How German New Medicine Prompts Healing, Self-Understanding, & Emotional Freedom

  |   EP148   |   72 mins.

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Episode Highlights

Symptoms are often a gift from the body. They show you where to look Share on XHow long you're in a conflict determines how long the healing phase will be Share on XWe don't want to oppose the body but sometimes you can help it navigate the healing phase Share on X

About Dr. Melissa Sell

Dr. Melissa Sell is a chiropractor and awareness coach who teaches from the Germanic New Medicine perspective. She helps people to understand the biological purpose of their symptoms, guides them in learning to trust their bodies, and teaches inner shifts to create a deep sense of peace and well-being.

Melissa Sell

Top Things You’ll Learn From Dr. Melissa Sell

  • [3:29] Germanic New Medicine (GNM) principles
    • Correlation between brain circles, organ changes, and life conflicts
    • Personalizing health issues rather than one-size-fits-all solutions
    • Predicting and treating illnesses in non-invasive ways
    • Exploring the body’s warning signals and biological purposes of symptoms
    • Subconscious biological programs triggered by shocking experiences
  • [10:00] Connecting traditional medical perspectives with GNM
    • Western misconceptions about bacterial overgrowth
    • Importance of resolving underlying emotional conflicts for conditions like small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)
    • Duration of conflicts affecting healing phase length
    • Individual experiences leading to unique physical symptoms
  • [30:21] Understanding emotional conflicts and physical symptoms
    • Rashes and eczema as manifestations of separation and guilt
    • Musculoskeletal pain linked to specific emotional stresses
    • Emotional impacts on the digestive system causing conditions like constipation or diarrhea
    • The role of microbes in tissue breakdown during healing
    • How one’s environment can make certain symptoms re-emerge
  • [44:41] Biological aspects of healing and disease
    • Biological adaptation programs and species survival
    • Connections between family conflicts, genetics, and conditions in children
    • Environmental influences on conditions across any age
    • GNM classification of different tissues and their conflict responses
    • External factors such as diet and experiences affecting health
    • The role of emotional maturity in modern society’s health issues
  • [57:05] Five biological laws and symptom understanding
    • Briefing on the 5 biological laws and the healing process
    • Rethinking the role of pathogens and genetics in disease
    • Self-regulation through symptoms as the body’s natural mechanism
    • The importance of mindset and beliefs in health changes

Resources Mentioned

  • Courses: Dr. Melissa’s Courses
  • Book: Super Gut
  • Teacher: Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer

Episode Transcript

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Nick Urban [00:00:06]:
Imagine if you could predict illness or disease actually as it’s developing without any expensive or invasive procedures. And in fact, as a side effect, it might make the very condition remiss or disappear entirely. That’s the topic of today’s episode, which is an exploration of a newer form of alternative medicine called Germanic New Medicine, aka GNM and the related Germanic New Biology. That’s exactly what we’re covering today, a topic known as German or Germanic new medicine and the related Germanic healing knowledge, GNM and GHK. What I like about this radically different framework and perspective and approach is that it adds another tool to our toolbox. The more lenses and ways we can look at something, the greater our ability to discern exactly which one will work for us. I didn’t know that much about this field of study before recording the podcast, so I had our guest share some practical examples and, most importantly, how we can take this knowledge and apply it. Our guest this week is doctor Melissa Sell.

Nick Urban [00:01:29]:
She’s a chiropractor and awareness coach who teaches from the Germanic new medicine perspective. Doctor Melissa helps people understand the biological purpose of their symptoms, guides them in learning to trust their bodies, and teaches inner shifts for creating a deep sense of peace and well-being. I really like that she emphasizes the fact that symptoms are akin to a bodily warning light Sell us that something’s wrong and giving us opportunity to fix it before something serious emerges. You can find links to everything we discuss, a transcript, top takeaways, and a whole lot more in the show notes for this episode, which will be at and Body. If you want to connect with our guest and follow her work, you can access her website at, and she also goes by the same name on the socials. Okay. Ladies and gentlemen, sit back, relax, and expand your perspective with doctor Melissa. Doctor Sell, welcome to the podcast.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:02:39]:
Hi. Thanks for having me.

Nick Urban [00:02:41]:
So, doctor Melissa, let’s start off today with the unusual nonnegotiables you’ve done for your health, your performance, and your bioharmony.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:02:49]:
Well, I mean, every day, I get up and I feed all my animals. I have 4 ducks and 2 cows and 2 dogs. And so I really just enjoy, convening with the animals, going outside, getting fresh air first thing in the morning. You know, I do my stretches outside. Hopefully, when it’s sunny today, we’re, like, in an actual cloud, and so it’s it’s rainy, but that’s also nice. Also, I like to get on, you know, depending on if I’m able to go for a walk or we have this really awesome, treadmill. It’s not one that you plug in. It’s one that when you walk, it just powers.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:03:23]:
You power the whole thing. So it’s, I really have been loving that. And, yeah, journaling, daily journaling.

Nick Urban [00:03:29]:
It’s quite the routine. And I love the habits that benefit others or other forms of life and also at the same time improve our own Health, such as getting outside and taking care of your animals. Well, today, we’re gonna dig into a topic that I have not covered at all on the podcast, and I’m a big fan of looking around and finding all the different lenses, modalities, and ways we can view our health, our biological state, just to give us more tools in the toolbox. So you happen to specialize in one called Germanic New Medicine, GNM, and I’ve also seen it called g Nick new knowledge, g n k

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:04:11]:
Healing knowledge.

Nick Urban [00:04:12]:
Health knowledge, GHK. Okay. Yeah. So let’s dig into that. What is this symptoms, and what sets it apart? What makes it special, and why have you focused on it?

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:04:23]:
Yes. This is the master key. It is the fundamental basic building blocks of how our physiology functions. And so this, I came across this body of knowledge in 2017, after 10 years of being in the holistic health and natural healing world. And then I found this and everything changed. It blew my mind wide open. I was stunned. I was offended that I’d never heard about it before.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:04:48]:
I’m like, why isn’t everyone shouting this from the rooftops? Why isn’t every single, you know, doctor, teacher, holistic health person talking about German new medicine. And and so I, you know, dove into it, and I’m like, oh my goodness. I’ve got to be a part of just, like, spreading the word about this incredible knowledge. And, you know, the thing that’s different about it is that when doctor Hamerthrew his personal tragedy of losing his 17 year old son in this tragic accident. And he went on to develop testicular cancer. He found that there was a connection. He just knew there was a connection between the traumatic loss of his son and developing testicular cancer. And he went on to observe patients and he discovered this map that’s always existed for how our tissues adapt to shocking circumstances.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:05:40]:
And so the main difference, when you really start to understand the implications for what he discovered is that cancer, you know, I used to think that cancer was a mistake, something going wrong in the Body. Either you, you know, your diet was bad, your immune system was low. You got exposed to something, you It destroyed your you know, it damaged your genes in some way. Your genes now are, you know, doing things they shouldn’t be doing. And that cancer is Sell, like, end result mistake. But what doctor Hamerfound is it’s actually a functional, meaningful adaptation that’s there for a specific biological purpose, depending on the nature of the type of shock that you had. You know, so for him, he lost his son, you know, so his psyche. So this is, you know, the psyche is the subconscious mind.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:06:28]:
It’s the part of your body that built your body, that runs your body. It’s not your conscious mind that’s thinking and, you know, using words, this beyond language. This is primal, adaptive consciousness that is keeping you alive in every moment. And so the psyche perceives everything that’s going on. And if something in your environment is shocking to you, if you were expecting it, if it was highly acute, if you were caught on the wrong foot, the biology has the capacity to activate a significant biological special program. And so basically what this is, it’s, you know, I think of it in this, in this kind of simplistic way of like, okay, I have a shock. And then depending on the type of shock, my brain has like a panel of buttons and it can activate a certain when a certain button is pressed, depending again, what is needed for that shock. So do I need more oxygen in my blood? Do I need more, bile in my digestive tract? Do I need, more digestive juices in my colon? Do I, you know, what do I need in that moment in order to help me better survive this thing that I’m dealing with? Do I need to enhance my ovaries? Do I need to enhance the, you know, make my lymph nodes stronger and more robust? And so the psyche knows the subconscious mind that built your body.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:07:49]:
Remember this part of you built you, You didn’t build your Body, your subconscious mind did. And so that part knows exactly what is needed in that moment in order for you to survive. And so there’s an impact in the brain. So that’s that kind of button in the brain. We activate that in it. Nick a cascade of changes at the tissue level. And so at the tissue level, we can grow extra cells. We can erode cells, or we can have a functional change in what that, organ or tissue does.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:08:20]:
And it’s kind of like we have, we can become a transformer, you know? So if you need more digestive juices, the big picture thing is Doctor. Hammer at first thought that this was just for cancer, testicular cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, but he found that these laws and the way the tissues operate, it’s for everything from, a pimple to a cold sore, to an earache, to a sty in your eye. Every single time there is something that’s happening in the body, with the exception of injury, poisoning, and malnutrition. And so those are the 3 exceptions. When you’re thinking about, okay, so what fits into this umbrella of German medicine? It’s every disease or sickness that kind of comes out of nowhere and then goes away on its own. You know, so things where it wasn’t an obvious injury, there wasn’t an obvious, like, you know, you drink poison on accident. There wasn’t an obvious, you know, malnutrition situation. It’s a symptom that arises and then, you know, goes away on its own.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:09:17]:
Those are all they all fall under the category of biological special programs activated in the brain following a shocking experience.

Nick Urban [00:09:27]:
Doctor Melissa, that is such a radical departure from the conventional perspective that the body often just breaks down. There’s a problem with either pathogens or faulty genetics or other things that we can only fix with certain biomimicry solutions. And, yeah, I was about to ask you about those particular cases because I could see if you were introduced to a toxin in your environment or something that doesn’t belong in your system that it might not apply. But, yeah, also, it’s interesting to hear how many different symptoms can be the result of something that’s not biochemical in nature. And perhaps if it’s not biochemical in nature, the best solution would also not be biochemical.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:10:15]:
Precisely. Yep. And so that’s where, you know, and there’s actually it would be my dream one of my studies that I would love to have done. And that’s the thing is there’s no money being put into this simply because this is such a radical disruptive paradigm. And if any, you know, somebody out there is gonna get really interested in and start funding independent research on this. And, and one of the things that you can do. And so, you know, a lot of times, especially in like the, the health conscious community, terrain theory, the there’s like this not a debate, but there’s a little bit of like, oh, a lot of people think it’s toxin. That’s causing a certain symptom.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:10:51]:
And, you know, in the G and M perspective, we’re like, look at the conflict, what happened to the person? You know, just look at the physical material, but the way we’d be able to settle that is by a CT brain scan. So basically we’d see people who are expressing a particular symptom and , you know, we’d say some people think it’s toxin. Some people think it’s a, a DHS. That’s a Dirk Hamer syndrome, the conflict shock impacting the brain, causing this intentional tissue adaptation. The brain scan would be the arbiter of the truth, because if there is an impact in the brain, if we see the circle in the control center for that organ, we know that this symptom was due to a conflict shock if the person’s expressing the symptom, but they do not have that circle in the brain. It’s a toxin and it’s, it is causing some type of direct damage to the tissue in that area, you know, and so, or the body’s doing some type of process to try to release it. And so that’s the way that we would know for sure, which is really cool that there does exist a way to differentiate. Is this a toxin? Is this a conflict shock? And so what I recommend a person does if you’re you know, not everyone’s gonna run out and get a CT scan, and unfortunately, we have, like, very few people who are even capable of analyzing a CT scan from the GNM perspective, but look at both, you know, so if you believe it’s a, you know, if you’re like, oh, it could be a toxin, definitely working to get toxins out of your environment and unnatural things out of your, you know, the products that you use and the food, that is a wonderful worthwhile thing to do.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:12:16]:
But also look at the conflict. Look at what was happening when the symptom first began, what was happening in your life, what had changed, You know, what’s still unresolved because, you know, if it is the, the conflict, all the detoxing in the world, all of the clean eating in the world will not resolve it. You know, sometimes people will do, you know, a cleanse or they’ll, you know, get involved in health stuff and they just happen to resolve their conflict. And so they’re, you know, and that can happen at the same time. So there’s, I just like looking beyond simply the physical, the material, you know, the toxins And let’s look at the psyche. Let’s look at the soul. Let’s look at the individual and what they’ve got going on.

Nick Urban [00:12:53]:
What I find particularly interesting about this is it takes the parents normal paradigm and flips it on its head and says not only are these symptoms not a bad thing, but they’re actually a gift from the body. Your body is trying to self regulate and overcome whatever issue there is, and this symptom is a manifestation of that. And by becoming aware of what the symptom is trying to express, then we’re able to locate the root cause or root causes of the problem itself.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:13:22]:
I know. It’s so cool. I got one of the one of the tweets I’ve tweeted that’s gotten the most, like, Peak freaking out was 1 you know, so in, in this model, doctor Hamersaid that, like, an ovarian cyst, for example, is a is a gift from nature, like an actual gift from nature. So if a woman suffers a loss conflict, if she has, a divorce, a breakup, a miscarriage, she loses a loved one. She loses a pet. She loses someone. So similar to Doctor. Hamer losing his son, causing his toxin testicles to adapt.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:13:53]:
So the woman has this Sell conflict. Her ovary goes through an adaptation process. And when that process is resolved, it results in, you know, an ovarian cyst, which is basically it’s an extension of the ovary it’s extra ovary. And so nature says, Oh, you lost your offspring. We need to enhance your ovary so that you have more estrogen that makes you look younger, makes you more attractive, makes your voice higher, make and, you’ll even tend to go through menopause later. So it’s giving you this window to replace what you lost. And so of course, that is definitely a gift from nature. Nature’s doing you a favor by, you know, nature knows you suffered a loss.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:14:37]:
And so we need to replace that. And that’s what this is here for. And when you can see everything, when I started seeing acne through the lens of G and M, I was like, woah. So when I have a zit, it was actually, I felt attacked or I felt soiled or dirtied in some way. And my, you know, Corium skin proliferated, created a barrier, created a shield against that attack. And then once I resolved it, the microbes broke it down, and that’s what the pus on the pimple. That, that made so much sense. And it actually, you know, it made it so that I didn’t feel so, you know, ashamed.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:15:11]:
I used to, I mean, just feel so and that’s this vicious cycle feedback loop of acne is that you have it and you feel gross about yourself and you feel ugly. And so that caught keep having it. But when you can break the spell by saying precious skin, you helped me through that experience that I had. And, you know, I don’t love the way this looks and I do want this to go away, away, but I don’t have to feel gross about it. I actually feel grateful for it. And so that is, you know, a narrative shift that is very profound, and you can start to do that with every type of symptom that you have.

Nick Urban [00:15:45]:
Yeah. We know how profound the placebo and nocebo can be and we hear about manifesting. I’m just gonna manifest this or that and change my life circumstances and sometimes it actually works great for Peak, but by actually believing it through this lens, it seems like that’s one, like, practical hands on way to actually affect the change. Okay. So I also think a little bit of the concept of doctrine of signatures when I hear about this, such as, like, when you eat a walnut, it kinda looks like a brain is supposed to affect your brain more so than other organs and a what are other examples? A tomato and eyes. And there’s a bunch of different examples in nature. And how do you go about decoding? Like, it might be obvious in hindsight looking at the ovaries and how that could relate to a relationship. But if you’re not looking at it in hindsight, if you’re actually experiencing whatever the symptoms are in the moment, how do you figure out what those symptoms are telling you? Because if I just journal on the changes that are happening in my life, there’s changes happening on a daily basis, and it’s gonna be hard for me to pinpoint, oh, wait.

Nick Urban [00:16:47]:
This must mean this or that.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:16:51]:
Yep. And so that’s why you have to learn the map and learn what tissue is this. You know? So if you have a rash, you know, you need to know that a rash is the red group. The rash is the outer skin, the squamous epithelium, and this associates to a separation. So a touch. So of course it’s like, okay, what do we do with our skin? We contact others. And so if we have a separation where I’m used to contacting someone and that person is torn away from me when I’m separated from them, you know, think of a baby, a baby who, you know, is separated from its mother, wants that touch, wants that connection, wants to feel you close because that’s how I know that I’m safe. And when that is lost, there is erosion.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:17:33]:
There’s loss. There’s micro ulcerations in the skin. There’s a great story. A mom she had, like, I think it was a 2 year old, and she just needed, like, 30 minutes or an hour alone. And so she’s like she’s like, I’m gonna be up in the office, you know, told her husband, like, take care of the kids, please. Just, like, you know, I need a little time. And so she, you know, she’s in there, and the I think the 2 year old, like, comes in, and she’s just, like, you know, because, you know, apparently, she just had a day and she needed a moment. And so she starts, you know, the the 2 year old goes and reaches for her, and and the mom and , you know, blows up a little bit and calls for the dad.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:18:07]:
And and basically, you know, the child in that moment, you know, was rejected. And the next day, she had eczema on her hands, on the palms of her hands. And so and but she and the mom totally understood it through the lens of the tissue adaptation and the contact that the child wanted and the the separation that they felt in that parents. You know, and it’s like, oh, well, that makes perfect sense. And so the mom had to obviously deal with any guilt feelings that come up because guilt. So if a mother is feeling guilty, oh, I’m a bad mom. I shouldn’t have done that. I caused my child to have this symptom.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:18:41]:
If she’s a right handed woman, her left side is associated with her child and the shoulder is associated with a self evaluation regarding a relationship. And so if she felt extremely guilty about that, her left shoulder would have adaptation. And so once she resolved that code up with the child, she everyone’s feeling better. Mom’s gonna have just a little bit of a sore shoulder. And so we can see like the cascade of these effects, but that’s like, you know, the mom would have to know, oh, musculoskeletal tissue. The musculoskeletal tissue responds to self evaluation and the pain occurs once the conflict has been resolved. You know, same thing with the rash, micro ulcerations, separation conflict during the active phase, itchy red, uncomfortable rash during the healing phase. And so, you know, this is, there’s a bit of a learning curve where you do have to spend some time to learn the map.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:19:33]:
So you know, okay, the dermis, is the deeper skin that’s feeling attacked or feeling soil. The musculoskeletal system that is self devaluation. The red group, the outer constellations, the yellow group. So this is the diet you know, so if you have ever experienced, constipation or diarrhea, constipation is I can’t digest this and this feels stuck. It’s an indigestible morsel. That’s not moving forward. That feels stuck that I can’t process. I can’t break down.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:20:02]:
I can’t absorb. And it just is feeling very stuck and that affects the, intestinal mucosa and then also the intestinal musculature. And so that’s during the conflict. And then during the healing phase, there is diarrhea. And so if you ever have also, a funky code. So if your bowel Sell funky, if your breath smells funky, if your, you know, your body odor, if you ever have like a little funk, that means you’ve activated one of the programs of the old brain. So either the yellow group, the endodermal tissue, or the old mesodermal tissue, because during the healing phase, and this is actually the 4th biological law, doctor Hamer discovered that microbes do not cause illness. Microbes are not responsible for constellations.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:20:46]:
Microbes are helpers. Microbes are microsurgeons. And so what they do is so when you build up that extra tissue in the dermis skin, in the colon, you know, wherever you build it up in the toxin, we’ve got extra tissue. They’re do you know, that extra tissue is doing a job. It has a biological purpose until the conflict is resolved. And so once the conflict is resolved, those tissues, those extra tissues that we built up, they were disposable. So think about that. So the body now knows, okay, we built up some disposable tissue.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:21:16]:
Now the conflict is resolved, and it uses microsurgeons in the form of bacteria and fungus and mycobacteria, like tuberculosis to deconstruct those extra tissues. And that’s when we have pus, when we have phlegm, when we have, you know, funky discharge and stuff. It’s the body breaking down that extra tissue and decomposing it. Because we know that anything that’s decomposing smells funky because bacteria are active. And so anytime there’s a funky smell, you go, bacteria are active. I must have resolved the conflict.

Nick Urban [00:21:49]:
Oh, yeah. Because the Western explanation currently is just a overabundance of bacteria, and you’re saying that that would be because you resolved a conflict and those bacteria were not bad bacteria as they’re sometimes referred to, not to just be indiscriminately killed off, but they can represent a larger, and in this case, beneficial change that’s already occurred.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:22:13]:
Absolutely. Yep. And so it’s not an overgrowth. It’s not an in section. It’s not, you know, it’s it’s there was an appropriate response to the conflict you had. You know? And so if a person’s been running a conflict so sometimes people say, oh, I’ve got SIBO. You know, small intestinal bacteria overgrowth. Well, what that means is you’ve been running an indigestible Sell conflict with an aspect of starvation.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:22:35]:
So this means you’re feeling deprived. You’re feeding feeling cheated. 1 of my mentors, he uses this phrase. He says, you feel like the butter’s been, stolen from your bread. Like you were, you know, expecting something and somebody snatched it away and you can’t digest it now. You were, you know, planning on it and it’s been taken. So this aspect of, like, starvation, affects the small intestines. And so if you’ve been running that program frequently, you’re on the program, off the program.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:23:00]:
You’re you’re you’re so you’re building up extra tissue and then breaking them down and building it up and breaking it down. And then you’re like, gosh, I’ve got all these gut problems or gut constellations, and you go to, you know, a functional medical medicine, practitioner or someone, and they say, oh, you’ve got SIBO. You know, that’s your problem is you just have too many, you know, bacteria. There’s an overgrowth. And we never look at why. You know, we change the diet. We do a cleanse. We do, you know, whatever we need to do, in order to regulate or, you know, balance out those microbes from the, you know, the conventional or even alternative standpoint, but we’re not looking at the conflict.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:23:33]:
And that’s the thing. That’s the core. That’s the key. Why have the bacteria overgrown so much? Well, the body doesn’t do anything by mistake. The body works conflict biological sympathetic. And so this is another just incredible discovery of Doctor. Hamer is like the second biological law shows us like the math of how this works. So when you are in the conflict, every moment you’re in the conflict, you’re, you know, activating the sympathetic nervous system, this fight or flight adaptation and the intensity and duration.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:24:05]:
So how long you’re in the conflict determines how long you’re gonna be in the healing phase, You know, and so it’s it’s it’s math It’s it’s you were conflict for this long You’re gonna be in healing for this long and this is where it’s the chronic stuff, the stuff that, you know, doesn’t resolve for years years years, or it partially resolves and you keep reactivating it. That’s called a hanging link where it’s like, I always have symptoms. I’m always having digestive trouble. I’m always having, you know, psoriasis and rashes. It’s because you’re constantly stepping on the track and a track is like an allergy. A track is something that reminds your body of the conflict. So it’s not that the gluten is just bad or the dairy is just bad and inflammatory. And, you know, this causes problems.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:24:48]:
And I used to think that the, you know, fragrances in Febreze and all the, you know, the the aisle, the grocery store with all the detergents and the, you know, sprays and things. I used to think I, because that stuff was toxic, it caused, like, the toxin caused the problem. But the thing is, is there are people who spray Febreze and they put the Glade plug ins in their house and they love it. And they, you know, so if if it was just toxic in and of itself, if it was just a poison, wouldn’t everyone sneeze like crazy and have crazy like sinus drainage every time they use it? Everyone. If it was a if it was a straight up just a poison. And I’m like, well, you know, why do some people seem to enjoy it? I don’t enjoy it. Every time I walk, I couldn’t walk by the grocery aisle without sneezing, and I go, oh, oh, those toxins are causing, you know, me to sneeze. But now I understand I had a stink conflict associated with artificial fragrances.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:25:47]:
And so every time I smelled an artificial fragrance, I I was like, disgusted by it. I say, oh, this stinks that I have to smell this. I had an annoyance. And so that caused adaptations in my nasal mucosa. And so those fragrances were a trap for me, but but they weren’t a trap for someone else. They didn’t cause a conflict for someone Sell. So that person didn’t experience, you know, chronic sneezing and drainage every time they smell the artificial fragrance. And so that’s how unique it is to the, you know, the individual and their experience of what happened because not it’s not a conflict for everyone.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:26:20]:
You know, the con for the person who’s expressing the symptom.

Nick Urban [00:26:24]:
Yeah. I was thinking back through that very example. I was thinking about the outliers we come across in medical research. Some people have absolutely no negative response to something. Others have terrible responses to it, and then there’s everyone in the middle. And if it’s a true poison, a true toxin, then you’d expect that it would be, like, a universal response rather than having those types of outliers on either end. So in these cases, it seems like you could if there is a bunch of outliers on either end, you could say that it’s not just purely biochemical. And if everyone has the same response, perhaps then you can look into the traditional approach.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:27:02]:
It’s, you know, correlation, not causation. But with Germany medicine and this map and the brain scans, we can confirm causation because if the happened or, you know, if there, if there’s a circle in the brain, so that’s really the brain scan really gives us that objective criteria for calling this, you know, a, a consistent law of nature. You know, those are big words for doctor Hamer to say, yes, I’ve I’ve discovered actual laws of nature, not a theory, not a hypothesis. This happens every single time. He wouldn’t write it down. He wouldn’t put it in his system. If he didn’t always see the circle in the brain correlated to an organ adaptation change correlated to the specific life event conflict shock in the psych psyche brain Urban every single time. Every single time.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:27:48]:
And there are criteria for each each level. And I think it adds up to, like, 126, different points for every biological program. And so it would be just like astronomical, like the odds of that ever 126 Nick these criteria would be present in each code. And he was able to validate and verify. It always happens this way. It always and he has had, medical, like, university level verifications of his work where, basically, the university, would have him come in and they’d give him like 8 cases. And, he’d have a panel of university doctors there and he would go through and, you know, look at the charts, look at the brain scans, talk to the patient if the patient was there and show the biological programs. And there’s this great story of, it’s called the acts of Trenova.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:28:37]:
And so this is this case that he’s going through, where he sees an impact in the brain. He knows it has to be, an attack against the heart conflict, affecting the pericardium. And so he’s asking the guy, because he knows, he saw that he sees the impact in the brain. So he knows the man had to have had this type of conflict at some at some point. And the guy’s like, no, no, I don’t remember it. You know, doctor HamerBiohacking, okay, did any did your parents have a heart attack? Anybody in your family have a heart attack? Did any, you know, like he’s for an hour, he’s asking all of these questions and , you know, the panel of doctors are like, Sell right, Hamer. Yeah. Maybe your theory is not always right.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:29:12]:
Maybe it’s wrong sometimes. And doctor Hummer, you know, he’s very tenacious and he knows that this map is never wrong. And so he keeps asking questions. He’s like, did you ever have a dog that had a heart issue? And that like triggered this guy to remember this story of, it was like some holiday where they roast a goose and , he hears his dog barking in the backyard. And he goes out there and there’s a goose thief. Like, someone’s there because the feast where you roast a goose the next day was yeah, the following day. And so someone that was back there trying to steal his goose. And so the guy goes out there and the goose thief, turns around and has an ax and hits the guy in the chest with this ax.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:29:54]:
And he’s like, he had not remembered it. He didn’t like, you know how Outliyr something traumatic like that happens? What does the and do? Let’s forget that. Let’s put that back in the deep files where we don’t and so he’s being asked this question and but doctor Hamerknows because it’s in the brain scan. So even whether this person doesn’t remember it, whether the panel of doctors is like, no. No. This didn’t happen. Hamerknew. He knew it had to it had to be there because the impact was in his brain in that in that area.

Nick Urban [00:30:21]:
Yeah. You mentioned SIBO earlier, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, and that’s an incredibly common issue these days. In a book called Super Gut, the author Biohacking about, how I believe it’s around 90% of people have some degree of it. So that’s interesting that that would be a an underlying commonality between so many Peak. And the current paradigm says that it’s usually caused by an overuse of antibiotics, consuming too much sugar, and a lot of different things like that. But I also believe the research says that not everyone has those problems from using antibiotics, from consuming lots of sugar, whatever it is. So that seems like it would lend itself to Germanic new medicine, like that approach. So if you actually wanted to dig into this and figure that out, you mentioned that there are maps to look into.

Nick Urban [00:31:15]:
So if I say I had that very issue and I wanted to understand the underpinnings of it that might not just be antibiotics or something like that, how would I even begin?

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:31:28]:
Yes. You always wanna look at when you know, what was happening when I first had this symptoms? You know, like you have to pull the thread in it and the, and there was a conflict, that happened and then a resolution. So depending on code most symptoms, like 8 60 to Sell% of symptoms don’t happen until you’ve resolved the conflict. But there are some situations where, conflict or the symptom is happening during the active conflict. Like constipation, for example, I’m in the conflict right now. I’m feeling stuck. The indigestible morsel conflict is active right now when I’m experiencing the constipation, when I resolve it or come off the track. So if I’m around, you know, I feel stuck every time, you know, or when I’m eating a certain food, because it reminds my body of that time I was, you know, very, very stuck in that situation that was unresolved.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:32:15]:
And then when I come off the track or when I resolve it, I get away from the, you know, the either the person or the situation or the food, whatever it is that causes me to get back into that state, then I have diarrhea. And so, oh, I’m having diarrhea right now. Okay. Well, what happened? I need to go back and try to connect the dots between what happened in my life. You know, what couldn’t I process? And sometimes, you know, this is a self detective project because a lot of our conflicts happened when we were babies, when we were very young children, you know, when you were weaned. You know, there’s a guy I did an interview with and he had, you know, severe eczema his Sell life. And, he had a dairy a track around dairy. And, you know, as he was like learning g and m and kind of putting the pieces together, you know, he calls up his mom and was like, you know, how soon did you go back to work after giving birth to me? And she said something like, oh, like 7 days, like a week, like a very short period of time.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:33:06]:
And he had this realization. Oh, I was we felt very separated from my mom. So this eczema that I’ve had, you know, this chronic rash and the fact that it flares up when I have dairy makes a lot of Sell. If he was given a dairy substitute or like a, you know, he’s off mother’s code, he’s been dairy. And that is associated with this, this feeling separated from mom. And he, you know, he sat with that and, you know, a conflict is resolved when it can’t happen again or when you can laugh about it. and , and a lot of times people will grow out of symptoms. You know, people grow out of asthma, grow out of certain allergies.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:33:43]:
You know, they’re like, yeah, I had it when I was a kid, but I haven’t had it in years Because likely, the conflict happened in your family home, and your parents were probably the track for it. And then once you, you know, were 18 and you went to college or you moved out and got on your own, they they didn’t have that same power over you. They can’t ground you anymore. They can’t, you know, take your stuff away. And so you’re like, well, I’m, you know, what happened then can’t happen now. And so, you know, when symptoms just seem to, like, they were so bad for so long and then they go away, that’s the reason.

Nick Urban [00:34:15]:
So would that explain why sometimes when people go back to their original environment where they had the symptoms, they will see a reemergence of those same symptoms and perhaps they’ll look at the food or the air, the mold possible mold in the air, whatever it is, and blame it on that versus the actual root being the environment and the relation and story they have around it.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:34:36]:
Yeah. It’s like what happened there? So when a person has, you know, an an trauma reaction to mold, it’s like, okay. You had a conflict, and there was mold present and your psyche registered the and . Because that’s the thing too, even with mold that, you know, every old mold is so bad and it’s terrible and it’s causing all these problems. It’s like, why do people react so differently to it? Everyone is unique in, in how their body has flagged certain substances. And so yes, everyone, it seems to be expressing symptoms, but they’re different symptoms. And that’s always, always have to look. Sometimes people will ask me questions, you know, what is this disease label? You know, what’s Lyme disease and g and m? And it’s like, well, we have no idea because Lyme disease is a is is a huge title label that they put on all sorts of different symptoms.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:35:24]:
And so I always have to follow-up with what specific symptoms are manifesting for the person with, quote, Lyme disease. Same thing with COVID Code. It’s like, well, what they had a list of, like, 50 symptoms associated allegedly with this this virus called COVID. And it’s like, okay. For some some person, it was just a little Health. And they said it was COVID. Someone else, a sore throat. They said it was COVID.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:35:50]:
Oh, I’ve got a little bit of a cough and a runny nose. Okay. It’s no. Absolutely not. You know, there’s a stink conflict. There’s a territorial fear conflict. There’s a can’t swallow there are specific conflicts tied to each type of symptom, and that’s what we have to look at. And so whenever you’re looking, what’s the symptoms, not the disease title, not the label, not the diagnosis.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:36:11]:
What’s the symptom? The symptoms going to be your key to figuring out what is going on.

Nick Urban [00:36:17]:
That makes so much sense. So to go back to your previous example, how did he know to ask his mother how soon she went back to work after having him? Because that seems like that’s the stumbling point for me where, like, I go code back through all of my previous memories and experiences and then not put that together.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:36:36]:
Yeah. I mean, it just and came to him to ask her because he’s like, okay, this has been here my whole life. And so if something’s been there your whole life, you and of have to talk to your mom. You have to see what’s like what happened even in utero. There are, there are conflicts that can begin in utero. If you ask a mother or ask her mom, like what happened when you were pregnant with me? What even happened when you conceived me? Was I intended? How did you react to it? Because even things like that can set up very, very primal early feelings of I’m unwanted. You know, some people who just feel I don’t belong or I’m unwanted, you know, maybe go on to find out, talk to their mother, talk to their grandmother and say, yeah, they actually were considering aborting you. It’s like, oh, you know, that that was my and of first programming, even stuff like that can echo and have this influence over the psyche because, you know, from the moment that you’re conceived and your body starts, you know, it building process, it’s coming into an energy.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:37:32]:
It’s coming into an environment. And already, this psyche is receiving messages about, you know, what needs to happen, what needs to adapt in order for us to survive in this type of environment. And so if I get early messages that I’m unwanted, my body’s like, okay, that’s self evaluation. We need to start, you know, re you know, going through the, adaptation process for the musculoskeletal system so we can become stronger so we can become capable and able, you know, more, more likely to to survive in this world.

Nick Urban [00:38:00]:
Yeah. Doctor Melissa, so I was realizing that when I reflected on certain aspects of my personality that I didn’t love or behaviors that I wanted to change, merely becoming aware of them and recognizing the value they’re providing me, why I was doing those, why I had those behaviors, all of a sudden, its grip over my future behaviors and words and actions and all that completely eased up. It just went away, and I thought these were, like, fixed parts of my personality. And literally overnight, sometimes they would change. And I’m wondering if this is and similar where it’s Sell, okay. So you have that recognition over what happened. You you get the recognition that his mom went back to work very early. He could laugh about it.

Nick Urban [00:38:48]:
But is it important that he was able to laugh about it or that he just recognized it and was able to, like, lift that weight off of his subconscious?

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:38:57]:
So it’s it’s you know, when the conflict resolved, when it can’t happen again, when he realized this this this cancer ever happen again, like this, you know, I’m not going to be in this same situation again. That’s when the tracks can resolve. That’s when the conflict can resolve, because the psyche doesn’t have to be on alert for this particular thing again. You know? And that’s where there are even certain conflicts that kinda can’t be resolved in some cases. You know, let’s say, someone had a car accident, and they ever since then, they, you know, have a terrible track around being in a car. You know, they might have to move to a cute little town where they don’t use cars anymore because, you know, in like, it could happen again. You know, there’s no can you ever have a deep knowing guarantee that you’re never going to have, you know, a car accident, you and cancer. Like Parkinson’s, for example.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:39:48]:
So that’s like a a motor conflict frozen in fear. Oh my goodness. Sell, something scary. Something is driving at me. There’s nothing I can do. I can’t get out of this situation. And then, like, every time they, you know, get in a car or have anything, they they get on the track. And so it’s like this ongoing tremor simply because you can’t really get away.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:40:07]:
You can’t get too far away from it. You’ve got a job and you have to go to that job every day and you have to drive a car to get there. That’s kind of one of those things where, you know, this might be something you deal with for the rest of your life. Again, unless you do some type of radical change where you live in a different type of society, where, like, a walkable town where all your groceries, you you just never get in a car again. And that would be the biological solution is just to never, you know, never put yourself in that same type of situation again, but that isn’t always obviously feasible to change your life so radically.

Nick Urban [00:40:37]:
Can you define a couple German I’ve heard you say now? First, that’s the biological programs and then the tracks, and then you’ve also mentioned colors a couple times.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:40:48]:
So the biological program, so that is the adaptation process that each tissue goes through. And so there’s a biological adaptation program for, for, the you know, for the shoulder, for the the bones. You know? So every and this kind of, the best way to describe this is gonna be by looking at the 3rd biological law because that kind of actually covers most of the, the the questions that you asked. And so the 3rd biological law is the genetics system of tumor and tumor equivalent. So that’s like the title of it, but basically what it’s showing us is how the tissues behave. You know, each there’s a category for each tissue type, and they have a certain way that they behave. So doctor Hamerdiscovered that the oldest type of tissue is the yellow. So he’s you know, this is the yellow colored group, and it’s controlled from the brain stem.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:41:38]:
And so the brain stem tissues are they have the most basic survival constellations, digesting, breathing, reproducing. You know? And so the think about the most basic possible organism, basic life form, that’s all it’s doing. It’s not having conversations. It’s not worried about its self value. You know, it all it’s doing is breathing, eating, reproducing, and doing it again. That’s it. And so that’s those are what the old brain, type of functions are, basic, the morsel conflict. So that’s taking a lot of times Peak are like, what’s a morsel? A morsel is like anything you need to survive.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:42:14]:
Obviously, the most basic thing is some type of food. Food can be a morsel. Money can be a morsel, something that represents, you know, something that you desire, something that you need in order to survive. And so that’s the yellow tissue. This is also, you know, the kidney collecting tubules, all of your glands. So the parotid gland, the the thyroid gland, the tonsils, any type of glandular tissue, anything that, you know, when you have a diagnosis of an adenocarcinoma, that’s gonna come from the yellow group or the old orange group. And so this is, well, how this behaves, the yellow and the old orange. It grows during the conflict.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:42:56]:
That’s how it behaves. So we have extra tissue during the conflict, and then when you resolve the conflict, there’s decomposition of the tissue. And so the brain stem and then the cerebellum is the old mesoderm. So the mesoderm, this is the orange group. This is the middle germ layer. It’s divided into 2. There’s, like, the old part of it, and then there’s the new part of it. The old part of it behaves like the yellow group.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:43:18]:
And so, again, tissue proliferation during the conflict followed by tissue decomposition during the healing phase. And then we shift into the, new mesoderm, which is, again, we’ve mentioned the connective tissue, the musculoskeletal system Sell times, and this is that self value. So the old orange group, is about protection. So remember we talked about the, the building this thicker skin for the feeling attacked or feeling soiled. That’s the theme of the old Orange group. The new self evaluation has to do with value, my worth, my, you know, my my my value as an as an organism, as a being, and feeling strong enough, feeling capable. So anytime you feel I’m not good enough in this area, I’m not good enough in sports, you know, so that your sport is throwing, that it’s gonna affect the arm. If your sport is running, it’s gonna affect the leg.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:44:07]:
It’s gonna affect wherever the kind of localization of of how you feel about yourself. If it’s sexual, it’s going to affect, you know, the pelvis or the lumbar, the low back area. And so how are you specifically devaluing yourself? The neck has to do with intellect, or it has to do with injustice. The head, you know, the head and neck, the upper cervical spine, you know, feeling stupid. I’m not smart enough beating up on yourself. And so every single part has a specific flavor on how it behaves. And then the red, the red is the squamous epithelium. This is the new brain, the cerebral cortex, and that has to do with the theme of separation.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:44:45]:
It also has to do with the theme of territory and sexuality. And the cerebral cortex is extremely interesting when it comes to hormone levels and how masculine or feminine you are based on sexual and territorial conflicts. And so Doctor. Hameralso discovered this amazing way of understanding, mental illness and imbalances. Things like schizophrenia, it’s actually double conflicts affecting opposite sides of the brain and that that’s when people swing from bipolar. Symptoms I’m really depressed. Sometimes I’m really manic. It depends on your conflicts and what you’ve encountered that’s reminding you.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:45:22]:
So the track the track is the the external reminder of the conflict. And so when you are, you know, a child and you’re just sitting there, you know, playing with your toys, you know, sipping on your your apple juice or eating your little apple chunks, and then your parents are getting in a huge fight, you know, and you, have a, you know, either an indigestible, more so conflict or a, I can’t swallow this conflict or a fear conflict. Yeah, let’s say you have a territorial fear conflict, because there’s like there’s loud noises and you’re eating this apple. You know, every time you have an apple, the, the brain registers anything relevant in the environment. So it could be mold. It could be an apple. It could be a dog that you’re petting. And so, anything in that environment can get flagged.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:46:08]:
And so when you get around dogs or an apple slice or mold and you start coughing, it’s because your body registered. It tied that fear that’s that that territorial fear that you were having about your parents in this fight, and you’re afraid someone’s gonna leave or you’re afraid, you know, you’re scared. And so now the body’s remembering when it smells cancer, you know, it remembers that thing that happened. And this is very functional, very biological. If you think about, you know, in ancient times, if an animal encountered, you know, is next to an apple tree when it almost gets eaten by, you know, a predator, every time that animal walks by an apple tree, you know, it can smell that specific odor and it’s around that specific, tree. It’s gonna activate whatever program it needed the last time. Because if we can activate and just we again, always think about it in the ancient context. If you could activate an adaptation program that can give you even just the slightest advantage, the slightest ability to survive, that meant you get to go on.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:47:11]:
And that’s why we really, you know, I love love just learning about these biological programs and having such regard for them symptoms because if we didn’t if our ancestors didn’t have these adaptation programs, we wouldn’t be here. We’d be dead. They would saves died. They wouldn’t have made it. And so all of these, adaptation programs, they convey a survival advantage. and it even if it Health one one organism survive, you know, one day longer so it could reproduce, it’s Sell, that’s beneficial. And so that’s why we have all these programs.

Nick Urban [00:47:41]:
And they exist and govern life whether or not we are aware of them. It’s one of the things that I think of. It’s Sell when people ask about nutrition and the importance, like, is obvious about what you eat, but also not much consideration around when you eat. Now there’s more of that because of, like, the whole movement around time restricted eating, but then also where you eat in the context of your eating. For example, if you’re eating on the go in a car, you might build that association between having the narrow, very focused vision on the cars ahead of you, possibly in traffic, slamming on your brakes, hitting the gas hard, and whatever food it is that you’re eating. So that way when you’re not in stressed out, when you’re not in the car eating it, you might have a more inflammatory response than you would otherwise even if you don’t develop, like, a full on intolerance or allergy. Like, the fact that your biology is always taking in constellations and making associations between different things is something that I’d say is, for the most part, lost. Something I wanna double click into that you said a minute ago was the way the personality differences are reconciled in g and m versus, like, typical, like, latest western science.

Nick Urban [00:48:55]:
I know that a lot of them are considered to be, like, genetic conditions such as I’m not sure if the latest research says this, but bipolar, I’ve seen suggestions that that’s, like, for example, genetics. But I also know people that say they had no experience or no symptoms and no one thought they had bipolar or different conditions until they reached a certain stage of their life. And to me, if it was genetic, doesn’t make sense that it would all of a sudden just activate later in life. But they also did mention that they had previous traumatic events that were pretty saves. And so I could see that being, like, a compensatory mechanism to help safeguard them. But what do you see as being, like, the the reconciliation difference between the two systems?

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:49:44]:
Well, you know, so when a parent has a bipolar you know, so when the parent has a condition, when they are, you know, manic depressive, they go through episodes. And so we tend to if we don’t resolve our own conflict, we will basically repeat those conflicts in our children symptoms because how can you how can you not? So, this is an interesting one. So if a a family where there’s a lot of yelling so there was a lot of yelling in my but did you know there’s families where they just don’t yell? They just they don’t yell. They’re like, they no one in that family has an aggressive constellation. So an aggressive constellation is a territorial anger conflict plus an identity conflict. And if one person in that family, one of the parents, has a territorial anger and an identity conflict, they are, if someone steps on one of their tracks, you know, if they feel disrespected, you know, so if someone feels, you know, disrespected and that’s their thing, and that’s gonna step on their identity conflict track, which, you know, affects the the left side of the brain, that person is going to become manic and they’re gonna start shouting and they’re gonna start yelling and they’re saying, no, you’re so, you know, insubordinate and disrespectful. And so and so the kid’s gonna get, you know, really freaked out. And so that can cause an anger conflict in the child and cause an identity conflict in the child and cause a scare fright, territorial fear.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:51:07]:
And so when parents are unbalanced, when they have conflicts and constellations that they don’t know about and they’re not navigating them with consciousness, they’re gonna inflict those conflicts on their children. And it’s going to and so it’s not genetic as in, oh, it’s simply, you know, oh, apart from the experiences and behaviors of this person, it’s just a gene. The genetics just doing its thing. No. The genes change in response to the conflict. And so if there is you know, and there’s a lot of things about the whole genetic theory that don’t make any sense and are probably a bunch of baloney, just like the virus code. But, the only thing is that it’s happening in response to the genes don’t change on their own. They change, you know, epigenetics in response to the environment.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:51:53]:
If there is a conflict, it’s going to, you know, change and that’s going to be what is passed on is the conflict until someone wakes up to realize, wow, you know, this has been in my family. Like everyone is, you know, an alcoholic or everyone is abusive or everyone’s bipolar. Everyone is, you know, hypersexual. Like, you know, okay. That means that there’s conflicts that nobody has resolved yet. Secrets in the family too. That’s a big thing. If there’s secrets in your family, it’s be, you know, that is gonna come out and symptoms, somebody in the family is going to have an illness that represents that secret, basically.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:52:28]:
So it’s a conflict unspoken something, and the biology is gonna try to adapt to the fact that this exists in this family. And so, you know, if if there’s a lot of health issues, a lot of stuff, a lot of, you know, stuff going on in your family, find the secret. Talk about it. Get it out of the darkness.

Nick Urban [00:52:45]:
So if I’m, say, in my twenties or thirties or even forties, for some of these things that are sometimes considered genetic or epigenetic, am I out of the woods at that point, or could there still be, like, environmental, like, g and m influences that might make these what are now classified as conditions or symptoms emerge? Like, say, for example, back to the bipolar example.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:53:07]:
The conflict can happen at any time. And so you at any at any time, if you have one conflict so it depends if you’re a male or a female. It depends if you’re right or left handed, you know, how exactly a conflict gonna strike you. But, you know, so a right handed man, if he has, you know, one conflict on his right brain on his masculine side, he becomes, you know, his testosterone goes down. He becomes more passive, more, you know, more feminine, less masculine. And if he has another conflict on the side of his brain, on his female side, he has gone into a, you know, a constellation and that depending on how intense it is, depending on which conflict it is, is gonna determine how exactly that manifests for him. So, you know, there’s not any, you know, out of the woodsness simply because like an unexpected conflict can happen at any point. And so these, conditions, can, quote, turn on any point simply because you can go into a constellation.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:54:03]:
But most people in the modern world are already constellated, and we’ve already, you know, been constellated since the time we were children. We had we were bombarded with so many, you know, conflicts early on. Another interesting thing is that when you have 2 conflicts, affecting opposite sides of the brain and the cerebral cortex, you freeze emotionally. Like, your emotional maturity does not advance. And so when people, you know, still feel like they’re 15 years old, they still feel like they’re 13 years old, It’s because emotionally they are. They’re Sell, they’re frozen at that age. They can intellectually develop, but they are not biologically and emotionally mature humans, simply because they’re they got frozen at a certain stage. And this is what we see.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:54:48]:
I mean, it’s rampant to most people, unfortunately. You look at certain constellations, millennial, all the like, it’s we had conflicts. They were all frozen emotionally because, you know, of the things that we saw and the things that we experienced and the, you know, the things people didn’t know. And so that’s why, you know, we have to learn this now. We have to start enacting for future generations, lifestyles that make sense from this biological perspective and not, you know, emotionally stunting our children because of our own ignorance.

Nick Urban [00:55:20]:
Well, doctor Melissa, you just hit on 2 questions. I was I was gonna ask you. 1st is the relation between GNM and emotional Health. And then also with this knowledge, how would you go about raising your kids so that they have the best overall

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:55:37]:
health. Yeah. And so as far as emotional health is GNM gives you a map for living biomimicry. You know, so this is living, in, in harmony with nature, even the word Nick, Germanic isn’t about the country of Germany. It’s about the ancient Germanic cultures who lived in harmony with nature. You know, they didn’t live in cities. They lived alongside rivers. They lived in ways that made sense.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:55:58]:
They lived in harmony with, with the seasons and they didn’t, you know, use money. They just did, their lives were completely, you know, different. They, they were natural people. And so that’s really an, you know, a great template because, you know, I think there is a merging of the modern with the, with the natural, with biological ways of living, you know, with modern amenities. But, how we currently are living is terrible. And so that is, you know, what’s the most emotionally healthy thing is for, you know, people to come together consciously, to conceive a child consciously, to raise that child, you know, in alignment with the seasons, with nature, teaching them how to survive. You know? Like, we saves lost so many vital skills simply because, you know, well, the grocery store is there. So why do I need to learn how to, you know, grow food? We’ve lost all of these, you know, very enriching skills.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:56:54]:
We have no nature. We have no traditions that we’re passing on. And so we would get back to, you know, a beautiful way of raising children of celebrating, similar successes among the community. I mean, it would just be so different. So doctor Hamer actually has written like a constitution of how life would be different, you know, his ideal way of running society with this knowledge because it it has political implications as well. You know, when you look at school, I mean, code would not be going to, you know, cinder block school for 8 hours a day to learn, you know, gobbledygook history. I mean, everything would be different about it.

Nick Urban [00:57:34]:
Okay. Sell, we’ll start to wind this one down. Before we do, I think people should know a an a quick really brief overview of what the 5 biological laws are because I think that’s one of the more important nootropics. And you’ve touched on most of them so far in the interview, but a nice, like, easy to digest summary would be really helpful.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:57:54]:
Yep. So the first one is the cause. This is the psyche brain organ connection. This is the Durkhaumer syndrome. So that’s the shock causes tissue adaptation. So the shock is perceived in the psyche. It’s impacted in the brain, and there’s a tissue adaptation depending on the content of what happened. So that is the cause of the initiation of the biological adaptation program.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:58:17]:
The seasons biological law is the law of 2 phases, given that there’s a resolution to the conflict. So every disease runs in 2 phases. Conventional medicine thought that there were, you know, 500 hot diseases, 500 cold diseases. But what Doctor. Hammer found is they’re part of the same biological program. The cold phase is the conflict active phase. So this is when, you know, your blood vessels are constricted, you’re stressed, your hands are cold. You’re not eating.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:58:41]:
You’re not sleeping very well. You’re compulsively thinking about the problem, conflict active. And then once you find a resolution to the conflict, you shift into parasympathetic. So sympathetic fight or flight, parasympathetic Nick and digest feed and breed. The body is restoring the tissue. This is when, remember when I said 60 to 80% of the time when you have symptoms, you’re already in the healing phase. That’s what this means. You’re swollen.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:59:05]:
You’re tired. Your body is repairing tissue halfway through that. When you get to the point of maximum swelling, there’s a big squeeze. And so that big squeeze is called the epicrisis. It squeezes fluid out of the brain, out of the organ and helps to set you back to normal. So you kind of go through this, this big surge. You might have a sneezing fit, a coughing fit, a seizure as like a really intense spasm, because the body is kind of shifting gears. So you went from majorly sympathetic, majorly parasympathetic.

Dr. Melissa Sell [00:59:35]:
You have one big squeeze, and then you get to the seasons phase of healing, which is the scarification phase, where the tissue is continuing to repair whatever it needs to do to get back to normotonia, which is your normal day night rhythm, your normal homeostasis. So that’s the seasons biological law. The third, we already did that in detail. That’s this math of the endoderm, the mesoderm, ectoderm, the control centers from the brain. Old brain behaves with cell proliferation during the conflict, followed by cell decomposition during the healing phase, and the new brain responds with cell loss, erosion or necrosis during the conflict phase, followed by tissue regrowth and restoration during the healing phase. The 4th biological loss is the genetics system of microbes. The microbes are helpers. Every layer has specific microbes that assist during the healing phase, and so they don’t cause infection.

Dr. Melissa Sell [01:00:29]:
They are not bad guys. They are simply our support system that helps set our tissues back to German, following a conflict shock. And then the 5th biological law is the quintessence. And so this is the big picture. This is the core. This is the understanding that there is no evil in nature. Nature only does what is necessary. It only does what makes sense.

Dr. Melissa Sell [01:00:50]:
There’s no malignancy. There’s no mistakes. It’s nature has a perfect rhythm and it’s all about life. It’s all about the life principle, about this vital force and giving more life, you know, because this is everything about understanding. This is about procreation. You know, it’s about continuing to live. It’s continuing, you know, this beautiful game called light, which is why, again, the political implications is that in this, you know, in this model, why would you ever mess with your hormones or turn off your body’s ability to reproduce? You know, whenever there’s, unusual reproduction, either people not wanting to have kids or people, you know, aborting kids or taking pills to not, you know, prevent their body from making children, that is all indicative of conflict. You know, that is not a biological like, biomimicry, natural people, want to reproduce.

Dr. Melissa Sell [01:01:40]:
You know, it’s easy for them to reproduce and they they do it because they love life and be they they want to keep the the continuation of life going. And so that is, you know, really what this whole system is about. It’s about life and living.

Nick Urban [01:01:53]:
Yeah. And if you can’t reproduce, it’s a safety mechanism enacted by your body so that you don’t give rise to kids with birth defects or other serious conditions. It’s like your body saying, no. No. No. We’re not gonna do this because something could go very wrong, and we’ll let you do this once everything looks clear for the potential kid. One question I had before we wrap this one up is you’ve mentioned several times that in the seasons biological law that the symptoms usually indicate that the healing is already taking place. So if that’s the case, if we’re experiencing symptoms and that means the healing is already occurring, why would you even need to know this stuff? Because we’re all familiar, like, when we see we’re all familiar with the symptoms.

Nick Urban [01:02:37]:
So what is this knowledge? How does it help?

Dr. Melissa Sell [01:02:40]:
Understanding. I mean, if you are swollen and achy and headachy, you’ve been conditioned just by living in this normal conventional society to think that that is a wrongness. Oh, I have a headache. That means something’s wrong. Oh, I have a stomach that means something’s wrong. Oh, I’m coughing. That means something’s wrong. This map lets you know there’s something, right? You had a conflict, you went through an adaptation and now your lungs are repairing or your digestive tract is going through, you know, a a healing phase or, you know, my head is aching because my brain, you know, there’s swelling in the brain when there’s healing, it doesn’t feel good, but it does the meaning shifts.

Dr. Melissa Sell [01:03:17]:
And that’s the big thing because a lot of Peak, when they start experiencing symptoms, they get on Google. And and Google says, oh, you might have a scary disease. And then they have another shock. You might have something very bad that’s going on in your body. And then they have another shock. And that can lead to more complications, more conflicts, more stuff going on. But if you are, you know, solid in this map and you understand, oh, I know exactly why I have, you know, a cold sore. I know exactly why, you know, I have, you know, my ears all swollen up or, you know, my fur burns to pee or there’s blood in my stool.

Dr. Melissa Sell [01:03:50]:
I know exactly why this is here. And so it doesn’t make it comfortable. You know, the healing phase is still pretty intense even for people who know this, you know, and so you are, you know, knowing it allows you to navigate it more consciously as well. So it’s you you can, you know, know what you you know, sometimes caffeine can actually be very helpful when you’re in a healing phase because it helps to constrict the blood vessels if you’ve just got such masked swelling. And so knowing this gives you kind of, like, insider tricks on, like, how to navigate the healing phase. And Sell, it’s that peace of mind of knowing what your body is doing. Because, yeah, you’ve already resolved the conflict, but I wanna know what happened, why was I affected in the way that I was so we don’t it’s so I can prevent it from happening again. Because most Peak, you don’t know this.

Dr. Melissa Sell [01:04:33]:
And so you’re constantly going into conflicting situations, having experiences, going through adaptations. And if you just made some connections and saw and realized, oh, I need to not put myself in that situation or I need to change my, you know, how I’m perceiving this situation so it’s not as conflictive for me. So that is very empowering, and it gives you something to work with. And so, again, like, it’s it’s so helpful to know this so that you are empowered about it.

Nick Urban [01:04:58]:
What’s the GNM perspective on opposing the body? For example, if I got a fever, I could either work with the body to help make the fever more productive or I could counteract it, and I could try and really, really hard to bring the my core temperature down. And from my own research, it looks like there can be some serious consequences to opposing the body because it’s creating the fever as an example for a good seasons. And it makes the internal landscape less hospitable to pathogens and other conflict and other things that I wouldn’t want to be taking root. And by artificially lowering my temperature, I can hinder that process and potentially lengthen the duration and even prevent the body from fully eliminating them. So I know you mentioned caffeine a seasons ago, how that can be productive and Health. But in general, like, how do you go about deciding when to work with the body or to oppose it?

Dr. Melissa Sell [01:05:53]:
Okay. So one thing is you mentioned this word pathogens, and there are not pathogens. And so the fever isn’t actually happening to, to burn off pathogen. The fever is creating an environment in the body where bacteria actually can do their job. And so depending on the level of the fever. So, but there there are situations where the conflict was so intense. So the reason I mentioned the caffeine. And so in general, no, you don’t wanna oppose the body.

Dr. Melissa Sell [01:06:16]:
The body’s doing exactly what it needs to do. It’s running the program. It has, you know, it it knows exactly how high the fever, how much swelling, how much tissue repair needs to take place. You know, ideally, the conflict wasn’t all that long, and you’re gonna be just fine. You just need to rest and and just, you know, chill and take it easy. And, you know, if for certain conflicts, if you have an old brain, tubercular, activity from certain types of Sell conflicts, You wanna eat a lot of protein when you’re in the healing phase. So that’s something that you’d wanna do. But if the conflict was really intense and lasted a really long time, you know, then the healing phase symptoms can, you know, in some cases, be deadly.

Dr. Melissa Sell [01:06:59]:
They can be so intense that, you know, you kinda wanna take a little edge off. You know, you wanna, you have a little caffeine, a little ice pack to the head you want. So that is again, the Body doing the right thing. We don’t wanna oppose the body or stop what the body is doing, but you know, sometimes you need a little help to navigate. And so that’s where knowing it, understanding it, knowing the things that you can use, things that aren’t too intense, because, you know, conventional medicine, when you’re in the healing phase of, a separation conflict and you’ve got intense, like itching and, you know, your your skin is terribly inflamed, medicine says here’s a steroid. And so a steroid is a strong sympathetic stimulant. And so that shuts down the healing phase entirely. You know? So that, like, puts you all the way back, you know, plus it’s, you know, a toxin.

Dr. Melissa Sell [01:07:44]:
It’s a, you know, medicine in and of itself is like a poison to the body. And so the body is, you know, going back into the conflict. And so this is, something that’s completely stopping the healing phase. Whereas a little bit of caffeine, is, downgrading, you know, giving a little bit of constriction, but it’s not stopping the healing phase entirely. But, again, the more that you study this, the more you know, you know, what is helpful, what stops the healing phase entirely, how you can, you know, best support yourself during this time.

Nick Urban [01:08:14]:
That makes a lot of sense. Yeah. If I had a 104 degree fever, I’m not gonna be encouraging that fever to go higher. I’m gonna make sure it doesn’t go any higher because that can get into the realm of danger for my life and slipping into a code. So that makes a lot of sense. But, doctor Melissa, you are a wealth of knowledge on Germanic new medicine and a whole lot more than just that. I’ve checked out your website. You have a thriving Instagram.

Nick Urban [01:08:39]:
Where would you like to send people? How can they get in touch with you if they’re either just wanna learn more or they’re a practitioner looking to incorporate this into their work with clients?

Dr. Melissa Sell [01:08:49]:
Yeah. To learn more, I’d go to my YouTube channel. I’ve got some tutorials there that can give you just, like, alright. I want a little more of this. So there’s great tutorials there to get started with. On my blog, I have a getting started with, g and m g h k, blog post where if you’re looking for courses to take or books to read, there’s a whole list there. So, you can go there for more resources. I, you know, I teach a weekly class called the language of adaptation where we do, you know, we dive into this deeply every week.

Dr. Melissa Sell [01:09:18]:
It’s a 90 minute class. People ask questions. I have lessons on, you know, certain things to go more into the details of how to understand this, also how to use it in your life. My Instagram is a great place just to and , you know, see some ideas that I share about this subject, but it’s it’s a huge undertaking. And I really just, you know, advise people just to start Sell, you know, like it is it’s there might be words you don’t understand. It might seem a, like, over your head, but just get started. Just watch a couple videos. Just start paying attention.

Dr. Melissa Sell [01:09:48]:
Just start utilizing this knowledge in your life you came across for a reason. This is your birthright. This is how your body functions. You’re really gonna want to, you know, like, absorb this, but no, you can’t do it overnight. You can’t, you know, it’s not a magic wand. It’s not like this isn’t gonna magically fix all of your problems. It’s going to help you to understand yourself and lead you to, you know, resolution and life changes that can cause you to resolve your symptoms. But, you know, don’t look at this as any type of quick fix or, you know, magic that’s going to fix everything.

Dr. Melissa Sell [01:10:22]:
It is deep knowledge that we should have known our whole lives. And so, unfortunately, you know, a lot of times Peak come to this once they already have a diagnosis. And if that’s you, just kinda, you know, take it in and, and just understand that, ideally, we would have known this for forever. So there’s, the best time to start is now. Here.

Nick Urban [01:10:39]:
Here. Doctor Melissa Sell, thank you so much for joining me on the podcast. It was a blast chatting with you and learning about this whole world. I have a lot of research that I’m going to do now that we’ve recorded this and to continue to explore. I hope that this has been helpful for you. If you enjoyed it, For all the resources and links, meet me on my website at I appreciate you and look forward to connecting with you.

Connect with Dr. Melissa Sell

This Podcast Is Brought to You By

Nick Urban is a Biohacker, Data Scientist, Athlete, Founder of Outliyr, and the Host of the Mind Body Peak Performance Podcast. He is a Certified CHEK Practitioner, a Personal Trainer, and a Performance Health Coach. Nick is driven by curiosity which has led him to study ancient medical systems (Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hermetic Principles, German New Medicine, etc), and modern science.

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