On this episode of Mind Body Peak Performance, our host, Nick Urban, dives deep into the world of scientific supplementation with the renowned biochemist, Shawn Wells. Explore groundbreaking biohacking ingredients, echo dosing, and carb backloading combined with intuitive insights that will optimize your mind, body, and performance in ways you’ve never imagined.
Episode Highlights
The future of Biohacking includes both masculine and feminine strategies like self-care, connection with nature and with each other. Share on X"Echo dosing combines psychedelics with specific blends and ratios of substances for different effects during a journey." – Shawn Wells Share on X"How well we're aging is a result of mitochondrial health." – Shawn Wells Share on XPodcast Sponsor Banner
About Shawn Wells
Shawn Wells MPH, LDN, RD, CISSN, FISSN is the world’s leading nutritional biochemist and expert on health optimization. Formerly a Chief Clinical Dietitian with over a decade of clinical experience, he has counseled thousands of people on innovative health solutions such as keto, paleo, fasting, and supplements. He has formulated over 1000 supplements, food, beverages, and cosmeceuticals and patented 25 novel ingredients. His book, “The ENERGY Formula” has been recognized by both USA Today and Forbes as well as an Amazon best-seller in multiple categories.
Top Things You’ll Learn From Shawn Wells
- How to find the balance between supplement planning and intuitive guidance in our daily health regime
- The correct way to consume carbs for your lifestyle
- What quality supplement brands to choose and how not be manipulated by exaggerated advertising claims
- How to correctly “echo dose” with psychedelics and ratios of other substances for the best effect
- How the Endocannabinoid system works in the body using cannabinoids to support pain, inflammation, mood, and immunity
- The power of supplementation for mental and physical health
- The importance of polyphenols and their impact on brain health
- Resveratrol: Found in red wine and grapes, resveratrol has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It has been shown to enhance brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) production and support brain health
- Quercetin: Found in various fruits and vegetables like apples, onions, and berries, quercetin is a powerful antioxidant. It has anti-inflammatory properties and has been linked to improved memory and cognitive function
- EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate): Found in green tea, EGCG is a catechin known for its antioxidant and neuroprotective properties. It has been shown to improve cognitive function and promote neuroplasticity
- Chlorogenic Acid: Found in coffee and various fruits and vegetables, chlorogenic acid has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. It has been linked to improved cognitive function and neuroprotection
- Fisetin: Found in strawberries, apples, and other fruits and vegetables, fisetin is a flavonoid with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It has been shown to enhance BDNF production and support brain health
Resources Mentioned
- Book: The Energy Formula
- Teacher Don Miguel Ruiz
- Food and Drink: Update Paraxanthine (read my paraxanthine supplement science and benefits review and save 10% with code URBAN)
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Episode Transcript
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Nick Urban [00:00:05]:
You ever wondered if those expensive designer supplements you’re taking are doing little more than resulting in expensive pee in this episode you’ll learn everything you need to know about supplements, yet no one’s told you, such as the retailer you should never buy your supplements from, some of the common pitfalls in deceptive tactics used in the supplement industry, and how to avoid those, the basics of running self experiments Which ingredients you should choose for particular outcomes and purposes, and a whole lot more. Welcome to Mindbody P Performance. I’m your host, Nick Urban, and you are tuning in to episode number 116. Today, we’re joined by my friend, Sean Wells. Sean was recently in the podcast back on episode Dynamine 95 with Daniel Solomon of Drink Update. Sean was the mastermind behind the main active ingredient in the update energy drink. It’s widely considered to be similar, but superior to caffeine. Sean Wells is the world’s leading biochemist and an expert on health optimization. He has formulated well over a 1000 supplements Foods, beverages, and patented 25 novel ingredients, including Paraxanthine Teacrine, Dynamine, Dihydroberberine, and is now known as the ingredientologist, AKA, the science of ingredients. formerly a chief clinical dietitian with over a decade of clinical experience, he has counseled thousands of people on innovative health solutions such as keto, paleo, fasting, and supplements. As you’ll learn in the show, he has also personally overcome various health issues including Epstein BAR virus, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, depression, insomnia, As a world renowned thought leader on mitochondrial health, he has been paid to speak on 5 different continents. He’s also regularly featured on morning television. As you’ll hear, his expertise can help any health conscious individual to better manage stress and experience greater resiliency and more energy through using his practical research backed solutions. His book, The Energy Formula, has been recognized by both USA Today and Forbes, as well as an Amazon bestseller in multiple categories. The resources and everything we discuss will be in the show notes, which you can find at mindbodypeak.com slash, and then the number 116. I hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did recording it. And with that out of the way, sit back, relax, and enjoy this supplement deep dive with Sean Wells. Sean Wells. Welcome back to Mindbody Peak Performance.
Shawn Wells [00:30:00]:
Thank you for having me. It’s good to be on a second time solo this time. Yeah. And although your solo this time, we recorded an episode with Daniel
Nick Urban [00:07:23]:
of Drink Update, and I actually had my update my Paraxanthine this morning. So that’s one habit that’s stuck with me ever since we recorded last, and I’m still enjoying it. But I’m curious, what are the unusuals or non negotiables you’ve personally done for your health, your performance, and your Bioharmony today
Shawn Wells [00:03:27]:
Oh, wow. Just coming right out of the gates. you know what? Like, I try and keep an excellent sleep hygiene routine, but I’m also this is kind of like bigger picture, right, like, where I try and plan, but I also allow for kindness and ease to myself. I plan everywhere I can. I can be that that, like, left brained person for, like, logic and, like, planning and goal setting. but I also have the creative flexibility, flow, intuitiveness, empathy, and care for myself to say, this is what my body needs right now. Like, I hear you. I have the conversation, the dialogue with myself. Like, We can set it up to have excellent goals and routines, but I can also be in flow and say, this is what I need right now. And and I would encourage, like, I believe in biohacking, I used to be so rigid that you know, I’d be taking all the supplements that are doing NADIVs. And I’d be like, if I could stack, like, 18 things at once, I would. And it’s like, Like, whatever the dose is, it reminds me of, like, the Chris rock, like, routine where he’s on stage. He’s like, tell me the dose that would kill me and then back it off a little bit. You know, it’s like that’s like that’s like where I was. You know, it’s like and then I started finding, like, this more feminine energy of, like, Biohacking was extreme masculine, like, the most masculine energy. And, like, now there’s, like, the grounding and the breath work and the meditation and prayer and gratitude and and sun, sun gazing and forest bathing and All of these things are coming in that I think, like, thank god. Like, we need, like, some self care. We need connection with nature. We need connection with each other. These things are absolutely critical to our health and well-being. I have a high fat, high protein meal first thing in the morning. that’s been shown with data to be ideal because if you do have carbohydrates, It’s good to have carbohydrates when you are in motion. When you are non sedentary, if you’ve just been sedentary of sleeping through the night, it’s not ideal to have car carbohydrates, especially high glycemic carbohydrates. But I think you should keep your carbs low first thing in the morning. You’re already semi, ketotic so you can kind of extend that. You know, some people do, like, the bulletproof coffee kind of concept or upgraded coffee or whatever you wanna call it. but then you now it’s like we’re thinking of car back loading according to the science where it’s like, okay. You were active all day. So now get your carbohydrates. Guess what those carbs help do? Increase serotonin. Guess what that helps increase melatonin. And so you actually sleep better if you carb back load. so that’s ideal. And I try and keep my carbs more complex unless I’m highly active. So now carbs are part of the equation for movement. I I equate because carbs aren’t necessary, so I only equate carbs with me moving my body and the greater degree of movement, the more flexibility or ideal it is to have higher glycemic carbohydrates. So if I’m like, I play competitive doubles, meaning two’s volleyball in the sand in Dallas, It is very hot out on the sand. It is very, exhaustive work.
Nick Urban [00:07:23]:
Sweet. And I had no idea that you also are a fan of carbohydrate backloading. I’ve been doing that for, what, probably 8 or so years on and off. And I find that it’s the style of eating that makes me feel the best. And especially when I’m active It’s a nice combination of, like, staying very low carb during the daytime and getting some of that endogenous fat burning going and then also, like, keeping blood sugar very stable. and then around the actual workout, then I introduce carbs. And I recover faster. My thyroid improves all kinds of benefits from that. And it’s a nice It doesn’t feel, nearly as limiting as, like, go going strict, carnivore, strict keto, strict any of the diets.
Shawn Wells [00:08:03]:
That’s awesome. And by the way, like, there’s some really interesting data. Like, if you’re doing kind of like, let’s say a lighter work, like, you’re not doing quite as a pleadive amount of exercises like me playing doubles in the sand and and the heat. And, like, you’re just doing, like, let’s say, a 45 minute workout. You want kind of the psychological benefit and lift of some simple carbohydrate, but not consume them. there’s some really interesting data around what’s called carbed swishing. So you actually, like, take the Gatorade and switch it around And because your body, like, you’re tasting it sublingually, there’s, like, some shortcuts that happen that make you think you have the carbohydrates but you can spit it out and you not actually consume these sugars, and they’ve shown, that there’s similar benefits And if you do want the carbs, like, during, like, an hour workout, it’s not that much that you actually can consumed during a workout that makes a difference. It’s only around, like, 17 or 20 grams. It’s pretty low. So, like, the net effect of that, you’re talking about, like, 70 to 80 calories. Like, that’s not a lot. So, like, if you’re going to have, like, some sugars, you know, you could add that to a pre workout if you want. That would be, like, a tablespoon or so of, like, you know, some carbohydrate powder. If if that’s what you wanted to do, and, you know, you’re gonna burn through that during the workout.
Nick Urban [00:09:34]:
Yeah. The mouth rinses are very interesting. I mean, carbohydrate mouth rinses are the traditional ones they’ve been used for, like, endurance athletes, especially then I’ve seen more research recently around, like, coffee mouth washes and Ralph rinses and things like that. I’m like, I wonder where this whole field is gonna go. It’s super interesting.
Shawn Wells [00:09:51]:
like, along with this, the whole idea of, like, microdosing carried into everything. You know, there’s, like, you know, Ben Greenfield is exploring doing, like, alcohol microdosing and, you know, all these different things where it’s like, okay. Like, We’ve talked about minimum effective dose. we’ve talked about, homeopathic I’ve actually worked on this concept and trademarked this idea called echo dosing. So this gets into, psychedelics We’ll just dump right into there. But, anyway, like, my concept is, okay. So, like, in a journey, with my typical facilitators, we’d have, like, a heart opener. So something to kinda give you some ease. So this would be something like MDA, which is the real version, the less kind of intense Adderall version of, like, of MDMA. It’s MDA is is more mild, and it’s it comes from Sassafras. And so you get that. Then you might have the psilocybin in ceremonial cacao. So, like, the mushrooms in chocolate. Right? And so that’s a great combination. And then, like, the next day, we would do which is a tactis. It’s also called San Pedro, and it has masculine in it. And it helps, like, you kind of relax and bend time and be hyper present and helps your nervous system stay relaxed. So it’s great for integration work and to have ease. Like like, let’s say if you did the the journey on Friday evening, then all day Saturday, you can relax. And then on on Sunday, you might do, like, the integration circle. And then you know, go about your way. That’s a lot better than doing a journey and then just going right back into your life, going into traffic, getting on a plane, those kinds of things can be too abrupt to the nervous system. So anyway, so that’s the idea, but the echo dosing Now you might have heard of doing, like, a microdose after a journey. Maybe, like, you know, it might help you, like, kinda stay in that zone. Well, this would be doing that exact strain. Say it’s like, you know, b plus golden teacher penis envy is the mushroom. that you have that exact strain, ideally, prepared by that exact facilitator in that exact blend and ratio. So let’s say it’s the Sassafras, the the cacao, the that psilocybin in a microdose ratio. And then you’re having macro dose nutrients that I’ve built out in my stacks, but I can actually give you a link for if you want. Like, I have all these stacked, some on supplements around journeys, but macro dosed things that help with, like, neuroplasticity. and helping your neurotransmitters bounce back. So that’s what you have following your journey. You have microdosed journey in the exact forms and exact ratios, and you have these macrotose nootropics. And then I give the microdosed version of those macronutrients that have in post journey during the journey or pre journey So now this is, like, the whole echo dosing thing. So where your body is, like, aware on a macro and micro level, like, anchors back. These are called like psychosomatic anchors. Add to it, like, during the journey, let’s say, you know, there was, you know, sage or aqua to aqua to Florida or like some of these scents that are often used in Journeys that you use those post journey to put yourself in no space to, you know, process to integrate in the following weeks to stay neuroplastic. you listen to that journey playlist again, especially the song where you had the epiphany. Right? And it’s like Those are all psychosomatic anchor, psycho meaning brain, somatic meaning body, and anchor meaning, like, it’s now may permanent your body knows that connection. And so you can access that later by using these tools and especially combining them.
Nick Urban [00:14:00]:
Yeah. When I was in undergrad studying, I used Rosemary essential oil and certain Spotify playlists to I guess, create that that, response. — manic anchors. Yep. Yeah. The the anchor. Exactly. So that way, I I would study with that. And then on the day of the exam, I’d go in and I’d reapply, re contract the exact same state, and it works. It it certainly works.
Shawn Wells [00:14:25]:
I hadn’t heard it applied to, like, a psychedelic use. So a really cool idea. That’s a great that’s a great hack right there for people listening that are studying there. Yeah. So that’s funny. You say that because, like, I there’s actually Yeah. You know, for those of you that can see this or if you’re listening, like, there’s actually a way that you can, what’s called chain with NLP, right, neurolinguistics programming that I’ve studied a lot, like, where some people might do this thing where you, like, pinch, like, that webbing between your index finger and your thumb. Right? Every time you do that, that anchor grows in strength. Now let’s say you’re about to go out on stage Yes. What you do? And a lot of speakers use this tool. There’s this data that, like, you put your arms up above your head like you win, we know, and it’s, like, you’re open. Right? Like, your whole body’s open. because what do we do when we’re, like, resistant to, like, an idea where people, we close down our body cross our arms. We even, like, get our arms over our our mid section, our core, to protect our core. We scratch up our face, like, all these things that are showing the body language is showing we’re resistant. So when we open up our body, like, when people win, even blind people do this, the data shows that, like, when they win something, their arms are high and open. Their whole body’s open. So you know, that’s something I do. I make myself laugh because, again, these anchors, your body doesn’t know the cause and effect. It’s just wired. Yeah. Those are just some quick hacks that, like, you can actually do before a presentation or before a speech or, you know, before you go out on that big day or whatever, like, to transform your mood. certainly, breath work is something I do, like, for sure is getting in your breath. And I like box breathing. Yep. I know that’s sounds super simple. Your people probably know what it is, but just, you know, the box is the it’s kind of the four sided box. There’s the inhale the hold, the exhale, the hold. So, like, a 4 to 8 second box is, you know, is pretty good. So it’s like a four second box would be breathing in through your nose. I’m repeating. And that’s done. make sure when you do these, a lot of people I find what what they do wrong is that they Those are that’s actually, like, 2 seconds. Like, it’s important to actually, like, spread your breath in, and this is hard to do, harder to get beyond the 4 seconds unless you train, but spread your breath in and spread your breath out for the entirety of that. That’s really important. So it’s like a controlled inhale, controlled exhale.
Nick Urban [00:17:25]:
Ilike what you mentioned previously about just focusing on the one person because when we get in our own heads, we think, okay, what is this gonna mean down the down the line in the future? Who’s gonna see this? What if it goes viral? And all of a sudden, we’re like, very disconnected from what we’re actually doing and how we’re feeling and what we’re actually going to experience when you’re able to focus on just one person or a couple people and have a conversation with them, be present with them. It makes it a lot easier. And a lot of those fears tend to subside. So tell me about your experience with supplements. I know that you’ve mentioned a couple in passing And for those that don’t know, you have, like, a pretty extensive history with supplements.
Shawn Wells [00:18:05]:
Yeah. I I’ve been dubbed the world greatest bioregulators. I didn’t give myself that title, but, I’ve been in the industry for almost 25 years. Like, doing formulations, patenting unique ingredients. I’ve done over a 1000 formulations of patented 25 unique Ingredientologist we can talk about here and one of which was the 1 in update Paraxanthine, the the metabolite of caffeine but I did also Teacrine and dynamin and some of these other ingredients. But, yeah, I’ve I’ve, like, flavored, like, over 300 products. I’ve helped take 11 companies to sale in the supplement food and beverage space. Like, I’m a chief clinical dietitian. And I worked clinically for over a decade. I’m an author. I, you know, wrote a book called Biosynergy Formula. That’s all on biohacking. And I go through all the supplement stacks in there, and, there’s, like, 70 full color diagrams and all that kind of stuff. So it’s super super, practical, but I also have been very outspoken on mental health on psychedelics. on my journey with depression and suicidal thoughts.
Nick Urban [00:19:20]:
so that’s a that’s a big area for me as well. very multifaceted. And I think when people see supplements, they tend to think, okay, fairly simple product, couple ingredients, and that’s it. That’s all there is to it, but it’s a much more complex world than that. And are there any particular problems or mistakes you see people making when they go the DIY approach that I often do with creating new blends to test on myself.
Shawn Wells [00:19:47]:
Couple things could happen is if you’re shotgunning too much stuff, you’re kind of bypassing the scientific method. Right? You don’t know what’s actually working and what isn’t. There may be some things in there that are very productive. There may be some things that are counterproductive, and you don’t really know. I certainly recommend isolated nutrients seeing what it does, giving yourself a week to kinda journal on it, being in your body, understanding it, being, fair to where you’re not expecting it to be a miracle you know, because there is bio individuality, most certainly. so doing that and and looking at maybe one ingredient a week and saying whether you’re gonna use this or not use this. But then the other risk that happens, like, when you’re really far out on the edge, is you don’t have the same quality control. I assurances, like, you know, now or Thorne or, you know, someone doesn’t make this. It’s like, you know, a smaller company, like, I’ll just say that’s, like, I don’t wanna name names, but, like, definitely a smaller company, and you just don’t know whether they have the same concerns and focus around quality control. A lot of times, they just don’t even know what to know. and they’re not doing the 3rd party testing for sure, like, literally without a doubt compared to, like, someone like thorn or now.
Nick Urban [00:21:18]:
How do you go about deciding whether an ingredient, molecule that you come across is safe to use because there’s a lot out there certain things look very promising, but there’s just not as much much research on them as there is others.
Shawn Wells [00:21:33]:
I’m looking at the science. I’m looking at the feasibility when it comes to Can I commercially, commercialize this and develop it, like, realistically? Like, is the price feasible? is the Ingredientologist? What does it taste like? can we, like, source it realistically from wherever it’s coming from? like, you know, what are the raw materials that are needed to make it, all of those kinds of things. you know, are factoring in. And then patent’s ability is a big thing. Like, what are the existing patents? Like, what is the existing research? Are there gaps there, like, where I can come in and and create something new where we can protect it. you know, all of those things play in Absolutely. Huge, huge factors.
Nick Urban [00:22:29]:
Yeah. So I think a good place to transition to is for your average person who has no interest in creating their own supplement stacks and instead wants to just rely on individual products, hopefully formulated by someone like yourself who really knows what they’re doing. What are the, like, red flags or green flags to look for when evaluating supplements? Because I know that I come across certain things. I’m sure you have a much better list than I do. Okay. So number 1 is ridiculous claims.
Shawn Wells [00:22:59]:
if there’s 500% more XXxx. like, 500% more muscle mass, 880 percent faster. Any of this kind of stuff do not buy the supplement Like, that’s actually not compliant for the FDA. It’s it’s really manipulative. Like, you can take data. Let’s say that’s, like, there’s like a point 1% increase in the control group, and then there’s a point 3% increase you know, in this in the experimental group with the supplement, both aren’t doing anything, but you can say, like, 200% normally, you know, like, whatever that kind of stuff. And so, like, I think it’s very manipulative, and that’s why the FDA doesn’t like it either. So that’s one thing to look out for. Proprietary blends without a doubt do not buy them. This is a very disreputable practice, where you have, like, the the muscle and strength blend with 17 Ingredientologist, you know, it’s like a 1000 milligrams, and you’re like, oh, I like all of those things. I want all these nutrients. They all sound good. Like, I I’m good if they’re all listed. No. You’re not. I mean, 1, they’re not standardized to anything quite often. Like, it could just be Ginseng, leaf, and not ginseng root and not ginseng root standardized for ginsenoside a, you know, or whatever it is. but 2, the doses aren’t right. So, like, yeah, it’s cool that it has creatine but creatine is, like, let’s say, $8 a kilo and 999 milligrams of that one 1000 milligram blend could be creatine and the other 16 ingredients could be 1 milligram. What are you doing? Like, you know, it’s like because these are listed in order of descending mass. So literally the first thing could be that’s the thing. If the first thing is super cheap, then you know that’s what they’re doing. So just don’t trust companies that are doing proprietary blends. You want full transparency labeling. You want the ingredient. It’s genus and species. If it’s an herb, the plant part, you want the standardization, you want the dose, you want all of that listed out clearly. Typically, this is a hard rule to make, but, like, let’s say it’s not more than, like, 6 Ingredientologist know, and all those ingredients are complimentary and have different mechanisms of action. so that they complement each other to work well in synergy. certainly in a multivitamin, you’re gonna have more ingredients, and that makes sense. But, like, some of these ones that are just it’s the kitchen sink formula, like the weary. Quality brands that have been around a long time that have established quality control programs. Again, like, you know, these kind of elite health care practitioner products like designs for health, thorne, Zymogen, You know, those kinds of brands, cool. Those are great brands. But some of these Amazon brands that you’ve never heard of, I mean, one, they haven’t been around long enough. They don’t know what they know. I’ve I know some of these companies that are 1, 2, 3 people. I have run companies that are doing similar size business of 50,000,000 plus that are over a hundred people I mean, think about that. Like, they’re just not seeing things. They don’t have the expertise and knowledge to really scale that and and have that in such a way that there is the, appropriate quality control taking place. So that is a big concern for me, and not all of them are doing it disreputably, like, intentionally. They just, again, don’t know what they don’t know. So this is where I like to pay for that quality control so that I’m getting the ingredients that I want and also Not getting the ingredients. I do not want heavy metals, bacteria, banned substances, like, whatever was on that production line prior could end up tainting whatever is on that line in in your product. and then sometimes companies spike ingredients. Like, you know, they’re just not listing everything. So or they’re just sourcing it from a cheap source where they’re spiking the ingredient, but not telling the company. And then the company isn’t doing third party testing they’re taking the raw material supplier’s labs as gospel which is not accurate. Like, you need to, like, 3rd party test. You need to validate those results. But, lastly, with Amazon, make sure that you are not getting, like, a third party seller of their products. Like, so make sure it’s not thorn or now from Joe’s Crab Shack. Right? Like, we, like, we wanna make sure, like, that Teacrine product is sold by thorne.
Nick Urban [00:28:10]:
I actually I noticed that myself, one time, I will not name any names, but I was looking at a product on Amazon and then the actual company’s website to whether to choose where where to buy it from, find the best price. And I realized the labels were very similar, but not quite identical. So I called the company up, and they’re like, oh, no. We don’t sell anything on Amazon. I’m like, well, there’s a listing right here and it has, like, your label on it and everything. and it turns out it was like a counterfeit product. And by the judging by all the news stories, a lot of the retailers and sometimes specifically Amazon have lots of big problems with supplements. And recently, NMM, there’s a huge shutdown of, like, like, 20 or 30 NMM vendors because they were all counterfeit, like, shell companies, basically. Honestly, like, the best case scenario is where it has nothing and no active.
Shawn Wells [00:29:01]:
What’s scary is when they have way too much something that’s supposed to be a tiny amount like vitamin d. I mean, that can actually get toxic and dangerous. So it’s like, you know, that this is where, like, the the quality control is is huge, so important. So I like to pay a little bit more and make sure I’m getting what I I wanna get and not getting what I don’t wanna get. A lot of supplements suffer from very low bioavailability
Nick Urban [00:29:28]:
poor absorption. Do you like any of the, like, supplement delivery technologies to enhance that, whether it’s liposomal or phytosomes or something along those lines? Yeah. So liposomal,
Shawn Wells [00:29:40]:
absolutely. Fidosome is really another way of saying that, but, like, it’s a it’s a verbal nutrient that’s being delivered. where I don’t necessarily like it is things that affect the cytochrome p 450 pathway. So, like, these grapefruits extracts or black pepper extracts and things like that, that’s actually there as a protective barrier. essentially, like, to protect you from toxins, to protect too much stuff from coming through. And one with some nutrients, it does enhance the bioavailability, and some, it actually lowers it. They don’t usually talk about this. And then, secondarily, you may be letting things through heavy metals, whatever, you know, that, like, shouldn’t be getting through or toxic compounds that, like, you know, just should not be getting through that are now getting through. So I’d be very careful in using those. And by the way, like, you know, that way, if you’re taking multiple supplements at once, and especially if you are taking drugs, this is very, very dangerous now. Like, let’s say you’re taking a blood pressure drug, or a blood sugar drug or a sleep medication or an anti anxiety medication or whatever you’re taking, and you’re taking a supplement that has astroGen or like, Cevintzah, pipe, you know, the Biohacking or, you know, whatever it is, neurongine and, you know, these different, like, grapefruit compounds and these things are not necessarily safe for you to just take, like, shotgun and be letting a lot of things through and and potentially taking dangerous levels, of something like so that blood pressure medication could end up being, like, 3 x.
Nick Urban [00:31:37]:
For me, that’s another one of those red flags. If I see that on the label, I just try to avoid it because I view a lot of those ingredients as like Trojan horses that evade your body’s, like, natural defenses that protect you and also inhibit your to absorb certain amounts of certain nutrients, but it’s also protecting you against the things that you’re unknown of, like, what toxins you’re exposed to that your body naturally detoxifies and prevents from absorbing. But all of a sudden, because you’re giving it this this crutch, this you’re introducing, say, black pepper extract that can have a lot more harm on your body. And there’s interactions with things that you don’t even realize. such as drugs or other things that, like, you apply your skin, for example, might
Shawn Wells [00:32:22]:
have all kinds of effects you wouldn’t have imagined. That’s a great point. Yeah. I mean, a lot of these things that, yeah, you’re saying eventually can can get introduced into your system that that you’re not even aware of. So that’s a great point. Mhmm. I know you’re a fan of mitochondria
Nick Urban [00:32:39]
and We’ve talked a little bit about Nutropix. I think mostly in the last podcast, what is your current thoughts around
Shawn Wells [00:32:47]:
the intersection of the 2? I’ve talked about MISO as kind of the the next keto, if you will. Like, I think it’s going to be very hot in your mitochondrial health. is predictive of nearly all disease. mitochondrial health is certainly predictive of cellular energy of AT which is the energy currency for the body. So mitochondria is critical. Also, like, with biological versus chronological aging? Like, how well we’re aging is a result of mitochondrial biogenesis and how healthy the, like, basically the number and the health of the mitochondria. So where do we see the most mitochondria? Wherever that cell is energy intensive. That tissue is energy intensive. So we see you might think from high school biology that there’s one mitochondria in each cell. Am I you know, like, that’s how the drawing looks. In a heart cell, a cardiomyocyte, there’s 5000 brown adipose tissue, which you only have I don’t know, like, 5 to 7 ounces of on your body, which is this highly thermogenic tissue. that could be, like, kind of the holy grail of thermogenesis and and fat loss, if you will, is brown adipose tissue. which you can activate with, like, spices like grains of paradise, cayenne, capsaicin, ginger, but also cold plunges and cold exposure and all that. So really cool stuff. But that’s actually brown because it’s mitochondrial dense. The brown adipose tissue has so many mitochondria which have the, the iron present And so that is something to be aware of. And where else would be energy intensive, the heart, like I said, this brown adipose tissue, and the brain. The brain is going through a ton of calories. The brain is using a ton of energy. So absolutely mitochondrial health and nootropics, you know, converge or intersect, like you’re saying, and a nootropic stack would certainly,
Nick Urban [00:35:02]:
be well reinforced by a mitochondrial stack. What are the ingredients that you like as nootropics, whether they’re mitochondrial enhancers or not?
Shawn Wells [00:35:12]:
So 1st and foremost, in any nootropics stack is going to be your your cholinergic, like, because you 1, have the phospholipids in the brain that choline’s critical for. But, 2, acetylcholine, whenever you’re doing, like, a lot of processing, whenever you’re doing deep thinking, you’re running through a lot of acetylcholine, that neurotransmitter, of which you need choline acetylcholine. Right? to make it and phospholipids of the brain that kind of fatty makeup of the brain is like phospholipids. There’s phosphatidylserine. They’re phosphatidylcholine, all that make up the brain. So choline cosmeceuticals for both. So those are kind of at the foundation and there’d be two forms that are optimized and highly bioavailable. And that would be CDP choline, or Alpha GPC. I prefer Alpha GPC slightly over the the former. So that would be a place where I would start. And then I’d start adding in some of these other, you know, nootropics You can play with the race tams. you know, new pep is like a really potent one that I’ve always liked that’s at a pretty low dose. That’s n00pept. but I’d say, like, one of my other favorites that I’ve been exploring is the cool. that’s kind of a newer one that’s made its way out to the market. And just so you know, these are kind of gray market Ingredientologist have to kinda go to some of these, like, nootropics depot type websites to find these things. As far as, like, what’s natural and kind of more compliance, you know, these adaptogens are excellent. I I love, like, Ashwagandha, Rodeola, Lions Maine, you know, these kinds of things. Like, they have the capacity to make your brain more resilience and make your body more resilient to make you more anti fragile, essentially. because they’re bimodal, and they help with that stress add adaptation by bimodal. I mean, like, it actually helps with your sleep and relaxation as well as your stimulation and focus. And so this is where we see something that’s optimizing us do both. Whereas, like, you know, Lunesta and Ambien, like, slam me over the head to go to sleep and then, you know, caffeine and nicotine are, like, slamming you with stimulants, and those things are not bimodal. They’re not enhancing your body’s function. Right? There’s a really cool one. Really cool. I’ll drop on your crew here. 78 Dihydroberberine. and I’m really excited about that one. That one enhances BDNF better than injected BDNF protein. because it does pass the blood brain barrier. And what really could be interesting is there’s a metabolite called 4 DMA78 dihydroxyflavone as well. I know that’s a lot, but I’m taking both of those together because I’m not sure, like, which ones the the active, but a lot of times in chemistry and biochemistry, you wanna, like, essentially exploit a pathway. So, like, if you take both, you’re catalyzing, like, the direction that this is moving. So I take both. I take both 78 dihydroxyflavone and the 4 DMA 78 dihydroxyflavone. You can get these on nootropics depot. but they are potent ingredients for neuroplasticity, which is the youth, the resilience of the brain protecting the neurons and making new neurons. Making new neurons is very hard. So this is keeping your brain young and resilient so that you have more what’s called fluid intelligence where you can take on new tasks easier. Think of, like, learning a new language, learning new music, you know, taking that new way to work, getting in that stressful situation. You’re relaxed. You’re able to deal with it. Like, young people have more neuroplasticity. As we age, we lose neuroplasticity. We tend to but certainly Biohacking new languages, learning new music, you know, getting exposed to new cultures, putting yourself in more difficult situations, training and new sports, putting your belts on the opposite way, using the opposite hand when brushing your teeth, all this kind of stuff helps you stay more neuroplastic. But as we age, we tend to get more crystallized intelligence. And that’s where, you know, essentially, it’s ideal that box is getting smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller. Like, we know that way to work so well that we can do it in our sleep. We can do it faster than that young person. So there’s these 2 types of intelligence that are both very important, and it tends to be older people are smarter in the crystallized way and younger people are smarter in the fluid way, but there’s ways to obviously get better at both and it’s important for the youth for the longevity of the brain to keep BDNF high. There’s also 2 other proteins that are important. that we’ve discovered, related to brain health, and that’s NGF, which is nerve growth factor, and m tour, which we tend to think of for muscle mass, but it’s important for the hypertrophy of a number of tissues, including the brain. So that’s something to explore. What we see is that most polyphenols are associated with BDNF, we’ve seen the chlorogenic acid with, green coffee, berry. but almost all the polyphenols I’m believing are are related to BDNF and neuroplasticity. So, like, you know, tend to think of Resverat Arlterra still being quercetin, EGCG, Catechins, chlorogenic acid, Appigenin, Fisetin, All of those things are going to be some people say fidgeting. but all of those things are going to be you know, polyphenols that I believe are enhancing BDNF because we also see with the polyphenols, they’re also lowering blood sugar, lowering inflammation. They’re associated with, sertuent gene activity. they’re reducing the, shortening of telomeres. They’re keeping you more resilient. And so we’re also seeing that the, in particular, Appigenin and Viacetin may be the 2 best polyphenols when it comes to NAD production. So they’re actually inhibiting, the enzyme NADAs that’s breaking down NAD, which we get the double whammy of we are making less NAD as we age just in general plus we’re making less and breaking it down faster because of alcohol because of stress, because of diet, because of EMF because there’s, like, a ton of reasons that, like, we just don’t make as much NAD, and then we’re breaking it down faster. So NAD We’re making less NAD and we’re higher in NADAs also called CD38. This enzyme is breaking down NADA. So it’s the double whammy where we have a whole lot less NAD. What’s cool is, all of these things, especially Appigenin and Fiseton are inhibiting the breakdown of of NAD. So inhibiting the NADA’s and CD38. So that’s very cool. What do I like to increase, production of NAD I do like NMM. It is expensive. It’s getting harder to find. You probably read that it’s potentially going off the market. There’s a lot of controversy there. And like you pointed out, a lot of it is not legit. So, you know, that’s a little bit of a roll of the dice there. So nmn can be solid, but I like nicotinic acid, true niacin, the most, so the full flash niacin. So not the no flash niacin, like the niacinamide or the anosetal hexane to coordinate but the nicotinic acid real niacin that’s full flush, there’s a study with 500 milligrams twice a day where they saw eight times increase in NAD levels in the muscle. So, pretty dramatic. Now 500 milligrams is going to be intense. Like, you would have like, that sunburn that, like, it’s called peristysia, like, where you get that itchy tingling, burning, feeling, So I would suggest that someone start with a 100 milligrams. You’re already gonna feel that if you’ve never taken niacin and take some men and men with it. and kinda use that as a stack and then work your way up over time. Like, you can, you know, get used to it more over time and adapt to it. Is there an issue with,
Nick Urban [00:44:45]:
like, depleting methyl groups or mast cell activation from high consumption of niacin?
Shawn Wells [00:44:51]:
autoimmune wise, potentially. you know, it’s harder to say, like, in terms of, I think if you’re healthy, no. I don’t see that. But, auto, me and wise, that is potentially a thing. And You know, it’s kinda like taking antioxidants, like, you know, if you have cancer, like, you know, you’re protecting these cancer compounds or or cells. So that can be problematic too. Like, I think you need to be mindful of, like, where your body’s at and what your providing. And, again, you don’t wanna be shotgunning all these things as a result, but I’ve only seen that in the case of, like, where your auto auto immune activated already. So some other things to add Ergo Thionine, which is an ingredient I’ve helped bring to market that could be a new Dynamine. it protects the mitochondria. It’s an antioxidant specifically for the mitochondria, not just the cell, but the mitochondria. And there’s a unique transporter system for it in the body, and there’s a unique storage system for it in the body. And we have shown that there’s a deficiency of it. So this literally could be a new vitamin any day now. so it’s fascinating. And there’s almost no ingredients out there that have, like, a unique storage system and transporter system. Like, it tells you how important it is to your body. So that’s pretty incredible right there alone, but, you know, we’re showing that there’s a cognitive decline without it. and there’s cognitive enhancement with it. So, you know, certainly that ingredient, spermidine, but in higher doses, like 1 milligram, in in a couple studies that have been done, does nothing, even 1a half. Like, where or talk about more like 3 to 5 milligrams a day. We’re seeing it kind of move the needle, and and it has been shown to with those that are aging and mild cognitive impairment, but it’s been shown to prevent that. So you know, that’s something to look at potentially as well, especially if you have things like traumatic brain injury. Now along those lines, if you have PTSD, traumatic brain injury, Teacrine is a protector of the brain. A great methylator has been shown to reverse traumatic brain injury has been shown to improve, reaction times, improve, like, like, I guess reduce cognitive impairment reduce mental errors, those kinds of things, and high DHA fish oil as well. has been shown to reverse traumatic brain injury and and help with cognitive processing. I like methylcobalamin is the, you know, methylated coensinated form of B Twelve which, you know, I think some people, like, I don’t feel b 12. I think they’re taking, like, Santa Kobalamin. They’re taking lower doses. methanol covalent can make a big difference, if you’re deficient in it, certainly. but we’ll protect the neuronal sheath help with cognitive processing as well. So, but methylation in general, which is why I like these methylating compounds like, creatine because you’re getting the added benefits, but also you could take, like, trimethyl glycine, which is betaine, You could take MSM, which is, you know, great. Like, the sulfur group is, like, great for, joint health and and, bone health as well. So that’s something to look at. are those compounds. I’m trying to think if there’s anything else I would add to this mitochondrial stack. I mean, coq10 and Pqq, for sure. you know, and and Pqq, I think, is often too low dose because it is expensive. I’m looking at, like, 20 plus milligrams a day. in coq10, Especially if you’re aging, like, if you’re over 50, you need the ubiquinol, the reduced form versus ubiquitous known. So that’s something to look at. And then there is a compelling form called MISO that may be the best one out there. There’s a lot of claims about it. It’s hard for me to say exactly a lot of the research has been done by them, so I can’t say for sure
Nick Urban [00:49:25]:
but the MISO q form may be the best form out there. I have actually a bunch of 78 hydroxy flavone laying around. I haven’t got to playing with it. is it Dihydroberberine? d DHS. Yeah. And but I’m thinking if I have if I start doing neuro feedback training or anything like really mentally intensive like that. Or even if I go traveling and I’m in a new environment with lots of change around me, those could be great stacks to or that plus polyphenols. And polyphenols are in a lot of fruits and vegetables and foods. A lot of the supplements you just listed are, like, based out of foods. So I can combine these and I can adapt to the changing environments faster.
Shawn Wells [00:50:11]:
Exactly. And and adaptogens would be great to throw in that mix too. Yeah.
Nick Urban [00:50:15]:
Exactly. So that’s a that’s great point. Yep. One thing I was just wondering about is if these same compounds that in improve and increase neuroplasticity if that is being investigated for use in the treatment of traumas, big t traumas, and little t traumas, like the big of PTSD types of things, and then all so for, like, more, like, lower key relational things that everyone has from living life and are much more minute, but explain why you snap in the way you snap. And I’m saying you as in oneself and, like, the tone and all those these different things that are less tangible than, like, a Teacrine event that might have happened. That’s great. You brought that up because I wanted to really add, like, a wrinkle,
Shawn Wells [00:51:03]:
some nuance here, like, a watch out, if you will, is especially, like because I recommend this related to, like, my psychedelic stacks like that. Those compounds, the 78 dihydroxyflavon, lion’s mane, 4 DMA, 78 dihydroxyflavon. all those kinds of things. The problem is if you’re still in the trauma, you don’t want to be highly neuroplastic. Like, there’s a reason that when you’re traumatized that neuroplasticity goes down, there’s a reason that all the neurotransmitters are depressed. All of them go down, not just serotonin, that that theory’s super flawed and has been disproven. Like, it’s all of them, endorphins, GABA, norepinephrine, epinephrine, Dynamine, histidine, and, dopamine, all that serotonin, obviously, like, is is all going down. Right? So that you’re feeling less you’re not kind of ironing all this stuff in. We’re highly, highly, highly neuroplastic in a psychedelic state. and where the default mode network is turned off. Like, so ego is essentially suppressed. So we’re not filtering truth, and we’re able to make radical change quickly. but this is bad, like, if you’re in a traumatic environment. This is why I don’t like psychedelics. Like, if you’re at a rave at some crazy party, like, where things can just go wrong, you can get more traumatized. And so if you’re still in the trauma, it’s not ideal to be taking these where it does make sense if if you’ve removed yourself from that trauma where you are now in a safe environment where you have worked through that, where you know, like, here’s where I’m the best place for me to be where I feel safe and supported and secure, then yes. Like, absolutely. Now is the time to bring the brain back online to have, you know, I like to replete serotonin with things like 5 HD PN Semoran or or Kona extract, saffron, D3. Like, those are all great for serotonin for dopamine. There’s, like, l dopa, you know, for acetylcholine, we talked about the cholinergics. We talked to, like, Alpha GPC. There’s the Hooperzine a, which is acetylcholine esterase inhibitor that’s going to all help replete these neurotransmitters. I don’t like staying on these things long term. No. I like taking them short term after the depletion. So after you’ve had, like, a really heavy day like, press presenting or being on stage or traveling or after you’ve had this big experience in psychedelics, it does make sense. So I’ll just say all of that is important to bring neurotransmitters back online to get your brain in a more neuroplastic state. But again, feeling more, processing, more, being more impressionable, being more empathic like, a young person is think about, like, how, you know, suicidal, you know, like, and depressed and, like, potently young people feel things. Right? So, like, it doesn’t make sense to, like, some people, like, the older you get, like, the less neuroplastic you are near, like, well, that’s weird. You know, like, why are they, like, so sensitive? You know, like, it’s it is good to be neural plastic. like, I’m making that point, but, you know, be careful if you’re still in a traumatic environment. So that’s my my watch out there. That’s a really important point, and I actually had a similar realization.
Nick Urban [00:54:57]
Not too long ago, I had picked up a bunch of a peptide called dihexa, and I was I’m looking forward to using it, and it’s also supposedly very, very potent in terms of neuroplasticity enhancement. And then I was also going through some tough times in my life at that point too. So I was like, okay, perhaps I should wait on this and wait until I’m not in, like, very stressed and use it then. So I’m actually wiring the right pathway stronger.
Shawn Wells [00:55:23]:
Exactly. It’s just like chaining. Right? Like, we were talking about the anchors. Right? So, like, I was telling you to chain those, those anchors by, like, you know, pressing this area between your your thumb and forefinger each time you’re happy, you’re joyous. Like, you’re in a great mood. You’re in love. Like, whatever these things are, you can also chain negative things. And you’re already doing that. Like, you know, every time you have a bad experience, you’re listening to this song or you know, whatever it is, like, you can do these things. Like, you know, be careful with, like, what you’re anchoring and where you’re anchoring were kind of related to this, are there any pathogens
Nick Urban [00:56:06]:
substances that increase empathy, preferably legal that I and my listeners can look into. There’s a couple things. The the cannabinoids
Shawn Wells [00:56:17]:
are really fascinating. the endocannabinoid system is so underappreciated. It’s insane. Like, I know you’ve heard, like, people are like, oh, no Cbd and Teacrine, whatever. Cool. And the ECS, the endocannabinoid system, is known as the master regulator system in the body. It’s controlling pain, inflammation, mood, immunity, and there’s deficiencies of these different cannabinoids in your body And I don’t know any doctors of the endocannabinoid system, and yet it’s such a critical system. I know doctors of the musculoskeletal. system of the cardiovascular system, of the nervous system. I don’t know any doctors at the endocannabinoid system. So we’re completely ignorant of this very massive area, and it’s kind of sad, but they can have a huge impact on mood and empathy, the dose and which ones, it’s hard for me to say because there’s no way for us a test for that. But I would say experiment with CVG, CBN, CBC, Cbd, and see what works for you. I’ve worked on anandamide, which is a Bliss chemical, and PEA is another one of those chemicals that’s in that pathway. So You know, those are some pathogens that you could look at as PEA OEA is another one to look at. those all could be very interesting. Certainly, I think in sparing usage, like I’m saying, Kana, is a really interesting compound because it is a natural SSRI. like, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. It’s going to have, like, excess serotonin, like, hanging around. I do not like this idea long term at all. Like, I will say that. Like, I don’t like SSRI’s long term. I think it’s actually very counterproductive, but in short term, that can be very compelling to give you that mood boost that lift. Perazantheme is going to be another one. Now we’ve studied this on a preclinical level, and we’re seeing it does increase BDNF. It does increase nitric oxide to the brain. It does increase serotonin and Dynamine. So you are getting that feel good kind of swagger from it.
Nick Urban [00:58:23]:
and it does increase actually glutathione and catalase as well. So it’s really cool. maybe less traditional, but things like, are you a fan of things like Kava or even Oxy oxytocin?
Shawn Wells [00:58:55]:
kava definitely, feeling better, kinda smoothing you out. You know, some things if you’re if you’re someone who’s overstimulated, that’s really important too. Like, I am empathic, but I’m also a highly sensitive person. So, like, crowded environments and too much stimuli can, like, really throw me off. So, like, taking my nervous system down a bit, like using things like Teacrine, can be really helpful. Magnesium. One of my favorites is actually Hana Keal from Magnolia Park. and there’s even Dihydroberberine beta, which is a type of leg. B is it? Yep. Yep. That’s a really cool one. And there’s even a new compound coming from Magnolia called, tetrahydromagnolol. I know this is like people are like, oh my god. but, you know, these are really great compounds that are kind of like natural anxiolytics. meaning they reduce anxiety. So that can help you kinda, like, smooth things out, relax into yourself. cratum is a really interesting one. it does have low amounts of opiates. So This is where, like, getting off OxyContin or heroin or, you know, things like that can be great using Kratum. And, also, there is concern of high dosing freedom where it’s replacing those things and it can be very highly addictive and even kill you. that is the concern with with Kratum and and why it’s legality is, you know, questioned. It can be a great tool. it can be, you know, a great, relaxant. but there’s there is some concern there. By the way, like, chocolates does contain PEA, does contain an anandamide, a number of these Bliss chemicals, but you have to have the fatty chocolate, and it’s like ceremonial dark chocolate form, Alright? But make sure it has the cacao butter in it too. Like, the fattiness to it. You don’t wanna defatted cacao. You don’t wanna milk chocolate. You want, like, this full fat, like, as dark as it can be. as low processed as is as it can be form of chocolate and, you know, melted. It’s delicious. you can add, like, cinnamon to it or, you know, whatever you wanna do. And, that can be an amazing way. Like, that’s why the ceremonial cacao, like, has, like, is a hard opener itself in, like, the journey situations where people do kick house ceremonies. It’s very different from eating
Nick Urban [01:01:46]:
That’s cool. And I have to explore that more, especially because it’s so popular here in Austin. And other heart openers, are you a fan of intranasaloxytocin?
Shawn Wells [00:00:05]:
I have it. Yes. I love it. And I also this is actually a a combination of oxytocin and ketamine
Nick Urban [01:02:04]:
right there.
Shawn Wells [01:02:06]:
I’m a big fan of the intranasal form like that. Like, you will never need to have a drink again if you you know, there’s a mild dissociative quality similar to having, like, a drink or 2, but it’s it’s much cleaner without the calories, without the impact on the circadian rhythm from Dynamine, and it’s not like fully dosing ketamine where you’re having a journey or high dosing it where it’s an anesthesia clinically. A little amount of dissociation is just, like, having a couple of drinks because, like, for me, especially because I’m a highly sensitive person because, like, I have you know, probably a little bit on the spectrum or, you know, I’m, like, pulling in so much data, like, em empathic. Right? Like, I’m hearing the conversations Teacrine the music, seeing all the lights. I’m like, kinda overwhelmed. I’m like, now hyper vigilant. It’s all a lot. I’m like, I need to leave this place. if I can just dampen that a little bit, I can be present. So it allows me like, yes, you’re dissociating a little bit, but it allows me to be more present as a result. It seems kind of counterintuitive or ironic, but when you’re in kind of that, like, wrong vibration, like, you know, it can actually put you in kind of that right spot where all you can do is be present. Like, can’t be thinking 10 thoughts at once. Right? So it’s very relaxing in that sense, and then oxytocin feels like that, you know, that hug that you’re getting And it’s amazing when you actually hug on oxytocin and get me. It’s like you’re just, like, there for, like, hugs all the time. Like, it’s great. So,
Nick Urban [01:03:47]:
yeah, big fans. As you were speaking, I was thinking of the slight dissociative effect of the ketamine as, like, if you’re in a loud room with a bunch of conversations, it’s like bringing down all the volumes except for the one conversation. So you can really be there and press and focus on the one as opposed to, like, trying to focus on all them at once and being able to pay attention to none of them as a result.
Shawn Wells [01:04:111]:
Yeah. And people make fun of alcohol all the time and say it’s low vibration and, you know, it’s, it does as calories and can mess up your sleep quality and You know, certainly, I don’t recommend getting drunk and, you know, all these things, but, like, used on occasion if that’s the tool you have for me for me. it helps me stay in these environments and, like, be present. So, you know, it’s different than just, like, getting wasted and, you know, whatever. So, like, for me, I do use it on occasion, especially if I don’t have, like, something like is Dynamine, and and I wanna stay in the environment and be present, listen to these people. And and I don’t wanna be kind of, like, freaking out the whole time. You know? So, yeah.
Nick Urban [01:04:57]:
Well, Sean, before we start to wind this one down, if people are interested in connecting with you, following your work, grabbing your book, how do they go about that? Okay. So energyformula.com
Shawn Wells [01:05:08]:
for the book. I have 2 free chapters there in both the audio and the the written format in the ebook. I have an ebook, the audible softcover, hardcover has 70 full color, diagrams, infographics. I have surveys in there. I have formulators corner with all the supplement stacks, resource hacks that have all the devices and apps and things that you can use. I get $0 out of any affiliate, anything in there. It is just honest advice. So, I think it’s a great book. I’m at Sean Wells, s h a w n w e l l s on the platforms and, make sure you see the blue check. and look for that name because there’s a ton of fake accounts that drives me insane. Yeah. Follow me there. I have a ton of great content, a lot of infographics, videos, educating on all these different stacks and things. I do talk about mental health, a fair bit, and even psychedelics. Yeah. So I’m on Twitter, YouTube,
Nick Urban [01:06:11]:
Instagram, LinkedIn, all those different things. And yeah. Yeah. And I read your book when it first came out. Unfortunately, I was part of Kendall crew, so I didn’t get to see the the full colored pictures in their in their glory, but it was a good read, and I also love your lists of the top 10 supplements for X goal that you post on Instagram all the time. So keep up the good work there. And before I let you go, which 3 teachers have had the biggest impact on your life and work?
Shawn Wells [01:06:40]:
I mean, 1st and foremost, is going to be myself. like, really listen. I’ve spent most of my life because of what I was saying because I had a difficult childhood and and a lot of reasons I could have stayed in victimization just and I spent a lot of my life dissociated. and then biohacking into the most extreme level and then not even realizing that I’m, like, dying a number of times, like, just demolishing myself until, like, all the red lights are flashing. And because I wasn’t in my body, literally, I was just dissociated most of my life because I am empathic because I was feeling a lot and, you know, it was scary. that I got good at staying dissociated. And then I took pride in how dissociated I was, how many hours I could work, how pain never bothered me. If you’re saying all these things, you’re dissociated. and that’s not healthy for relationships with other people and certainly yourself. And so getting back in my body doing a lot of the work and the psychedelic, environment and also just you know, in deep inner work and breath work and gratitude and meditation. Like, I feel like listening to myself is one of the most critical teachers there is. There are. Like, it’s it’s just listening to yourself. So I think you, yourself, is a critical teacher you need to get aligned with. I’d say after that Don McGill Ruiz, like, when I read the 4 agreements, it absolutely shook up my life and made so much sense. I love the 4 agreements.
Nick Urban [01:08:19]:
That first one, especially. I can see that you’ve really you are embodying that the integration of both the masculine and the feminine sitting with that and doing the necessary inner work. And you managed to tie the end just now back to the beginning with the presentations and just changing one person’s life and how that can cause a ripple effect of good on the world. Yeah. Thank you. I appreciate that, Nick. Well, Sean, this round 2 has been a pleasure so far. Thanks for joining me on the Mindbody Peak Performance podcast. until next time, I’m here Nick Urban with Sean Wells signing out from My Bodypeak.com. Have a great week, and be an outlier. I hope that this been helpful for you. If you enjoyed it, subscribe, and hit the thumbs up. I love knowing who’s in the 1% committed to reaching their full comment 1% below so that I know who you are. For all the resources and links, meet me on my website at mind, bot peak.com. I appreciate you and look forward to connecting with you.
Nick Urban [01:08:19]:
That first one, especially. I can see that you’ve really you are embodying that the integration of both the masculine and the feminine sitting with that and doing the necessary inner work. And you managed to tie the end just now back to the beginning with the presentations and just changing one person’s life and how that can cause a ripple effect of good on the world. Yeah. Thank you. I appreciate that, Nick. Well, Sean, this round 2 has been a pleasure so far. Thanks for joining me on the Mindbody Peak Performance podcast. until next time, I’m here Nick Urban with Sean Wells signing out from My Bodypeak.com. Have a great week, and be an outlier. I hope that this been helpful for you. If you enjoyed it, subscribe, and hit the thumbs up. I love knowing who’s in the 1% committed to reaching their full comment 1% below so that I know who you are. For all the resources and links, meet me on my website at mind, bot peak.com. I appreciate you and look forward to connecting with you.
Connect with Shawn Wells
This Podcast Is Brought to You By
Nick Urban is a Biohacker, Data Scientist, Athlete, Founder of Outliyr, and the Host of the Mind Body Peak Performance Podcast. He is a Certified CHEK Practitioner, a Personal Trainer, and a Performance Health Coach. Nick is driven by curiosity which has led him to study ancient medical systems (Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hermetic Principles, German New Medicine, etc), and modern science.

Music by Luke Hall
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