Episode Highlights
Anything is better than nothing when it comes to detoxification Share on XYou can't detox on a broken foundation Share on XMake a better choice wherever possible & don't sweat the small stuff Share on XPodcast Sponsor Banner
About Dr. Wendie Trubow
Wendie Trubow, MD, MBA, IFM certified practitioner, is passionate about helping women optimize their health and lives as a functional medicine gynecologist. Through her struggles with mold and metal toxicity, Celiac disease, and other health issues, Trubow has developed a deep sense of compassion and expertise for what her patients are facing.
She is the co-author of Dirty Girl: Ditch the Toxins, Look Great, and Feel Freaking Amazing and has been regularly featured in MindBodyGreen and Huffington Post.
She is an accomplished speaker and previously had her own television show. She is on the faculty at A4M and a speaker for their conferences, along with other national societies. She and her partner will be releasing their next book in 2024.

Top Things You’ll Learn From Dr. Wendie Trubow
- Dr. Wendie’s Routine and Recommendations
- Encouraging people to focus on improvement rather than perfection in their health journey
- Using specific brands that are certified or organic and avoid chemicals
- A foundational approach to detoxification
- Strategies for addressing leaky gut include the use of supplements
- Using wearable data for monitoring health and adjusting workouts
- The importance of detoxification
- The impact of exercise, sleep, and a proper diet on detoxification
- Addressing the root causes of problems through detox
- Ensuring the health of the gut, adrenals, and liver
- Testing for toxins in the body should be done more often
- Why avoid rapid weight loss programs
- Plastics and endocrine-disrupting chemicals
- The omnipresence of harmful chemicals in everyday items, particularly plastics
- Caution against the replacement of BPA with other similar derivatives in plastic bottles
- Importance of using non-toxic products in beauty, cleaning, and household items
- Impact of endocrine-disrupting chemicals on hormones, fertility, weight, and overall health
- Using specific brands that are certified or organic to avoid chemicals
- Mycotoxins and health
- Mycotoxins’ effects including headaches, brain fog, asthma, weight gain, rashes, risk of chronic illness, & cancer
- Mycotoxins can be found in food and drink
- The challenge in finding mold-tested organic grains
- Mold exposure is common in buildings
- How detoxification helps protect us from these toxins
Resources Mentioned
- Program: Five Journeys
- Resource: Dr. Wendie (Click to get more FREE resources)
- Article: Natural Ways to Cellular Detox
- Book: Dirty Girl: Ditch the Toxins, Look Great and Feel FREAKING AMAZING!
- Teacher: Ayn Rand
- Teacher: Immanuel Kant
- Teacher: Albert Einstein
Episode Transcript
Click here
Nick Urban [00:00:05]:
If you’ve tried seemingly everything to get healthy, to drop some weight, to fully optimize your hormones, or you’re just not feeling the level of Tality, that you know you could, stick around because our guest this week might just have your solution. In this episode, we discuss the ins and outs of detoxification, why it’s necessary, the real threat it poses, some of the worst hidden offenders, and perhaps most importantly, what you can do about it, the simple tweaks that make the biggest difference. Our guest this week is doctor Wendie Truboww. As a functional medicine gynecologist, she is passionate about helping women optimize their health and lives. Although don’t worry, this episode applies to everyone, through her struggles with mold and metal toxicity, celiac disease Mind other health issues, doctor Truboww has developed a deep sense of compassion and expertise for what her patients are feeling, she is the coauthor of a book called Dirty Girl, Ditch the Toxins, look great, and feel freaking amazing. And she has been regularly featured in Mind Body Green and Huffington Post. Doctor Truboww is an accomplished speaker and previously had her own television show. She is on the faculty at a4m and a speaker for their conferences along with other national societies, she and her partner we’ll be releasing their new book in 2024.
Nick Urban [00:01:45]:
I recently also wrote a guide to cellular detoxification. You can find that along with everything we discuss saves well as a link to doctor Truboww book, Dirty Girl, in the show notes for this episode, which you’ll find at mindbodypeak.com/number144. Body can also follow her work at 5journeys.com. Okay. Let’s bring in doctor Wendie Truboww. Doctor Wendie Trubow, welcome to Body Peak Performance.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:02:17]:
Thanks. Great to be here.
Nick Urban [00:02:18]:
It’s an honor to be hosting you today. We’ve been coordinating this one for about 3 or 4 months now, So I’m glad that we’re able to make it happen. And today, we are going to be discussing the role of detox vacation and endocrine disrupting chemicals Mind some of the insights that you gleaned when researching and writing your book, Dirty Girl. Well, let’s start off today with the unusual nonnegotiables you’ve done for your health, your performance, and your bioharmony.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:02:46]:
This is such an interesting conversation because I always say you have to deal with the platforms of your health before you get into the cooler higher order stuff of detox and Optimization. And so I think it it Just deserves being acknowledged that you have to deal with the foundations. What are the foundations? You have to eat food that looks like real food. Sleep, especially in America where, like, chronically underslept and proud of it. You know? Oh, I got by on 4 hours of sleep. I’m like, that’s not good. Then one of the reasons it’s not good is that when you don’t sleep, you don’t detox. And when you don’t detox, you’re full of nasty chemicals that then make you fat, sick, and feel dead.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:03:23]:
So it’s really important to get more sleep. It’s important that you poop every day. Some of my patients are like, every day? Really? I’m like, yeah. Even twice a day. So poop at least once a day. It’s called the oroanal reflex. Remember learning it in med school and being like, that’s the weirdest thing. Even by then, I was sick.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:03:42]:
You know? I didn’t know it. And then move your body, get sweaty 4 or 5 times a Peak, you know, it’s hard to do every day, but get sweaty as often as you can. And then don’t engage in toxic behaviors or relationships. That’s a harder one food a lot of us. Right? So that’s the foundation of your Health, and then you get to, okay, what are the Code, nonnegotiable thing. So I I would say most of my nonnegotiables fall into the foundational category. Meaning, I don’t eat food that is brightly colored. I don’t eat things that I don’t believe are food.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:04:17]:
So My nonnegotiable stem from, like, I wear my WHOOP all the time so I can see how’s my recovery Mind how’s my heart rate, how’s my body temp, How how’s my respiratory rate? Am I getting gut of sleep? Am I moving my Body? And am I eating food that’s real food? Those are those are what I’ll call my nonnegotiables. And then there’s the fun stuff. Right? But that’s more when I have the time and the optional and based on how I’m feeling. So it’s an ebb and a flow.
Nick Urban [00:04:41]:
What do you do based on the data you get from your wearables? Like, say, you see you have a low HRV or your resting heart rate was higher last night or there’s a Optimization rate was high, there’s a lot of different things you can look at. Like, what do you do with that information?
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:04:54]:
I really especially in the days of COVID, I really Lean into that data so that I can very quickly tell when I’m getting sick and respond appropriately. So that’s one way, and then the other is, it’s very interesting. You know, it doesn’t always match. Some like today, I woke up, and I’m liver, bright green. I’m at 88%. I’m like, I don’t feel that. I do not feel that today. So I use it as a gauge, although it’s not the Health grail, but I do use it liver, how am I doing, and how do I need to tailor my workouts? You know, I got to the gym yesterday, and I was like, I’m not feeling it.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:05:28]:
So the thing that I realized is everything’s better than nothing, so there’s no imperfect action. You know, if you go to the gym, you don’t do a perfect job, it’s better than not going at all. So I use it to help gauge how hard of a workout will I do. Do I need to pay attention? Am I getting sick? Do I need to boost my Mind and my my minerals and nutrients? Like, what’s happening in there?
Nick Urban [00:05:47]:
That’s a great way to use it. I use it like that too for a, like, Mind opinion, 2nd voice, like, after I’ve checked in the morning, see how I actually feel, then I look to see what the data says if I look. And if I’m under recovered, then I will take off a set of my workout for each of the exercises so that I’m not pushing myself up against the brink of potential injury or nervous system burnout or anything else that you don’t want by under recovering and pushing yourself too hard consistently for long periods, do you do anything detox related or anything like that based on your wearable data?
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:06:24]:
So not based on the wearable data. My detox behaviors are centered around the lab data that I get And also how we were chatting before we started recording about if I’m traveling and I’m staying in places where the air quality might not be great or the water quality might Be great. I’ll amp up detox when I come home. So detox detox for me is the thing is my thing. Right? Like, I do it every day, all day, regardless of how I feel, there’s some part of detox in my life. So, exercises detox. Get sweaty, you get rid of your toxins. Move the lymph, get the body moving.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:07:03]:
I do chlorella, and I do cilantro, The liquid form of cilantro
Nick Urban [00:07:08]:
Why liquid form?
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:07:09]:
Do propylmannan actually, because I can’t stand the flavor, and the liquid form isn’t as offensive. And then I do propylmannan Five in the morning, and at night. Actually, the propylmannan fiber is a strain of Fiber that binds to all the strains of mycotoxins and also helps with my metals. So it’s like a 2fer. So I do that. I support my adrenals every day. 1, because I live in America. 2, because I’m, like, a high performing, high stress human, and and I feel it.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:07:38]:
And 3, because if your adrenals are messy, you’re not gonna do detox because they’ll say to the system, hey. Lion’s coming. Don’t do detox. Focus on getting rid of the sugar from your Your liver so that you can run away. So so I do adrenal support. Then I take a multivitamin that’s geared food liver has a full range of activated b vitamins as well as NAC, car carnitine, alpha lipoic acid. Before I leave the house, I take glutathione and c in liposomal form along with some peptides.
Nick Urban [00:08:07]:
That is
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:08:07]:
That’s only liver Yeah.
Nick Urban [00:08:08]:
That’s a comprehensive list just to start off your morning too.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:08:12]:
I know. And then at night, like, 3 to 5 nights a Peak, depending on the night, I do a sauna. And then I repeat that same Thing at night that with the cilantro, the fiber, I take melatonin almost all the time. The glutathione, I take depending on whether I can fit it in, And then I also take a fiber in one of my drinks that helps Mind metals.
Nick Urban [00:08:35]:
Yeah. So what do you think are, like maybe it varies from person to person, but what are, like, the highest impact of all those things that you said and take and do
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:08:45]:
Yeah. I mean, I really do believe that the foundational Things are the most impactful because you can’t detox on a broken foundation. You you and and everybody needs to detox except just by sleeping enough, when you hit that deep sleep, the cells in your body, particularly your brain, shrink down. So think of the highway between the cells as getting wider, that allows more to drain out. So I would say sweaty exercise, Amazing quality food and sleep are the most impactful things that you can do. And I know this is about biohacking, so we’re supposed to be All these cool things. And, sure, I can tell you a 1000000 things to do, but if you’re not moving, sleeping, and you’re eating crappy food, it’s useless. And I say that to people.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:09:30]:
Right? Like, I have amazing supplements in our office, but if you abuse your body, it’s not gonna help.
Nick Urban [00:09:35]:
I read a long time ago that when you sweat via exercise, perhaps it’s because you’ve engaged your adrenals more and your sympathetic nervous system that you can’t detoxify as effectively or efficiently as you can if you sauna, and, of course, you wanna do both, but is it true that when you sauna, you’re able to, like, stay in a more parasympathetic ish state Mind that allows you to, like, detox in either deeper ways or ways you can’t otherwise?
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:10:05]:
Yeah. I would say you can absolutely burn out your adrenals by over exercising. I would say there are certain forms of sauna, especially the near Mind far infrared that get really at all levels of the body that are very effective for detox, Mind, like, I’ll go in the sauna for an hour, and it takes 25 minutes to really get a full on sweat, and I do dry brushing, and I heat the sauna up beforehand Mind still no matter what I do, even if I walk in and it’s 1:50, saves me 20 minutes to start sweating. But if I did that level of sweating, and, really, it’s full Body, if I got to that level of exhaustion with exercise, I would absolutely take my adrenal. So
Nick Urban [00:10:44]:
yeah. And I wanna go into, like, a detoxification protocol, like, the way you’d structure it, because I wrote a guide a while back, like, all these different things you can do, and then someone left a comment and they asked, so how do I actually structure this? I was like, oh, this is actually, I’m sure, a lot more complicated than I’m Biohacking. So we’ll talk about that in a second. But first, I wanna paint the picture, a 10,000 foot overview, why does detoxification matter in the 1st place? You said something last time we talked that I thought was profound and stuck in my head, and that is that toxins underpin inflammation, which underpins disease. But I will give the floor to you, and you can elaborate on the things we should know about why this matters in the 1st place.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:11:24]:
Yeah. Well, let’s take even a step back from that, and I’ll say, you don’t get sick because you’re getting older. You don’t get diseases just because you’ve lived on this Health for a certain amount of time. You get diseases because your system gets clogged. What does your system get clogged with? Toxins. And when your system gets clogged, it goes down any number of pathways that demonstrate that your body is stressed. So for some people, they’ll get a headache. Other people will have low sex drive.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:11:54]:
Other people saves irritable bowel. Someone else will have an autoimmune disease. But age in Mind of itself isn’t the problem. It’s all that stuff we’re getting exposed to that then Challenges the system, creates a state of inflammation, and then, bam, we have some type of diagnosis. Right? You had the problem before you had the diagnosis. You just didn’t have the diagnosis, But you still have the toxins. So, yes, toxins underpin everything. And when you get to a full rain barrel, your your rain barrel overflows, you have symptoms, and then you go to the doctor and get a diagnosis.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:12:27]:
And when I use the term toxins, I’m being very liver, so I’m including a toxic thought pattern. I’m including toxic relationships. I’m including too much of a good food that’s acting in a way that’s bad for you. So, you know, in and of itself, Gluten is not a nasty thing, although it has been hybridized Mind it’s full of glyphosate. So the things that have been done to it make it nasty and make the impact on our body bad, but it’s not intrinsically bad. Coffee isn’t intrinsically bad. But if you drink too much of it and it’s full of pesticides and mold, then you get the negative impact. So so I’m including a really wide range of things in toxins.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:13:09]:
Not sleeping is toxic. over exercising is toxic, under exercising is toxic. Right? You gotta get the sweet spot, and it the sweet spot for you is not the sweet spot for someone else. So it’s really important to do what what works in your body, not works on you know, your good Wendie Five, oh, I can exercise for 8 hours. I’m like, I can’t do that.
Nick Urban [00:13:28]:
And then there’s those that are when you’re when you have anything out of balance, liver, in excess or too little of it, that can be toxic. But what about the endocrine disrupting chemicals? Are those are those good or healthy in some very small, minute quantity, or are those exceptions to that?
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:13:48]:
The let’s back up a step. The the Body designed to be self cleaning. Right? The liver is supposed to clean us out. Our sweat gets rid of toxins. We pee stuff out. We poop stuff out. And that’s awesome, except that as we walk through our days, it’s essentially impossible to go through the day without being exposed to some type of endocrine disrupting plastic or endocrine disrupting chemical or source. So in The New York Times last year, This guy, one of the reporters said he was determined to go a week without any plastic, and that’s And and that’s also without touching any plastic.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:14:27]:
So he couldn’t drive his car. When he went on the subway, he had to bring a plastics I’m sorry, a a wooden stool. He had to borrow clothes because he didn’t have any clothes that had no plastic in them. He couldn’t type because guess what your keyboard is, Plastic. What’s your mouse? Plastic. If we just had one of those things, yeah, sure. The body can deal with it. So it’s it’s less about Is any amount saves, and it’s more about what amount can our body deal with? And I would say it’s hard to say because it’s so pervasive.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:15:01]:
Said, right, I’m sitting on this vegan leather chair. What’s vegan leather? Plastic. And so there’s not really a safe amount, particularly because it’s So ubiquitous. It’s everywhere. We can’t get away from it. We’re we’re deluged. Right? And then the liver’s like, oh my god. Be nice to me.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:15:17]:
And don’t forget if you’re female, you’re making hormones that need to be processed through the liver in addition to those those endocrine disrupting hormones that look Five, Or, sorry, chemicals that look like your hormones, except they bind more tightly to your receptors, so now your Body completely confused. So I think women are more at risk because we make more estrogen than men do, and estrogen is particularly nasty at Wendie it gets dominant. It it behaves in ways like Heavy periods, frequent periods, fibroids, fertility challenges. So for women, it’s even worse.
Nick Urban [00:15:52]:
Yeah. There’s the xenoestrogens that come from plastic and from, like, other sources, and then there’s also phytoestrogens, like the estrogens that act the same that come from food, would you say that the phytoestrogens are also similarly destructive?
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:16:07]:
I think those are a little less destructive. The they, like soy. You know, soy binds to the estrogen receptors. It binds weekly. Again, too much of a good thing can be bad for you. So if you’re gonna use soy as a healthy source of protein and you’re eating it in its minimally processed form and it’s organic, I don’t really think that’s a big deal.
Nick Urban [00:16:26]:
Is there such thing as a clean plastic or plastic that doesn’t have all these disruptive chemicals?
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:16:32]:
Yes and no. So the plastics that are hard plastics do give off less. So food example, I was able to find metal shaker bottles. It’s funny. We got 1. Someone gave us 1, and I was so psyched because it was all metabolic, Except it was massive, and I have little hands, so I couldn’t actually get my hands around it to use. So when I’m shaking it, I’m using both hands. So, the harder plastics are better than the the softer plastics, but I would not store food in a hard plastic container.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:17:05]:
I’m okay with the tops. You know, liver, we have metal storage. There are there’s stainless steel, and then the Five have saves the hard plastic that clicks on. We don’t ever put the food up top so that it touches the top. So if you store food in the container and then you close it, I think that’s probably fine.
Nick Urban [00:17:24]:
I thought that I had done a great job of removing all the plastics from my life for as much as I possibly could until I realized about a year ago that I was making my coffee, and was putting it in a Vitamix, and I realized I’m putting a very, very hot liquid into that. So I started doing is I started cooling it down 4 I put Mind, and, of course, it’s better just to have a glass blender container to begin with, but at least if it’s not scalding hot, it’s gonna leach less microplastics and less of the chemicals into the drink.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:17:54]:
Well, think about it. I I can’t even tell you how many people don’t recognize that that cute little plastic pod that they make their coffee in is forcing Endocrine disrupting chemicals right into their someone said to me she said I said to her yesterday, like, okay. We’re gonna wanna Make sure that the coffee you’re drinking is organic and tested for mold. She goes, so I shouldn’t go to Starbucks? I’m like, no. Probably not. Like, You know, because it’s not, Nick. It’s not tested for mulch. She goes, okay.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:18:24]:
So I’ll just go home and make it in my Keurig. And I was like, oh, wait. Okay. Wait a second. You know? That’s not any better. You know? So I said to her and we’re talking about the gradations of it. I would actually prefer that you drink your Starbucks coffee over your Keurig Because you’re forcing this massive dose of endocrine disrupting hormones into your Body. And as a woman, you’re you’re just not gonna deal with that, Especially given that, you know, she’s a woman of my age.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:18:47]:
We’re we’re postmenopausal, and she’s starting hormones. I’m like, I don’t really want you on hormones, and then I’m giving you this stuff that looks like a hormone, And it’s and it’s just compounding the issue. So I do think there’s gradations, but if you push hot water through your little plastic cup, You’re getting a daily dose of endocrine disrupting hormones, so of chemicals, so don’t do that. Right? French press it. They’ve shown that Filtered coffee is better than unfiltered, so pour it through water, French press it, whatever. But
Nick Urban [00:19:16]:
And the other issue I’ve noticed is a lot of companies now proudly market how their plastic bottles are BPA free, and that’s great. They’ve finally removed a super toxic substance from the bottle itself, but then they’ve replaced the BPA with BPE and BPS and BP, all these other other similar derivatives.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:19:35]:
My babysitter’s taken over cooking because I work a lot, but I used to cook a lot, like, you know, 5 days a week, and I use canned beans. And every time I open a can, I’m like, this is nonstick. Right? And they gotta make it nonstick in some way, and so it’s plastic. So I keep thinking to myself, okay. I gotta soak the beans. I gotta get organized enough to soak the beans ahead of time. It’s just beyond me. Right? Sunday morning, I’ll say, okay.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:19:59]:
I wanna make taco night tonight. Well, you know, at that point, I could probably put it in the Instant Pot and pressure cook it, but, yeah, it’s it’s really hard to Deal with it. Do your best. Make a better choice wherever possible, and don’t sweat the small stuff. Focus on removing it on the other end.
Nick Urban [00:20:18]:
And if you have to choose to remove anything, choose the thing that’s putting the hot liquid in the closest proximity with the plastic
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:20:26]:
I do say to people, look. As you’re running out of your home cleaning items, your dishwashing detergent, your your, washing machine, you know, all of that, as you’re running out of that, that’s a really good time to level up. But it’s so challenging when we invest money in something, And then we’re like, oh, that wasn’t the best. Right? So I totally feel you because I don’t have a plastic, Wendie at this point, either it is that hard plastic, and I don’t put anything hot in it.
Nick Urban [00:20:54]:
So we’ve already talked about any hot liquids that touch plastic are a good thing to at least remove or consider removing, what Health? What else would be on your list of the highest impact things to remove? Because we could go over a list of, like, 200, 300 different things and just be scratching the surface so, like, if you had to stack rank, things that are most helpful for people to consider, maybe perhaps the things they wouldn’t even consider to begin with.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:21:17]:
Don’t scent your house. That stuff you plug in and the stuff you spray to make your house Five, All has endocrine disrupting chemicals in it. So if you feel that you must have a smell in your house, get a diffuser and put essential oils in it. Otherwise, everything else is full of chemicals that messes up your system. And what’s nice is it’s so much cheaper To have a diffuser with some you know, use 1 drop of an essential oil. It’s not like you’re using a whole bottle which costs $20. Right? It’s it it’ll last you for a year. Don’t spray stuff that smells.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:21:53]:
That’s endocrine disrupting. As you run out of your beauty product, your makeup, your shampoo, your lotion, your hair colorant, whatever that is, right, fill in the blank, that’s when you wanna level up, and that happens especially for women all the time. Right? Like, I’m always running out of something. For house cleaning, dishwashing detergent, washing machine detergent, floor cleaner, bathroom cleaner, all that stuff, I love AspenClean. It’s a company that they’re environmental working group certified, so it’s Urban, And it’s not toxic, it’s not harsh, it’s it’s not bleach. Okay? If you love bleach, it is not bleach. K? But bleach is endocrine disrupting, so Pick a poison. For beauty products, I use pretty much 3 things for salves and serums and lotions.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:22:46]:
I use Purity Woods, which is one of my friends has created, and it’s not EWG certified, but it’s basically organic. I use Vintage Traditions, which is, lotion, and I use Beautycounter. Those are the 3 things I use for stuff I put on myself. Other than For lotion, I used everyone. That’s also EWG certified. And then for makeup, it’s Burt’s Bees, Mineral Fusions, or Beautycounter. And that’s kinda it, and I don’t do my nails. If you’re gonna color your hair, look for something.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:23:17]:
There’s some, there’s overtone in the UK that is cleaner. Don’t take your clothes to the dry cleaner because they use formaldehyde, unless you can find a cleaner that uses steam to clean the clothes, which is Really rare. Don’t take your clothes to dry cleaner because they use formaldehyde. Don’t burn the scented candles. Level up on what you’re cleaning your house with. Oh, here’s one that you’re not gonna like. You ready? Don’t drink alcohol.
Nick Urban [00:23:46]:
Someone really likes when
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:23:47]:
they say that. So, basically, your liver does your detox, and your liver prioritizes how bad is this, how quickly do I need to deal with it. And when the liver gets alcohol, it is considered a clear and present danger. Your liver stops the presses for all other behaviors and just deals with the alcohol, and that means you’re not detoxing from the 1,001 things you got exposed to in the course of your day, all of which are endocrine disrupting. And when I say endocrine disrupting, these are things that mess up your hormones, mess up your sex drive, mess up your ability to lose weight, make you put on weight in places that you don’t wanna have weight, men get boobs, women get big bellies Mind big butts, and so you get things that you’re not psyched to have. Right? I’m not like, yay. My bum’s bigger. I’m like, oh my god.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:24:36]:
I must have more endocrine disrupting things I’m exposed to.
Nick Urban [00:24:39]:
One thing it’s hard for me to determine is, like, where this stacks in terms of, like, a whole health optimization program. Like, of course, it’s important to have a clean system, but, like so you’re doing the basics. You’re sleeping. You’re moving. You’re diet stressing. You’re getting your and light, etcetera, etcetera, then how do you know when it’s time to focus on your detoxification? How do you know that it’s not it needs attention versus I can just, like, continue eating clean and doing these other healthy living things, and I will, like, reach my goals. Perhaps, do you know, like, when the your goals are being hindered by detoxification?
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:25:18]:
I would say if you live on this Earth, you need to focus on detox in some way. If you’re human and you live on the Health, you gotta focus on it. Now then the degree to how much you need to focus on it depends how sick you are. So if you you have fewer chemicals and fewer exposures earlier in liver. So if you’re before 35, you have less. But I will say that It’s shocking to me how many people need assistance with fertility, you know, fertility assist in reproduction, IVF, Intrauterine insemination. I only know a very few number of people who got pregnant spontaneously. The rest of them need help.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:25:54]:
And this has happened in my career, And I’ve been in practice for 20 almost 25 years. This is the delayed response impact to all of these endocrine disrupting chemicals as it messes our fertility Mind so, okay, so going back to it, how how hard you prioritize detox depends directly on how sick you are. So meaning, You get up in the morning, you feel plastic, your body is exactly how you want it to be, you can exercise beautifully, your brain works, You have no gut issues, meaning you don’t notice your gut, you get up and poop in the morning, you poop after you Peak. It’s never bloated or gassy or painful or constipated or diarrhea, none of that stuff. Your periods are picture perfect. Your sex drive is perfect. You have no trouble with an erection. You have no trouble getting lubricated or having an orgasm.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:26:43]:
You’re just perfect. Everything works like it’s supposed to. It’s all invisible. I literally don’t know a single human who can claim that. K? Gut, okay, if that’s you, you can ignore literally everything I’ve said because you’re strong like a bull and nothing impacts you. Cool. Fine. Okay? Then there’s the rest of us.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:27:01]:
Okay. You get up Mind you’re a little bit fatigued. A good night’s sleep fixes it. Fine. Okay. Focus on the platform stuff. But then you start to notice that after a couple of days of doing Doing what you’ll consider the right thing. And this is not a moral conversation.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:27:16]:
You’re not bad if you don’t do it. You’re not good if you do it. You’re simply healthier if you do it. So a few days of doing what works for your body Mind you still don’t feel like $1,000,000 or there’s a part of your body that’s not invisible. I always say, like, your whole body should be like your right elbow. You don’t notice it. It doesn’t hurt. It doesn’t bother you.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:27:36]:
There’s no rash on it. It’s just invisible. Your gut should be like that. Your brain should be like that. Everything should be invisible. If it’s not and it doesn’t recover within a day or so of rest, then it’s time to focus on detox because you’re starting to show symptoms. If your doctor says to you, oh, you’re 20 pounds overweight Or your ideal body weight is 20 pounds less or you’re you’re metabolically unstable or you’re prediabetic or you’re you saves Metabolic Wendie X or your PCOS, those are all signs that the body is screaming to be addressed. So pretty much If you have a diagnosis of anything, autoimmune disease, metabolic disease, cardiovascular disease, cardiometabolic disease, cancer, degenerative disease, Any of those, any diagnoses, that is your warning cry that you need to get started on this because it only gets worse.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:28:25]:
It doesn’t get better. It only gets worse.
Nick Urban [00:28:27]:
So if you feel like you’re aging prematurely and you’ve done the basics, then this would be a good place to look just to initially evaluate your exposures, and then from there, creating or following a protocol to address this, I’m sure people are wondering at this point, if all of these products we’ve named so far have toxins, why were they allowed in the 1st place? Like, why are these chemicals not banned?
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:28:53]:
You literally just Just threw gasoline on the fire. You know? So, unfortunately,
Nick Urban [00:29:01]:
Europe is
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:29:01]:
a little bit different, but not totally. In the United States, things are fine until they’re shown to be bad. Kinda like you’re you’re innocent until presumed guilty until found guilty. You’re presumed healthy or safe until it’s shown beyond a preponderance of evidence that you are not safe. So, actually, the EPA and I are the same age. We were born in 1970. We’re the same age. And in its lifetime, the EPA has banned Nine chemicals.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:29:31]:
So for people who aren’t math people, I was born in 1970. We’re recording in 2024. So the EPA is turning 54 years food. And in its 54 year history, it’s banned 9 chemicals. The EPA does not evaluate chemicals presumptively. It only evaluates chemicals when The company says or there’s an outcry of, we think this isn’t good for us, and then it’s referred to the EPA for evaluation. At any given time, the EPA can evaluate, like, a 100 to 200 chemicals, but there’s a backlog of Something like 10000 years. The EPA has tremendously backlogged.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:30:09]:
Now layer on corporate Special interest or corporate pressure. And now layer on that the EPA has no teeth. So it can say this is really bad, but it really has no enforcement Ability, which is why, essentially, it falls into our laps because you cannot presume that it’s safe. You need to presume that it’s full of chemicals, not that it’s safe.
Nick Urban [00:30:30]:
Is Teflon banned? I know that I’ve seen I’ve read about that. I’ve seen documentaries on it, and I assumed it was just gone off the shelves based on, all the information that came out about it, but it it’s still available.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:30:42]:
It’s not banned. It’s everywhere. It’s really challenging to get stuff that’s not That’s not test one.
Nick Urban [00:30:48]:
The good cooking materials, would you say that’s, like, stainless steel and ceramic?
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:30:54]:
Stainless steel, ceramic, and, cast iron. Those are the 3.
Nick Urban [00:30:59]:
How do you use information about your genetics, whether it’s in relation to detoxification or in general?
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:31:06]:
There’s a lot of ways you can use it. So, one, let’s talk about BRCA, the the breast cancer gene. People understand that. You know, if you have BRCA, there’s 2 there’s BRCA 1 and BRCA 2. If you have BRCA 1, you have, like, a 50 to 80% chance of getting breast cancer. If you have BRCA 2, it’s liver 60 to 80. You know, it’s not a 100%. Mind then there’s also the risk of ovarian cancer with both of them.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:31:29]:
So I usually use the genes to inform my path. So food example, I have 2 genes for vitamin d deficiency. But vitamin d, it’s not a it’s not a vitamin. It’s actually a hormone, Mind it helps regulate gut functions, the tight junctions in the gut are regulated by vitamin d, your immune system, your bone Health. And so that’s really a crappy thing to have have deficiency of. You know? Vitamin d deficiency is terrible for you. And I always noticed that when I checked my d level, my d level’s always low. Like, you know, never.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:32:02]:
I take so much, d, it would be ridiculous. Most people would be over a100, and they’d be told to take less, but I’m, like, Forty, and I take 20,000 IUs. I’m not recommending that you take 20,000 IUs, but I take 20,000. It’s a lot. I don’t do it every day. I do it, like, 5 days a week, and I’m still not budging. Right? So I use the genetics along with the clinical numbers. So If I had these 2 genes, but they weren’t turned on, epigenetically, they were hormones, if I had these 2 mutations and they hadn’t turned on and my d level’s 80, Right? I wouldn’t need as much.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:32:36]:
But when you layer on, I have these genes. I have the celiac, which messed up the absorption, Mind then these genes are clearly activated Mind the levels are low, that informs my behavior that I take more vitamin D. For example, I did all the genetics on my kids, and I had asked for a discount because I had 2 kids who got their adenoids out on the same day. The older one who went has The worst detox profile, kinda like mine, terrible detox. And the youngest who went my bookends Wendie, and The youngest has, like, a normal detox profile. So after the surgery and and I didn’t tell them that that really, I wasn’t like, you’re gonna be a poor recovery. I was just like, well, Let’s give you some glutathione because you’re older than your sibling. Right? So, the older one took significantly longer to recover After the surgery, and this is the oldest one was the one who was a severely growth restricted preemie born at 33 weeks as at risk of metabolic Issues and has this terrible you know, has my genes and has the terrible detox Five.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:33:38]:
And so I use it to inform Things like if you’re gonna have surgery, do you need to amp up your your glutathione and your c before your surgery and after your surgery? If you have 1 or both of the genes for celiac and you eat gluten and you’re not a $1,000,000 in terms of how you feel, It’s often a good idea to get rid of gluten because, genetically, if you have the gene, when you here’s a horrifying fun fact. If you don’t have the genes and you eat gluten, you open the tight junctions for about 15 minutes in any given day, anytime you eat it. But if you have the gene and you eat gluten, you you have more receptors, this CXCR 3 receptor, and when it gets bound by gliadin, it causes the tight junctions to open. And guess what? It lasts for 4 hours. So if you have the gene, even if you don’t have celiac, you open your tight junctions for 4 hours. Now standard American diet, Bagel for breakfast or pancakes. And then what do you have for lunch? A wrap. What do you have for dinner? Pasta and chicken and broccoli.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:34:36]:
Okay. You’ve now eaten gluten the whole day. Your your tight junctions have been open the whole day. So that Mind of thing is invisible for people, but accept that you can have skin issues, concentration issues, Weight issues, irritable bowel, but you don’t have celiac, so people are like, oh, you can keep eating that, except don’t forget it’s full of glyphosate. It’s been hybridized. It’s much more Virulent than it was 80 years ago. So I use the genes to inform my clinical recommendations. You know, I can say to someone, you’re not gonna get celiac, but you can have gluten sensitivity.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:35:10]:
You have low vitamin d levels. Here we are. You have the genes for vitamin you know, it all comes together. Or, like, if you’re a crappy detoxer, you’re gonna need to work harder on your detox toxins someone who has great detox saves. They might not even have the problem in the 1st place.
Nick Urban [00:35:25]:
Did you explain why you wouldn’t wanna open up your tight junctions, let alone for 4 hours multiple times through the day?
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:35:32]:
I didn’t explain it. We should totally talk about that. Okay. So your your mouth to your anus is your GI tract, And it’s it’s crazy. It’s lined with the lining of it is 1 cell wall thick, which is crazy to think that what Separates you from the world is 1 cell thick, but that’s how it is. And the cells are lined up, and they are stuck together. Like, they’re glued together, and they just, you know, keep going. And when you open up the tight junctions, it’s not only gluten that can open them, but when you open them either from food or medication or stress or major accident or illness, there’s a 1000000 things that can cause it, Those tight junctions open.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:36:13]:
And now instead of there being this unbroken tube from your mouth to your anus that you get to choose what you Take up. You have opened up the space between the cells, and now it’s anything that can fit through gets into your bloodstream, food particles, Toxins liver mycotoxins, heavy metals, pathogens, bacteria. Who knows? Right? Anything that can fit through that space gets in. And now your bloodstream is like, what’s going on here? Right? I was just minding my own business, and here we are now. I have to deal with this influx of random things that the system recognizes as foreign, so now your immune system gets start starts to get jacked up. And if you gut an exposed to enough of those things, Some of these particles often look like the pieces of our body, and the thyroid in particular is very, very susceptible to this. So People often start to attack their own thyroid because it’s confused. The immune system is like, wait.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:37:12]:
You look like you, so I’m gonna attack the thyroid because it thinks it’s the thyroid, but it can happen you know, that’s basically an autoimmune event. So when you open the tight junctions, your outside world, bacteria, pathogens, heavy metals, toxins, food particles, all gets exposed to your immune system. And the more it gets exposed, the worse it is Mind the more challenged your immune system is. So you want those tight junctions to be closed.
Nick Urban [00:37:38]:
And when you’re working on the gut health protocol to seal the gut lining, what are some of the things that you food like to do to oppose that to counteract those effects. Obviously, removing gluten is gonna be a big one, but there’s other things. Like, you mentioned a bunch of ways that that is triggered that we open those tight junctions, are there any things liver foods or supplements or things we can do to tighten them again?
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:38:03]:
Tons. So I think the first question is, why are your tight junctions open in the 1st place? Is it because you’re eating gluten all the time? Is it because you’re super stressed? Is it because you’ve been ill? You can develop leaky gut, which is essentially the name for Open tight junctions, if you have a car accident or you have a bad breakup or you lose your job or something traumatic happens, you can develop leaky gut, you know, just like that. So we always start with, you know, food is medicine. You are what you Peak. And so let’s start by putting what’s in putting into your body things that you’re that work for your body. I know I’m not a huge fan of everyone needs to eat like this, but I am a huge fan of everyone needs to focus on unprocessed In its relatively natural state, whether cooked or not, not too messed with, low sugar, no alcohol. You can have grains. I’m on the ground with grains, and and I was just talking to someone who looked at the genetics behind how we eat.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:38:58]:
And some people, genetically, you know, if you hail from Native American or Asian or, Indian cultures, you’re gonna do better with a keto style eating because your body doesn’t do as well with carbs. Depending on where you’re from in the world, it actually influences how you do with carbs. So know your Body, right, and know whether you do well with carbs, you don’t do well with carbs, that that’s gonna drive the bus. Food is platform. Managing the stressor. Right? You gotta take away the source. If you’re sitting on a Nick, stop sitting on the tack. Take away the stressor.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:39:30]:
If you’re sitting on 10 tacks, take away the tacks so you’re not sitting on them. Alcohol, alcohol causes leaky gut, so Get rid of the alcohol, get enough rest. That’s the doing this. And then the doing this in terms of supplements is a huge range of things. L Glutamine can help heal the gut. There are, different types of IgG that can help heal the gut. I take a peptide called Larazotide Acetate that’s Actually, based on the drug that Alessio Fasano is developing that helps the tight junction stay closed. And so You can take peptides.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:40:04]:
It can help Health
Nick Urban [00:40:05]:
like colostrum?
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:40:06]:
I do like colostrum. I don’t use it a lot, but I do like it.
Nick Urban [00:40:09]:
Yeah. It’s nice having all those options. And one other thing I think can cause or worsen leaky gut is the Urban NSAIDs, the non nonsteroidal inflammatory drugs.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:40:20]:
And that depletes glutathione from the liver too. And glutathione is responsible for helping your liver detoxify all the stuff it’s exposed to. So, Tylenol, NSAIDs, Motrin, Aleve, all that, all of those do deplete glutathione from the liver.
Nick Urban [00:40:36]:
So, Wendie, let’s put this all together now. So you have the gut, you have the liver, you have the kidneys, like, what’s the order of operations here? How do you go about, like, designing a complete detoxification stack or protocol to make sure that you address things in the right order and you address everything that needs to be addressed.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:40:56]:
When I look at the body, I’m looking at it. I call it the holy triad or or because the the adrenals, the liver, and the gut are the triangle that that if they’re tanked, you’re screwed, and if they’re good, you’re good. So, the kidneys play a lesser role in my opinion. So when I’m designing a gynecologist, I need to fix this is foundational. This is more foundational work. You have to make sure the gut is healthy. You have to make sure the adrenals are healthy. You have to make sure the liver is functioning.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:41:26]:
Okay. Let’s assume you’ve done that, and now I’ve this is where you you have 80% of the agency. Okay. You you really can. You have 80% of the agency. That last 20% is in what I do, meaning we test what are the levels of your toxins? Do you have environmental toxins? Do you have heavy metals? Do you have mycotoxins? What’s happening in there? Get the data, and then we’re designing a custom plan for you. And there’s there’s definitely things that crossover, so N Acetylcysteine helps the liver make glutathione. So we give N Acetylcysteine.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:42:01]:
We give them the fiber that binds the mycotoxins in the metals. We give them the cilantro. We give them DMSA, which is a prescription. The other 3 things are not prescription, but the DMSA is prescription.
Nick Urban [00:42:12]:
And that’s just a that’s a prescription binder. Right? Yes. If you didn’t have access to DMSA, are there any alternatives? Like, I mean, like, cilantro is, like, a Peak?
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:42:22]:
Cilantro’s Peak. Cilantro, parsley, chlorella, spirulina. I mean, these are great thing. You’re not gonna harm yourself taking Cilantro, parsley, chlorella, and spirulina. And we use we lean on those heavily, especially because, you know, first, do no harm. Right? You’re not gonna harm yourself doing that. So especially if you’re doing it on your own Mind you say, okay. I don’t really wanna do the data.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:42:43]:
I’m not ready for a full on eval. You can simply do these things, Mind you won’t harm often, it’ll help your keep your body cleaned out. Right? So when you’re designing it, what’s the data? And then let’s be targeted. Right? And the nice thing, the really nice thing is that we do the 17 page report on all these environmental toxins. So it’s overwhelming. Right? You’re like, oh my god. Have 9 toxins, and they’re really high. And what do I do? But here’s the nice thing.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:43:08]:
That massive list, the treatment for them funnels into a very Small number of interventions, N Acetyl Cysteine, activated b vitamins, sauna, glutathione, glycine, these are all things that that it really kinda funnels in. So even if you have say you you had 17 of the 17 positive. Right? You’re you’re you’re a hot hot mess. Still, it only Wendie into, like, 6 different things for treatment, so it’s really nice. So I would say if you had to design a sort of platform, What would be a good detox approach? I would say cilantro cilantro extract and Acetyl Cysteine fiber. If you’re alive, you need a b vitamin gut b complex, an activated b complex, fish oil that’s been tested for mercury. Right? You don’t wanna take it in as you’re trying to be good Mind then, vitamin d.
Nick Urban [00:44:00]:
What about Glynac instead of just NAC?
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:44:03]:
Totally fine. Again, you’re not gonna harm yourself with it, so how about it?
Nick Urban [00:44:08]:
What’s your approach to testing? Is it mostly blood Labs, or is it hair mineral testing or something completely different?
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:44:15]:
Yeah. None of the above. I don’t we don’t do blood, unless We need to prove that you’re not having an active exposure to heavy metals. So, otherwise, it will be sequestered. So your body knows it’s toxic. After 4 to 6 weeks, it is not in the bloodstream. It’s stored in your bones, fat, organs, brain. So we don’t do blood, and I don’t like hair analysis Largely because it’s not telling me what’s stored.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:44:39]:
It’s only telling me what can you voluntarily get rid of. Well, if you have crappy detox and your Your detox mechanisms are shut down. You’re gonna do your hair analysis, and you’ll be like, oh, I have nothing. Well, okay. Not true. You’re just not showing it. So I I we actually do urine testing. For heavy metals, we do a baseline test to see and make sure there’s no exposure occurring, And then we do a provoked test using the DMSA because that heavily leans on or pulls on, mercury and lead.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:45:11]:
And those are the 2 big ones, although we are looking at thallium and arsenic and cadmium. So we’re doing a provoke test for them. And then for mycotoxins, you do a hot bath Mind then you pee. That’s the test. Super easy, also urine. And then for the environmental toxins, Take a hot bath and pee. There’s the test. So that’s typically what we’re doing is a lot of urine testing, and it’s I think there is stool testing, but who wants to do stool testing? Nobody likes it.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:45:39]:
Peak, people are generally okay with.
Nick Urban [00:45:41]:
Okay. So that’s a fairly simple approach, but gut I see what you mean. It requires some, like, understanding of how everything works Mind correct my knowledge of this. But the way like, the body creates fat cells a lot of times to harbor and store toxins Mind them because they’re less conductive, they’re insulated. And so perhaps if you have a lot of extra weight, it could be because of endocrine disrupting chemical exposure or heavy metals or something like that. And if you go on, like, a really aggressive weight loss program, you’re breaking down that fat. You’re releasing those toxins into the bloodstream, giving them the opportunity to lodge in places like the brain where you really don’t want them.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:46:21]:
You’re a 100% right. And that’s why people get sometimes get really sick when they go on rapid weight loss programs because They’re just having this massive efflux of of toxins from the fat cells that their body isn’t prepared to deal with. Or even carrying weight and say, I can’t get rid of this weight, You know, stubborn weight loss, that to me tracks back toxins. We wanna improve the holy triad or the holy triangle of your gut, your liver, or your adrenals And open up those pathways so that you can detox so that you can lose weight.
Nick Urban [00:46:51]:
And, also, as you’re exercising, would you continue taking the binders you mentioned before, like, all of the things Yeah.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:46:57]:
And it’s great. Like, if you’re gonna go in the bath or you’re gonna go in the sauna, take a binder before you go in. Right? If you’re raising your body temperature, you’re gonna start detoxing. So Take binders before you go in the sauna. Take binders before bed. It’s one reason I take the fiber before bed because you do detox while you’re sleeping, So you might as well bind those up.
Nick Urban [00:47:15]:
And I think Five also has a really interesting role on the gut because it is able to be metabolized into butyrate, Mind butyrate, the short chain fatty acid, is, like, super gut protective and gut restorative
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:47:28]:
Exactly. So it’s, like, doing double it’s almost triple duty. Right? Because it’s got the mycotoxins, the metals, and it’s feeding the good bacteria.
Nick Urban [00:47:35]:
You’ve said mycotoxins a number of times. Can you explain what mycotoxins are and why you have multiple layers in your protocol to address them?
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:47:43]:
Mycotoxins is the fancy word for Mind. And what when mold gets into your body, it makes these toxins, and they’re called mycotoxins. And they can do anything from make it hard to lose weight, to to give you a rash, to mess with your brain function, to mess with your gut, they are all of these toxins are directly corrosive to the gut, and so People say, I don’t understand why I have such irritable bowel. Like, well, you’re doing everything right, but your gut is still being exposed to these things that are really messing with it. You know, when you think about 1 out of every 2 buildings has had water damage. So when you think about your life and the fact that most of us went to schools that were old and water damaged, we get exposure from school. We may have gotten exposure from our homes. Mold grows anytime there there’s water.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:48:32]:
So home, school, dorms, work, all the buildings if we went to college, all those buildings, and then maybe you moved and code there’s another home. It’s almost impossible to get through your life without getting exposure to mold in some way. And if you’re sensitive, that’s where the genetics go back. Right? You The genetics inform your risk of disease, essentially. And so if you either if you’re sensitive or you get Nick exposure and you know. Right? I we went to look at a house Over the summer last year, and I literally got 3 steps into the house, and I went, no. There’s mold here. I’m not going in.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:49:06]:
A, I’m not going in, and, b, we’re not we’re not buying this house. It was interesting because everyone else went in and spent time there, and everyone, there were 5 of us, everyone was sick. So if you’re sensitive and you get exposure, you’re gonna notice it. And even if you’re not More the fat than the bones, but it’s stored, and it just sits there. And, yes, it’s encapsulated, but if you have enough of these toxins encapsulated, diet becomes inflammatory. So it’s angry fat. Right? When people talk about angry fat, this is angry fat. It’s not happy fat.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:49:43]:
It’s angry fat.
Nick Urban [00:49:44]:
That was my experience. I spent some time in a home that had that, like, very distinct musty scent when you walk in, like that not a good scent. And I had no idea about mold at the time. I just noticed that I started getting, like, headaches. I started getting brain fog and just feeling, like, really low energy and bad and eventually, I left that place on for vacation. I was, wow. I feel night and day different now. Then I came back to it, and I’m like, oh, I feel exactly the same, and it’s not just from being back from vacation.
Nick Urban [00:50:13]:
And I pieced it together. It actually has an impact on me. But that’s something you’d said you’d see on your genetics if you had, like, a higher than usual susceptibility to it to it, but then still, even if you weren’t highly susceptible, you might notice an effect if you’re, like, in tune with, like, your experience.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:50:31]:
Yeah. It’s super toxic. It it is crazy talk I mean, it’s it’s implicated in the stuff that tortures us, like you mentioned, the headaches, the brain fog, asthma, weight gain, rashes, eczema, psoriasis, all kinds of weird stuff. People Five, why do I have a rash? I’m like, we probably have mold Mycotoxins Mind then the more insidious things liver risk of cancer, risk of chronic illness, You know, because it’s pervasively bad for you. And so, it’s implicated Wendie people come in for Alzheimer’s evaluations because they’re noticing some cognitive dysfunction. We’re looking at toxins as one massive pathway that people walk down when they start to have cognitive decline. So heavy metals, mycotoxins, environmental toxins, Then there’s hormones and endocrine and thyroid. There’s infections liver Lyme disease and Epstein Barr, and then there’s just flat out like, maybe you’re super nutrient deficient.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:51:26]:
Right. Those are the 4 major pathways that we’re walking down to evaluate people.
Nick Urban [00:51:30]:
And you can also get exposure to mycotoxins from food and drink, like the grains, grains are a big one, get coffee, are there any in particular that you’re wary of aside from those 2?
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:51:42]:
Wine can be very moldy. Anything that gets harvested and sits. You know? The farmers aren’t like, oh, it’s gonna rain, so we’re gonna wait to harvest. Right? They’re harvesting when they’re harvesting. So if it rained or it doesn’t rain, you’re if you’re getting a wet crop, it sits Mind it’s wet. So oats, all the wheat, Rice can be moldy. Like, everything can be moldy. Rice doesn’t tend to be as moldy as when they when they you know, saves of hay kind of stuff when they thresh it.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:52:12]:
It’s funny. I have a patient who has a farm. She has a farm, and she has all these cows and she and and hormones, and she has these big bales of hay that She does herself, and she said to me, whenever I, you know, pitchfork it in, I end up getting a rash. I’m like, is it organic? She goes, yeah. It’s organic. I said, then it’s moldy. And a bale of hay is moldy. No question.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:52:34]:
And so, Yeah. There’s tons of ways you get exposed, and you don’t even really think about it.
Nick Urban [00:52:39]:
So with coffee and wine, you they can test for those, and they do. And they often like, the more Savvy Brands will actually mark them on the labels that they’ve been tested. But for oats and grains, can you find brands that are Mycotoxin tested those as well?
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:52:56]:
Not that I know of, and the bigger challenge with them is also, that they’re They often have glyphosate, which is a nasty herbicide. So it’s like the Health grail to find mold tested Organic grains. If you found that I I mean, I’ve never really never seen it. I’ve seen organic oats. I’ve not seen mold tested oats. I’ve not seen mold tested grains, really.
Nick Urban [00:53:22]:
Wendie, we’ll start to wind down now. I have a few more questions for you before we sign off for the day, but first, if people want to connect with you to pick up a copy of dirty girl and dive deeper into all this, how do they go about that?
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:53:37]:
We have 2 bricks and mortar in Massachusetts. So if you live in the northeast and you wanna be a patient, we accept insurance, and that’s Five Journeys. And then we have an online brand because most people don’t live in the northeast, and that’s doctorWendie.com. And we have supplements, testing, programs, Coaching, we have we have sort of like a lifestyle wellness ability to engage with Peak, and I actually have a free gift for people, which doctorWendie.comforward/gift where you can get chapter 1 in the book. You can get a quiz to see how how toxic are you, And you can get The Nontoxic Guide to Healthy Living so that you can start to level it up because, like, I did all this work so you don’t have to. The book, you can get on Amazon, or if you come in the office, you can get it, or you can get it off Amazon.
Nick Urban [00:54:22]:
I’ll put a link to all this in the show notes for this episode, and I’ll have to take that quiz. I have your book already, but I have not taken the quiz, so that will be on my to do list. Now if there was a worldwide burning of the books and all knowledge on Health is lost, but you get to save the works of 3 teachers, who would you choose and why?
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:54:42]:
So I would say Ayn Rand because she was so clear about right and wrong and about The value of entrepreneurship Mind so and she’s just a was a beautiful writer. Okay. So that’s one. I think is it Kent who wrote about philosophy Five and right and wrong, I’d probably save him largely so that he can continue to guide us on issues of morality Mind then probably Einstein because he was so damn smart. You know, it would be shocking to lose his work and awful, and then Stephen Hawking’s would be probably the 4th.
Nick Urban [00:55:21]:
It’s a nice a nice collection there. What was the biggest surprise you came across while researching for your book?
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:55:28]:
Gut tea bags have plastic.
Nick Urban [00:55:30]:
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:55:32]:
I know. Someone said to me something about Peak bags. I was like, what? What are you talking about? But if, so, yogi and traditional medicinals do not use plastic in their tea bags.
Nick Urban [00:55:42]:
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:55:42]:
But all the other ones. Why would they? I know, but they do.
Nick Urban [00:55:48]:
What’s one thing that you’re currently researching these days?
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:55:52]:
Probably more about how to language the link between toxins and metabolic dysfunction. You know, I know it’s there, but can I drill into the science, and can I articulate it for people?
Nick Urban [00:56:05]:
Mind then finally, what’s one thing that your tribe does not know about you?
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:56:09]:
It’s not about preferences. Right? I hate okra. Okra hates me back too. No offense to anyone in the South who loves gumbo, but I would say most people probably don’t know that I am very fatigued, and I’m working on it.
Nick Urban [00:56:23]:
How would you like to wrap this one up today?
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:56:25]:
What I’d like to leave people with is this is an overwhelming journey, and yet you do need to be on it, and yet you don’t need to be perfect on it, you just need to be in the game. Right? Everything is better than nothing, and it’s never about perfection. It’s only about improvement and iteration Mind just don’t stop playing.
Nick Urban [00:56:47]:
Thanks for dropping in. It’s been a pleasure chatting with you today on the podcast.
Dr. Wendie Trubow [00:56:52]:
Yeah. Thanks for having me on.
Nick Urban [00:56:53]:
I’m Nick Urban here with doctor Wendie Truboww signing out from mindbodypeak.com. Have a great week, and be an outlier I hope that this has been helpful for you. If you enjoyed it, subscribe and hit the thumbs up. I love knowing who’s in the 1% committed to reaching their full potential, comment 1% below so that I know who you are. For all the resources and links, meet me on my website at Mind. I appreciate you Mind look forward to connecting
Connect with Dr. Wendie Trubow @ Five Journeys
This Podcast Is Brought to You By
Nick Urban is a Biohacker, Data Scientist, Athlete, Founder of Outliyr, and the Host of the Mind Body Peak Performance Podcast. He is a Certified CHEK Practitioner, a Personal Trainer, and a Performance Health Coach. Nick is driven by curiosity which has led him to study ancient medical systems (Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hermetic Principles, German New Medicine, etc), and modern science.

Music by Luke Hall
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