Episode Highlights
1 in 3 people are deficient in 10 or more minerals Share on XMagnesium is required for 80% of known metabolic functions Share on XMost diseases are linked to magnesium deficiency Share on XSalt stimulates neural activity while potassium quiets it down Share on XDon't jump into the extreme when it comes to new health protocols, take it step by step Share on XPodcast Sponsor Banner
About Dr. Carolyn Dean
Dr. Carolyn Dean, a medical doctor, naturopath, and renowned author has dedicated over five decades to merging medical science with the healing gifts of nature. Her mission is to empower individuals to enhance their well-being, boost energy levels, and manage their health effectively.
Following her acclaimed work “The Magnesium Miracle®,” initially published in 2004 & revised in 2017, she now presents her latest revision, “Magnesium: The Missing Link to Total Health®.”

Top Things You’ll Learn From Dr. Carolyn Dean
- [8:30] The Importance of Magnesium to Your Health
- What magnesium really is
- Benefits & effects of magnesium to your health
- How magnesium is absorbed in the body
- Why keto dieting was the reason people discovered mineral deficiency
- What happens when you don’t have enough magnesium
- How minerals & magnesium prevented Carolyn from broken bones
- [17:10] The Truth About Bone Health & Supplement Research
- The reason drug companies don’t study minerals
- Why women have an increased risk of heart disease
- The importance of magnesium for calcium absorption
- Dangers of consuming too much calcium
- Why your body isn’t activating vitamin D
- How vitamin D, magnesium & other minerals could’ve saved people from the pandemic
- Crucial mineral ratios to consider
- [22:25] Risks of Magnesium & Mineral Deficiency
- What happens when you don’t absorb magnesium
- How diabetes is attributed to low magnesium levels
- Other symptoms of mineral deficiency
- The fail-safe of magnesium
- Why our food hardly contains magnesium anymore
- [41:20] Dosage & Forms of Magnesium & Other Minerals
- Recommended protocols for taking magnesium
- Difference between liquid magnesium & magnesium tablets
- The negative effects of dieting while consuming magnesium
- The role of remineralization in your overall health
- How to start your remineralization health protocol
- Why salt and potassium is necessary for longevity
- Selenium’s role in boosting immunity
- [52:55] Lies from Big Pharma About Your Supplements
- Biggest lies about magnesium dosages
- The failure of vitamin research
- The “One-Drug-One-Condition“ problem
- Harsh realities of the food & drug industry
- Why the world needs more biohackers
Resources Mentioned
- Supplement: Liquid Magnesium (code URBAN saves 10%)
- Book: Magnesium: The Missing Link to Total Health (Revised)
- Course: Outliyr Longevity Challenge
- Article: Ultimate Guide to Magnesium
- Teacher: Dr. James Dinicolantonio
Episode Transcript
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Nick Urban [00:00:05]:
If you look at any list of the top most often recommended supplements, you’ll often come across one nutrient that’s minerals, and that is magnesium. This mineral seems to be implicated in just about every facet of health, and deficiency has strong correlations with seemingly every symptom and as well as exacerbating most conditions. But it wasn’t that long ago that magnesium was considered just another mineral. Our guest this week is one of the magnesium pioneers. She’s credited with putting magnesium therapy on the map. And although she’s best known for her work and research around magnesium, She’s also a master of minerals in general. In this episode, we talk a lot about balancing the different minerals, the mineral ratios, why it’s virtually impossible to get enough from food alone, the different forms of magnesium, and why certain forms like magnesium L threonate, the one that is theoretically best for the brain, is actually more of a scam than anything. We also talk about mineral testing, the best ways, the reason that mineral deficiencies will not show up in your blood labs.
Nick Urban [00:01:28]:
We talk about the importance of minerals overall. She shares a very important fact to know about using fluoridated medications, drugs, and substances, and why they have a black box warning on them. We talk about the different mineral absorption technologies and the legislation around nutritional supplements and essential nootropics, and a whole lot more. Our guest this week is doctor Carolyn Dean. She’s a medical doctor and a naturopath Mind best selling author. She spent 50 plus years applying the science of medicine and the gifts of nature to help people feel better, find more energy, and take control of their personal health. Doctor Dean has followed her best selling book, the magnesium miracle, with her newest revision called magnesium, the missing link to total health. If you’re a wellness nerd, you’ll love the book, The Magnesium Miracle.
Nick Urban [00:02:30]:
That was the one that inspired me to start using magnesium on a daily basis. It is jam packed with all kinds of pearls of wisdom, and it’ll forever change the way you view this mineral and others. If you don’t wanna read 250 pages about 1 mineral Mind you want the highest value, most impactful nuggets all in one place, her newer book will be the one for you. Again, the new one’s called magnesium, the missing link to total health. You can find the links to those books and all of the resources we discuss in the show notes for this episode, which will be at mindbodypeak.com/thenumber153. If you wanna try some of her products, these ionic minerals, highest absorption, great value minerals, the ones that I personally use and have switched over to, You can go to her website, rnareset.com, and use the code urban. Again, I’ll put that in the show notes for you to make things easier. And my code URBAN will save you 10% on your order.
Nick Urban [00:03:35]:
If you’re curious about how mineral status and magnesium fit into your overall health and longevity strategy, I’ve created a small mini course that over the course of 14 days walks you through the highest impact biohacks and strategies that’ll help you extend your health span and slow down your rate of biological aging. I’ve intentionally designed it to be lighter on the theory, although you can find that too if you’re interested, and more on the actionable side of things. So over the course of 14 days, you’ll get one daily lesson about something simple you can implement and to quickly see a change. By focusing on your longevity, you’re also improving your overall quality of life Mind the way you look, feel, and perform every day as well. I’ve made the whole program very affordable because longevity shouldn’t be one of those things that costs 2,000,000 per year just to access. So if you’re among the first 500 people to go through the course, you can get it 60% off. Just click the link in the show notes below, and you can use the code launch to save that 60%. Plus, the first 50 people that go through it qualify automatically for a free consult with me at the end of the program to help you customize and make sure you have the support you need going forward.
Nick Urban [00:04:59]:
So check it out, and I’ll see you on board. Alright. Ladies and gentlemen, sit back, relax, and enjoy this conversation with doctor Carolyn Dean. Carolyn, welcome to the podcast.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:05:10]:
Thank you, Nick. All the way across the world for me, this is incredible that we can connect like this.
Nick Urban [00:05:18]:
Yes. And we tried to record previously and had some technical difficulties. So hopefully now that we are across the world, I am in India and actually have worse Internet connection. Fingers crossed that it works. But let’s start off today with the unusual nonnegotiables you’ve done for your health, your performance, and your bioharmony.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:05:36]:
Well, you know, what I wanna say first is when I was keeping up with you and looking at your information, how you realize that biohacking, I saves, is kind of a kamikaze saves going about getting your health back Mind you went into Bioharmony. Mind I just think that’s perfect. I really like that because personally, I’ve been biohacking for, like, 55 years. So I’ve been biohacking before most of you guys were born. So I know what it’s like to sort of put yourself out there without, you know, any any support, anybody really having done the research before, doing things that that then you assess in your own person. And that that’s the bottom line. Whatever you do has to make sense for you, and you have to feel a result. I mean, I I have people I have a foster daughter who spent 20 years doing URBAN, vegetarian, stricter and stricter and stricter, not doing well at all until she realized, well, maybe I shouldn’t do vegan vegetarian.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:06:52]:
So we really have to be our own person, I guess, is what I’d like to say.
Nick Urban [00:06:58]:
I love that. And part of charting unfamiliar territories was your work with magnesium. For people who don’t know, doctor Carolyn was the one who really put magnesium on the map, magnesium therapy, and now it’s extremely popular, and it seems that every company sells a product. I read your book, Magnesium Miracle, and I was mind blown that one miracle or one mineral that I fully overlooked could possibly do so much.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:07:26]:
I think it might saves been the keto diet that really started getting people realizing that they were missing their minerals because they weren’t eating the carbs. They weren’t getting anything, from their green plants that they stopped eating. And the, the keto fever, the keto fatigue, all the rest of it, it can be, quote, treated with with magnesium. So, yes, magnesium has become huge. I think it’s the the top selling supplement now Mind people get more and more confused about it every day because there may be a dozen magnesium compounds out there. And we’ll get to the difference between these compounds Mind, you know, what people really need in their cells is magnesium ions.
Nick Urban [00:08:15]:
Let’s dig into that a little bit more. Beyond keto or any diet, everyone needs magnesium. And for a host of reasons, I feel like magnesium is probably the best example because it tends to be extremely deficient because of many different lifestyle practices and things going on in the modern world. But can you explain, like, the importance of magnesium as a microcosm of what minerals in general, what they mean for the body and how important they are?
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:08:46]:
Well, minerals are structure and function and they’re electrolytes. So they’re the electrical activity of the body. So they’re very, you know, they’re baseline. But when you look at magnesium, I didn’t find out until after, the second edition of the magnesium miracle, my first book, that was out in 2017. 2018, Dean doctor Jamie Warkinger, she did a paper, a review paper on magnesium, and she made the statement that magnesium is required for 80% of known metabolic functions. 80%. And I worked with that for the next few years Mind then then I put out this book, magnesium, the missing link to total Health, because I found about 65 major health conditions that could be magnesium deficiency, but they’re called diseases because medicine doesn’t recognize magnesium deficiency. So these 65 chronic diseases from from asthma to hemorrhoids, I don’t know about hemorrhoids.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:09:53]:
They are treated with them with drugs, and then the drugs deplete magnesium. So we’ve got 80% of known metabolic functions. I say there’s up to a 1,000 enzyme processes in the body that require magnesium, including making our ATP energy, including everything to do with insulin and and glucose, including so many things. If you give me a disease, I’ll I’ll Mind outline as I do in the book what’s going on. And all the while, doctors don’t study this. They don’t know anything about it. And I’m trying to do university studies to to, you know, bring the information forward, for example, about ionized magnesium testing. One of the main reasons doctors don’t look at magnesium is because they don’t have a good blood test for it.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:10:51]:
The blood test they use, sheer magnesium, just test the tiny 1% of, magnesium found in the blood. So you test, put your dipstick in, you test it. Oh, that looks good. The body is constantly adjusting the amount of magnesium in the blood to make sure it looks good because the heart depends on it. The heart is a big muscle. Magnesium relaxes muscles, calcium tightens muscles. There’s this push pull. At the cellular level, magnesium opens up the cell, ion minerals channel and allows calcium to come in, do the muscle action or the nerve action, and then magnesium opens the channel up again and pulls out the calcium.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:11:47]:
So you’ve got a process that, you know, the push pull of of magnesium and calcium. So if you don’t have magnesium, you’ll build up calcium in your cells. You’ll start twitching and getting tight and have muscle cramps and burning, tingling, twitching, all the strange symptoms that people get Mind they may go to their neurologist and be told they have MS for Peak saves, or they go to a doctor and say, yeah, I’m fatigued. I’m so rundown. They don’t have their ATP energy. And they’re told, oh, well, you’re just depressed here. Take take Prozac. Take a drug that is definitely gonna lower your magnesium because most of the common drugs used now are fluoride drugs.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:12:36]:
They have a fluoride molecule to make the drug better absorbed through fatty cell membranes. But that fluoride in the gut under the influence of the microbiome, the fluoride will be broken off the drug and then go into your bloodstream. And magnesium being kind of the antioxidant, the Peak Mind that goes around and and takes care of things. It’ll trump up the fluoride, but that makes a magnesium fluoride compound that’s very brittle. And then that compound will, deposit in soft tissues, in tendons, and in joints. So you’ve got a black box warning of a fluoride drug called Cipro, ciprofloxacillin. It’s an antibiotic, common antibiotic. You’ve got a black box warning for tendon rupture on that drug.
Nick Urban [00:13:36]:
That’s prescient because I was actually looking into this a while ago. I heard you mentioned that, and I looked into it. And there it’s Cipro’s 1, but there are a number of drugs that have the fluorine out of them in them as well. And because of that, they they lodge Mind they they’re bitter like that, as you mentioned. And I was looking at certain nootropics that are popular and growing, and they’re, like, less known now, but they’re gaining popularity. And some of those have the same fluorine atom to make them more potent. And so I came across that, and I was like, not gonna touch any of these for any reason simply because it’s not worth the risk of something major happening. And you recently had a a spill, and you’re doing okay.
Nick Urban [00:14:14]:
You’re sitting here right now able to have this conversation. What happened?
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:14:18]:
I said I’ve been supporting organic biodynamic firm here on the island for about 14 years, and I volunteer there on Saturdays just to keep track of everything. So I tripped over someone, we’re just flying around the store Health customers, and I slammed down on my elbow. This is two and a half weeks ago Mind slammed Dean, let, right elbow, my riding arm and my left knee. And it was, it was unbelievably painful. I started to go into shock pretty quick, but I had a bottle of my, my ionic minerals Dean, and my grandson was therapy. So I drank the water and Body had arnica. I didn’t even have arnica in my bag, which is had been yeah. I put it in since.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:15:10]:
So I had this big swollen, muddy looking blue thing pop out of my elbow. So I just crushed all my capillaries along along my elbow Mind that Dean. And I, seriously, Nick, it was amazing to watch. I have videos I took, blew from my fingertips up to my armpit. But, you know, as you can see, I’m moving it truly. There’s still some tightness there that I’ll work out because, you know, when you have an injury, I mean, there’s a certain age I’m in my mid seventies. There’s a certain age where doctors will tell you, I, I didn’t, I didn’t even go for an x-ray. I knew it wasn’t brain.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:15:54]:
But doctors will say, well, you know, that’s not gonna heal perfectly. You’re gonna have arthritis Mind you really have to put that out of your mind. You you just look at this. It’s an experiment. My experiment was I took a major fall Mind I did not break a single phone. And that is that is what we all want. You know, we want our bones and our, you know, we want our structure to be solid and not brittle. And the reason my bones aren’t brittle is that I take enough magnesium, which works with collagen and elastin in the soft tissue scaffolding of our bones.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:16:36]:
And I take enough vitamin c, take a whole food vitamin C and extra ascorbic acid Mind they make collagen. So when you have your soft tissue scaffolding Mind then your, your hard shoulder bones, it’s made with minerals. It’s not just calcium either. It’s, it’s a dozen minerals. So what got us in in trouble in medicine is in re researching bone health. What they did is they took bones and burnt them down to ash. And what they recovered, they thought was mostly calcium. And they said, oh, yeah, bones are made of calcium.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:17:16]:
Let’s just give people so much calcium that women now have an increased risk of heart disease when they take calcium supplements, because the calcium at, you know, 1215 milligrams a day of the recommended RDA in America is way too much. They give the wrong kind of calcium that’s only maybe about 4% absorbed. And the excess calcium, it causes constipation. So, you know, it’s not it’s not like magnesium where if you take quote too much magnesium, we get the laxative effect. That’s the the fail safe of magnesium. So you get this extra calcium building up, you know, in, you know, like cataracts and you’ve got otosclerosis or, bony growth in your ears causing deafness. You can get Optimization in your carotid arteries, in your Health, it’s serious. You get heels first, you get breast tissue calcifications that are misdiagnosed as tumors and, you know, just freak women out entirely.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:18:27]:
Peak. Oh, there’s some calcification there might be cancer. Well, no. It’s your calcium pills you’ve been taking Dean not taking enough magnesium to solubilize your calcium and push it towards your bones. Magnesium and vitamin Nick 2 are necessary to push your calcium into the bones where it belongs.
Nick Urban [00:18:50]:
Absolutely. I’m glad you clarified that because when before I read your book, that was one of the things that I thought just as so many do that calcium is the mineral of bones. You have bone problems. You just need to take code. That’s how you get strong bones. And then I realized it’s much more nuanced than that, and you really need to be getting enough magnesium because there’s a lot of different minerals. Magnesium, calcium is 1. They have a a balance.
Nick Urban [00:19:16]:
You get too much of 1. Like, you get the way I think of it is, like, magnesium is the relaxing mineral Mind calcium is the charging for the excitatory mineral. And if you have too much of 1, it’s hard to get too much magnesium these days. But if you get too much of 1, not not enough of the other, then you get problems. And because of lifestyle, most of us don’t get enough magnesium. We get too much calcium, but then there’s also, like, the zinc copper ratio. Are there any other big ratios that are important?
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:19:42]:
Going beyond the mineral mineral, vitamin d and magnesium, You don’t get absorption of vitamin d unless it’s activated. And what activates vitamin d is magnesium. There’s this process that goes through, and 8 of the I think the 8 are of the 10 or 12 steps to activate vitamin d require magnesium. Now that is I mean, that’s amazing. Amazing information because there’s so many studies, showing the Performance of vitamin d, but some of them are contradictory. And, oh my gosh, well, maybe this doesn’t really mean what we think it means. But if you factor in magnesium and do your clinical trial with people taking vitamin D and magnesium, then you get the proper effects that the body requires rather than us making up this story that, oh, it’s all about vitamin d. We don’t have to look at anything else.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:20:45]:
Dean and vitamin d, I mean, in terms of, you know, the recent horrible, ridiculous so called pandemic, if people saves been taking their vitamin d, you know, getting the sunshine or taking up a Dean three supplement with k 2, then we wouldn’t have had the well, we wouldn’t have had a population that was sick enough to succumb to a strong virus. That’s what I’d say.
Nick Urban [00:21:18]:
And I think that a lot of the different minerals are heavily involved in immunity as well.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:21:23]:
Oh, yeah. Selenium, huge. Huge in in areas in Africa. Dean, I learned from doctor Harold Foster. He was a Canadian selenium researcher. And he said Aries Mind Africa, you know, low, low incidence of cancer and HIV and all kinds of chronic conditions where the soil is high in selenium. And nobody’s looking at that. Health and you know why the, the drug companies, they focus all their drug money on researching their drugs and paying half of the research money to to our NIH in order to or FDA, whatever, in order to okay their drugs.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:22:11]:
They’re not gonna study these minerals. I mean, this is why we have biohackers. This is why we depend on podcasters to give us the information that we’re not getting, And we absolutely we absolutely need.
Nick Urban [00:22:27]:
Yeah. I agree. I think that minerals, amino acids and vitamins are like the fundamental things that people need to make sure they’re getting enough of. Doctor James Dean Nick Antonio said that, according to him, that 1 in 3 people are deficient in 10 or more minerals. And with each single mineral having a profound potential negative health impact and a quality of life impact, longevity impact, all of these, you can see that when you have 10 or more of these deficiencies, you’re missing so many bodily functions that is not working the way they should. And it’s a wonder that we’re able to live, let alone function Mind not even address these.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:23:11]:
Yeah. When when you mentioned that, I think of the thyroid. After I worked on my, picometer magnesium, I went for multiple mineral. So I I put together 12 minerals. And then I realized that 9 of those minerals are required by the thyroid to make thyroid hormones. Mind of them. It’s not just iodine. It’s not just selenium.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:23:38]:
It you have to add the boron, the copper, molybdenum, Mind, manganese, of course, magnesium. So who tells you that? How do you find that out in our research stages when I took this multiple mineral? It was 6 weeks, into taking it that I realized my my hands were warm for the first time. And I was able to get off my Armour Thyroid Nick milligrams. Now on this on, interviews I do, I’m not allowed to mention the names of my products. The FDA says that personally, they’ve told me you cannot talk about your products as, Health, health conditions or disease conditions. They said only drugs can heal disease. And if you say your products are helping disease, or if you put testimonials on your websites that say people are helped, you know, with your products and they’ve helped to heal the your diseases, then you’re declaring your product a drug, and then you have to undergo clinical drug trials in order to prove your health claims. The only claim that’s ever been accepted for magnesium is hypertension.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:25:01]:
And it’s like a Mind of a, you know, a smarmy, declaration. Well, it may be okay, and we’re not quite sure. They just sort of ring it out, but it’s a claim. So but, I mean, I’m not working with that too much, in terms of I don’t make a big deal about, oh, my product helps high blood pressure. But the fact that they said it is really pivotal, Nick, because you look at the way that people get on drugs these days. You’ll go to your doctor and you’re stressed out. You’re just beat down. We’re all in PTSD because of the craziness of the world right now.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:25:49]:
So you’re magnesium deficient. 80% of the population I say is magnesium deficient. So you go to your doctor and then maybe the nurse, takes your blood pressure. Oh, it’s a bit elevated. Look at the chart. You know, Jane or Joe, you’ve been a bit high for the past couple of visits. It’s time we put you on a diuretic drug for your blood pressure. So you go on a diuretic.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:26:17]:
What does that do? It squeezes their your your blood volume down so that the the pressure will be less. It just dehydrates you, a diuretic, and it gets rid of your magnesium and potassium. They may tell you to eat a banana, but they don’t tell you anything about your magnesium because they don’t do the blood test for it. And a month later you come back and your blood pressure is worse because your magnesium deficiency is worse. So they say, oh my gosh, Jane, we just caught your blood pressure time, but, you know, we’re gonna have to give you another couple drugs. So that’s a calcium channel blocker. Think of that wording, calcium channel blocker. What did we just say about magnesium and calcium? Magnesium is a natural Natural calcium channel blocker.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:27:07]:
So they give you that. And then they give you an angiotensin inhibitor to do something with your aldosterone, which also is related to magnesium. So you’re on 3 drugs. They say, come back in in 2 or 3 months Mind we’ll check and make sure these drugs aren’t killing your liver. So you come back and what do they find? Oh my gosh, Jane, your blood sugar is elevated. We just caught you before, you know, diabetes Dean and all your cholesterol is elevated. And we’ll we’ll just give you a statin drug because you’re developing high cholesterol, which are both caused by magnesium deficiency. Magnesium has the saves kind of activity as the HMG code co reductase enzyme that, that balances cholesterol.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:27:59]:
If the body needs some cholesterol to make all our hormones, or if it has too much cholesterol, it’ll just slow it down. Well, statin drugs kill that enzyme Dean so that your cholesterol gets lower and lower and lower. Your libido gets lower and lower and lower. Your hormones get lower. Whereas magnesium, it just balances your cholesterol. Same with blood sugar. In the allopathic medical text, it says one of the signs, symptoms of, diabetes is low magnesium. I’ve had people who’ve taken magnesium Mind their blood sugar’s balanced out.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:28:41]:
I mean, that just it it happens all the time. So what have you got? You’ve got a patient now on lifelong drugs. When I went to med school in the mid seventies, our doctors always said, only give drugs for shorter term as possible in to allow a patient to build up their reserves or, you know, balance themselves out, get rid of the problem, whatever. Don’t they were never into lifelong drugs. Now everybody’s on lifelong drugs. What is going on? Lifelong cholesterol drugs, blood pressure drugs, and doctors want to put people on these drugs earlier and earlier. Why did they do that when they’re not working? Well, they’ll say, maybe if we catch people earlier, we can prevent these conditions, not knowing that they’re causing them. So, again, I rushed my case.
Nick Urban [00:29:42]:
No. That’s America’s favorite longevity doctor often talks about getting people on statins as early as possible, the first sign of anything getting imbalanced. And this is like a very, very popular household name almost. And it’s like, I get your concern. There’s a correlation or some correlation, but it’s not the cholesterol itself that’s causing the issues. And by putting them on this, you’re imbalancing countless other systems, many of which we don’t even know yet. And then you’re gonna put them on other things to balance try and balance those. And it’s playing symptom whack a mole, Mind, ultimately, the patient’s health is what is the cost.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:30:23]:
Mhmm. Yeah. It’s very much, money driven. We can’t look at it any other way. Follow the money. There’s no money, in vitamins and minerals because you can’t patent them.
Nick Urban [00:30:41]:
So let’s segue into some of the other ways you’ve disrupted industries such as you’ve mentioned that previously that the red or the typical serum magnesium blood test isn’t effective Dean in other circles. They use and rely heavily on red blood cell magnesium. And you mentioned in your book, I believe that that’s better than serum, but there’s also one I wanna say it’s called, like, exatest or something that’s better than that. But how do you actually even know if you have these deficiencies if they’re not present in the blood? Because the blood stays regulated within a very tight window. And I believe when the blood gets bioregulators comes down a little little too high or something, it’ll pull the minerals out of the bones and other tissues so that it has that perfect supply.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:31:31]:
I think with magnesium, because it is so saves, and and I’ve just briefly mentioned the fail safe of magnesium is that if you, quote, take too much, you will get the laxative effect. So it’s not going to build up like calcium or, you know, heavy metals or anything. And then when you look at 80% of people are deficient minerals the ways you lose it with stress, it’s not in the soil. You cook it away. You you drug it away, you know, anytime you’re taking a medication. So I just say to people experiment. I mean, biohack yourself with some magnesium. And of course, I would tell people to get my Peak stabilized ion magnesium amino that the ion of a mineral can get into the Health, which is what will make the cell, while the Krebs cycle or make the biological processes work is minerals at an ionic level.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:32:37]:
And what happened okay. So in terms of the symptoms, I mean, you could look at, you know, twitching, eye, migraine, or even just tension headaches. You code look at people choking on on their amino, horrible way to go. And that’s, spasming of your esophageal sphincter area. You look at even the highest hernia. You can get a spasm of the diaphragms that that causes symptoms that, you know, can make you think you’re having a Health attack, heart attack, angina, blood pressure, the the blood vessel, the smooth muscles Mind those vessels. If they get tight with not enough magnesium, too much calcium, then they’ll narrow down and cause hypertension. So all these symptoms, I I guess, you know, I tell people to read my book.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:33:34]:
The, this one, makes it very clear that what happened with my second edition of the magnesium minerals, it turned out to be 600 pages and it just became too much to read. So this, magnesium limiting link to total health, it’s about a 150 saves. And that’s easy. It’s easy reading, to show you that if you’ve got low energy, if you’ve got insomnia, if you’ve got leg cramps, breastless legs, Charlie horses, anything to do with muscles, we have 600 muscles. Any one of them can be Mind and go into spasm. We’ve got 45 miles of nerves. Any one of your neurons or nerve Health can be affected by magnesium deficiency. So I’m saying it’s the basis.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:34:25]:
I really think it’s the basis of our health. It really is that important. And and, you mentioned James Dean Nick. He’s amazing. You know, he says that magnesium deficiency is a public health crisis. And, you know, what are we doing about it? And and, you know, I’m I’m in a unique position where I’m sitting on this discovery of a stabilized island of magnesium, but I can’t really, I can’t really talk about it because if I do, then the FDA will shut me Dean. And I Dean wanna be shut down. And I came upon it, Nick, because when I was in New York doing, saves and chronic fatigue research, do using alternative medicine, I started to get getting on local TV.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:35:18]:
I was on the view a lot and just talking about natural medicine. So I was asked by random house to write a book on magnesium. And, I thought, well, 1 minerals, 300 saves, how’s that possible? But as soon as I started doing the research, I’ve I saw that I was the poster child. I had headaches, eye twitching. I had heart palpitations, charlie horse like primes, etcetera, etcetera. But when I started to take more magnesium than what’s in my multiple, I got an immediate laxative effect, and some people are like that. And what I did after after the book got published, the magnesium miracle, I spent the next 10 years trying to find a mineral company or or supplement company that would research non laxative magnesium. Because here I was with every magnesium deficiency symptom, and I couldn’t take it.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:36:25]:
I was, I was soaking in Epsom saves baths. I was slathering myself with, with magnesium oil, which is just a magnesium fluoride, supersaturated Mind distilled water. And I was developing skin rashes with all of the, you know, kind of itchy magnesium after a while. So I had to find a solution. And finally, I found a chemist that was able through an 18 step process to to stabilize this ion. So that one of our university studies is you, you put our, picometer magnesium in a clear bath, flask, and you shine a, a material finding laser through it. And, this laser goes straight through that liquid. It’s not bumping into anything because the the magnesium in its ionic state is picometer in size.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:37:20]:
Picometer is a, let’s do it in grams. If you’ve got a milligram and you take it down to a picogram, that’s 12 zeros. It is infinitesimally small. So anyway, if you’ve got a stabilized ion, that ion, when you take it in, will go straight to your cells. What we’re relying on with most Magnesium other magnesium supplements is magnesium compounds. You’ve got your magnesium, as I say, fluoride, glycinate, malate, citrate, but this glycinate, lactate. There’s so many of them. And even then, amino is only which is very low potency.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:38:12]:
But what happens, the body you’ll swallow these compounds. And then in the bloodstream, there will be some dissociate association of the magnesium from the the attachment, the amino acid or or whatever the other compound is. It’ll dissociate, but for split second, because magnesium is so reactive. I mean, magnesium is the, is what burns in, in fireworks. You’d light a match to magnesium strip, and it’s like, it’s gone. So it’s very reactive, so to join back up. So it’s only in that split second that some ions of magnesium will get into a cell. But even so, even with something like, say magnesium oxide, which is very poorly absorbed at 4%, even with magnesium oxide Mind what I said about Biohacking to disassociate, it will help people.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:39:21]:
You can listen to what we’re talking about right now. Take any sort of magnesium, and you’ll feel a bit better because it is so important. Magnesium in taking care of 80% of known metabolic functions is in so necessary. It’ll grab onto anything and sort of perk you up a bit. Some New Zealand University of Adelaide or Auckland, they have, a book, a free online book called magnesium Mind the central nervous system. And and the whole book is about magnesium oxide and this and that and showing how beneficial it is. So I’m not saying my magnesium is the only one, but I think what’s happened, it’s because I’m a doctor. I’m attracting people who who think they’re looking for a doctor.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:40:12]:
Now I can’t be their doctor, but they’re coming to me with dozens of health conditions, maybe dozens of medications, and they’re looking for some relief. And I see that happening when they can be properly saturated with magnesium.
Nick Urban [00:40:33]:
In 2017 or 2018, when your book came out, I was reading Magnesium Miracle in the sauna, ironically sweating out a lot of my electrolytes and minerals. And people would ask me what I was reading. I’d tell them, they’d be like, wait. You’re reading hundreds of pages on a single mineral on magnesium. And I’d be like, yes. And you have to see all these highlights of the 1,000,000 different things it can do. It’s pretty brain, all the different interactions and functions it has in the body. If someone wants to get started with magnesium, do you recommend any particular protocol, or are there any contraindications or thing things they should be wary about? Like, for example, if they’re on a bunch of different things, obviously, work with their doctor and their Health care practitioner.
Nick Urban [00:41:19]:
But would you add it on top, or would you use a much different dose? How would you do that?
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:41:25]:
Well, go low and slow with whatever magnesium you choose. The contraindications are myasthenia gravis, someone who has heart block, someone with a very low heart rate. Those are the main contraindications. With a low heart rate, I usually say to Peak, you might need to have, a pacemaker put in to make sure that if the heart rate goes too low, you get a little bit of an electrical Body to keep your heart going, and then you can take magnesium. So you have to be aware of, the fact that if you take a whole bunch of magnesium at once, it can cause a laxative effect. So you wanna spread it out throughout the day. I used to tell people magnesium citrate powders were good. You can stir them in water Urban then drink that through the day.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:42:23]:
My magnesium is a liquid, so it you put it in water and you drink it through the day because if you overload your cells, you’re just gonna waste, you know, waste your magnesium. It’s gonna dump through your urine or through your bowels. And the dosage, it’s fascinating about the dosage. When when I first started increasing trying to increase my magnesium, 50 milligrams would give me the laxative effect of these compounds. But when I got my stabilized magnesium, I was taking 1200 milligrams. And that, I mean, that is huge so that my body needed the magnesium, but it needed in it in the cells. And if it wasn’t being absorbed properly, it would just go out through the intestines as a laxative. So those don’t say don’t be, somebody, complained about the the this missing link book, I think, on Amazon and say, I didn’t even give the dosages because you know, Body different, but I think I go by the RDA of calcium, which I say is 600 milligrams.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:43:36]:
And I, I personally say the RDA of magnesium is 600 milligrams. Keep them 1 to 1. And if you can get your calcium in your diet, all the better Calcium from food is very well absorbed, and I’ve done that experiment. I’ve, if I eat a quart of yogurt over a 2 or 3 day period, my heart palpitations start jumping a little bit because it’s pushing out my magnesium. So I needed more, more it’s pushing out my magnesium. So I needed more magnesium because I was absorbing more calcium. And that’s that’s sort of the biofeedback we want to pay attention to when we do nutrient experiments. Our diet and our supplements have to make a difference.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:44:31]:
And I think in terms of diet, I think that ship has sailed, Nick. I just really believe that our food is so compromised. Even in my my farm, when I just try to eat farm food, and it’s it’s just fruits and vegetables and herbs, and we have Nick, so we have eggs. I can’t do it. Yeah. I’m an old blood type Mind I seem to need, an animal protein based diet. I don’t think even the organic food that we grow, it wasn’t enough to give me the magnesium I needed. And I’ve I’ve bumped into many, many young people who were on therapy Dean, 40 ounces, a green drink a day.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:45:21]:
You know, they’re juicy, juicy, juicing. And they’re still having heart palpitations and and leg cramps. But the minute they take, my liquid magnesium, their symptoms are gone because they are so very healthy. Otherwise, they just needed that extra boost from from a mineral that 80% of their body is requiring.
Nick Urban [00:45:46]:
There’s so many different things causing, like, low magnesium. Like, I’m holding up I was laying 1 earlier, and that’s the cup of coffee in front of me Mind stress Mind the fact that, like, the food just based on, like, the lack of nutrients in the soil, but then also the the way we’re processing the food, concentrating some of the so called Dean nutrients, the phytates, the tripsin inhibitors, the lectins, oxalates, all that stuff. That’s gonna also like, all these things are gonna stack the Dean against us to get enough magnesium. And what you said is really important that the calcium calcium is very readily absorbed. And now everything, so many foods are fortified with calcium on top of that. So like you drink, you eat something, it shouldn’t have calcium in it, but now it does. And then again, calcium also degrade or magnesium is degraded by cooking in a lot of different ways. So you’re getting more and more calcium, less and less magnesium.
Nick Urban [00:46:38]:
And it seems to me like this very simple way to start this is just to increase magnesium, increase magnesium to around bowel tolerance unless you have a stabilized ionic form, then you’re probably not gonna have that issue to begin with.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:46:53]:
Correct. Correct. Mind back to diet, Nick, I think I should saves, I don’t think, nutritionists or nutritional researchers is gonna ever help us because what they’re looking at now is ultra processed food Mind try to see how they can make ultra processed foods healthier so that people I mean, it it just bothers me. The research and ultra processed foods had taken all the attention. And there was this 10 year study by doctor Kevin Health, and he couldn’t figure out at the end of his 10 year study, why his ultra processed, diet group wanted to eat 500 more calories a day than his, you know, standard horrible American diet. I mean, there, I don’t know that there’s that much difference, but what I say and what any common sense person would say is, well, your body is, is trying to get nutrients from the food. It’s it’s sampling, it’s sniffing, it’s eating, it’s licking, it’s chewing. It’s like, give me more of this.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:48:04]:
Give me, and you’re not getting it from ultra processed food. So you Dean more and more calories and you gain weight. I mean, does not and at, a nutrition conference, just last year, I said these words and I was kinda heckled. What are you talking about? And it just it it bothers me how how far Dean, you know, into the dark code, I guess, a university research because it’s funded mostly by drug companies, how how far they’ve gotten away from, let’s just eat natural. So there’s the ultra processed foods, the the ship has sailed on our foods, but at the same time, we really do need the fibers Mind we do need as much as we can get of of the nutrients. But not to not to be fanatic. You you’ve heard people who’ve said, oh, I’m an I’m on a 16 banana a day diet, and I feel great. And and that will get, Nick up by other people and not realizing that there’s so much sugar, there’s so much fructose sugar that they’re causing themselves long term problems if they stick with that.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:49:25]:
So it’s, too much information really out there.
Nick Urban [00:49:29]:
Certain influencers in the health and wellness and neuroscience community talk about different forms of magnesium. The non ionic saves the magnesium l three and eight form as superior because it crosses the blood brain barrier better. What do you think about that? Like, do these different forms have the ability to target certain body parts with greater affinity than ionic?
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:49:54]:
Yeah. 2 things I have to say there. If you’re treating your magnesium deficiency because you’ve got all these diseases and you’re taking all these drugs and you need your magnesium, then the other part of the magnesium compound is not gonna help you. You want your magnesium. And when you think of magnesium, they’re, they’re advertising is so deceptive on the bottle, on a lot of their bottles that people are now selling. It’s a patented medicine or patented, supplement for one thing. So it’s very expensive now. Well, they’ll say 2,000 milligrams of magnesium L three Mind eight.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:50:37]:
And you think, oh, wow. I’m getting 2,000 milligrams of magnesium. But if you happen to turn over the label and look at the the facts, ingredient facts, it says in 3 pills, 3 capsules, you’ll you’ll get a 144 milligrams. So each pill has
Nick Urban [00:50:59]:
Of elemental magnesium. Right?
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:51:00]:
Of elemental magnesium. So a 144, I had to take 1200 milligrams. I would need, what, 30 pills a day to get enough. And I, when I, experimented with magnesium Dean made 2 pills saves me the laxative effect. The study that they did, a rat study that they did to prove this, blood brain barrier, magnesium getting across and all the rest of it, they reported a 7% difference in the absorption into the cerebrospinal fluid of their Dean compared to, I think it was a magnesium citrate. It was a 7% difference. And then they said, look, it’s the best absorbed ever in the world. And they must I’m sure they put more into the marketing of that, that supplement that then they did the research.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:51:58]:
So they marketed the heck out of it. Everybody thinks it’s the only thing that crosses the blood brain barrier. But look back at that, the book I told you about, the free ebook called magnesium in the central nervous system. Any magnesium that they studied was helping with headaches and brain stuff and all the rest of it. So they really have misled, the population with their marketing, but that’s what they do. And it’s, it’s a Chinese based company. Most of the research was done done in China. So I’m not keen on it at all.
Nick Urban [00:52:37]:
So what I think I heard you say is that it’s not the absolute largest number you see on the back of the bottle of magnesium that matters. It’s the dose of elemental magnesium. So when you’re trying to get 600 milligrams to meet what you’re calling your RDA of magnesium, it’s the Nick of elemental magnesium that matters specifically.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:52:57]:
Right. Right. So when you look at, as I said, the compounds, you take a 500 milligram amount of, I let’s saves, magnesium glycinate. Only 75 milligrams is magnesium. 500 milligrams, I think of magnesium citrate, it’s only 50 milligrams of magnesium. So when you say, well, what about what the other part of the magnesium, what it’s doing? It’s not magnesium. So it’s not doing anything for your magnesium deficiency. It may be the malate may be helping your muscles a bit for Nick fatigue that the glycine and glycinate may be helping cellular function there.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:53:47]:
I mean, there’s plenty of companies who code all the, the important things that these extra factors do, but it’s not magnesium. And I’m all about saturating with magnesium.
Nick Urban [00:54:02]:
Yeah. Exactly. I mean, a lot of those other substances have benefits like glycine is is great all around amino acid, but that doesn’t mean you’re gonna get the benefits of the claimed amount of magnesium based on that. So ionic magnesium, on the other hand, you’ll see a number on the bottle of, say, a 100 milligrams of magnesium. And would that be all elemental?
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:54:25]:
It would be elemental, but it’s not ionic. We go back to this the whole business of you get a magnesium compound, you put it in the blood, it disassociates, and then you have to wait for that to happen for that little split second when it’s an ion and can and can jump into a cell. So being elemental does not mean it’s going to be ionic and absorbed. It’s pretty complex, you know, on a certain level. And and it’s not something anybody has really talked about before because they haven’t had a stabilized ion of magnesium and and shown that. I mean, our university studies are pretty clear that, this stuff is so well absorbed, at the, ionic level. And Mind, yes, we haven’t mentioned this yet. The blood test that we’re using our studies is one we’re trying to promote as the one that will help people get a better diagnosis.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:55:31]:
It’s called the ionic magnesium test, IMAG test, and it tests for ions. So when we did our our human person study, we found that within 2 hours, one dose of 300 milligrams of our stabilized ionic magnesium showed up, on the ionic blood test. It was still ions in the blood. It was hanging out there, jumping into cells and all the rest of it. So, Mind that sort of quote proves it’s it that it’s not a laxative as well. So we’re doing the studies Dean and, actually, 2 years, since we did the first study, we froze blood and everything. 2 years later, we thawed the blood, retested it with the ionized magnesium machinery, and found that the the levels were exact. So we can use stored frozen blood.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:56:35]:
You can get a blood test done. I freeze it, put it in the freezer pack, send it to the specialty lab. We you’ve got your ionized magnesium test. And right now, the it’s mainly university research places and hospitals, ICUs that are using the ionized magnesium test. And hopefully, you know, more and more people will will demand it, but they don’t know who do you demand it from, Nick? Who’s the big guy in charge?
Nick Urban [00:57:09]:
When people ask me about place to start when it comes to, like, their health protocols, I tend to recommend a similar starting point where it’s you get a baseline, whether it’s qualitative or quantitative. You get the whatever test you want. You write down how you’re feeling, all that stuff. And then after that, I look at all those things that are causing them friction, like, causing them to have a slower progress or no progress at all towards their goals. And one of the ways I love to offset that friction for virtually everyone, myself included, is with minerals. Like, what is the role of remineralization and overall human health? Because I think that there’s gonna be Urban of synergies between the different minerals. And I love magnesium. I take extra magnesium every day, and I have since I read your book.
Nick Urban [00:57:57]:
But then my favorite product of yours is actually your Rheemite product, which is a multi mineral because I find it really hard to get other minerals in the right, like, appropriate quantities as well.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:58:08]:
Okay. Here’s where I start with high hydration using sea salt. Right? The sea salt with 72 minerals, and and it it forces you to get your water intake. So my guidelines are you take your body weight in pounds, divide that in half and drink that many ounces of water a day. And in every liter of water, you put a quarter teaspoon of a good sea salt that has some color to it, which means it hasn’t been, you know, processed down into a white salt. And that’s where we start. I I can get people drinking their water and feeling better before they even start my minerals. And I think that’s that’s what every everybody has access to that.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:58:59]:
They can do it right now. And and it is it’s very important. And it’s, you know, exercise is important. Facing your conflicts is important. I’ve studied, German new medicine and total biology. Are you familiar with those techniques?
Nick Urban [00:59:19]:
Yes. Yes. I just recently released a podcast on that, and I would love to have another conversation with you and dive into this, those Mind a lot more because there’s so many different topics we can cover. But, yeah, I’m familiar with it.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [00:59:32]:
Yeah. So we look at our conflict Dean with Nick, and then we move on. You know what I’m saying? It’s like you were, if you’re creating all these highs in your growth hormones and this and that, and your adrenaline and everything. You’re using up your nutrients and you’re not replacing them. You look at something like intravenous chelation therapy. One of the biohacks I did many years ago was I I did my own, IV chelation. I, you know, all by, you know, put Nick on and stuck myself with EDTA. And, and after 3 chelations, my knees started to ache.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [01:00:12]:
And I said, oh my gosh. This stuff is draining all my minerals. It’s not just taking out the heavy metals. It’s doing a lot. Or you get, you know, people who are saying, well, you probably have iron overload. You better go Dean and, donate blood. And people Matt Blackburn went through this. And he said, you know, the first time he felt great, and then he had the second one.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [01:00:38]:
He just, you know, he just he tanked. So we just can’t be extreme, you know, step by step. Anyway, yeah, so much to say.
Nick Urban [01:00:50]:
Yes. I’ve I’ve done the iron chelation, also the donating blood and getting that out of my body. And I the Optimization, I think, back then was, like, to do it 3 year ish times per year, like, once a quarter. I never did it more than once a year because I just seemed like it didn’t I didn’t need it that often, and I felt fine doing it. But, yeah, I can see it’s very easy to overdo these things. It’s easy to say, okay, because I do this healthy therapy protocol, biohack, whatever it is, and I feel better afterward, or I see this change because that change in the absence of context looks like a good thing. Like, it’s better to have and it seems like it’s better to have higher levels of certain hormones or lower levels of certain hormones. But with when you consider the context and the why something happened, then there could be, like, a different parts of the story that are untold.
Nick Urban [01:01:45]:
And perhaps it might look one way, but actually yield a different effect.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [01:01:50]:
Yeah. And the other thing about supplement, there’s came to mind to say is that a lot of the well, most of the supplements that people are using now in their in their experimentation, they’re all synthetic. They are synthetic. And that can be the reason in, in vitamin research. They say, well, you know, people didn’t do so well on this. Well, they’re using synthetic vitamin e or or whatever. You look at the alpha lipoic acid, it’s derived from some, you know, code tar. I always look at what’s the source of the supplement.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [01:02:31]:
And hormones, same thing. Most of them are derived from coal tar. So you really have to be careful there too. I I work with the whole food supplements and the and the picometer stabilize the by, minerals. And I I got to that too, Nick, because in the mid 2000, I was going to a couple of, of code elementaries meetings over in 1 over Body and 1 in Rome. Kodak’s Alimentaros was trying to regulate the shipping across borders of dietary supplements and foods Mind what they would allow in terms of contamination of the foods and what dosage of, vitamins and minerals could be traded. And who was driving it? The pharmaceutical companies were trying to make sure that they were, they would okay low potency synthetic vitamins so that they wouldn’t interfere with drug intake, your pharmaceutical drugs. And they wanted to I saw it in the meetings.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [01:03:48]:
I heard these words. They wanted to allow the maximum amount of, toxic ingredients in the foods so that it wouldn’t disrupt the, the commercial industry. So it very nefarious what what went on and probably still going on with Kodak. So I said to myself, okay, You know, if ever in my life and I wasn’t thinking of doing a supplement company back then, that didn’t come until, gosh, that, you know, 2010 or 12. I thought, you know, the, the supplements that are going to survive are gonna be low potency food based, you know, under the radar so that when they come to to take it all away, they’ll go for the the high potency people first.
Nick Urban [01:04:39]:
I looked into code a while back, and I was just mind blown that was actually real Mind that information is available on the Internet to anyone looking because as our soils become less nutrient rich and our lifestyles deplete nutrients more, and then all of a sudden products that help replete minerals become banned and illegal. And knowing that mineral deficiency rears its ugly head in thousands of different ways with all kinds of different symptoms, and the typical current model is code drug, one condition. You can see how this would cause, like, a huge issue with, at least global population, if not worldwide.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [01:05:20]:
Yeah. It’s quite incredible. I had yeah. Dean. It’s such an experience. And the other experience was I was in, New York during 9:11. We had moved out of Manhattan. We’re on an island in Long Island Sound, and we could see the the World Trade Towers burning.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [01:05:39]:
And after that, I’m a Canadian, and I had to get up to Canada for a conference. So, one of my former patients in Toronto, she was she had, the embassy car. So we drove, we were able to get through the border and we started meetings about truth security and how the the way everything got shut down, Canadians started to realize that we’re not in charge of our own food. And it’s it’s the same now. We have to that’s why I’m, I support this firm because we have to be in charge of our food. We hear about it all the time in in the states, how they’re they’re trying to stop people from having their small backyard farms for Pete’s like, oh, they’re not safe. You know, you could be doing weird things Nick. They’re attacking the Amish for selling their organic produce and and promoting an organic lifestyle because it differs from, you know, the ultra processed foods that they want us to eat.
Nick Urban [01:06:48]:
I’ve heard some funny stories about the parallels between people wanting raw milk and drug dealing. It’s like an order in certain places to get raw milk because it’s technically illegal in parts of the world and country. You can’t actually meet the farmer yourself. You have to join, like, a private group of some sort, WhatsApp group or Facebook group or something. And then you meet a middleman, and the middleman brings the raw Nick, and you hand him over the the cash.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [01:07:15]:
Yeah. All I know comical. They’ve turned us all into criminals in a in a sense. I mean, in my world, when the FDA came after me, I had to put all my information behind a pay not a paywall. I mean, it’s like a just a membership wall where, you know, people have to sign some sort of document that says they’re not an FDA official. Not really, but we have to protect ourselves because I’ve got, you know, I’ve got a fairly big company now Mind a 100,000 customers that I have to take care of. And, you know, I’m not gonna allow myself to be shut down. So, yeah, they’re they’re regulating everything.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [01:07:59]:
That’s for sure.
Nick Urban [01:08:00]:
Earlier, you mentioned that you have no qualms with sea salt Mind that or really any unrefined salt. And I agree. That was another book that I read several years ago. Actually, that one was by James d Nick Antonio. I keep pronouncing his name wrong, but it was called the salt Nick, and I learned a lot about why salt is important much more than I much more than I previously thought. And as a kid, I was following all the wrong advice. I was eating according to the USDA food pyramid, the My Plate food pyramid, and did not feel good, did not look as well as I am now Mind did not perform well. And then I also would completely avoid all fats, and I would avoid all salt, and the food tastes bland.
Nick Urban [01:08:46]:
But beyond that, as an athlete sweating for hours every day, I was doing myself a real disservice, and I actually had it completely backwards.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [01:08:56]:
I’m amazed that, did Nick Lantonio wrote that book, The Salt Nick? Isn’t he a electrophysiologist or something? He’s a PhD, you know, heart guy for Pete’s saves, and you would think he would have to tell people not to eat salt. So it was a major, a major, book that he wrote there. Yeah. And it’s just so important. So what have we done with our our water? We’ve filtered it. We’ve chemicalized it with chlorine and fluoride, and it comes out the tap Dean water, no minerals. So where are we getting our minerals now? If they’re being firmed out of the soil, not in our food, we have to use sea salt. And people say, oh, I don’t like the taste.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [01:09:44]:
No, You start with just a little pinch and then build up. And and after a while, you cannot stand the taste of plain water because it’s so dead. The the minerals in the in the sea salt will enliven the water.
Nick Urban [01:10:00]:
Yeah. And that was a big shift for me, and I noticed a difference. Like, especially in the morning, I add a little little extra salt to my water because I think it helps support the adrenals and the energy production systems. Because from what I’ve read, salt tends to be more stimulating, and I think it’s potassium tends to be tends to quiet neural activity more. So it’s more effective in the evening and for sleep and everything.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [01:10:25]:
Yeah. That’s a good point about potassium. They’re like they’re like kissing cousins, those 2. If someone is, doing their magnesium and thinking, well, and they say, well, I don’t know. Well, oh, then maybe you need some, you know, picometer potassium because it’s it’s hugely important. And it’s been, it’s been kept out of the supplement realm, Nick, because, many years ago, there was some drug that had, time release potassium that ended up releasing in the intestines and causing ulcers, so they banned potassium. And they made, some ruling, FDA ruling that, supplements could only have 99 milligrams of potassium per dose. The RDA for potassium is like 47 100 milligrams, and they’re talking about 99 milligrams.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [01:11:23]:
So, I I get around that. I I made my 99 milligrams a quarter teaspoon so that a a teaspoon would be, like, 400 milligrams. And and when you get an ionic form of, of minerals and of this potassium, it works like 2 and 3 times, more than getting it from your diet. So, yeah, potassium is hugely important. People really need to look into it.
Nick Urban [01:11:53]:
You’ve been very gracious with your time so far, so we’ll start to wind this one down fast. And just to add on to what you’re saying a second ago, potassium is taking the limelight recently because of the keto diet and people becoming extremely deficient on it. I mean, you don’t have enough sodium that your body excretes the other electrolytes, and it’s much easier to get salt than it is to get potassium. And so people see those deficiency symptoms and take electrolyte supplements and feel better. And so that’s why it’s having its its moment now. But, Carolyn, thank you so much for all this. We’ve covered so much ground together on all things minerals. I have a whole list of other questions to ask you and other topics I’d love to discuss on a future show.
Nick Urban [01:12:35]:
But if people want to connect with you to pick up some RNA reset, how do they go about that?
Dr. Carolyn Dean [01:12:42]:
Right. Thank you. My store website is rnareset.com, and my educational website is dr carolynbean.com. And this book, magnesium, the missing link to total health, it’s it’s under $10, meaning it’s 999. It is seriously the most important book you’ll ever read because, for all the reasons that Nick and I have been talking about, it is so important to get get your basics in in, in line before you look at all the other stuff. I mean, if you’ve got your magnesium in in saturating yourself, then you’ll know if there’s other things that you have to look at. But if you don’t start with something basic like magnesium, then you’re grabbing this and grabbing that and trying to figure out. And anybody who said to me, well, you know, I had this Mind I well, if you had taken, you know, enough copper, I I do was zinc copper balance supplement because if you if you don’t take copper when you take zinc I got into it actually during the the crazy quarantine because a lot of people were taking more zinc, but they weren’t taking their copper to balance it out.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [01:14:06]:
And copper, bioavailable copper in this stabilized ionic form is so important. You need copper to carry iron. You need copper for your Health. And, anyway, maybe that’s a topic for the future. Yeah.
Nick Urban [01:14:24]:
Yeah. There’s I wanna cover that also. I’m not going to our list of things because there’s a bunch of different, like, golden ratios and balances that you wanna achieve and maintain and focus on on getting. And I think taking a, like, well formulated product can help cover your saves temporarily, but then also some people need a little more support on one side or the other. So that is a rabbit hole in itself, and we’ll cover that on another show. But if people want to visit your website, I think we have a code. I wanna say my name, Nicholas URBAN. I think they’ll save them 10% on their order.
Nick Urban [01:14:58]:
And I know from using a bunch of different ionic minerals products from other companies that yours are surprisingly affordably priced, and I plan on using them for a very long time because they work. I’ve used them for, saves, a month and a half so far, and they’ve replaced my other minerals products. So thank you for creating a good product and for educating the public.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [01:15:22]:
Aw. Thank you, Nick. I would give you a hug if you were closer. So this is my imaginary hug. You’ve been wonderful. I really appreciate what you’re doing and, you know, putting out this information. Thank you from my heart.
Nick Urban [01:15:36]:
Oh, and thank you. Any final takeaways you’d like to leave listeners with before we wrap up today?
Dr. Carolyn Dean [01:15:44]:
Just, do the sea salt water. Do that and think of me and Nick, how we want you to be healthy.
Nick Urban [01:15:51]:
Well, Carolyn, thank you so much for joining me on the podcast, and we will Urban, if you’re open to it, come back for a round 2.
Dr. Carolyn Dean [01:15:57]:
I’d love it. I’d love it, Nick. Thank you. Aloha.
Nick Urban [01:16:01]:
Aloha, indeed. Alright. Take care. I hope that this has been helpful for you. If you enjoyed it, subscribe and hit the thumbs up. I love knowing who’s in the 1% committed to reaching their full potential. Comment 1% below so that I know who you are. For all the resources and links, meet me on my website at mind bodypeak.com.
Nick Urban [01:16:26]:
I appreciate you Mind look forward to connecting with you.
Connect with Dr. Carolyn Dean @ RNA Reset
This Podcast Is Brought to You By
Nick Urban is a Biohacker, Data Scientist, Athlete, Founder of Outliyr, and the Host of the Mind Body Peak Performance Podcast. He is a Certified CHEK Practitioner, a Personal Trainer, and a Performance Health Coach. Nick is driven by curiosity which has led him to study ancient medical systems (Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hermetic Principles, German New Medicine, etc), and modern science.

Music by Luke Hall
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Brilliant and fascinating. Dr Dean is new to me but this was chockful of gold. I will be re-listening to this for some time to come.
Hi Maxine, glad you enjoyed it! She’s great. We just recorded another episode that’s coming out next month 🙂