Latest Insights from 53+ Longevity Experts

  |   EP145   |   67 mins.

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Episode Highlights

When you share information with people, you're also cementing it in your own head Share on XAddress aging to combat classic diseases at the same time Share on XSleep, diet, exercise, and mindset are the keys to longevity Share on XDoing the things you don't want to do benefits your brain and well-being Share on X

About Chris Burres

Published author, Host of the Uncovering the Secrets to Longevity Health Summit, patent holder with a surprising twist – he’s not just a visionary scientist but also a master of comedy improv.

Chris Burres is the founder and chief scientist at MyVitalC, where he manufactures a Nobel Prize-winning molecule responsible for the single longest longevity experimental result in history, a full 90% extension of life. He is the intersection where science meets laughter and his life’s mission is to help people live longer, healthier, happier, pain-free lives one dose at a time.

Chris Burres Updated

Top Things You’ll Learn From Chris Burres

  • [7:19] What inspired Live Longer and Better
    • Why we discuss longevity and anti-aging
    • Achieving functionality in later years of age
    • Why longevity supplements are prone to counterfeit or contaminated products
  • [14:12] New findings on C60
    • What makes C60 a unique antioxidant
    • Nano-onions piggybacking off the C60 name
    • What ingredients or molecules to pair with C60
    • Combining C60 with other longevity supplements
    • How C60 affects the hallmarks of aging
    • The Buffering Oxidative Stress System (BOSS) theory
  • [26:55] Personal longevity routine after interviewing the top minds in longevity
    • We need to pay more attention to our diet
    • The power of protein in our diet
    • Why more people should try food sensitivity tests
    • Attaining balance through intermittent fasting
  • [35:45] The decline in average age
    • Reinventing the mindset around old age
    • Reclassifying aging as a disease
    • The benefits of hunger hormones for health and longevity
    • Developing willpower by doing things you don’t like to do
  • [40:12] Why some foods get vilified
    • The advantage of a rotation diet
    • Getting off the standard American diet
    • Concerns about GMOs and gut irritation
    • The seasonal eating concept in Ayurveda
    • What is Akkermansia?

Resources Mentioned

  • Join the Longevity Summit
  • Supplement: MyVitalC ESS60 (code URBAN saves $15 on your initial order)
  • Article: Best NMN Supplements Review
  • Book: Live Longer and Better
  • Book: Lifespan
  • Book: Gut Check
  • Book: Immunity Code

Episode Transcript

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Nick Urban [00:00:05]:
Imagine if you were able to gather 53 of the world’s leading minds when it comes to longevity, antiaging, slowing the biological aging process, or even reversing it. Imagine getting all of those minds into 1 room where you can ask them questions and figure out the things that they all agree about and where they disagree. Well, that’s exactly what we discuss in today’s episode because our guest is putting on the secrets to longevity summit, which will take place February 26th through March 3rd, and he interviewed these experts. And in this episode, we discuss some of his takeaways from all of those interviews in a short period of time. We talk about the most important things to focus on. Their top suggestion is not what most people in this field, would expect. We talk about the role of routine and diet and sleep and other fundamentals of health. We talk about some of the more advanced biohacking practices, the role of testing and supplements, and so much more.

Nick Urban [00:01:17]:
If you’re interested in the subject of longevity and not just living more years, but living more high quality years where you’re fully self supported, your functional, as I call it, functional longevity or health span, then this is gonna be a great episode for you. Our guest this week is a repeat guest, Chris Burrus. Chris recently appeared on episode 117 of this podcast and previously, episode 105. Previously, we talked mostly about a promising longevity molecule that does a lot more than just longevity called c Nick and the human grade version of that that’s safe for consumption called ESS60. Because Chris is the founder and chief scientist at a company called MyVitalC C. They manufacture a Nobel Prize winning molecule responsible for the single longest longevity experiment result in history, which was a full 90% extension of life. Granted diet was in an animal model, but they are actually pioneering research around c Nick 4 humans, but that’s not the focus of today’s conversation. Chris recently published a book called Live Longer and Better, and he is the emcee and the host of the uncovering the secrets to longevity health summit.

Nick Urban [00:02:40]:
I’ll drop a link to the health summit in the description of this episode where you can check it out and sign up. It’s completely free if you watch it live. And a link to everything we discuss, you’ll find in the show notes for this episode at And if you can’t get enough of all things longevity, You want a curated list of the highest impact things that the longevity experts agree on behind closed doors sometimes. I’m putting the final touches on a little mini longevity course. It’ll be small and bite sized and perfect for beginners. And the reason I created this is because I get a lot of questions around longevity and the biohacks and supplements in things that people wonder if they’re worth it. And while I’m a fan of a lot of them, for most people, they will get much better results with a tiny fraction of the cost by knowing exactly where to look because there’s only so much time in the day, and with a 1000000 and 1 different health things all vying for our attention, it can be hard to know exactly what to prioritize.

Nick Urban [00:03:50]:
So in this mini course, I’ve simplified it for you, and I provide small, mini action items to help you each and every single day without making it a full time job. And if you master these, you’ll be ahead of 99.9% of the population. So check it out. The link will be in the description of this episode. Drop a comment if you have any questions. Reach out to me. Happy to help you along your longevity journey. And now sit back, relax, and enjoy this conversation with Chris Burres.

Nick Urban [00:04:24]:
Chris, welcome to Body Peak Performance.

Chris Burres [00:04:28]:
Nick, thank you so much for having me back. I’m excited to share stuff I’ve been learning and and maybe learn a little bit about what you’ve been learning and what you’ve been doing.

Nick Urban [00:04:37]:
Yeah. So this is the 3rd time you’ve been on the show. We’ve talked mostly about a power molecule that is known as C60 previously. There you go. You got it right there in front of you. And today, we’re gonna talk about a little more about c sixty, of course. And then, also, I wanna dig into some of the projects you’ve been working on behind the scenes, maybe not so gut so behind the scenes anymore, but a new book and a upcoming longevity summit. So before we dig into both of those, Tell me the non the unusual nonnegotiables you’ve done so far today for your health, your performance, and your bioharmony.

Chris Burres [00:05:13]:
Right away, I know with your audience, I haven’t done anything unusual. Maybe I’ve done anything, things unusual for other people. You may hear that I have some chest congestion. Literally, last night, I woke up because there was a wheezing down here, and so I just rolled over because the wheezing went away when I rolled over. Even though I’m in this kind of state, one, I’ve got the energy to keep Performance. I’ve got the energy, and I think a lot of that comes from my product. But gut, I just really, the lessons that I learned in this longevity summit, I I’ve really kind of always thought. All of that to say, I went for a 22 minute jog this morning, at my normal pace.

Chris Burres [00:05:54]:
Right? So I’m kinda hacking up a little phlegm here and there. I think that’s probably unusual. Again, maybe not for your audience, but most people and and frankly, me in the past would have said, like, you know what? I’m not feeling that good. I’m just gonna sleep. I think sleep is better than the exercise. I got a full 8 hours of sleep last night, other than the wheezing That kept waking me up. I actually had a dessert last night, so I visit my mom. When I visit my mom, we have some ice cream and some cake, and I’m actually feeling a little, a little bloated from that, probably the wheat stuff in in the little cake pieces.

Chris Burres [00:06:26]:
So I haven’t eaten since, probably 9. Yesterday, I won’t eat until 3, so I’m doing about an 18 hour fast. Again, probably your audience is right on board. Like, I’m I’m not adding anything new. I can share that I just started, to do some peptides. So, BPC 157. I’ve had a, Mind of tennis elbow situation for a while Mind one very specific spot in my knee, so BPC 157 and TB 500. I’ve really just code 2 small 3 300 microgram injections of those, and I’ll continue those once I get until I get through 10 milligrams, and, you know, just trying to see what might help, because I’ve been doing a lot of stretching.

Chris Burres [00:07:08]:
I’ve actually been doing some block therapy. I didn’t do it today, and it is negotiable because I didn’t do it today, but it is a very interesting thing. So that’s a long winded story of what I’ve done this morning.

Nick Urban [00:07:19]:
Today, I wanna focus on some of the things that you’ve been up to, such as your book, Live Longer and Better. Tell me what that inspired that book and what it’s all about.

Chris Burres [00:07:28]:
You know, I’ve always believed, kind of 2 things. 1 is that as you’re accumulating information, you should share that information with people. And then there’s the more selfish aspect of it, which is when you’re sharing that information with people, you’re actually cementing that information in your own Health. And so that was really Mind of the genesis of the book. As I I was going into pandemic, I I thought, okay, I wanna do I wanna write a book, and I I I’m not a writer. Like, I don’t write that many articles. I don’t, I don’t write. And so I was, like, I need a I need a co author.

Chris Burres [00:08:04]:
Didn’t know where I was gonna find 1. I actually reached out to the co author for Lifespan. Right? So David Sinclair’s coauthor, his name is Matt LaPlante. I think it’s Matt LaPlante or LaPlante, but I think it’s LaPlante. Reached out to him. He was too busy Mind frankly might have been out of my budget, right, to work with, but that was my thought process is, hey, I’ve got all these ideas, I’ve got Chris story. And finally one day, I get a phone call. Guy’s name is, doctor Jerome Corsi, and I’m having this conversation.

Chris Burres [00:08:33]:
It’s a great conversation, and he’s aging my product, and were you know, NMN my head, you know, you’re having these conversations sometimes, you’re like, I don’t know why I’m on the phone. Like, every minute is important. I don’t know why I’m on this call. And then I kind of I think I googled him while we were conversing, and he’s a 2 time New York Times number 1 bestseller. It’s an amazing feat to be on the bestseller list, to be a number 1 twice. Right? And and in my head, as I saw that, I was like, oh, that’s why we’re aging, because you’re gonna be my coauthor. And sure enough, the everything aligned with what he was trying to accomplish and and kinda move into the health space and, obviously, me wanting to write a book, and and to and to share with you, in my mind, this was gonna be him interviewing me and then going off and writing the book, and then me reading it and going, that’s a great book, and, you know, and signing off on it and it being done. And our 1st meeting to really Mind start the project off, He was, like, so you need to write your story down, and so I was, like, I guess I’m gonna write a book.

Chris Burres [00:09:34]:
Actually, me write a book. And it was quite a compliment. He he said that he really did actually like my writing style. He did a great job cleaning it up and and making it better prose, but he liked my storytelling that I’m kind of self deprecating. I I certainly don’t think too much of myself. I think that’s, that’s important. And, and so I think we really ended up writing a a good book. He had contacts, you know, because he’s a 2 time New York number Burres bestseller.

Chris Burres [00:10:02]:
So we’ve got it published, by Posthill, Press. Posthill Press, they published a lot of stuff. I think they do a lot of textbooks. And, and so that was already in place, and it actually came out, like, 3 months ago. And I really because of what we’re eventually gonna talk about today on the podcast. I haven’t had time to even get on Podcast like yours and share share the book. So I’m I’m we’re really kinda doing a 1, 2 punch here, sharing the book and sharing, a longevity summit.

Nick Urban [00:10:32]:
Yeah. Well, it’s the same theme. The core of it is longevity and increasing health span. Because I know a lot of people, They hear about all this antiaging stuff, longevity, and they’re like, well, I don’t wanna live an extra 30 years, 40 years, and require assistance for the final quarter of my life or whatever it is. It’s like, that’s not the end goal for most people interest in this space is how can we increase those final years, the functionality of those final years So you’re able to do the things that you’re really good at doing and you enjoy doing. Longevity supplements specifically seem to have the highest incidence of counterfeit products, adulterated products, contaminated products. There’s been a bunch of news articles that I’ve actually posted about and won in for a category called, like, NAD plus precursors, NMN specifically. And there was, like, a finding that I think it was, like, 30 brands on Amazon that people felt they were getting good quality products from or actually completely devoid of the NMN, the active ingredient itself, and it had bunch of other stuff in there, but you wanna trust that you’re what you’re getting is actually what it says in the label.

Nick Urban [00:11:40]:
And since these supplements are often more expensive than, like, a vitamin c or a lot of vitamins and sometimes minerals. It’s can be, like, a big waste of money for a lot of people. So it’s nice to hear that some people actually care about the consumer and are doing the appropriate testing and sharing those results where applicable.

Chris Burres [00:12:00]:
Yeah. I I think with Amazon, you really do need to be careful. It’s not the place okay. We our products are in Amazon. Right? Because it’s just convenience for some of our Burres, like Amazon Prime. By the way, we deliver as fast. But if you go and you use their, you know, their rating system to try and understand the value, quality, efficacy of a product, You really need to think about, is that a good decision? Right? Because I I don’t know if I gave this example on the last podcast I was on, But when you think about what does a 5 star review about a supplement on Amazon Peak? Take, for example, vitamin c. We can be pretty sure that they didn’t weigh, at least not on a scientific scale, each of the tablets.

Chris Burres [00:12:41]:
Let’s say it’s a 1 gram vitamin c. They didn’t weigh each of the tablets on a on a quality scale, so they don’t know if they’re 1 gram. They didn’t crush it up and check with an HPLC to see if it’s ascorbic acid. They didn’t They didn’t do that. Frankly, if the container’s, you know, not even significantly low, they didn’t count them. So 5 star, I Mind of joke that it means they didn’t die before they left before Amazon pressured them enough, you know, emailed them enough, Just like, hey. Leave a review.

Nick Urban [00:13:11]:
There’s also issues on Amazon with buying from a vendor who’s claims to be selling the product that you’re looking for, and they even might even have the same label. And I’ve heard multiple instances. I’ve actually I saw one of those, and I reached out to the company and asked about their Amazon listing. And and they came back to me and said, what do you mean our Amazon listing? We don’t sell on Amazon. So it was a third party vendor that signed up with Amazon to Health products, and it was a complete counterfeit product, made up label. Who knows what was actually in it? I did not buy it, but I’ve seen that kind of thing happening enough. And there’s also the issue of, like, the review process. Tons of scam like, fake reviews created by Body.

Nick Urban [00:13:49]:
And if people are leaving reviews to either 5 star or 1 star, when in reality, there’s probably a lot in between. There should be a lot in between, but you don’t see them very often.

Chris Burres [00:13:58]:
Your example is is a reason that it makes sense if you’re in the supplement business. You probably should have your product on Amazon because you should be aware of what’s going on related to your name and trademark or whatever on on the Amazon space.

Nick Urban [00:14:12]:
Since we talked last, it was must saves been 6 months ago, I wanna saves. Has anything changed in the c sixty supplement industry? Have any, like, new studies come out, any new Mind. Because if I was to recap, like, the reason that people tend to take it, it’s multifactorial. A big a portion of people you can see Nick report better energy, which makes sense because it helps the mitochondria, the energy factories as they’re often referred to in high school biology, be more efficient, and create energy without as much I I call it cellular exhaust or reactive oxygen species. It also can help improve sleep depending on if that’s an Achilles’ heel of yours. It can help with mental clarity. It can help protect DNA, and saves, like, obvious longevity benefits, at least in the current research Mind the animal models and everything that we’re seeing. What are the other big things that you’re seeing?

Chris Burres [00:15:07]:
There are costly papers coming out that are that are, you know, just talking about, really the molecule and its its positive effect. A number of them are aging about it as an anti inflammatory. Right? So we’re very comfortable talking about it as an antioxidant. And you mentioned, you know, we’ve got peer reviewed published research that shows it in the mitochondria, which which makes it a very unique, antioxidant. Right? Vitamin C doesn’t get there. In fact, the resident antioxidants are glutathione and melatonin. Interesting, melatonin, the sleep hormone. Right? And so our most consistent testimonial is people take it in the morning, they report mental focus and energy during the day, and then better sleep that night.

Chris Burres [00:15:51]:
And and so so we there are papers that are getting published quite regularly. I think, and this is NMN to be a Debbie Downer, but one of the challenges that I see is, you know, some companies have come out with water soluble versions. There’s no toxicity data on those. I actually personally don’t think that they would be toxic, but I wouldn’t take them without some of the standard toxicity stuffs the tests that need to be done. So you got water soluble. There’s a group out there selling, like, supercharged c60, which is actually nano onions, and they’re just kind of aging, piggybacking off of the the name, but they actually don’t have much, if any, c60 in it. And the c 60 that they probably had would be a deformed version because it’s really nano onions. And what a nano onion is, you imagine you’ve got c Nick, and you can just have sphere after sphere, like Burres of an onion.

Chris Burres [00:16:49]:
And then if you cut that in half, right, you’ve got an open ended cage, and that’s a very different, a molecular structure than a closed cage. Right? You can imagine how it interacts with chemicals around it are is substantially different. Again, there’s no data on it. There’s no toxicity data. This stuff is not documented to be safe.

Nick Urban [00:17:12]:
If you were to incorporate c Nick or your version e s s Nick, which is the the version that’s better for humans and safer because one of the issues with c sixty production in general is that most companies use a very cheap version as, like, an industrial waste product because it’s way, way less expensive. And at the same time, then you’re introducing a lot of carcinogens and other toxic things that you don’t want that’ll probably do more damage than the c sixty will do good. So if you get a good high quality c60, what do you like to pair it with? Are there any other ingredients or molecules?

Chris Burres [00:17:47]:
Yeah. I know there’s some talk out there that you should kind of take it with hydrogen, take it with an apple because apple provides hydrogen. I’m not aware of any data that supports that. For me, I just tend to take it separately. Here’s here’s my very specific routine. Right? So in the morning, I do kind of a bulletproof coffee. This is our MCT version. By the way, this black carbon powder turns a beautiful purple color in MCT.

Chris Burres [00:18:11]:
So MCT is usually pretty clear. So this is it’s just gorgeous. You know, you gotta love chemistry for for for that. So I put about a teaspoon and a half of our MCT in my coffee, Mind then while that’s blending, because it’s oil and water, so it doesn’t mix well, then I’ll take a teaspoon and a half of our olive oil product. And so that really starts my day. As soon as I got it as part of NMN, coffee routine, I was able to stop this kind of stop the madness. Right? When when when we first were bringing this to market Mind I was first starting to take it on a regular basis, it wasn’t part of any routine. And I could always find you know, we would get 2 to 2 o’clock in the afternoon, 3 o’clock in the afternoon, and I’m might be yawning, thinking I need a nap or maybe another cup of coffee.

Chris Burres [00:18:55]:
I could always look back and remember I hadn’t taken the Mind vital c that morning. That doesn’t happen anymore. So MCT in my coffee, olive oil as a as a separate dose, and then I’m typically having a salad for luncheon, so I’ll put our avocado on on that. And, again, most consistent testimonial, Better focus, better energy, and then better sleep that night.

Nick Urban [00:19:17]:
What about combining it with other longevity ingredients? I know there there might not be data on them, but is it gonna be safe? Let’s say I have, like, an all in one product that contains an NAD booster precursor, and it has, say, spermidine or, Carcetin or Fisetin, a lot of these other like, there’s just so many hot longevity products and supplements out there. Would this have a synergistic effect, would you imagine, or could it be possibly detrimental?

Chris Burres [00:19:41]:
My approach would be so carbon, there there are some characteristics in terms of of reactivity that are similar to activated charcoal. Right? And so activated charcoal, you wouldn’t want to take with a lot of things because it tends to bind to aging, and then you would just excrete it. So I would take them separately. You really don’t want them Mind of mixing in your stomach. So I would tend to take those things separately. But other than that, we and and Mind that’s just a thought process. I don’t have any data to suggest that. In fact, you know, in the supplement space, our sole responsibility to the FDA is if we have any serious severe side effects from reported by any customer, we have to report that to the FDA.

Chris Burres [00:20:30]:
By the way, that doesn’t mean the FDA shuts us down. Like, if somebody has allergic reaction to something, maybe the olive oil, which is actually extremely rare, to be allergic to olive oil. We haven’t had to report anything. So so it’s not that the FDA is gonna say, hey. You’re gonna report this, and then now you’re shut down. Nick you’re gonna report this because we need to have a data log of serious adverse effects.

Nick Urban [00:20:51]:
Chris, I’m I’m sure from your research into the book you wrote as well as for being the emcee of the longevity summit. You came across what are called the hallmarks of aging. There was once 3, then there was 9. Now there’s 12. And, of course, in a couple years, it’ll probably be 25. But when you were looking into those, did you see anything about how like, what hallmarks c60 could work on? Because one of the theories of aging was, like, the free radical, the redox status theory of aging where it’s like, if you blunt all the reactive oxygen species, all the oxidative stress, all the, like, cellular debris that’s accumulating from energy production and other things, then that would slow down aging, perhaps even stop it. Then when they actually began doing trials into high dose antioxidants indiscriminately, not c Nick, but other ones, they found that it actually didn’t have that effect. And in some cases, it had a worse outcome.

Nick Urban [00:21:46]:
And that’s why there’s a lot of hype around molecular hydrogen because it it’s more discriminate. It only selectively blocks certain free radicals. So gut about c sixty there? Have you come across anything about the hallmarks of aging it’s impacting?

Chris Burres [00:21:59]:
When I used to first tell the story of the rats living 90% longer right. By the way, the next best way to live longer is calorie restriction. If you reduce your calories by 30%, you can extend your life by 30%. When I tell the story about these rats living 90% longer, the first question out of many people was, you know, what what is the mechanism? How is this happening? You mentioned one of the kind of hallmarks of aging, what the medical community kind of a scribe’s aging to be an oxidative process, and that that makes sense. Right? We’re used to, like, steel, rusting, if we’ve got these reactive oxygen species that are running around doing oxidative damage, then that that can be problematic, and if we can manage that, And you’re right. There are studies that show, actually, in some cases, it’s detrimental. If you’re if you’re working hard to build muscle, It it does such a dampening effect on on the hormesis process that you actually, aren’t aren’t having the positive impacts that you wanna have. So that’s debatable.

Chris Burres [00:23:00]:
At a minimum, we know that we’re a a good antioxidant, 125 times more powerful than vitamin c. Also knowing that we get into the mitochondria and operate differently than the traditional antioxidants that are located in the mitochondria. Right. So we mentioned glutathione, melatonin, the 2 resident, antioxidants. We understand that different mitochondria can get depleted from time to Mind. And so that’s where we think this ESS 60 molecule. We’ve known from the nineties when this molecule was discovered that it can hold up to 6 negatively charged particles. Burres out reactive oxygen species are negatively charged particles.

Chris Burres [00:23:39]:
So this is actually, the theory is called the BOSS theory buffering oxidative stress system, and so you can actually hold up to 6 negatively charged reactive oxygen species on the exterior of this cage. Current thought process as as twofold. One, that prevents them from doing damage, right, until that particular mitochondria can replenish the glutathione or the melatonin to actually bind to those reactive oxygen species and and deal with them appropriately. But the other is it still does leave them available for signaling. So we do know now, and I don’t think I don’t know if it was 10 years ago, we really just thought of reactive oxygen species as a negative component. They are actually signaling molecules, And so you do need the signaling molecules of their presence because, right, they’re basically signaling, hey. They’re stressed. This mitochondria over here can’t handle me, so the rest of you guys need to start doing stuff because that guy’s worn out.

Chris Burres [00:24:33]:
Right? Like, it’s a signaling molecule. We do believe that this allows the that that the ESS60 molecule allows the signaling to continue. Right? So it really has, like, all these positive effects and then and then none none of the negative effects. So that’s kind of on the antioxidant side. When you get into anti inflammatory, and what I told you, a lot of the papers, I I touched on 1 recently. They did a study in beagles, and they were talking about how it positively impact their, their inflammatory markers Mind to a significant degree. We just gotta be careful. The FDA has very strict guidelines on what we can say about anti inflammatories or our anti inflammatory effect.

Chris Burres [00:25:12]:
Gut they do allow us to say is we address inflammation associated with exercise induced inflammation. Right? So we’ve all had a tough workout, we’ve all had, you know, maybe just a long walk one day, and we woke up the next day, and and we’re feeling that inflammation in our body. We absolutely address that type of inflammation. The other types of information. We just gut do more research because because what the FDA says is those types of information that we we need to do more research on to be able to talk about our directly associated really with the classic diseases of aging, which is, you know, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and and you can imagine as I’m listing off those very particular diseases, you need very particular studies in order to start talking about those, and having a positive impact there.

Nick Urban [00:25:58]:
Yeah. And I think it’s Hippocrates who’s, he’s credited with saying that inflammation is the root of all disease. And so if you’re supporting healthy inflammation or you’re optimizing inflammation, as you might be allowed to say, then that could obviously have all kinds of downstream impacts on things that you might even assume are related to inflammation.

Chris Burres [00:26:19]:
Yeah. We we’ve got testimonials literally from head to toe. Right? So this is probably a good point. The FDA has not evaluated our product. It is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease, but we’ve got testimonials from head to toe. This is just from oral consumption, of, you know, hair growing faster, hair growing back original color. The toe one that I like we’re working with a guy, former Navy Peak, and when he was 5 years old, a crab bit him on his big toe Mind split his big toenail. The toenail was split from age 5 into, like, age 65, and then now it is no longer split.

Chris Burres [00:26:59]:
So, literally, we have, you know, testimonies from head to toe. People are like, well, what’s again, what’s the mechanism of action? We can kind of speak about theories associated with the mechanism of action related to to longevity. What’s the mechanism of action for all these benefits? And that’s where this Body theory, again, buffering oxidative stress system, really starts to have, some meat to it. Right? Really start to explain those those types of testimonials.

Nick Urban [00:27:26]:
That makes sense. Well, let’s go on to your own personal longevity routine now that you’ve MC’d a a summit and you have written a book and that this is your wheelhouse. So I’m always curious what other people are doing for their longevity because eye of my routines. I created a mini micro course on the foundations of longevity that I think are often overlooked, but they can really move the needle the most. And I’m curious gut in your life you’re doing to live to a optimal old age where you’re still fully functional.

Chris Burres [00:27:59]:
In hindsight, I was looking at one of the biggest things that you can do, and this this was reiterated again and again and again, is your your diet is so extremely important. Mind a lot of Peak, it’s not just diet, it’s not just macros. Right? So you’re talking about macros or your carbs, your fats, and your proteins. There there there are actually food sensitivities that you need to be aware of, and that’s very than, right, than food allergies. You can be alert peanuts, and that’s clearly bad, but you could be sensitive to Peak, and you could be, you know, aging a leaky gut. In that leaky gut, and we may get into that a little bit more, that leaky gut starts causing autoimmune problems, and most of these bad experiences that people are having are these autoimmune? So I think it’s it’s worth getting that. So so diet just came out really important, and I look at what I’m doing right now, and the irony is my diet is not any of the 55 guys. Although I certainly incorporate probably more of Gundry’s stuff than than anybody else’s, I’m actually following the Alex Irmozzi diet.

Chris Burres [00:29:06]:
He is, an influencer, URBAN extremely successful business entrepreneur. Energy built a company called Gym Launch, and I think he sold it for, like, $42,000,000. And his is just a it’s protein. And and here was the Mind criteria, which is, I mean, he literally, in Chris video, he’s, like, if you wanna if you want a healthy way to consume protein, you need to watch another video. I’m just gonna show you how they eat a lot of protein. Right? And he’s just, like, straight supplements. Here’s his criteria. Here here was Mind of the things that resonated with me.

Chris Burres [00:29:35]:
He’s an incredibly successful entrepreneur, so busy busy busy building a company. He’s had a 6 pack for 20 years, and he eats cookies every day. That’s not his whole Peak. It’s really based on protein. Get your protein consumption right, and then the rest you just fill in the gap, and then probably take a multivitamin because you have a lot of stuff that you’re you you might be missing. And and so since I’ve started that, one, my muscle mass has increased, so I feel really good about that. But then I’m aging, you know, it turns out for me, it’s 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. That’s actually the same thing that Dave Asprey says.

Chris Burres [00:30:16]:
It’s actually the same thing, you know, watching Huberman talk with some protein experts. These are the same numbers across the board, and the important thing is when you think in terms of macros, you shouldn’t be thinking in terms of, like, 30 30 30. Right? 30 30% protein, 30% carbs, 30% or any ratio like that. The the mindset is you should be thinking about this much protein, period, fact, end of day donut non non negotiable, right, and maybe not normal, right, not what most people are aging. And then the rest is just the calories to get you to a certain point. By the way, a lot of protein, isn’t readily available in terms of calories. There’s a lot of processing that happens, so you can actually eat more. Also, you know, some of the people that I interviewed talk about different food sensitivity tests, so I will be doing And that will be, I think, an important thing that’s coming out of the summit for me.

Nick Urban [00:31:09]:
Yeah. Okay. There is a lot to unpack there. But first, with the whole protein thing, like, that is a huge it’s probably the number Burres diet, weight loss, muscle building thing that people can do. Most people grossly overestimate just how much protein they’re getting. They all think that, oh, I eat cheese. I had cashews. I gut plenty of protein.

Nick Urban [00:31:29]:
And then if you actually put those into a macronutrient calculator. You log just 1 day of eating, 2 days of eating. You’ll see that most people are getting hardly over, like, half their body weight in protein Mind yeah. You’re right. Like, the optimal amount is, like, 0.83 to, like, 1.1 or 1.2 grams of protein per pound depending on how active you are, how big you are, your age. As you get older, protein becomes more important too because you become anabolic resistant, like resistant putting on and maintaining muscle mass. So all that’s incredibly important. And once you do that, there’s a thermic effect of eating protein.

Nick Urban [00:32:04]:
So 1 calorie of protein consumed is not equivalent of 1 gram of fat consumed. You actually burn about 30% of it just to metabolize and use the protein for fuel. And that brings up another point that I wanna ask you about, and that is the role of mTOR versus AMPK. This is like a cellular energy balance system the body has. It can either be on, like, repair and recycling and autophagy mode or it can be on grow and expand and and build muscle mode, which is like mTOR dominance. A lot of people in the longevity space specifically are very worried about protein because it does impact. It does activate mTOR, and a lot of people constantly eat. They’re not intermittent fasting, and they’re constantly pulsing.

Nick Urban [00:32:47]:
They’re not even pulsing mTOR, but it’s constantly keeping it stimulated. It’s not as well known that other things such as caloric surplus or even carbohydrates also activate mTOR, but I’m curious if you’re at all concerned about that from consuming a protein rich diet.

Chris Burres [00:33:03]:
I think I Mind of fell into Chris, again, backwards, because if you think about it, I’m following the diet of an entrepreneur. Granted, he was in the in the fitness space, but I think what I’m doing that that really balances that out is the intermittent fasting. So I certainly was I ascribed, I don’t know how long ago, maybe this was 15 years ago, where they’re like, you need to eat 6 to 8 times a day in little small meals, and you look back in hindsight, you’re like, how how did this even become an option? Right? Now we’re like, You need to be hungry. By the way so so I’ve got conflicting attitudes on Chris, but but let me talk about it first, and then I’ll talk about the conflict what what I’m conflicted about. As we evolved, we were hungry a lot. Like, that’s that is the reality. So our bodies evolved to be hungry. So there’s this kind of mindset, the paleo diet, where where you wanna go back to your kind of evolutionary roots.

Chris Burres [00:33:59]:
But I think you need to be really careful Because we were only supposed to live to, like, 35. Right? If you think most of our existence, we were dead by Nick, extreme outliers, made it to 45, maybe, you know, somebody in their sixties. They’re like, I don’t even know why this guy is still here because because that just never happened. So if my goal has always been a 125, we in no way have we evolved to get to a 125. So at the same point, I you wanna optimize your body for how it evolved, but understand that that also might not be the best thing. I mean, just as an example, that a great way to extend your life is a 30% calories restriction, and that’s counter to kind of anything evolutionary. Evolutionary is, like, get food anytime you get a chance Mind much of it as you can. And so I think you do need to be be careful.

Chris Burres [00:34:52]:
And and I think the long and short answer is, Yeah. I’m consuming lots of protein, but I do have 18 hours where I’m I’m fasted. I I I have I have a little bit of milk in my coffee, So there’s a little cheat there. But the reality is if you’re getting hungry, then and and you’re sustaining that hunger for some number of hours, then then you’re probably in in in a fasted state that’s good enough for you to start kind of counteracting, you know, the mTOR activation that might be coming from the protein.

Nick Urban [00:35:19]:
And what’s really interesting well, I guess a couple things. 1st, a lot of the research that shows, like, that our ancestors had really much shorter lifespans, if you actually segment out the deaths due to improper sanitization and deaths during childbearing or the early years. The number, the sheer life Nick supplements we’ve had over the last century, let’s say, or even the last couple decades isn’t as impressive as you’d otherwise think.

Chris Burres [00:35:45]:
The big one is, infant mortality. If you take infant mortality out of it, have we really extended life by by that much? And I think the answer’s no. And then you couple that with the the fact that we’ve recently experienced a couple years of of decline where our the the average age has actually declined, and a lot of people might go, oh, or, you know, COVID and everything that happened. No. It was 2 the I think 2 to 3 years, 2 of the 2 well, let let me I’m I’m Mind roughly here. Right? 2 of the 5 years before COVID, we had declines, and and so we’re actually moving in the wrong direction. I don’t aging, certainly here in the United States, obesity is is the big thing. Right? That’s the thing that would be causing this decline.

Chris Burres [00:36:33]:
But, yeah, there’s a lot of a lot of factors to take into. The other reason I’m really excited about being in this longevity space is because we have such a a backwards mindset about old aging. This is really Mind born out of doctor David Sinclair’s book, Lifespan, where he’s talking about, you know, we are currently fund Alzheimer’s URBAN arthritis and cardiovascular disease and cancer, all independently, and they are all significant the dependent on age. And so if we could just take all those funds and focus on age, the reality is if you solve cancer, You extend life, I think, you know, some menial 5 years. The next disease is ready to take its place, the next disease of aging. So you really it makes more sense to address aging, and if you could throw all of that money there, you’re in fact going to be addressing all of those kind of classic diseases of aging.

Nick Urban [00:37:28]:
Exactly. That’s why they’re pushing to reclassify aging as a disease. A couple things also that you mentioned, that you like to intermittent fast and get a little bit of that hunger, and I think that’s a lost, like, concept that those hunger hormones and neurotransmitters and other things going on in your Body, like those biochemical processes. They actually have benefits. It’s like you don’t wanna always be Nick fully satiated. Like, your biology actually thrives with, say, a little bit of ghrelin. Like, that’s good for the brain. It’s good for insulins.

Nick Urban [00:37:59]:
It’s good for a bunch of different things. And if we just completely remove that aspect of being hungry because it’s uncomfortable, it can be uncomfortable, then we’re also gonna be missing out some of those.

Chris Burres [00:38:10]:
And I was just listening to a a Huberman podcast. I think it was the one with David Goggins, and I and I’ve got more, like, research to do on it. But he was talking about When you do things that you don’t enjoy, like, they they when you force yourself to do things that you don’t want to do, there’s actually a part of your brain that gets bigger, and this is becomes a willpower thing. Right? We all have tried to willpower a situation and ultimately failed. Right? We’ve all had that experience. But the more you’re putting yourself in a situation, like, I don’t wanna do this. You aging about Michael Health, he swam the same pool. Chris is the exact same pool and ate the same, whatever, 10,000 calories because he was burning so many calories, like, every day for decades, not not for years, for code, and look at the success he’s gut.

Chris Burres [00:39:02]:
And I think that applies across the board. You really do have to be able to kind of will power yourself to do these boring things for the success that you may be people.

Nick Urban [00:39:12]:
One thing that I love to do as a way of, like, making some of these uncomfortable habits more appealing is like a little biochemical Nick, and it’s something like taking a nicotine patch, for example. And if you don’t ever use nicotine, that’s pretty much the only way I’d I’d ever use it. And if you hate going on a jog, then when you jog, you put the nicotine patch on before. So you literally, like, alter your physiology to respond positively, to feel good as you’re doing that new habit that’s uncomfortable. And it doesn’t have to be nicotine. It’s just the point is to pair things that you really like with something that you don’t like so you can make that association more favorable and positive.

Chris Burres [00:39:52]:
That’s a that’s a great hack. Wow. Like, that’s a that’s a phenomenal hack because because, yeah, nicotine really fires off some positive hormones, I’m assuming, inside our body, but some Urban generates positive emotions and to to give yourself that little reward.

Nick Urban [00:40:06]:
The part that’s the most exciting about the little hack that I was mentioning is that, Yeah. You can do that, and you can build that association. And then what’s cool about it is that, eventually, you remove the nicotine Peak, you remove nootropics, whatever it is. You still have that same elation from the habit that otherwise sucks because your body is anticipating. It’s kinda like Pavlov’s dogs. Earlier, you were mentioning the diet front, the importance of understanding food sensitivities, and that’s something that I’ve talked about for a very long time. There’s pretty much not a single food out there, I can’t think of any, that someone doesn’t demonize, whether it’s meat, it’s some kind of plant, it’s a animal product. Doesn’t matter.

Nick Urban [00:40:42]:
Someone’s vilifying it somewhere. And so I think a a large like, a big portion of the vilification comes from people being sensitive to certain foods and not necessarily allergic. It’s not like you won’t eat something and all of a sudden break out in hives. Like, that’s not what this is about, but it’s, like, little things that’s that are causing inflammation that you don’t even know you’re intolerant to, and you keep consuming them on a daily basis. And I think that’s why some of the diets that are, like, ultra restrictive, such as carnivore or, like, Nick carb keto Peak tend to feel great on initially in terms of because they’re removing so many of the potential allergen or intolerances only. Sensitives. Yeah. Sensitivities.

Nick Urban [00:41:21]:
Exactly. And so then once you remove those, then all of a sudden you feel good because you’re not introducing that, and you bring them back you get some confirmation bias because it’s like, well, I was feeling great. Now I’m not feeling as good because you just introduced whatever it was again. And that’s why, like, rotation diets are an excellent tool to Health figure out what some of those are without going on, like, a very long term, like, really strict diet plans, just like spacing the foods out that are common intolerances. But when you eat them, you keep a food log for a couple days and you notice, okay. I eat this, and 45 minutes later, I feel brain fog or I feel low energy or I feel whatever, and eventually, you’ll pinpoint what foods or types of foods or preparations of foods are causing the most problems.

Chris Burres [00:42:03]:
Doctor Gundry just came out with a book called Gut Check, and in that book, he mentions leaky gut a 102 times. And one of my questions to him was, it was kinda funny, was like, you say in your book, leaky gut equals leaky brain, leaky gut equals leaky bones, leaky gut equals leaky heart, leaky gut equals, alright, doctor Gundry, we get it, leaky gut. It’s a problem. It’s not good. So what’s the solution? And one of the things that he shared in the inter interview is that gut he’s actually actively seeing patients. And he says 100% of his patients, whether they’ve given up wheat or not, right, 100% of them still have wheat antibodies in their system. So wheat antibodies are, like, just for for your audience who probably knows, like, you consume a wheat product, gluten is the biggest lectin, gluten is this kind of NMN that wheat uses to defend itself against supplements. Hey.

Chris Burres [00:43:00]:
Eat this, you stupid animal, and feel the pain, feel the wrath of my gluten. And then that causes problems in our system. But there’s a whole other collection of lectins, and when they get through the gut, they’re not supposed to be, they’re supposed to get broken down, and then our body uses those components. But if you’ve got a leaky gut, those components get through the gut and into the bloodstream, and now that they’re in the bloodstream, your body starts creating antibodies to them. So you can see that these things have gotten to places that they’re not because there’s antibodies associated. He says 100% of his patients. By the way, These patients are coming to NMN because they have problems. Right? And it’s not just wheat problems, but they’re having problems Mind 100% have some antibodies to wheat, and then they resolve over over a year, probably by getting really strict about what actually has wheat in it.

Chris Burres [00:43:54]:
And I’ll share, there’s a really good story that that he shares that you have all these the the sensitivities tend to be, right, like wheat and grain, including corn. Right? Those are the 2 kinda key offenders. And then milk products, and then there was 1 more. I’ll I’ll it’ll probably come up, gut, oh, and eggs because this is the example. This is one of his clients was, pretty high up in in a social media company aging lots of aches and pains, and they did some wheat sensitivity. It’s actually Peak zoomer is the name of the test to find out if you gut antibodies. They also did egg zoomers, so all these Burres. And he was this particular patient was, very, at the time, very sensitive to eggs, and he was like, you’re gonna have to cut out eggs.

Chris Burres [00:44:44]:
And and the guy, the social media guy was like, I eat an omelet every day. I can’t do that. Doctor Gunnar was like, well, you’re the one in pain. Like, I don’t you’re like, you don’t you actually are right. You don’t half to quit the eggs. You have to quit the eggs to get out of this pain. So a couple months later, he’s you know, hasn’t been eating eggs, and he’s like, hey, can we, do another sensitivity test for eggs? Sure enough, it was drastically reduced or not there, and and so they could start introducing egg whites. And the guy, like, 3 days later calls doctor Energy, and he’s like, I’m all achy again.

Chris Burres [00:45:19]:
And doctor Gundry, like, in his voice was like, what did you do? And, and he goes, well, so 2 days ago, I had an egg white omelette for breakfast, and then I had 1 for lunch, and then I had 1 for dinner, and then I did the same thing yesterday, and then I had 1 for breakfast today, and then now I’m actually, you know, in pain. Well, like, saying that you can go back to egg doesn’t mean, like, you can have them all the time.

Nick Urban [00:45:46]:
I mean, that’s the code, like, utility of the rotation diet. Some people will stick with it for life, but the vast majority of people who use it, It’s just to identify. Because even the food sensitivity tests, what they often come back with is just a list of all the foods you eat the most often. Because if your gut isn’t if if there’s any permeability and you eat it, your body is gonna register that as a problematic food. And I’ve even done an interview that’s coming gut soon on a, like, newer form of medicine called Germanic new medicine. And the interviewee, she was mentioning how If you have, like, a traumatic experience, if you gut a big in a big fight while you’re eating a particular food, then your body learns to associate that food with that experience. And so even if you’re eating a food that might be very healthy for you and it might have been healthy for you your entire life, you had no problem with it, all of a sudden, even at age 40, 50, 60, You can develop an intolerance because of that association.

Chris Burres [00:46:45]:
We interact with our food. We react to our food, very differently. So I think that’s that’s a very key component. And when you talk about people go on to the individual diets Mind they have a positive experience, so they have some weight loss. I think a lot of that, and you you touched you touched on it, I say it a little different, I think, is that most of what you’re doing is getting off of the standard American diet. Right? Like, and if you just do that and and eat, you know, relatively healthy even if you’re sensitive to it, it’s gonna be better than all of these processed foods that you were consuming before, and so you are gonna see, positive impacts. And then, yeah, when you start to cycle new things into that, which are gonna be probably in the direction of the American Standard Diet. Yeah.

Chris Burres [00:47:35]:
You’re gonna go back to to to where you are. So it really is about figuring out a diet that you can sustain. I love the idea of of changing every 4 days. I just gotta figure out, like, right right now, I can cook in bulk, and I code, and I actually try and put a lot of, you know, basil and and rosemary and all sorts of things to get a lot of variety, but, but it would be better to figure out how to, like, very very segment these very rigidly so that I’m not getting the same thing, you know, except every 5th day.

Nick Urban [00:48:08]:
Yeah. Well, that’s also part of the wisdom of the ancient cultures. Like, Ayurveda advocates seasonal eating. They have 3 different seasons in their system. And by varying what you’re eating, matching the local fauna and flora of your neighborhood, of your city and state, then you’re gonna naturally be introducing these, like, break points where you’re giving yourself your body a rest. And even with, like, things like wheat, you’ll notice that people have different experiences. Like, they can’t eat the wheat here in the US, but if they go abroad to France, it’s fine. And part of it’s probably the way we’re spraying the wheat, the way we’re processing, whether you use stone mill or steel mill.

Nick Urban [00:48:45]:
But then there’s also, like, a a lot of other differences in that. It’s it’s not as simple as just that this food is bad for everyone always. Even if you have that sensitivity to wheat in the US, you might not have it there. And those systems such as Ayurveda, they advocated having wheat during certain seasons of the year. For example, in the fall. You do it because it irritates the gut lining and stimulates immune system for the winter when that you need you want that bolstered immunity, but they didn’t recommend eating it in high doses year round, and they also didn’t have the same crop technology that we have now that could be causing some of the issues.

Chris Burres [00:49:21]:
Yeah. I think you might be referring to glyphosate as one of the crop technologies, and then also GMO, which I I I you know, I’ve got a engineering background when I first come came to understand GMO, genetically modified organisms, and, like, well, this is how we make more food. This is clearly good. Right? The challenge really Mind digging into it. I think it was in Gundry’s book, The Plant Paradox. The challenge is gut GMO is typically doing is making the crops more resistant to insects. Right? Well, you do that by enhancing either how detrimental the lectins are to those insects or how many lectins are available. Right? So maybe you’re adding more lectins, and though if if the insects don’t wanna eat it, we’re close enough kind of biologically that we also get irritated, we get leaky gut from that same protein.

Chris Burres [00:50:20]:
And so it turns out, like, For for me now, yeah, I do wanna stay away from GMOs whenever I can.

Nick Urban [00:50:25]:
And it’s one thing to have that impact on our human cells, but it’s easy to overlook the fact that we have a thriving ecosystem of microbial cells in our gut, which if it’s impacting other microbes, might also be impacting the ones inside of us.

Chris Burres [00:50:40]:
So you mentioned microbes, and that came up a lot. Right? Because diet’s gonna come up a lot. I had amazing conversation with Colleen Cutcliffe. She’s with Pendulum, and they have a product called Akkermansia. Right, it’s a it’s a it’s a gut bacteria, it’s a keystone bacteria in our gut. They didn’t even know it existed, I think, 10 years ago or something. Right? So it was discovered, I think, in 2005. That would be 20 years.

Chris Burres [00:51:06]:
It’s an anaerobic bacteria. As soon as you know, typically, the way you would understand a microbe in your gut biome is you take a stool sample Mind you cultivate it in a petri dish. Well, this particular Performance dies as soon as it’s exposed to oxygen, and so we didn’t even know it existed. And it’s, Mind of amazing how medical technology is changing aging that was that was also a theme is how quickly things are changing, but actually having mapped out the genome allowed us to look at these dead energy. Right? Because the NMN dies, but it you can still get the genetic material, like, hey, there’s this organism here that we were not aware of, and it turns out to be key. It’s actually the thing that kind of goes in, you imagine, like, the Gluten Golden Gate Bridge, you have to paint it every 7 years, and it takes 7 years to paint, and then they come back. Well, your mucus lining in your stomach has that same effect, it’s not 7 years, but, you know, you gotta clean out the old mucus and then relay the new mucus just so that you’ve got fresh mucus all the time, Akkermansia is actually a a bacteria that does this. Obviously, really important, again, a keystone.

Nick Urban [00:52:17]:
And Akkermansia is really cool. There’s a book called the, I wanna say, Immunity Code by Joel greene and he talks about a natural way of, like, upregulating your production. And you use HMO powder, you use apple peel powder specifically, and you use some, like, polyphenol rich, like, red berries type stuff, and you consume that for 21 days, 30 days, and you can help increase your natural, a population of Akkermansia. And I created a controversial video the other day about, like, some of the downsides of long term keto and carnivore and things to be aware of if you’re planning on pursuing that from life or at least for a very long period of time, but that can absolutely wipe out certain species of bacteria and other microbes that you don’t necessarily have the ability to restore. We don’t even know the full details of how it’s changing that composition, but it can have, like, multigenerational lasting effects if you just follow, say, a carnivore diet strictly, don’t Peak any fiber at all for long periods of time, and then you go off of it a month or, say, a year later. You wanna say, be able to recover those without some kind of assistance.

Chris Burres [00:53:29]:
That apple peel you’re talking about, like, basically, providing a prebiotic to it. She’s got a product called, glucose control that includes Akkermansia and and a couple other bacteria that are really, triggering the same component that’s in what’s the diet drug? The name Chris escaping. How old? Well, So my understanding is Metformin actually enhances acromancia. Now I haven’t seen the data. I just kind of heard that from a couple of people. Again, I always get more research to do after every in almost every single interaction. Ozempic. Right, that’s what we need.

Chris Burres [00:54:07]:
Yeah. And and and so Akkermansia actually does, elicit that same response, not to the same degree, like you’re not, you know, injecting it into your system, but it it does have some of those positive impacts.

Nick Urban [00:54:20]:
There’s some cool longevity supplements that also impact GLP one, and I think it’s like OEA and PEA. I think OEA for sure. And I interviewed a company called Mimio Health, and they have a product that does that. It’s like nature’s alternative to Ozempic and Monjaro and all those because it helps satiate appetite and can indirectly lead to weight loss. But enough about the microbes. We’re running low on time now. I’d love to know more about some of the other, like, surprising takeaways, the things that you found very impactful from hosting the summit.

Chris Burres [00:54:53]:
There are probably 2 keys. I asked every single expert, how long do you wanna live, and how long do you think humans can live? And I think a fascinating result out of 55 experts in the longevity space as only 3 gave the same number. Because, logically, if I believe humans can live to 120, and that was a common name. Right? So we have Jean Clemente, the oldest living human at this point, passed at 1/22. Little concerns about maybe documentation, but 1 if if if we can live to 120, why don’t you wanna live to 120? Right? And I think it goes back to this inability to separate longevity, living longer, from living debilitated and infirmed. Right? It’s so ingrained. Even talking to a longevity expert, they’re like, I think we can lift to 120, but I don’t wanna get there. Right, or I think we can lift to 120, but I just wanna live as long as I’m capable.

Chris Burres [00:55:51]:
Right? As long as I have mental, physical, and emotional capabilities, then I, you know, that’s when I wanna pass. Code Mind, again, that’s even in the longevity space of experts, There there is no separation. So I thought that was fascinating. And then everybody’s kind of responses, we broke it down into what are the Nick. Right? I asked every expert 2 to 3 tricks, tips, mindsets for for protocol, I mean, for for for living longer.

Nick Urban [00:56:21]:
What were some of the top ones there?

Chris Burres [00:56:23]:
Not surprising. Top 4, sleep, exercise, diet, and mindset. Right?

Nick Urban [00:56:29]:
Interesting. I’d expect there to be something to do with community and, like, social well-being there.

Chris Burres [00:56:35]:
Was there? 15%. Right. So 15% mentioned that. When I first saw it, so sleep was 33% for right at a 3rd. Right? Exercise 52%, diet was 52%, and mindset was 46. And, you know, and then we got some code, you know, I Ayurvedic code, interview I did. She was talking about, scrape your tongue with a proper tongue scraper. Yeah? Okay.

Chris Burres [00:56:59]:
So, so, yeah, we got some stuff that was didn’t fit the norm, but were, you know, still good ideas.

Nick Urban [00:57:05]:
Yeah. I I love that. And then I also think that exercise is overrated and movement is underrated. So I love to see that scale shifting and people doing a lot more, like, low intensity stuff. Because if you look at the longest lived populations, they don’t have gyms. They haven’t had gyms. They haven’t been doing this insane level of strength training of VO max VO 2 max training, but they are highly active. They do move throughout the day.

Nick Urban [00:57:30]:
And, yes, I also am a big fan of these structured exercise sessions and strength training and VO 2 max training and getting all these done. But for your average person just to being less sedentary this day and age, to stand up more, to kneel more, to change bodily positions, to walk a lot. Like, I even saw in a couple studies about longevity and the optimal dose of, like, exercise, not movement, but exercise for longevity, and there is, like, a fairly low cap on, high end of how much we should be exercising, but there’s no cap on the amount of low intensity physical movement we should be doing.

Chris Burres [00:58:09]:
Ben Greenfield talked about, setting your workplace environment with, like, a kettlebell and a pull up bar so that you’re you’re taking those breaks, getting some fitness in, right, giving getting some movement in and obviously having a treadmill. He did his interview on a treadmill. And so that if you get to the gym at the end of the day, it’s a bonus. Is it optional? Like, you’ve you’ve gotten your movement throughout the day Because you’ve created the environment the right way, and I thought that was just some fabulous advice.

Nick Urban [00:58:42]:
I’m not surprised that mindset came up as one of the top ones either, Chris, because if you think about it, if you’re waking up every day thinking to myself, oh, where am I in pain? Like, where like, what am I gonna even do? Like, I feel like I’m slowly dying, decaying, whatever. Like, that that negativity, it’s having a direct impact on your entire physiology and psychology constantly, and that can be a low grade stressor or even a high grade stressor because your body doesn’t differentiate between, like, real physicals, imminent danger stress, and emotional psychological stress. And so I think if you don’t have the right mindset about longevity, what it means that you wanna live a long time in good health and ideal health, then I could see how that would really be number 1.

Chris Burres [00:59:27]:
I would agree. And and I think if you if you have any doubts about how important mindset is, then you need only look to the fact that we are the only species on the planet who has more deaths on Monday. Every other species dies the same amount every day of the week because there’s, you know, we have something to look forward through the weekend Mind then nothing in the week. For those who don’t have anything to look forward to, They are significantly more likely to die, you know, on Monday. Like, that’s that’s a stat about mindset, really.

Nick Urban [01:00:02]:
Interesting also that humans are, like, circadian creatures. We live on, like, a 24 hour rhythm. But then if you actually zoom out, you’ll realize that there’s also, I forget what it’s called, the Septidian rhythms like that, and it’s like a a 7 day cycle. And you can look at certain days of the week and see that certain things are more common on Mondays, certain more on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays throughout. It’s not just on Mondays, and there’s some interesting research around that. And then women obviously have more fluctuation depending on, like, the monthly cycle, but then also, like, the annual cycle of the seasons and everything. So you can see how the different time frames, like, really influence who we are and the way we operate, not just the 24 hours of Caine Rhythm. Well, Chris, we are gonna start to wind down now.

Nick Urban [01:00:42]:
If people want to connect with you, to tune in to the longevity supplement, to try some of your supplements. How can they go about that?

Chris Burres [01:00:48]:
Yeah. So, 1, we’re gonna have a link to the longevity summit in the show notes. Right? So make sure you check out the show show notes, follow that link. Again, it’s free. It’s from February Nick, through March 3rd. There’s a there’s an encore weekend the following weekend, but you’ll have access to 7 to 8 videos per day, and then, like, $99 will gut you just, like, just buy it so you have access to everything. We’ve actually got a link for you if anybody’s interested in trying my product. This is the whole reason that kind of I’m in the longevity space is the product, and it’s myvitalc.comforward/urban.

Chris Burres [01:01:27]:
Urban will get them to your landing page, and then there’s a coupon code that works on that landing page, which is Urban, that gives them $15 off their initial order. People are aging, we’ve got, olive oil product, an, avocado product, and an MCT product. Which one should I try? The avocado excuse NMN, the olive oil product. For sure, there’s two reasons. 1, we’re a science backed Optimization, and all the research, is in olive oil, so do that. Also, the highest concentration of this soccer ball shaped molecule is in the olive oil. And so those are the reasons we would recommend that. You can buy a single bottle.

Chris Burres [01:02:05]:
You actually get a 25% discount if you go on subscription. So in addition to using that Urban for $15 Burres. Just go on subscription. You can cancel at any time. Our customer service team, they’re I think they’re at, like, 855 star reviews so they’re not trained to talk you out of, of of canceling your subscription. Just take advantage of that discount. You can find the book on that page or you can go to livelonger Urban better It’s also there.

Chris Burres [01:02:35]:
The book’s like $20. It is available on Amazon, but if you buy it from us, you can get a signed copy. That’s 10 extra dollars for the signed copy. That full $10 goes to a Chris. They’re it’s called OAR, Operation Underground Railroad. They just had the movie The Sound of Freedom out. I actually saw him speak before his movie came out. That’s where they’re addressing underage sex trafficking.

Chris Burres [01:03:01]:
And so, obviously, just a horrible thing. Operation Underground Railroad is doing a phenomenal job of of addressing that, and and every penny of the signature fee goes directly to that organization.

Nick Urban [01:03:14]:
Well, Chris, I’m gonna change up the way we sign off today because it’s fun. We’ve got you’ve already been on the show multiple times and answered my usual questions. So I’m gonna say something, and then You repeat the question back to me, and you answer it. The most overrated longevity intervention is?

Chris Burres [01:03:33]:
The most overrated longevity intervention is cold plunge. Right? Like, I I like it. I think it has positive impacts on dopamine, makes life worth living, which does, you know, after the fact. Right? Like, I don’t like doing the cold showers, but I’m I’m I I don’t know what the longevity data is on on code pledge.

Nick Urban [01:03:54]:
Okay. My favorite upcoming new supplement ingredient is?

Chris Burres [01:03:59]:
My favorite upcoming new supplement ingredient is probiotics. Right? So Akkermansia, we didn’t even know existed until fairly recently, and and there’s probably a lot more that we don’t. I think there was even another component I saw, I didn’t get a chance to read it, that they’re identifying different, macrophages, I think, or macrophages that exist in the gut biome, that they, again, they didn’t really know were there before. And so there’s so much value in your gut biome. I love this stat. When you’re born, you’re 99% human sales in, like, 1% bacterial cells. Right? So you do have some bacteria. As you are today Mind when you die, you’re actually 95% cells, bacterial Health, in terms of count, not volume, right, and 5% human saves.

Chris Burres [01:04:50]:
So you’re like, you shift from being a human to really being a big bacteria transportation system.

Nick Urban [01:04:57]:
One thing I’m interested in and researching that will become big among biohackers and health optimizers is?

Chris Burres [01:05:06]:
One thing that I’m researching and interested in that will become big among biohackers and researchers is protein, just just because that’s where I’m at.

Nick Urban [01:05:17]:
After Aging the longevity summit. One thing I’m going to change in my own routine unrelated to diet is?

Chris Burres [01:05:25]:
Okay. After, hosting the longevity summit, one thing that I’m gonna change in my routine and not diet is, Health, so it’s somewhat related, but I’ll say 2. So one is really digging in and doing a food sensitivity test, just so I’m aware, because there may be something that I like and eat every day that, you know, is not not good for me. And the other is to do some more genetic testing because there’s genetic testing that can provide insights into what’s good for you, what’s not good for you, and so I I wanna have that information. So I think kind of committing to more testing, is is is something that I’m certainly interested in.

Nick Urban [01:06:07]:
Chris, how would you like to land this plane today? Any takeaways?

Chris Burres [01:06:11]:
It’s free. Get to the get to the longevity summit. It’s uncovering the secrets of longevity. Live beyond the norms. The link is in the show notes. And Mind, really, that’s that’s my purpose. Like, if if the more people who go to that, the happier I will be.

Nick Urban [01:06:26]:
Well, Chris, Thank you so much for joining me yet again on the podcast. I love talking to you about longevity. We talked for about an hour and 20 minutes. We could have easily gone for 3 hours, 4 hours. There’s so much to unpack. I’d I’m looking forward to watching some of those talks and learning from some of these experts and seeing where the future, the quorum of longevity knowledge, and where it’s gonna go.

Chris Burres [01:06:50]:
And, Nick, thank you so much for having me. This is Awesome. We yeah. I I agree. We code continued for another hour and a half. Yeah. But my my fast needs to end soon because I’ve gotta

Nick Urban [01:07:01]:
yes. I get it. I get it. Alright, Chris. Take care.

Chris Burres [01:07:05]:
Thank you so much,

Nick Urban [01:07:08]:
Health for you. If you enjoyed it, subscribe and hit the thumbs up. I love knowing who’s in the 1% committed to reaching their full potential. Comment 1% below so that I know who you are. For all the resources and links, meet me on my website at mind Body peak .com. I appreciate you and look forward to connecting with you.

Connect with Chris Burres @ MyVitalC

This Podcast Is Brought to You By

Nick Urban is a Biohacker, Data Scientist, Athlete, Founder of Outliyr, and the Host of the Mind Body Peak Performance Podcast. He is a Certified CHEK Practitioner, a Personal Trainer, and a Performance Health Coach. Nick is driven by curiosity which has led him to study ancient medical systems (Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hermetic Principles, German New Medicine, etc), and modern science.

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