Regenerate Cellular Energy & Boost Longevity with the NAD3 Biostack

  |   EP143   |   61 mins.

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Episode Highlights

While NAD is essential, don't overstimulate with complicated supplementations Share on XHormetic stressors are important for NAD production Share on XIt's ironic but the way to refine your longevity stack is to keep it simple Share on X

About Maite Brines von Melle

Maite Brines von Melle is a Holistic Health and Nutrition Coach who trained extensively in movement and exercise practices from biomechanics, fascia release to Reformer Pilates. She works as the Innovation Executive for BioStack and helps to formulate the latest longevity products on the market as well as creating educational content for Biostack Labs.

Maite is also the founder of The Superhealth Playbook, where she runs group coaching programs called “Only 66 Days,” which teach women how to achieve optimal health by building habits over 66 days in a small group setting with community support, accountability, interactive educational workshops and live strength classes.

Maite Brines Von Melle

Top Things You’ll Learn From Maite Brines von Melle

  • Importance of NAD and Lifestyle Factors
    • NAD as an essential molecule for energy production and aging
    • The decline in NAD levels with age and its impact
    • Strategies to support NAD levels through stress management, exercise, and fasting
  • Glucose management and the NAD Regen formulation
    • The components of glucose disposal agents
    • Maite Brines von Melle’s personal experience with GD 8 and its effects on body fat
    • The type of fat lost through GD 8 consumption
    • Use of GD 8 by bodybuilders and its impact on muscle mass
    • Natural glucose disposal agents and their role in managing blood sugar levels
  • Why NAD supplementation is important
    • Mechanics and benefits of the NAD Regen formulation
    • Timing of supplement intake and its impact
    • Glucose disposal’s importance for aging individuals
    • Role of berberine and dihydroberberine in glucose absorption and insulin sensitivity
  • Supplement intake and health optimization
    • Importance of NAD+ levels and supplement intake
    • DNA repair as a long-term benefit of supplement intake
    • Stress management and genetic analysis for understanding sensitivities
    • Use of bio-resonance testing and kinesiology for personal supplement stacks
    • Popularity of nicotinamide riboside (NR) and nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN)
    • NAD3 as a longevity supplement
  • Holistic health and supplement recommendations
    • How Biostack Labs applies NAD3
    • Benefits of glycine and calcium alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG)
    • Supplement dosage adjustment based on body size and sensitivity
    • Other recommended supplements for cellular health, EMF protection, and blood sugar management

Resources Mentioned

  • Supplement: Biostack Labs NAD Regen (code URBAN saves 15%)
  • Article: Best NMN Supplements Review
  • Article: Top Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) Supplements
  • Article: Effective Ways to Boost NAD+ Naturally
  • Book: Glucose Revolution
  • Book: Atomic Habits
  • Teacher: Dr. Stacy Sims

Episode Transcript

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Nick Urban [00:00:06]:
If you’ve followed the world of longevity science and antiaging, you’ve surely come across two compounds over the last five years or so that have exploded in popularity. Those are nicotinamide riboside nr and nicotinam mononucleotide. These two precursors increase levels of what’s called nad nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. You can think of this as cellular gas that powers virtually every process in the body. Without it, we die within seconds. Now, although NR and NMN are two of the most popular ways to increase levels of this master molecule, they’re not the best. I wrote articles on both of them back in 2019, and they were among the first and most popular deep dive explorations of these molecules. But today we’ll be discussing something that seems to be superior to both of them.

Nick Urban [00:01:08]:
If you want to learn more, check out my articles, which are deep dives into the science. I’ll pop those in the show notes for this episode. But increasing Nad plus levels is only one thing that we cover today. We talk about a way of doing that called Nad three. We talk about finding your ideal longevity supplement stack out of hundreds or thousands of ingredients out there, how to target just the ones that are going to be the most effective for you. Our guest shares what she personally uses and why. We discuss sustainable longevity practices. We also discuss the importance of blood sugar management on longevity and performance.

Nick Urban [00:01:51]:
And finally, I mentioned in the episode that I take about 3 grams of an amino acid called glycine every day after I did the conversion from teaspoons into grams. After the episode, I realized that I’m actually taking more like 7 grams. Glycine is a cheap and easy to use, dare I say hack, to offset a lot of the issues that come along with muscle meat consumption and at the same time, supporting connective tissue and sleep and many other parameters of ideal health. Our guest this week is Maite Brines Von Melle. She is a holistic health and nutrition coach, and she works as the innovation executive for a company called Biostack, where she helps them to formulate the latest longevity products on the market as well as creating their educational content. Maite is also the founder of the Super Health Playbook, where she runs group coaching programs called only 66 days, which teach women to achieve optimal health by building habits over 66 days in a small group setting with community support, accountability, interactive educational workshops, and live strength classes. If you want to check out the biostack products, pick up their popular supplement that contains nad three, go to, where you can get your hands on their nad regen product. And if you use the code Urban U-R-B-A-N that will save you 15% on your order.

Nick Urban [00:03:27]:
For the articles I’ve written on longevity, that discount, and any of the other resources we discuss in the episode, you can find those in the show 143 one of the things that I really appreciate about this company and Maite is that in addition to creating some of the most interesting and innovative longevity supplement formulas, they also are very community driven. For example, I joined their WhatsApp group. They also have a Facebook group, and the entire team is in there helping customers, answering questions, and providing value. All right, ladies and gentlemen, sit back, relax, and enjoy this conversation with Maite of Biostack. Maite, welcome to Mindbody Peak performance.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:04:21]:
Thank you so much. Thanks for having me, Nick.

Nick Urban [00:04:23]:
It is a pleasure. We’ve been coordinating this talk for months now, so I’m glad that we’re finally able to sit down and do this.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:04:30]:
Doing it. Doing it right now. That’s it.

Nick Urban [00:04:33]:
Yes. Well, let’s start off today with your unusual non negotiables you’ve done for your health, your performance, and your bioharmony.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:04:41]:
Wowzers. That’s a big one. I mean, I think the biggest one for me the last three years has been upping my sleep. I’m an aura ring wearing person, and over the last three years, I managed to up my sleep by nearly an hour, which is pretty good. Actually, it’s more than an hour. It used to be sort of just around 6 hours, and now I’m sort of close to eight. Like seven and a half. Seven and a quarter.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:05:13]:
But yeah, so this is like a big one I had to work on. And it does take work. You have to be quite disciplined with it. My non negotiables? Well, daily walks, I need to get out in the morning and do my walks and sort out my thoughts and just get some movement going and get the light on me. I do all the basics. I do the nutrition, I do the movement, the resistance training, I do all of that. So that has to happen. I’ve been a bit ill over the past week, and not having had the opportunity to work out and push myself is really tough.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:05:48]:
It’s one of the things that I’ve been really missing the past week. So I’ve done my first workout this morning and I was like, that was tough to go back into it. But yeah, you can say, yeah. We recently just gone under a bit of a not total name change where we dropped the labs because it seemed a bit of a mouthful. So biostag, biostack labs, we’re well known for our NAD region formulation, and I think Nad has definitely become like a big buzzword in the biohacking world over the past, I would say probably two years, and it’s continuing to do so. And our mission is definitely to make it mainstream. Often people say, it’s not like that. You can compare it to collagen, but ten years ago, body kind of knew about collagen, and now everybody’s taking collagen.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:06:58]:
Not even sure what it actually does. Relates to skin health, maybe. But yeah, we want sort of NAD definitely to be a protocol that most people use to support their aging, healthy aging. And I got involved. So my background is in health coaching, nutrition and movement coaching. So biomechanics and just generally always trying to, as a consumer, figuring out what is the right way and sometimes even falling into a little bit of dogma. And I think there is a lot of dogma in this industry, whereas you’ve got the carnivores, you’ve got the vegans, you got to do this training, you want to do that training. It always goes back to me just kind of finding the balance and things.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:07:45]:
I met these guys in a masterclass and we got on just really well. And we kept on texting each other because I knew so much about NMN and I was just generally obsessed about what’s the latest supplement, what’s out there? And just wanting to know more and finding out the truth, essentially. So we just had this sort of ongoing conversation and they said, look, why don’t you just come and work for us? Because you keep on sort of sending us things and throwing studies at us. And so I started working for them a year and a half ago, and they’re a fantastic company. So their NAd region formulation was actually slightly different in the beginning. It had many more ingredients in it, including NMN. And then when they wanted to reformulate, that was at the same time when the FDA decided to ban NMN. So we were lucky enough to get connected to someone called Matt Tidlow from compound solution, who had come up with this amazing ingredient called nad three.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:08:47]:
And we connected with him and we were lucky enough to get a license for it. And that’s when we reformulated the NAd region product. And I think it became quite well known because Tony Robbins also uses, also has the license to sell Nad three, and he uses it in some of his products.

Nick Urban [00:09:04]:
Let’s dig into NMN and Nad and Nad Regen. Give me the science around those, because we haven’t talked much about them on the show. And it doesn’t need to be super in depth, but at a high level, what’s going on? Why are these important in the body?

Maite Brines von Melle [00:09:22]:
So nad is something that we already have in the body. So it’s not something that we have to externally take. We actually are born with it. It’s in every single cell in the body, and it’s in foods. It’s vitamin b three, basically. They are building b three. That’s a building block to create Nad. You can’t take nad.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:09:42]:
It’s impossible. And I still always scratch my head when I see products out on the market. They’re like, this is an Nad. This is actually nad. It can’t be nad. You cannot take it orally. It’s not possible. So ivs have become very popular in injections, but essentially it’s in every single cell in the body.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:09:59]:
And it’s part of the Krebs cycle, the energy cycle in the mitochondria, really, really important. If it wouldn’t be there, we wouldn’t survive for very long, to be frank. And, yeah, it’s important that we keep that energy production going, because other than wanting youthful energy, it’s actually a fuel to a couple of enzymes, the sirtuins and the pups, which are really, really helpful and absolutely crucial, actually, to repair your DNA, protect your DNA, maintain your DNA, and especially the parts that are really important for genomic stability, which is like one of the hallmarks of aging in general. We kind of look at the hallmarks of aging anyway at biostack. So it’s really important molecule that keeps us alive, yet most people never heard about it. So this is like part of our mission to really get the education out there. The issue is depending a little bit on lifestyle. So again, I’m going to go back to getting the basics right, doing the exercise, like some sensible fasting, nutrition and all of that.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:11:01]:
And we should keep good nad levels, but no matter what we do, as we age, as with anything in the body, it declines. So what can be done to keep those levels up? Well, the main reason, one of the main reasons that it actually declines is age related inflammation, because we’ve been around for longer. So there’s more inflammation in the body, and there’s an enzyme, actually, because other than taking the building blocks for NAD via external factors, your body is actually so clever, it can recycle nad. It breaks it down and builds it up again. And one of the enzymes that’s responsible for that is called NMPT. And this is something else that decreases as we age. I mean, no matter what we talk about in system, in the body, it’s like it all going downhill. So how can we support the body? How can we support this recycling production in the salvage pathway to keep that going, the building and rebuilding of the NAD.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:11:58]:
So we need to raise those enzymes, but we also want to do it sensibly. So, people, I think, when did David Sinclair came out with this study and Tony Robbins came up with his book Life Force? About three years ago, I think. And it was like everything was about NMN. Everybody was just, like, chucking NMN down their throat, like a thousand milligram. I think it was on a thousand milligram protocol or something like that, but not really talking about the mechanics of energy production. So there’s no point. And if you have a car and you’re just like, it’s not working any longer to keep putting fuel into it, there’s all the mechanics that you need to consider around, like, why is the car actually not working anymore in this case, like the enzymes. Right.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:12:40]:
But it is also something that I think now people are starting to realize is that just taking precursors all the time actually might overstretch methylated capacity, which is another process in the body that’s degrading as we age. And obviously, we all have different methylated going on genetically. There is some people are higher methylated or lower methylated, but as we age, it’s going downhill. So we don’t want to take methyl donors away from other systems, essentially, by overstimulating this nad.

Nick Urban [00:13:15]:
Yeah. And the way I’ve heard it described is that I think it’s. The NAD is like the fuel tank on a car, and it gives the body gas and the sirtuins and the parps and a bunch of different enzymes, they’re the ones that do the work, and they can only do the work if they have that fuel. Is that right?

Maite Brines von Melle [00:13:33]:
Yeah, it’s a fuel. It’s a fuel for both the pops and the saturans, 100%. So they can do their work, basically.

Nick Urban [00:13:40]:
And then also, like you were saying, back when I read David Sinclair’s book Lifespan a while back, I did my own research on NAD plus and NMN NR, that whole controversy, and I wrote articles on each of them. But I implored everyone to first make sure you’re doing the basics, getting your lifestyle in check, because you can continue adding fuel to the gas tank, but if there’s a bunch of holes in it, all that fuel is leaking out because your body’s recycling pathway, the salvage pathway, isn’t working the way it should. You’re acting counterproductively. It’s not going to take you far, nearly as far as it could if you did a couple of little cheap things here and there, and then you add on whatever precursor you want after that.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:14:24]:
That’s right. Especially sort of holistic stresses are really important for NAD production. And for example, to raise NMPT enzyme exercise is fantastic for it. Again, certain amount of fasting. Again, sensible fasting. I know fasting is a big topic, so hermetic stresses are really important. So if you’re sitting on the couch all day eating Jorge and drinking alcohol, so alcohol is another one that depletes NAD levels. So having a sedentary lifestyle and von nutritious food and also you can add stress to that as well as in like chronic stress, all of that depletes.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:15:04]:
So it’s not a very good then ground to lay the precursors in because it’s not going to do very much. But if you’re doing all those things that we talked about, getting the basics right, then it can definitely be very helpful to slow down aging or support healthy aging.

Nick Urban [00:15:22]:
Yeah, basically, modern living reduces your NAD levels. If you just do, you just live. And usually it’s associated with huge drops as you age. But even at a young age, I notice that I feel effects when I increase my NAD levels, however that is. But what’s the stat by age? Like 70, you’ve lost what percent of your nad?

Maite Brines von Melle [00:15:45]:
Yeah, they say basically from the day you’re born and when you’re 20, you lost half already. And then by the time you’re 40, you drop another 50%. So it’s pretty drastic, really. We have so many advances, right? I mean, what we can do these days is absolutely incredible, medically, like technology, all of it. But there’s never been so much stress than ever before. I always talk about, like, the body being is constantly battling to stay healthy every single day. So from the moment you wake up, maybe the air you breathe or the water you drink or the thoughts that you might have in your head. And some of us are genetically better at it, depending also on detoxification and so forth.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:16:27]:
So finding out sometimes, like what is your genetic blueprint? How can you support your body in the best way possible?

Nick Urban [00:16:34]:
And also during those periods of higher than usual acute stress, such as sleep deprivation or really intense workouts, taking extra precautions around keeping your NAD high can also help you recover from it faster and offset some of the detrimental effects of whatever that is going on that’s causing that stress.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:16:54]:
So, Ben Greenfield, he’s a big fan of our product, and he kind of doubles his dose after he drank, but he also does injections and he does all kinds of crazy NAD protocols. But, yeah, I know that he goes pretty hard on that. So taking extra Nad, especially if you have been drinking, is a good idea, but so is taking extra glutathione, I.

Nick Urban [00:17:15]:
Believe I’ve just seen some research around it helping offset the consequences of sleep deprivation. And so that’s an easy one, like you’re traveling, just bring some of that along with you. Or if you have a really late night, that and creatine and a handful of others, they all have some research showing they can help with sleep deprivation. So the goal with these supplement ingredients is to keep your NAD plus levels high. That’s like the goals they all have. And then the way you approach that is via different precursors, whether it’s nicotinamide riboside, NR, nicotinamide mononucleotide, NMN, or the other more foundational precursors. Can you explain how Nad three, the one you guys use in your formula, compares? Is it as effective as the other ones?

Maite Brines von Melle [00:18:03]:
So they’re all different saves. They’re all the same family, but they’re all different sizes. The problem is with NAD as such, like I said, we can’t take it. It’s too unstable. It’s not going to make it into the cell. So the biggest one after that is actually NMN. And I think then it’s nr and then it’s nice and niacinamide, however you want to call them. But they all are building blocks, essentially.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:18:23]:
So it’s not like that one is better than the other. I suppose the NMN got popular because it’s the next biggest molecule to take other than NAd. So nad three is made up of actually three ingredients. It’s cuprous, niacin. There’s your building block, theocrine and wasabi. And the three of them work on raising enzymes and also working on inflammation. So the NAD region formulation as such is actually more than just giving a precursor because it gives you that precursor nick. It works on inflammation via stimulating autophagy, because we put spermidine in it.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:19:03]:
So spermidine is another very sort of, I would say the last couple of years definitely been very popular ingredient because it stimulates autophagy, the cleansing out of senescent cells, dead senescent cells in the body. Because if there is an accumulation of these senescent cells. Again, it heightens up the inflammation process and the inflammation response. And autophagy is another process that, as we get older, I keep on saying the same thing. Right. But everything’s just kind of going downhill. So an autophagy is one of them. So, again, we can help it with doing some fasting, eating good sleep and all that good stuff, but no matter what we do, it’s still going down.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:19:46]:
So taking something like spermidine is really helpful. So we’ve got the precursor, we dampen down the inflammation, and then we also making sure. And this is the wonderful thing about the nad three, because we have got three clinical studies on this, and what we’ve seen is that it actually doesn’t take methyl donors away from other processes, so it doesn’t overstretch methylation capacity, which I was, like, super excited when I found that last study. I was like, wow, this is fantastic. And when we found it, there’s a bunch of other stuff that I didn’t expect to come out. Like, it lowers cholesterol in a good way. So this is like 18%. And we had a couple of actually doctors taking it, and they left reviews for us saying this is the first thing in ten years that actually moved the needle.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:20:35]:
So the last thing, as I didn’t mention. So we’ve got the precursor, we’ve got the building block, we’ve got inflammation, but it’s also providing the enzymes to recycle nad in your body. So you’re kind of ticking all the mechanics around NAD production and recycling. So this is beyond the precursor, beyond the NMN. This is working on the actual mechanics. So it’s a really intelligent way of boosting your nad status.

Nick Urban [00:21:03]:
Yeah, I like that you guys are thinking through this, because, for example, if you don’t address the inflammation, but you take NMN or NR on top of that, you can actually exacerbate other issues. There’s like a bunch of newer research coming out around that. So it’s cool to hear that you guys thought of this in your formula, and you designed it. You designed your stack accordingly. One of the precursors that you mentioned in NAd Regen in the NAD three is theocrine. It’s interesting because that’s like a caffeine analog, and in high doses, it’s stimulating.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:21:36]:
Yeah. But without giving you the crash. So this is the wonderful thing about it. It’s much cleaner. And we definitely always say, folks, take it in the morning, don’t take it in the evening, because, first of all, your NAd levels are naturally higher in the morning, you’re amplifying that because you fasted overnight. Right. So taking these products in the morning, definitely helpful to amplify it, get those NAD levels high. And a lot of people also exercise in the morning, which again, helps to amplify it even more.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:22:04]:
I don’t think it will keep you awake like coffee will, but I’ve personally not tried to take it in the evening, but we had some folks saying, I’ve taken it in late evening and I felt like a bit energetic. It’s like if you want to go out and want to go clubbing or something like that might be a good idea.

Nick Urban [00:22:21]:
But, yeah, I think that’s one of the new frontiers, or the future frontiers of supplementation. We’ve talked a lot about what it is that you’re taking and gone deep on the science of each of the different ingredients, but then very few people talk about when is the best time to take things like, for example, vitamin D in the morning is very different than vitamin D in the evening. And the sequencing of it, like, what are you doing immediately before it? What are you doing immediately after it? I think that is going to be a really cool emerging area research. It’s going to help us understand the hugely varying responses to supplements between one person and another. Perhaps it’s not the people as much as it is when they’re taking it, their protocol behind it.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:23:03]:
Yeah, I think that’s a really good point, Nick, especially what are they doing, especially when it comes to exercise, like taking antioxidants straight after exercise and so forth. We know a lot more know to be mindful about that. Just blunting the stress response with antioxidant after exercise is probably not a good idea. So, yeah, there’s probably a lot more to discover. You’re absolutely right.

Nick Urban [00:23:24]:
All right, let’s go on to glucose disposal, which is a fancy way of saying keeping your blood sugar steady. Why does this matter?

Maite Brines von Melle [00:23:34]:
It’s another thing that we’re not very good at when we age. It depends from person to person as well. And it depends definitely on how much muscle is on your body frame, because muscle is very important and it helps to absorb glucose. And exercise, again, helps with glucose disposal, but it’s important because essentially it goes down to inflammation. So the more spikes we have, the less receptive the cells are of insulin, the more we’re likely to develop things like metabolic diseases, prediabetes, two, just to name the one of them. But it’s all inflammation. And the more inflammation there is in the body, the more we’re prone to then develop other serious health conditions.

Nick Urban [00:24:20]:
Yeah. And you can look at a lot of acquired conditions and diseases as something to do with a problem with metabolism. The energy production isn’t as efficient as it should be, either because the body doesn’t have the raw materials it needs to carry out metabolic functions, or because the byproducts, the waste, is too high and exceeding the body’s ability to buffer it, to carry it out of the body and dispose of it. And so this is beneficial for anyone who’s going to be eating, like, a really sweet, high carb meal. But then it does more than that. I have a feeling. I know from my previous research into glucose disposal agents they have other uses, too. And do you know anything about what else they can help with?

Maite Brines von Melle [00:25:10]:
There’s always been more natural things around, like maybe taking a bit of bitter melon or cinnamon is well known. Like, a lot of folks take cinnamon actually first thing in the morning as well, to help help with our thermogenesis. And I don’t know too much about other products on the market. I know a little bit what the competition up to. But the star of recent years is definitely berberine. And now the next sort of best version of berberine is the dihydro berberine, because it’s much better absorbed. So it’s got higher bioavailability, it lasts longer. And some folks have said that some Berberine, it can, for some, accept their GI journey.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:25:55]:
So that’s probably not very good. Whereas we found that with dihydroburin, it doesn’t do that. So dihydroburin is a plant, right? And it helps with absorption of glucose, with shuttling it into muscle. So this would just be one thing that it does. But we also found that you are better at sort of sensing insulin because you want to become more sensitive to it rather than desensitized, because that happens when we age. I’m sorry to go on about that, especially for women when they go into menopause, because oestrogen also plays a part in blood sugar management, believe it or not. And when oestrogen drops, they become actually more insulin resistant. So we want to not be that.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:26:45]:
We want to be super sensitive to insulin, basically. And dihydroburban helps with that in our formulation, which is called glucose disposal agent eight. So GD eight, we put, like, literally the who of who is of blood sugar disposal in there, including something called calorie burn, which is, again, it’s a natural ingredient. It’s called the grains of paradise. Looks like a peppercorn, and it actually helps. There’s this thermogenetic effect, again, and it helps to burn calories without you. And I just want to say, I know that back in the early 90s, there were all these calorie burners, and you were, like, all jittery and losing the plot. It’s nothing like this.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:27:27]:
There’s no jitters or anything like that. This is all. Again, these are plants, these are herbs. This is a super clean formulation. There’s an ingredient in there called inoslim, which is made up of astragalus and nonto ginseng. And we found with that, that’s an Ampk activator, which is also great. We’ve got chromax in there. Again, great for body composition.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:27:51]:
Chromax, or chromium, I should say. Chromax is the patented version. Chromium, very well known to help with blood sugar management. Again. So they all work in the same department. Right. But they all have slightly different jobs. So I have to tell you that personally, and I will sort of, over the next three months, get this up.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:28:10]:
I do, like, a scan every three months of my body composition, and I haven’t done anything differently. I mean, I eat my protein, I do the training and all of that. The only difference is I take GD eight when I have carbs. And this is not. We’re not just talking about cakes and pizza, as much as I love cakes and pizza, but we’re talking healthy carbs. Potatoes, rice, sweet potatoes, starchy vegetables, all of that. And I’ve lost body fat on it. So that’s 2%.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:28:36]:
Not doing anything, just taking the GD eight. And customers have come back to us and said, I don’t feel bloated. I don’t crash anymore. We’re just like, yeah, actually, some of our team, this is their favorite product, because it’s just kind of made them have carbs and not feel bad afterwards.

Nick Urban [00:28:53]:
I’m really curious if you break down, if you know how much of the fat you’ve lost is visceral fat, like, the unhealthy fat around your organs, and how much is subcutaneous, like, belly fat. That’s not necessarily.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:29:06]:
Yeah, I have a feeling, because I have very low visceral fat. So I don’t think this was actually visceral fat thing. This was just subcutaneous fat, which I’m obviously very happy about. So I know it’s, like, 2%, but it’s 2%. Right. Without having to do any other extra protocols other than just taking diohydroburbon. Has been called the nature’s metformin for good reason. Really.

Nick Urban [00:29:32]:
Do you know, after a workout, would you want to use this still if you’re going to consume a lot of carbohydrates? Or would you want to have that slight transient insulin spike to stimulate muscle protein synthesis and some of those repair processes?

Maite Brines von Melle [00:29:48]:
So we have quite a lot of bodybuilders as customers because I don’t know if you know of Chris Gaffin. He’s a big supporter of our brand and he takes it every day, like after workout, before. He takes it a lot. And actually, bodybuilders have been taking glucose disposal agent for years. I don’t really, to be honest, I’ve not paid attention. I take it when I saves those carbs, even after a workout, and I’ve not seen it make difference. And like I said, I’ve lost body fat and haven’t lost muscle.

Nick Urban [00:30:19]:
Yeah. And I also like that you guys included the grains of paradise in here because I have a big bag of those at the house and sometimes I’ll just sprinkle those on top of my meal instead of like black pepper because it has a similar taste, a little more flavorful than black pepper, but it’s an easy one to add on for a little extra boost. And it’s pretty cheap. You can get it on Amazon and different stores. Let’s talk about some other natural glucose disposal agents that are common. You’ve mentioned cinnamon a couple of times. There’s apple cider vinegar. That’s semi popular one.

Nick Urban [00:30:48]:
There’s like any form of acid, really. You can get like a lemon or lime. That can help a little bit, like a few minutes of brisk exercise or even walking. That can have a huge impact on blood sugar levels. That’s like a non negotiable for me, is to walk or move before and after a meal for that very reason.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:31:05]:
Yeah, there’s definitely, I think, the glucose goddess Jessie Inanchelsby has done a fantastic job over the past year or two with her book, the glucose revolution of just really putting it out there, that eating your foods in certain orders can have such a dramatic effect on how your body is actually absorbing the glucose. And it’s always fibers first before the protein, then the fat, and then the carbs. And you’ll see lying this almost like netting, like in the tummy, really, really helps before the cups go in because then it takes longer for the cups to be absorbed and turn into glucose. So it’s kind of intuitive in a way. I grew up in Germany, we always have little portions of salad before the main course. And you have a little veggie course first, and then, of course, you have your cake at the end, but by the time the cake comes around, you’re, like, already lined up with the fibers and the proteins and the fats. So you’re okay. And.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:32:02]:
Yeah, having a cake then, rather than having it in the middle of the noon when you’re starting to get hungry again, is probably not a good idea because that goes straight through. Right. That’s like super absorption, super spike. But, yeah. Everything that you mentioned, vinegar can be helpful. Movement 100% before and after bitters too.

Nick Urban [00:32:21]:
Anything really bitter. Bitters, unlike the flavor profile wheel, it counteracts sweetness, and it also stimulates the gallbladder and liver. And that can be helpful also.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:32:30]:
Yeah. And anything that helps the liver out is always a good idea.

Nick Urban [00:32:33]:
Okay, speaking of, now, let’s go on to Glynac plus. And I personally use glycine every night. Have for a long time. Big fan of it. It’s a great amino acid. But tell me what your glynac plus is.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:32:48]:
Yeah. Can I ask you, how much glycine do you take in the evening?

Nick Urban [00:32:52]:
It depends. Usually around two, 3 grams.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:32:55]:
Okay. You just only take it in the evening?

Nick Urban [00:32:58]:
Sometimes I’ll take it in the morning or afternoon too, but usually it’s just before workout. I take Taurine before workouts sometimes, but not glycine. Usually, yeah.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:33:08]:
Okay. I’m just asking because some folks say that helping, because why it helps with sleep is it lowers your body temperature. Right. And having that help before prior workout might be able to amplify your performance.

Nick Urban [00:33:22]:
You could potentially also stack it with. You could do some glycine first, and then you could take some cold pre cooling, like a quick cold plunge, and then work out. And that should give you some really good performance gains also.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:33:33]:
That’s exactly it. Yeah. Do your cold plunge before, rather than as you, you know, learning not to do it afterwards to blunt the effects if you’re trying to grow muscle. It’s one of the most researched combos out there. They work synergistically so well. So glycine and Nac. Nac, both of them are well known for helping to build glutathione, which is a master antioxidant, and it helps to combat oxidative stress. Really important as we age.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:34:02]:
We know that the studies around it have been actually quite extraordinary in terms of longevity. And pretty much every company out there, they’re offering glycine some, though. I mean, that’s what I was asking about. The dosage that you take. I suppose you take like a powder. Do you just put it into.

Nick Urban [00:34:20]:
Yeah, I take a powder. I have a big bulk supplements thing of glycine. I just add some to my evening drink.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:34:28]:
Yeah. So what’s quite common, I think a good dose is about three milligrams. I think that’s a really sort of.

Nick Urban [00:34:34]:
That should be three milligrams.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:34:36]:
Sorry, 3000 milligrams.

Nick Urban [00:34:38]:

Maite Brines von Melle [00:34:38]:
Yeah, sorry, 3000 milligrams. But then if you look at sort of what’s out there, a lot of the times, it’s actually not as much. It might be 1200 or maybe 2000. And we saw, like, when you look at the literature in terms of the studies, it was definitely on the higher end. So we know it builds glutathione. And this is like one of the reasons it did so well in the studies. But beyond the glutathione, we know it helps with collagen production, it helps with any tissue, muscle, it helps with building neurotransmitters. I mean, the list of what that combo does is just endless.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:35:15]:
So why put something else there? Well, because we like stacking stuff. It’s in the name. So what else can we add that makes sense and addresses the hallmarks of aging? Because it always go back to that. Again, there’s a study that came out, I think it was in 2022 as well, on calcium alpha gadoglutarate, which is quite extraordinary. It was the rejuvenant study where I believe they took quite a high dose of calcium alpha gadoglutarate and they saw an uptake in longevity by something like 12%, if not higher. But it was in combination with, for women, I think it was vitamin D, and for men it was vitamin a. So it was like that combo of the two. And again, it’s quite nice that they made it like the difference of, for one ever reason, one sex needs vitamin d, the other one vitamin a.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:36:06]:
But as you know, AKG, which is the simpler form of it, the calcium part, it just makes it more bioavailability, basically. It’s better absorbed by the body. That’s why we chose it. But AKG has been around for many years because we know muscle recovery performance. And then we added a bit of selenium and moly denim to help, because again, it’s conclusive. Von building, it’s very synergistic with helping the liver out. So talking the liver, talking the joints, talking gut health, talking neuroprotective respiratory. Again, nad very well known for that.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:36:46]:
Again, list is kind of endless on the benefits. And the guys were like, we can’t put all this stuff on the website. And there’s like so many studies, it was just impossible. So we had to just pick some of the main benefits that people will know of or heard of. But the list is really endless. So that’s why we had to make this really, like, take it up a notch. Not just Glynac, but Glynac plus.

Nick Urban [00:37:08]:
Yeah. When I was looking into alpha ketoglutyrate a while back, I came across a bunch of different forms. I can’t recall the different ones off top of my head. Maybe it was sodium Alpha ketogglutyrate, I’m not sure. But why did you guys choose and settle on the calcium form?

Maite Brines von Melle [00:37:24]:
Ultimately, when we talked to the guy that sources the best ingredients for us, that appeared to have the best bioavailability.

Nick Urban [00:37:33]:
Okay. Yeah. The other one I was thinking of was arginine. Arginine alpha ketoglutrate, aakg. It seems like the calcium form is better researched to begin with and it seems like a little more promising from when I was digging into it. But I was curious if there’s anything else.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:37:48]:
Yeah, I was just trying to see is there anything else that we could have stacked? But other than those two minerals I mentioned, I think this is a pretty solid formulation and it was also really important to get the right dosage in there. So we’ve got the 3000 milligram of the glycine, 1200 of the NAC, and I think it’s 350 or 300 on the calcium alpha glutalate. Actually, you know what? I don’t even have mine yet because we have these real. Because literally you’re one of the first people to get it. And we haven’t been able to send it over to the UK yet because we’ve got real shipment issues at the moment. So it’s nice to actually see the bottle that you’re showing. That’s what it looks like. Thank you.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:38:32]:
And it’s much bigger than the other bottles, right?

Nick Urban [00:38:34]:

Maite Brines von Melle [00:38:35]:
You’re just showing off now.

Nick Urban [00:38:37]:
Yeah. Well, that’s because you have glycine in here. And 3000 milligrams is a lot of powder to put in any capsule, which is why the serving size is bigger than some of the other products you have, I’m assuming. Would you recommend people when they’re working with these, using these, they titrate, they start off, say, half dose, see how they tolerate it, and then go up or down accordingly.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:39:00]:
Yeah, I think if somebody is a very lean body, I have one acquaintance. Her body is almost childlike. She’s very small. She doesn’t weigh very much. And with her, she pretty much has to take everything by half. So for someone like her, definitely. But for most of us, I think we’re okay. And also, some people also know of themselves that they might be a little bit sensitive to some supplements.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:39:25]:
We get the occasional email where somebody feels a little bit nausea when they take nad region. In the first few days, we had a couple of people that actually didn’t do well von the GD eight. But what other variables are there? What have you been taking the night before, or what’s going on with your life right now?

Nick Urban [00:39:42]:
How do you recommend people decide where to begin? Because having three products is a lot less complicated than having 25. But if someone wants to get going, how do they choose which of these to start with?

Maite Brines von Melle [00:39:55]:
Yeah. I also have to tell you, Nick, we also have another product. It’s called cell Shield, but we’re out of stock, and I’ve just reformulated it, actually. So this is actually glutathione. It’s a patented version of glutathione with liposomal vitamin C, and it had chlorella, but we changed it now to a patented version of curcumin. So it’s called c three. So it’s a super master antioxidant. It’s like three that work so beautifully together.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:40:23]:
And when I looked at this literature and studies behind it, how they work together, it was like a no brainer to kind of reformulate it. So what’s the best way to start? So I would probably suggest if you’re anywhere over 40, it’s probably time to think about your nad status. Do you eat a lot of carbs? Do you work out a lot? You pick. What are your priorities? I mean, somebody did ask me the other day whether they should take Linac or nad region. It was just like, well, they do the very different things. So it’s like, this will help you with this, and this will help you with something else.

Nick Urban [00:40:58]:
So I guess then, what can people expect to notice or experience? If I nad, obviously, blood sugar labs that were showing coming back with problems, or I was wearing a continuous glucose monitor and I just couldn’t get on top of my blood sugar, then the GDA would make a lot of sense. It’s the natural right step there. But then, for example, with Glynac plus, there’s not going to be any lab that comes back says, okay, this is now, the perfect tool, would it?

Maite Brines von Melle [00:41:27]:
No. And it’s the same with Nad because you can only do nad testing actually in a lab. They have tests out there. When you google, like, Nad tests, you can get home test kits but do not buy them because it does not work. It’s impossible. This is so unstable, you can’t do it. So how do we know that this stuff is working? Right, so you’re quite right. With GDA, it’s quite easy because you can use a glucose monitor and see how you react.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:41:53]:
And actually, I talked about Chris Gaffin, and that’s what he does, actually. A lot of his reels. He eats his mousse in the morning and he shows how he is reacting to it with and without the GDA, which is great. But you also know when you crash, don’t you? You also know when you have that big bowl of pasta and afterwards you just want to lie on the sofa. Don’t do anything. A lot of our customers are taking their health very seriously. They do a lot of blood panels, biomarker testing and so forth. We’ve seen definitely lowering in cholesterol on the last studies, actually, something came out.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:42:26]:
Probably not. I’m just going to mention that it might have a really positive effect on your liver, but that’s all I will say at the moment. And you will notice an uptick in energy. Yeah, you will feel that uptick in energy. But will you feel your dna repair going on? You won’t feel your dna repair going on. You should feel, well, there should be a general sense of well being. But normally we don’t feel that DNA repair is not going on anymore because we’re going to the doctor’s office because something’s wrong with that. We developed some sort of condition all of a sudden, then we know that dna repair was not going on.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:43:01]:
It’s win for the long game. If you’re taking your longevity, your health span seriously, then addressing the hallmarks of aging is like anyone after 40, I would say, do it. And if you can do it before, if you can think about building that muscle now, you’re better off now rather than when you’re 60. But it’s not too late when you’re 60.

Nick Urban [00:43:23]:
And the whole DNA repair process is very costly in terms of the way it depletes nAd. So if we can avoid putting ourselves in situations that are not necessarily hormetic, but really damage the DNA, whether that’s ionizing and non ionizing radiation in high doses, or it’s just like getting a sunburn from excess uv exposure, a bunch of these different things are pretty easily avoidable or at least minimized and can help us keep nad higher without having to actually add or remove anything, really.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:43:57]:
And it’s everything it’s always, like, talking about. So one thing we sometimes miss out on is, like, just stress. Stress is so depleting of everything, magnesium, let alone nad, just like some of the fundamental stuff, because most people will be taking vitamin D, magnesium maite, vitamin C. Some people take a multivitamin. Some people know their deficiencies. I know I have a higher need of vitamin D because I’ve done my genetics, so I know I need it. I also need extra vitamin A because my body is just. Yeah, it’s just what is lacking genetically.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:44:33]:
So I need all that stuff, and everybody’s different, so you got to get those right. But this is the next level. Longevity supplements we’re addressing now the hallmarks of aging. We’re addressing inflammation.

Nick Urban [00:44:44]:
Have you found genetic analysis to be that helpful for you?

Maite Brines von Melle [00:44:47]:
I suppose I was like, one of the very early ones who did 23 andme, and then I got the raw data, and then I just got that deciphered. So there are some things I still don’t fully know. I found it helpful to find out there is a higher need of vitamin D. There is a higher need of vitamins a, and I’m not very good at, what was it, charcoal foods. I’m just being mindful of that because I’m not very good at detoxifying it. So knowing all of that, I’ll look after it and I’ll make sure I supplement accordingly. So for me, I suppose so, because I think by the time you’re 40, you kind of know how well you do with detoxification. For example, because you can have two people sitting in a room with mold.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:45:29]:
One will be on the floor and the other one will be just fine. And that’s also like a genetic blueprint in there.

Nick Urban [00:45:37]:
Yeah. I think it can be really helpful if you use a reputable and accurate service to understand your sensitivities, your predispositions, all that in advance. And if you do that at a young age, you can capitalize on the information throughout your entire life. And perhaps it’s not deterministic, perhaps just like having this idea in your mind and not being married to the idea that it has to be this exact way. But having that baseline, having that background, can just shed a little more light on why you might want to take a slightly higher dose of vitamin D, or you might want to take methylate vitamins instead of the normal forms.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:46:14]:
I tell you, last year I got very interested in bioresnance testing, and now I’m lucky to have someone locally who does an extremely amazing job. Actually, it’s called a quest machine that you literally hold and it reads the energy frequencies in your body and it then translates it. I don’t know if you’ve done it, but you get this whole sort of reading on the computer and it’s absolutely insane. So I’ve sent a lot of my clients because other than working for biostack, I also work as a health coach. And I’ve sent like a bunch of people there and it just all comes up, it just like the whole history. And this is just you holding onto a little bit of metal. And the computer is able to read the frequencies around your organs, around your dna, and tells you whether you had a tick bite, it tells you whether you’re deficient in something, it tells you all of that without you having to give a bit of hair or saliva or blood, anything like that. Absolutely.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:47:10]:
It just blows my mind.

Nick Urban [00:47:12]:
Yeah. I’ve been hearing more and more about bioresin machines the last year or two. I have not played around with any yet, but it sounds like it’d be really cool, possibly fruitful. How do you go about refining your own personal longevity stack and protocol when.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:47:28]:
Your methodology there, the less the better, 100%? And this is where the bioresonance testing and in combination with kinesiology has been. Absolutely, again, just mind blowing, because I took my stack and I had things that, I mean, obviously I had my biostack stack with me, but I had like my magnesium. At the time, I was taking magnesium farinate, believing it is the most expensive form of magnesium for sure. But it’s also, the ledger shown is like very high bioavailability. So I had like a bunch of very fancy supplements and a lot of them, apparently, they just did really badly with me on muscle testing. So we need to change some things up. And some things were just like really not necessary. So that’s how I really streamlined my stack last year.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:48:20]:
And it just feels so much better now that I’m taking this really incredible magnesium now, which is an ionic magnesium. It’s a liquid goes under the, well, actually I put a half a dropper in water, it’s super salty. But yeah, immediately within, actually two weeks after changing slightly, my supplements, my HRV went consistently up by ten Ms, which for me it was just like big deal because nothing really shifted it overnight. It was always seemed to be kind of in the same numbers. And then all of a sudden it was just like ten Ms. Ten Ms is like, what? What’s going on? So, yeah, that was really interesting. And now I know. And the great thing is, and I have to tell you, I was a little bit worried when she took the biostack products on me and she tested, it was like, oh, please let them work.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:49:12]:
And they worked, they worked fine. But I gave the practitioner now some of our products, and she’s testing them on many of her clients just by holding and seeing how they’re responding to it. So this is kind of muscle testing, where you hold out and they push down the arm. You’ve probably done it. And she said really, really high success rate. More than 80% of the people actually responding really, really well to it because she has, I don’t know, thousands of different supplements in her practice. It’s really high end. I streamlined it to the basic stuff that I know my body needs, which includes, obviously, I take the biostack stuff, I take my vitamins d, I take the magnesium, I take humic and vulvic acid, which I came across again last year through the bioresonance testing.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:50:00]:
So I mind out, really, that my body really loves it. I just drink it and I just feel so good on it. And I have to take a little bit of iodine because my thyroid was a little bit sluggish. So I take occasionally, like if I have a stressful day, I take some ashwagandha, or occasionally I take some gaba or something like that. But the main stack is kind of pretty tight, to be honest. Oh, pc, body biopc.

Nick Urban [00:50:27]:
I take phosphatidylcholine.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:50:29]:

Nick Urban [00:50:30]:
What do you take that one for?

Maite Brines von Melle [00:50:31]:
Cellular membrane health. Because other than doing bioresnance fasting, I also do biomarker testing. Right. And I do about myself and all my clients. And cellular membrane health is one of the thing that was flagged with everyone, including myself.

Nick Urban [00:50:47]:
What kind of tests are those?

Maite Brines von Melle [00:50:48]:
So this is a british company called Omnos. I suppose it’s similar to it’s inside tracker in the States, isn’t it? They do a pretty comprehensive. So this tests 58 different biomarkers now, and it combines them and makes it really easy to read on the dashboard. And it came out as poor cellular membrane saves. So building those membranes up again, I’m pretty careful in terms of cooking with seed oils and stuff, and it’s pretty tough to avoid because it’s in everything. So again, just staying home and cooking at home, I don’t do it all the time. Of course I’ll go out and I don’t always ask what’s in it because needless to say, it won’t be olive oil, it will be something different. But I am mindful of it for sure.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:51:35]:
But it’s something I’m working on, so that’s why I’m taking the pc.

Nick Urban [00:51:41]:
And if you do go out, you can have a little bit of extra vitamin e, or spirulina I think it is, or glycine even, to help offset some of the damage of the period oxidation of lipids of the bad fats to give you a little bit of a shield. It’s not going to make up entirely, but at least it’ll help mop up some of the damage caused by those.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:52:01]:
Oh, you mean like any binders?

Nick Urban [00:52:03]:
I don’t know if it’s any binders specifically, it’s like specific ones that work with seed oils. The problem with vitamin E too is then you have to start looking into whether your product is derived from. It’s composed of tocotrinols or tocopherols or tocotrinos. And the tocotrinols, I think are the ones that you want the highest concentration. I think those are the better ones. And the tocopherols are the ones that are lower quality and cheaper and used in most supplements. Are there any longevity supplements or molecules or even pathways that you think are going to be huge in the future that you are currently researching?

Maite Brines von Melle [00:52:42]:
Yeah, so I’ve been looking at acumensia a lot. Have you had Joel Green on, do you know Joel Green?

Nick Urban [00:52:49]:
Yeah, we’ve been coordinating for like three months trying to find a time. We’ve had to reschedule twice so far, but yeah, I actually do his two day core protocol.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:52:59]:
Yeah. So after reading his book I thought this is really interesting. And then I came across, by the.

Nick Urban [00:53:08]:
Way, for anyone listening, listening in, acromancia is a very special form of probiotic.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:53:14]:
Yeah. And I thought like after reading book, I was just like, okay, so this is how we can help with production. But obviously pendulum, really well known company quality sort of product, I’ve not taken it myself, but the sort of research behind it and the people behind it is quite extraordinary. They use the ASU, the activated their life, which has always been very difficult to manufacture and also to keep stable. But I’ve been looking at a paper that also kind of promotes TFU. So some of them are alive and others aren’t, but there’s more of them, there’s billions of them. So I think potentially, when it comes to blood sugar management, when it comes to neurotransmitters, when it comes to GLP, one, all of those things, I think acumensia is very interesting. I would like to have my own levels tested on acumencia.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:54:09]:
So I’ve not done that. I don’t know if you’ve done it. And something I need to figure out a bit better is as well, is EMF protection. I’ve got one of the Leela quantum pendants that help to neutralize emfs, but I’m looking for a really good home device. So if you have any suggestions on that. So not so much an ingredient or supplement, but I think EMF protection, again.

Nick Urban [00:54:34]:
There are a handful of ingredients that can help. Like one really common and popular one that you’re taking is magnesium. That’s a natural calcium channel blocker, among other things. And then molecular hydrogen is one that I’m a big fan of for its ability to help protect against non native emfs. And you were saying during the day, but I think during the nighttime is the most important to protect ourselves because that’s when all the body’s repair and regeneration processes and protocols are occurring. So if we can only choose one time, those give or take 8 hours, that’s when you want to be as walled off from emfs as possible. Reduce the drags, the friction, because every time your body has to repair some of each of the single strand or even double strand dna breaks from that radiation exposure, single strand from non admfs. But you’re still consuming, using a lot of part for that, and you’re consuming a lot of nAd.

Nick Urban [00:55:30]:
And if you don’t do that, then you’re going to have more resources for more important stuff. Well, maite, we’re going to start to wind down. We’ve been going for a while. If people want to connect with you to check out biostack or biostack labs, how do they go about that?

Maite Brines von Melle [00:55:45]:
Yeah, they simply go to Right. So it’s just biostack. We’re also on social media under Biostack Labs. I am under super health playbook. That’s kind of my website and my Instagram handle. But yeah, reach out to us on Biostack Labs, Nick. We’re going to set you up with a discount code as well so your audience can try the products for themselves because we talked about them now for quite a bit, so maybe they’re interested.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:56:15]:
So we’ll definitely get a code for you out.

Nick Urban [00:56:18]:
Absolutely. And I’ll put a link to the code and the social media and the website and everything in the show. Notes for this episode below. Maite, I have a couple more questions for you today.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:56:30]:
Yeah, go.

Nick Urban [00:56:31]:
If there was a worldwide burning of the books and all knowledge on earth is lost, but you get to save the works of three teachers, who would you choose and why?

Maite Brines von Melle [00:56:42]:
I think anything related to Buddhism and the teachings, because you can’t combine it, you can’t write, this is what the buddha wrote, but buddhist teachings, definitely. Because I think again and again people come up with new names like how to manifest and what was the secret. And it all goes down to Buddhism. Or Paolo Cuelo’s book, everything goes down to Buddhism. So I think that would be a major saves. I really like the works of Stacey Sims because that’s about women’s health. I have to put it that way. And another health book that I really love is atomic habits by James clear.

Nick Urban [00:57:21]:
What’s one thing you’ve changed your mind on in the last couple of years?

Maite Brines von Melle [00:57:25]:
I think I’ve just become very careful with dogma. Like I mentioned that in the beginning, it’s so easy to, especially if you find someone. I think everybody’s so into Peter Etier and Andrew Cubanman, and they’re great guys and there’s no question about it. But I think it’s so much easier for someone to go, like, this is the way. This is the only way. So I’ve been coming really mindful of seeing the nuances and trying to see the bigger picture of. There is no just one way, especially in the biohacking world. I think it can be very like, kale is evil.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:58:01]:
It’s like, no, it’s not really that evil.

Nick Urban [00:58:05]:
Yeah, I mean, the most extreme diet of 2023 wasn’t carnivore. It wasn’t plant based veganism. It was being an omnivore.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:58:16]:
So basically just balance. Yeah, but it’s the one thing, that’s why we say to a lot of my clients or audiences or whatever that nobody wants to hear that because it’s so unsexy. They just want to go, this is the way. Because it’s like hardcore. And in any way, it has to be like this way. If I say it’s going back to balance, it’s like, it’s okay to have a glass of wine. Everybody’s talking about sober curiosity right now. It’s like, we don’t have to stop drinking.

Maite Brines von Melle [00:58:48]:
Just do it. Just.

Nick Urban [00:58:50]:
What is one thing the biostack tribe does not know about you?

Maite Brines von Melle [00:58:55]:
Probably that well, they know it, but I think a lot of my audience don’t know. I’m actually a trained actor. So I did my ba in acting. I went to drama school here in London, and I spent many years running after running two auditions and doing lots of work on the fringe and doing lots of. Yeah, so there’s all kinds of silly video clips of me on the Internet, which I probably shouldn’t have mentioned, but yeah, that’s probably one thing.

Nick Urban [00:59:25]:
Awesome. Well, how would you like to wrap up our show together today?

Maite Brines von Melle [00:59:29]:
I would love to spread the message of preventative health. We can all take charge of our health, and it doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. And I know that I’m working for a company that sells supplements. But again, going back to what we talked about, it’s the basic stuff. It’s like it’s going outdoors. It’s like walking in nature. It’s dealing with little traumas and big traumas. Not wasting away, basically.

Nick Urban [00:59:58]:
Yeah. And there’s no better reminder to that than when you are Nick and you lose your health. And whether it’s acutely or it’s chronically than when you feel better, that is like the best, strongest reminder you can get. That just being well enough to do your daily living responsibilities, to get outside like that is a huge gift in and of itself.

Maite Brines von Melle [01:00:21]:
100% it’s freedom.

Nick Urban [01:00:24]:
Well, my Thai thank you for joining me on the podcast today. It’s been a pleasure hosting you, chatting about some of these cool ingredients and things you guys are working on, some of your personal interests, and your own approach to longevity.

Maite Brines von Melle [01:00:39]:
It’s been my pleasure, Nick. Nice talking to you and I hope your audience will get plenty out of this conversation because I certainly did.

Nick Urban [01:00:46]:
Me too. Thank you.

Maite Brines von Melle [01:00:49]:

Nick Urban [01:00:50]:
I hope that this has been helpful for you. If you enjoyed it, subscribe and hit the thumbs up. I love knowing who’s in the 1% committed to reaching their full potential. Comment 1% below so that I know who you are. For all the resources and links, meet me on my, I appreciate you and look forward to connecting with you. As a reminder, please tell your primary health professional before making.

Connect with Maite Brines von Melle @ Biostack Labs

This Podcast Is Brought to You By

Nick Urban is a Biohacker, Data Scientist, Athlete, Founder of Outliyr, and the Host of the Mind Body Peak Performance Podcast. He is a Certified CHEK Practitioner, a Personal Trainer, and a Performance Health Coach. Nick is driven by curiosity which has led him to study ancient medical systems (Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hermetic Principles, German New Medicine, etc), and modern science.

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Music by Luke Hall

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2 thoughts on “Regenerate Cellular Energy & Boost Longevity with the NAD3 Biostack”

  1. This episode is super interesting. I’m familiar with basic biohacking things and this is something that is definitely a topic I am not familiar with so its pretty eye-opening how many other things go into supplementation. Keep up the great episodes!


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