find it, and that that makes you a great performer. And as a human being, it’s the same thing. You Nick, explore different things, different cultures. Right? Go live someplace for a monster and ask CHEK, and maybe you can insight that, hey. I’d love to live that way. Right? Maybe this isn’t important. You know, I always say challenge what you know, and I say this in quotation marks.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:27:21]:
Right? Because we knew the world was flat. Right? We were sure of that. The world was flat. And we knew women shouldn’t vote in certain countries, and we knew apartheid. I mean, there’s all these, you know, things that we go, code, and that was barbaric. How the hell did we believe that? But at the time, the common we were sure of that. Right? So how many things are we are you sure of in your life that maybe aren’t like that. Right?
Nick Urban [00:27:45]:
Yeah. And it’s easy to look for confirmation whether it’s on social media where the algorithms literally feed you the same beliefs putting you into an echo chamber or it’s the friends you surround yourself with, or it’s family, whatever. But that won’t get you anywhere. And as triggering as opposing ideas and viewpoints might be, growth can’t happen from confirmation of the same growth. In my experience, only happens from challenge, and challenge happens when you learn, entertain a different idea than than you’d otherwise learn or encounter.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:28:24]:
Yeah. And and, you know, I remember I I worked so I worked a lot of studio therapists because I worked a lot of professional athletes. The one guy said once to me, he says, you know, if I press on something and it hurts, that’s where you need it. Right? Because it shouldn’t hurt. Things generally shouldn’t hurt when they’re on pressure. Right? And it’s Mind the same. When an idea makes you feel uncomfortable or trigger you, that’s a sign that something you need to look at and work on. Right? And it’s the problem with these, you know, very extreme party type views or political or religious views.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:28:58]:
If people are just there’s there’s like this, you know, I’m gonna defend this no matter what. And, you know, a a lot of times say, you know, about, you know, whatever conflict. I’m not sure. I’d I’d I’d wanna understand it because there’s so many there must state on both sides. Right? And if not, you should think you’re not usually, you know, right or wrong or white or black. Right? And I think that’s what, that’s what gross is about. Right? Being open to thinking what if I’ve been doing this wrong? Right? Now now it might hurt. Right? What if I what if I actually don’t listen like my wife saves.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:29:29]:
Right? Or CHEK didn’t say that thing, god. But, you know, but what if what if I am, you know, not what if I do cut off people and don’t listen? Right? And that’s hard because we don’t wanna believe that we do it. But if you if you’re open to that and you say, Health, well, what would happen if I learned to do that? And you would be amazed. When you go someplace you don’t wanna go Mind you actually do the work, wow, then a whole new world opens up to you.
Nick Urban [00:29:52]:
Yeah. And or if you just take an opposing viewpoint Mind you steel man it and you say, assuming this is true, how does this make sense? Oftentimes, by the time you’ve worked all the way through it, I’m sometimes shocked just how logical the complete opposite of what I believed and wanted to believe, how much it makes sense.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:30:11]:
Yeah. Mind, I mean, you know, that’s where tricks I teach people are in innovation. Right? Once we’ll get people together, and you’re limited by these paradigms of what you believe is possible. And they’ll ask Peak, what would need to what would need to be true even if it’s insane, but what would need to be true for this to happen? And then people will start generating stuff. And then all sudden you’ll see it’s not that insane and it’s not that impossible. And and that’s where, you know, you because, you know, like I said before, the brain has it as, an answer. It seems it knows what been, and then that’s it. It stops looking.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:30:43]:
Right? Maybe maybe you can. Right? People will, you know, flexibility is one of those great things. People will always say, no. That’s my my hip structure. I can’t do it. That’s a that’s actually, scientifically, there’s, like, a 1% people who actually have a physical impediment. Right? It’s all around these structures. It’s about being able to Urban, about knowing what you’re doing, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:31:02]:
But it’s much easier to believe. No. I’m just I do snow fields for that. Right? Or, you know, people who can’t get in the shape they want. Oh, it’s my metabolism. EMS there’s a few people, but it’s very rare. There’s a great, book called Thinking in Bets. I think it’s Peg McCool.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:31:17]:
And she she is a, PhD in cognitive psychology, but she’s also a world champion poker player. And what she’s found from those two professions is that when things go well, people drastically overestimate their, their their value or their merit in that good outcome. And when things go wrong, they they generally very much overestimate, the the external the dog in his conditions and and don’t take responsibility for, you know, what they could saves done. And I think that’s always so I I was trying to do the opposite. Right? Things go wrong, I’m thinking, like, what could I have done better? And, you know, how could I do this better next time? It’s not Peak myself up. It’s just it’s just it’s the most productive thing I can think. And when things go well, I’m like, okay. Well, what did I do right? Great.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:32:01]:
But, you know, what were we lucky about? So you don’t get, you know, too confident.
Nick Urban [00:32:06]:
Do you have a formula, like, a simple formula you like to use to build expertise? Like, I was just thinking back to the Malcolm Gladwell quote. I think it’s Malcolm Gladwell of 10000 hours, not quote. The Malcolm Gladwell’s 10000 hour rule where mastery of something takes about 10000 hours. And then after I came across that a little while later, I code across something else Health said it’s actually not 10000 hours per saves. It’s 10000 repetitions. And the faster you can increase the turnaround between repetition, review, making a change, and then next repute repetition, the faster you’ll develop expertise. What’s your general framework to rapid expertise development?
Adolfo Sanchez [00:32:48]:
I’m getting to that second part in one minute. But just on the medical Gladwell thing, it’s actually not medical Gladwell. The 10 standard hour rule is something that Gladwell made popular, but it comes from the research of a guy named doctor Anders Ericsson. And he he did research on something called deliberate practice. And so the 10 of 1000 hour rules was a study he did where what he found was he studied violinists and and musicians and athletes, and he found was that around 10000 hours of deliberate practice and deliberate practice is a series of characteristics it has. You have to be pushing just beyond your current capability. You have to have immediate Peak back. You have to be very concentrated.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:33:24]:
You break things things down in the component parts. So he found this type of practice that saves improves your skill, and that on average to get the mastery, you need to dedicate the difference between the best and the rest was just the amount of time they they did deliberate practice. And there was no prodigies. That was his thing. So then it did but it it became shorthands for the 10000 hour rule Mind there. So the answer to the question is yes. But I, and that’s part of my formula, but it’s just a piece. So for me, there’s 3 big blocks if you wanna what I call drive optimal performance.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:33:54]:
The first one is mindset. Right? The the 3 blocks are just so we know, it’s mindset, maps, and mojo. So mindset is what are the fundamental pieces? So before you think about building something. Right? Mindset is the raw material. Right? You need to have quality raw materials or you’re not gonna be able to build for whether that’s ideas, whether that’s physical materials, whatever. Right? So it’s making sure, you know, what we’re saying before. Do am I ready to be uncomfortable? Am I ready to be a beginner? You know, what are my standards? And how am I gonna measure my standards? Etcetera, etcetera. So you Health all these things up.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:34:27]:
That’s your mindset. Then, and this is how we work with clients. We work with each of those pieces there. CHEK you need a map because any journey master journey is long, and you need to understand the sequential pieces. Right? If you wanna do ballet, there’s a series of fundamentals. You have to have flexibility. You have to have strength before you can do a series of moves. Otherwise, it’s backwards.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:34:46]:
And if you skip those steps, you’re gonna have sort of faulty you know, you can build without a a a solid foundation. So you need to have a map. And that’s also important because when you’re 1 year down the road Mind you’re not where you wanna be. Right? Obviously, you’re Mind. But you can look at your map and say, where should I be? Okay. I’m on my I’m on track. And that keeps you focused Mind it keeps you motivated. Otherwise, it you know, I don’t wanna be as good as Kobe Bryant was.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:35:10]:
Well, I won’t be there in a year. Right? So what do I quit after a year? No. Because he if you listen to him, he’ll tell you when he was 12 years old, he was bad at shooting and dribbling, and he worked progressively on things. So so you you map out a plan, and that’s where experts can really help you because they’ll tell you what it takes. Right? And that’s why you set up your your your your tracking and your feedback and your data. Because then, you know, you’re you’re getting feedback and you’re and you’re progressively improving. And and there’s where you can start to do deliberate practice. Right? It’s you you program this so that because there’s 2 types of practice.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:35:39]:
There’s consolidating what your level, right, which is fine. So that’s just code repetition. And then there’s deliberate practice, which is increasing your skill level. And that requires you to step out of that that, and you need to program that. And then you need to program, of course, what I call a triangle performance. Right? So you need to work, but you need to rest, and you need nutrition. Right? Without those 3, you’re not gonna get there. And and nutrition is not just food.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:36:03]:
Right? It’s mental too. Right? It’s your environment. It’s refreshing. It’s getting some time off. You know? So if Body, you were talking about bodybuilders. Right? That’s the classic with bodybuilders. They work hard, growth occurs when they’re resting. Right? Homeostasis occurs and the muscle growth actually occurs during rest, not during work.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:36:20]:
You have to see those muscles, otherwise, it won’t grow. And you have to give them enough rest so that then you can you repair them Mind you can do the whole cycle again. Right? Well, cognitively, it’s the same thing where you need to learn, you need to push yourself out, you need to give yourself time to rest and consolidate those skills. And then you have to have an environment where you can refresh and then support it. Right? If you’re in a toxic environment, that doesn’t work. So I think that’s, you know, your your Mind is gonna run it. And then Mojo to me is about how you execute. Right? And, that’s what the best of the best do.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:36:48]:
So how do they handle stress and pressure? How do they, for example, slow down, speed up? Right? There’s times where once you get to a certain point, you need to slow down and break things down Mind then, you know, nitpick to get and that’s where deliver that’s, you know, like, deliberate Practitioner. Right? You break a technique down into component parts. Right? A musician will do that. Just the beginning part, and Health play that beginning part. And then you stitch them back together, and you make that’s where mastery comes from. That’s how skill is developed. Right? And then you stitch them together. Any physical skill.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:37:19]:
Right? So martial arts. Right? You know, I’ll I’ll work with students Urban so you chamber. You chamber. You get the balance. You work on your balance. Balance balance on 1 foot. Balance on 1 foot. When you’re good at that, you can chamber.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:37:28]:
You know? And then we work on that. Then we work on yeah. And then we put them all together, and you’ve got a great, seamless technique. But and that’s how you Britney. So you do it because you you can’t process the whole thing. So for me, it’s all around that Mind and this the fundamental skills of analyzing, of communicating, of getting getting help, of creating long term, support networks. Right? And support networks are not just promotional. It’s it’s skilled support networks.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:37:53]:
Right? The more a coach works with you, the more they know you. Right? Athletes who are being successful have had statistically, at least at least Institute ATP, long term relationship with their coaches. The ones who have had the best results have had long term relationship with their code. Because there’s a there’s a synergy there. Right? Even it happens in employees and companies. Right? The 1st year, 2nd year, you’re usually paying somebody more than they’re producing. After that, they get really good. They know you, and then they’re producing more than than you pay EMS, and that’s where you don’t want them to lose.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:38:25]:
Right? That’s so so for me, that’s that’s the model. And I’ll actually be publishing a book in the next couple of weeks around this, around the performance formula. But it’s it’s Mind of what I’ve learned over the last 30 years from top performers around, you know, each of those pieces. Yep. I love that.
Nick Urban [00:38:42]:
And, important part there to start off with, it sounds like, is to mapping out the different components to reach that level of expertise, and that can usually be through hiring an expert or someone who knows that code map. I’m sure this day and age, you code probably ask AI, CHEK GPT to help you break down the components and get certain prompts to make it more effective, a budget friendly version of that. And, yeah, I’ll put a link to your book once it’s out in the show notes. What are some of the common stumbling points you see, and how can we overcome those when it comes to developing expertise?
Adolfo Sanchez [00:39:19]:
Okay. Well, I think one of the big ones, and we kinda touched on it before, is is ego. Right? It’s I I don’t wanna look at stuff. I don’t wanna question what I’m doing, because I’ve been, you know, because I’m at a certain point, and I, you know, I’m I’m questionable. Right? If not, I’ll be it’s embarrassing. I’ll be going backwards. So I think the first one is leave your ego at the on the code rack, and always take Mind a lot of times Peak will give me feedback in whatever, you know, it delayed. And they’ll say, oh, I’m sorry.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:39:51]:
And I’m like, Code, sorry. I’m I really I have stick you know, I never take offense to that. Right? You know, some people will say, give you a feedback try and hurt you. But generally, and especially here, you know, you know who’s doing it, people are doing it to try and help you. Right? Now it may hurt me, hit your ego, but, you know, the thing is processing. Well, how can I do that? I think the other big stumbling block there’s there’s 2 more. 1 is is not having a map. We talked about it.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:40:14]:
So you get lost. Right? Because motivation is a myth. Right? Motivation is like a shower. You you you you shower today, but tomorrow you have to shower again. Right? So you cannot be motivated. You’re not gonna get things, going. And and you need to know where you are in the process. Right? We all need to sort of you know, if you are going on a journey, there’s a point where you might say, how far do I have to go? Or am I going in the right direction? It’s the same thing.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:40:34]:
Right? What are the key components? Am I stacking them right? What pieces am I missing? Right? Learn and forget. Learn and forget. And CHEK said, you know, learn the fundamentals. Forget the specific applications. And once you have those fundamentals, you’ll know how to apply them in different rules. Right? And I I think that’s that’s what it’s all about. It’s about, you know, thinking about it, revisiting. And when you think you know something, and you learn from your notes and come back and look at it.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:40:56]:
Right? And you’ll find you have different insights and different maturity. So it’s not having that. And then I think there’s, you know, the mistake of thinking that there’s an end. Right? Or I’ve made it. Right? No. It’s it’s just one step along the way, because once you’ve made it and then there are studies on this. When people, you know, sell a company or win the lottery, it’s great. They’re happy for, like, a month, and then they just poof.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:41:17]:
Right? Because they’re not working toward anything. Right? You need to you know, achievement is great, but what you really need is is achievement to bring you fulfillment, right, along the way. And so I I think that’s a mistake. If it’s empty, you just Mind lose it. Right? Whereas if you’re working for something that you really care about, whether that’s world peace and something that a lot of people get around, or it’s it’s just, you know, getting and become you know, setting the world record as a gym gymnast or whatever, but it’s something you really care about. You will then find the energy to do that. So make sure you’ve got a a really strong why as Simon Sinek would say.
Nick Urban [00:41:53]:
Yeah. And Adolfo, what’s your process around collecting data throughout all this? You mentioned several times that it’s important to you, but how does that actually look?
Adolfo Sanchez [00:42:01]:
I think there’s different sources of data. So one of them is, you you can track. So you can have videos. You can, take your diary and look at what you actually spend your time on. You can do a spreadsheet. Right? You can if you’re you know, or you’re doing diet the calories. Right? So you can you can find different ways to have things that you can look at and then evaluate yourself. And then there’s a second source of data, which I think should never be underestimated, which is which is fresh eyes of mentors and coaches.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:42:30]:
Right? Because it gives you a whole new level of awareness. There’s a wonderful TED talk, and he said, he was he was a heart Urban, had a really successful practice, but was flatlining. Wasn’t getting better. So he went to his medical school and asked his, former teacher to come and watch him in the OR. A teacher came in, walked the intervention. The guy EMS the story. He said, you know, after that first case, I saw it. You know, I was pretty good.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:42:53]:
So I was with my teacher. I said, that was good. And the guy had, like, 3 pages of notes. Right? And he says, no. He says, look. Stuff like your arm your elbow goes up so you lose control. The light wasn’t on on the wound all the time. And he saves, it was a whole other level of awareness that you can never have yourself.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:43:10]:
And that’s I say I believe that. Right? People see you when somebody, especially who’s an Peak, you will see yourself and they will be able to tell you and then point that stuff up because we compensate. We are master compensators. Right? I wanna get to an objective. I’m a search I wanna get the surgery done. Right? So I will find ways of getting over my weak spot and I’ll compensate. Right? The problem is you stack those and you become less efficient. Right? Just like the athlete who stresses his hamstring because his hip doesn’t work right, and eventually that breaks.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:43:39]:
Right? And you could you be more powerful if both pieces worked? Of course, you could. So I think it’s that’s the other source of feedback is getting mentors. Now that doesn’t have to be, you know, you pay somebody full time and they and they’re with you day and night. But but you do have tipping points. Right? So you can, you know, design something because there’s a lot of online options now. Right? You can get somebody to do a a program for you if you wanna wait list. Right? And then you come back and check-in every 4 weeks is what’s happening to you. And that’s pretty economical.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:44:08]:
But you’ve got somebody who’s saying, well, does this happen? Is that try this. And they’ll give you guidance, and they’ll give you and and you just don’t see yourself or sometimes, you know, get on a Zoom call. My dance teacher on a Zoom call can see things I can’t even believe she can see. Right? Now you’re moving your your your ribs, not just your hip. I’m like, how the hell can you see that? Right? But she did. And it’s good because CHEK that sticks in my head. She’s always give me 15 times. And then over the, you know, the next couple weeks, I work that.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:44:34]:
And next time I say, hey, Hip’s not moving. Right? Or, you know, or that the ribs not moving. Right? So but I wouldn’t even being aware of that because I don’t even know I’m supposed to look for that. So so the other sorts of data is mentors that saves you any or, you know, teachers or coaches or whatever that can give you CHEK experts and give you an insight into, you know, those component pieces of of whatever you’re trying to do. So if you’re looking for it, you can find stuff, and you can even be your own coach.
Nick Urban [00:44:59]:
Yeah. Those are powerful. And I found that having someone there is such a helpful tool, and you wanna schedule it often enough that you’re not hyper compensating for any mistakes. Let’s say your your hip isn’t is a little bit out of alignment. So you really focus hard on that. You don’t wanna go too far the opposite direction Mind then exaggerate that Mind then check-in with your mentor 2 years later just to figure out that now this has become a major issue. So it’s also knowing how often CHEK experimenting to figure out, okay, for this type of thing, checking in every month works. But for for this thing over here, checking in every 6 months is fine.
Nick Urban [00:45:37]:
And, yeah, the the self correction with, video recording your own video and comparing to what it’s supposed to look like online can be a good, like, cheaper free alternative also.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:45:49]:
And that frequency issue, just don’t know what you said, will change over time. So, you know, and first time you’re learning to play tennis, right, especially as an adult, you need somebody there all the time to say, no. Finish finish your stroke. Finish your stroke because people don’t, you know, finish up here. They don’t finish over the shoulder. Right? Once you’ve gotten past a certain point, then it’s fine tuning. Right? So you’ll you’ll finish some of that, and you’ll say, no. Wait.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:46:09]:
Wait. When you’ve got this, make sure your racket had dropped, then you can go away. You know, you need to get to a certain level, and then you can work on it by yourself. And so that lead to check-in will be less frequent. Mind you need to know where you are on that too.
Nick Urban [00:46:21]:
That reminds me also that it’s probably the most helpful to have a coach or mentor or someone CHEK in with you often in the beginning. Because once you start building, like, muscle memory and you get into certain patterns Mind you strengthen them over and over again, a small mistake in the very beginning can lead to totally disastrous results way down the line if you don’t get any feedback early on.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:46:44]:
Yeah. And it’s what we’re saying before. Practice makes permanent. Now it doesn’t make perfect. Right? So it consolidates what you’re used to doing. Now whether that’s good or bad, you know, it it doesn’t differentiate. Right? Practice like this is what you do. And it’s just like emotional, you know, circuits.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:47:01]:
Right? You get if you tend to be happy or you tend to be depressed, those are actually circuits that get deeper and deeper and deeper. So your your default reaction is to be there be happy or be depressed. Right? You easily get triggered off into those. It’s the same thing. So you physically once, you know, the more myelin you get around, which is the insulator around, you know, the nervous system, The more you do EMS or in a certain way, the more myelin you get, so the more automatic that gets. And then it’s really hard to, you know, stop it because it becomes subconscious. Right? They’re actually doing it. I mean, you have to break that’s why you slow down, break it down, and, you know, undo it and CHEK it.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:47:35]:
It’s kind of like, if you’re gonna see your therapist, there’s a technique called Cyriax, and it comes from a guy named Cyriax. It’s about it’s when your tendon or something is being injured, you break the the tissue, the scar tissue on it so that it can heal properly. Right? So you’re undoing but, you know, you you do something and it’s the scar tissue sort of shortens it. So then you’ve gotta, you know, you gotta go. You gotta break that so that it can heal properly. It’s the same thing. Or you gotta undo that. It’s a lot more work than if you just kinda get it right from from the beginning.
Nick Urban [00:48:04]:
Adolfo, do you have any tips on choosing the right expert? Because I, for example, once hired someone that was very expensive, and I was like, oh, like, I what a waste of money. And then they came in, and they get Health me helped me make one little tweak, and it more than paid for itself within a few minutes, and then it only got better over time also. So there’s the the obvious cost, and CHEK there’s also the inability to just look at someone and notice that, okay, just because they’re doing this well themselves doesn’t necessarily mean they can teach it or help me mirror that. So how do you choose people?
Adolfo Sanchez [00:48:40]:
I would look for somebody who not only knows how to do it or perform, but knows how to break it down for you, And they understand the learning journey because they will be able to identify the traps you’re gonna fall into and have a whole bunch of techniques and tools to get you over those because they Health with that with other people. Right? How do we get over this? How do we solve this problem? Try this. Try this. Try this. Right? This sometimes works. I noticed that with my dad teacher. She’ll go, try this. Well, how about this? Nick, because people are different and reactive from me.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:49:07]:
But if you are were a world number 1 at whatever, right, you can do it, but maybe you don’t even know how to break it down because you just, you know, ingrained it so well. So I’ll always look for, you know, it’s a different story. And and, of course, if they were world number 1 Mind then they’ve been teaching for 10 years, that’s also fantastic. But find somebody who’s helped people go through that journey because that’s the most important thing you want. You want somebody who will teach you how to adapt it for you.
Nick Urban [00:49:33]:
And if you calculate the time cost of doing it the wrong way and especially the the compounding effect of doing it the wrong way over many, many sessions can have, it might actually be more time expensive to try and do it yourself without an expert anyway. Well, Adolfo, this has been fascinating. There is so much more to cover here than I could have realized. We’ll start to bring this one home. If people want to connect with you to pick up your book, what is the name of your book? When is it gonna be released, and how can they get a hold of you?
Adolfo Sanchez [00:50:08]:
The book is called the optimal Performance formula by me, Adolfo Gomez. It’ll it’ll go out on we’ll get it listed on, Amazon probably in July, but they I think they’ve got a 60 day presale thing. So it’ll go on presale about 60 days. And then, it’ll also be available on BookBaby. And and if anybody wants to reach out, I guess the best would be either just email me. It’s Adolfo gs@golddashresults.com, or you can go on our website, gold dash results.com, or in my LinkedIn. I have, And I just, you know, message me there. I’m glad to chat with anyone, help anyone I can, and, you know, discuss.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:50:53]:
Anything Performance for later is always fun.
Nick Urban [00:50:55]:
Yeah. I’ll put a link to all those in the show notes. Now if there was a worldwide burning of the books and all knowledge on Health is lost, but you get to save the works of 3 teachers, who would you choose and why?
Adolfo Sanchez [00:51:08]:
I Mind cheat on the first answer. So I would say the stoics. They’re not or, you know, say, Michael Aurelius or one of these, but the stoics. Because I think they’re that’s, you know, one of the fundamentals about a lot of the stuff we use now in performance. So I think the stoics are really important. There’s an amazing book called, Viktor Frankl. How do
Nick Urban [00:51:31]:
you see this book?
Adolfo Sanchez [00:51:32]:
That’s right. Manthey for Mind. Thank you. I do think that’s a book everybody should read, because it’s all around, you know, you have the power the last of the human, freedoms is the freedom to choose how you react to things. Right? I think that’s just I’d say there’s a great book, by Bill Walsh, who was the ex coach of the services for 49ers. And he went on to be a management professor at, Stanford University. And it’s called CHEK score takes care of itself. And I think it it that’s its philosophy.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:52:03]:
Right? You do the Nick. You do the fundamental. You do the hard work. You make sure you you you hold yourself to higher standard, and then the score just kinda saves care of itself. And I think that’s a great philosophy for life. I mean, it doesn’t have to be a sports team or, you know, a company. You know, just do that yourself. If you’re if you’re honest, if you’re hardworking, you always do a little more, you always gotta things just gonna happen.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:52:22]:
Right? People are you know, you find things come back to you. So do the fundamentals Mind the code saves care of itself. I think it’s a great book.
Nick Urban [00:52:29]:
I love it. What is one thing that you’re currently interested in or researching?
Adolfo Sanchez [00:52:35]:
I think it’s really interesting, how we can get people engaged in the world. Right? So in in company. So the logistics are 60 or 70% of employees are disengaged, which is amazing. Right? So how do you get people in and Mind even athletes are they get well paid, but they suffer. Right? So how do you get people engaged and make their life’s journey? Be that a job, be that a sports career, something that’s fulfilling and and pleasant and joyful. Right? It it’s all it’s almost like an either or. Right? You’re either successful or you’re happy. Right? So, for me, it’s how do we, you know, drive performance in a way that, like I said, it’s not just achievement, but it’s also fulfilling.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:53:16]:
That’s that’s probably what most fascinates me right now.
Nick Urban [00:53:19]:
Finally, what is the overall takeaway? If people only listen to this section of the podcast, what do you want them to leave this conversation with?
Adolfo Sanchez [00:53:29]:
Much more than you probably believe. You can shape your life, and you can choose where you know what you could do. And, you know, I have a I have a motto for just impossible just means nobody’s done it yet. Right? And I and I I honestly believe that in probably 99% of things in the whole life. You know, what was thought impossible was just people hadn’t figured out how to do it. So I would say never give up, and don’t ever discount anything just because smaller minds believe you can’t do it. Right? Be diligent. Find a way to do it.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:53:59]:
Research. Work on yourselves. You know, piece it together, and I’m I’m sure you can get much further than you ever would saves dreamed.
Nick Urban [00:54:06]:
That’s a great way to wrap this one. Adolfo, thank you so much for joining the podcast today.
Adolfo Sanchez [00:54:11]:
Well, thank you for having me on, Nick.
Nick Urban [00:54:15]:
Thank you for tuning in to this episode. Head over to Apple Music, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts Mind leave a rating. Every review helps me bring you thought provoking guests. As always, you can find the show notes for this one at mindbodypeak.com/ and then the number of the episode. There, you can also chat with other peak performers or connect with me directly. The information depicted in this podcast is for information purposes only. Please consult your primary Health care professional before making any lifestyle changes.
Connect with Adolfo Sanchez @ Gold Results
This Podcast Is Brought to You By
Nick Urban is a Biohacker, Data Scientist, Athlete, Founder of Outliyr, and the Host of the Mind Body Peak Performance Podcast. He is a Certified CHEK Practitioner, a Personal Trainer, and a Performance Health Coach. Nick is driven by curiosity which has led him to study ancient medical systems (Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hermetic Principles, German New Medicine, etc), and modern science.

Music by Luke Hall
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