Episode Highlights
Clay masks detoxify & rejuvenate by improving microcirculation Share on XEssential oils enhance skincare with antimicrobial & healing properties Share on XIncorporate ancient ingredients like frankincense & myrrh for healing benefits Share on XSupplements with adaptogens support skin health from the inside out Share on XChoose proper packaging to avoid harmful phthalates & microplastics Share on XPodcast Sponsor Banner
About Andy Hnilo
In 2011, Andy Hnilo was struck by multiple SUVs in downtown LA, suffering a collapsed lung, seven broken ribs, & a jaw fractured in five places putting his modeling career at risk
Determined to heal his facial scarring, he researched & created his own natural skincare formulations. Using himself as a test subject, he accelerated his recovery & was back on the runway in just 8 weeks. After seeing incredible results, he launched Alitura, a skincare brand committed to using only the purest, all-natural ingredients

Top Things You’ll Learn From Andy Hnilo
- [1:44] Behind The Revolutionary Holistic Skincare Mission
- The accident that started it all
- How homemade skincare supported rapid healing
- Formation & impact of Alitura Naturals
- How holistic & ancient ingredients were chosen
- Alitura’s clean ingredient commitment
- [2:44] Why The Packaging Matters More Than You Think
- Influence of packaging materials
- Concerns with phthalates & microplastics in skincare packaging
- How miron glass prevents toxic exposure
- The importance of allowing beneficial light through products
- Ways to reduce contamination risks
- [18:20] Importance of Clean Skincare
- Modern skin care pitfalls
- Importance of natural ingredients
- Behind clean ingredients in skincare products
- Role of packaging in product efficacy
- Common harmful ingredients in products
- Emphasis on ingredient transparency & purity
- Acupressure & detoxification benefits
- [32:11] Natural Skin Care Routine & Lifestyle Choices
- Daily skincare routine recommendations
- Homemade healing skincare ritual
- Importance of clean ingredients in products
- Benefits & usage of clay masks
- Tips for morning skincare routines
- Special skincare techniques:
- Use of microneedle dermal rollers
- Detoxifying skin methods
- How movement & sunlight contribute to overall well-being
- Breathwork & grounding to enhance daily routine
- The emphasis on holistic health for optimal performance
- [45:04] Highlighted Ingredients in Skin Care
- Effectivity of simple, natural ingredients explained
- Noteworthy elements like essential oils, clay, & plant derivatives to take note of
- Ancient Egyptian remedies you didn’t know about
- Natural sun protection barriers
- Innovative product formulations:
- Value of bentonite for masks
- Frankincense, myrrh, & blue lotus benefits
- Integration of natural preservatives for product longevity
- Best holistic skincare products to use
Resources Mentioned
- Shop: Alitura (code URBAN saves 20%)
- Event: Health Optimization Summit 2025 (code NICK saves 10%)
- Article: Biohacking Skincare Tips
- Products: Evan Healy Blue Lavender Cleansing Milk
- Products: Aztec Healing Clay
Related Episodes
Episode Transcript
Click here
Nick Urban [00:00:05]:
What if your antiaging skin care routine is actually aging you faster? We’re diving into the raw, unfiltered truth about modern skin care, the surprising power of simple, natural ingredients, and why your skin is a direct reflection of your overall health. This conversation will change the way you think about what you put on your face. Some of the topics we touch on in this interview include the importance of natural skin care, morning skin routine tips, what to look for in your favorite products to make sure they’re formulating with clean ingredients, the history and usage of clay masks, some of the most promising and unique ingredients in state of the art skin care, how the packaging of your personal care product can either improve your results or it can expose you to phthalates and microplastics and other things that you really don’t want to be exposed to. We also discussed the role of essential oils, how you can detoxify your skin, and a whole lot more. Our guest this week is Andy Nilo. Andy has an interesting but tragic story. On the night of 03/20/2011, Andy was struck by a series of large SUVs while crossing a busy street in Downtown LA. He suffered a collapsed lung, several broken ribs, and a severe compound fracture of his jaw, which was broken in five places, putting his aspiring modeling career in jeopardy.
Nick Urban [00:01:44]:
Out of desperation to repair his own facial scarring, he began making his own natural skin care products at home. Through meticulous research, he carefully sourced active ingredients that would accelerate his skin’s healing process, using himself as his biggest science experiment. He was back on a runway just eight weeks later. After sharing the results he saw with his homemade clay mask and a small loan to get his business off the ground, Ali Tureh was born with a commitment to using only the cleanest all natural ingredients in his products. And those aren’t just claims either. They’re backed up by third parties thoroughly evaluating and certifying the alatorolana products. As mentioned later in the show, these are some of my favorite personal care products as well. If you want to give them a shot, you can use the code urban on alitura.com, a l I t u r a, and that will save you 20% on your order.
Nick Urban [00:02:44]:
I also wrote an article on biohacking skin care, which you can find in the show notes for this episode, which will be at mindbodypeak.com/thenumber200andone. 1 last thing before we get started, what are you up to on Saturday, April 12 and Sunday, April 13? If you don’t have plans yet, I’d love for you to join me at the Health Optimization Summit here in Austin, Texas. It’s going to be one of the greatest health and wellness and biohacking and longevity events of the year. There will be 35 world leading speakers, over a hundred cutting edge brands, and 2,000 people in attendance getting the inside scoop on all of this. To join us, go to healthoptimization,withansandnotaz,.com, and use the code Nick to save 10%. Again, that’s healthoptimization.com, and the code Nick will save you 10%. See you there. Alright.
Nick Urban [00:03:45]:
Sit back, relax, and enjoy this interview with Andy. Andy, welcome to the podcast.
Andy Hnilo [00:03:51]:
Nick, how’s it going? Finally got going.
Nick Urban [00:03:54]:
Yeah. I’ve been looking forward to this one. We’re gonna have a great one on all things skin care and natural skin care, why that’s important, and specifically what it is that you’re doing over at Allatura. Yes.
Andy Hnilo [00:04:06]:
Well, thank you for having me.
Nick Urban [00:04:08]:
Yeah. Before we get started, I woke up this morning with a puffy and inflamed face. Anyone tuning into the YouTube version of this show will notice that my skin is a little more red, and I’m not usually this way. I had some kava last night, a new brand. Perhaps there was heavy metals or some contaminants in it, but I’m just a little puffier than I’d like. Since this is your realm, what would you recommend for me to do to look my best?
Andy Hnilo [00:04:37]:
Nah, dude. First off, I wouldn’t beat yourself up. You’re a handsome dude, but what I would do is just I would cleanse first and then use a microneedle derma roller. We’ve all been there, by the way. And so recently, I had a similar experience. Not sure what it was. Now I’m thinking about Kava. But, I I just underneath the eyes, just a little slight roll, the microneedle derma roller, little, you know, maybe behind the ear to keep the sagging neck skin a little tight, and then I would, mix up a clay mask, alator or not, but even bentonite on itself on its own.
Andy Hnilo [00:05:09]:
Just, water, apple cider vinegar, add some essential oils if you want. But the capillary constriction, what you wanna do is get the stagnant capillary circulated. The microcirculation to the surface of the skin is what you know, with the clay mask. And then also with the derma roller, you’re allowing the ingredients to sink in a little bit further past the epidermis, effectively optimizing the the benefits of the clay and then just the pulling action. So hopefully, yeah, reducing some of that puffiness in the process by getting the the stagnant capillaries circulated. So that would, yeah. Yeah. I would definitely recommend that.
Andy Hnilo [00:05:44]:
Do you have any clay mask at all?
Nick Urban [00:05:46]:
I do. I haven’t used it, and I know that it’s good to stack the derma roller with other things. I’m curious. I’ve been a bit nervous to accidentally go too deep with the derma roller and the microneedling. I know that’s not necessarily an issue if you know what you’re doing, so perhaps I should watch some videos on how to do it properly.
Andy Hnilo [00:06:04]:
Yeah. The 1.5 is intense. One I mean, just with a little point two five or point five.
Nick Urban [00:06:11]:
Is that the size of the needles?
Andy Hnilo [00:06:12]:
Yeah. That’s the length of the needles, but just, you know, light to medium pressure. It just opens up these pathways and kinda you know, it’s almost like acup acupuncture too. It’s just interesting, the opening up of our pores and, just releasing. What what does that do from a detoxifying standpoint before you even put on a aloe vera clay mask? I I just think of it like those back mats. Remember I don’t know if you remember those bulletproof back mat, the sleeping mats with the little spikes, some type of release that, you know, little, points and needles and at least acupressure and things like that do to just open up. And then you apply something like a, you know, clay on afterwards that has such an amazing capability of pulling out impurities and toxins, heavy metals, that’s what I would do. It’s a long winded answer.
Nick Urban [00:07:05]:
No. I like it. So the first step is to wash your face with some warm water and a washcloth and then to apply the then derma roll and then apply the clay mask afterward?
Andy Hnilo [00:07:17]:
Yep. And then cold rinse to close the pores. That’s game changer right there. And then, you know, your body just starts to, you know, start and then movement helps throughout the day. I don’t know if but just, like, just movement helps. It just get that, what’s the kind of the puffiness for what the blow I wouldn’t call you bloated, but just movement helps just getting water moving around. No, dude. You look great.
Nick Urban [00:07:42]:
So I was on a trip recently, and I had my toiletries bag. Didn’t realize until a couple days ago when I got back that the one thing that got stolen from me was your gold serum, and I understand why they’d steal it. There’s a lot of gold precious ingredients in there. Walk me through your formulation and what makes the gold serum and all of your other serums and creams, your products really so special.
Andy Hnilo [00:08:09]:
No. Thank you, man. So there was this company early on called ancient Egyptian magic. I had, like, a five ingredient product. It was olive oil. I was I think I was drawn just because of the title, but it had, bee propolis, well jelly, olive oil, beeswax, honey, five ingredients. So it was a thick consistency. I loved it.
Andy Hnilo [00:08:27]:
Like, I would I had this preexisting clay mask that I would do every Sunday night before a week of auditions when I bet was back acting, and that was my follow-up little, moisturizer night whatever you wanna call it. So years later after, the accident, I was looking, you know, I don’t know what it was because I I I think just one day I I started ordering the wrong ingredients similar to what I was doing with the mask for a liquid product. Beeswax, cacao butter, sea buckthorn oil, melting down in a cast iron pan. This is how I may I mean, wasn’t intended to be this way, but I wanted to create something similar to ancient Egyptian mask, magic. And in turn, to follow-up the clay mask is like a nutrient dense healing paste. I’ve always been fascinated with bee products in general, antimicrobial, antifungal, antibacterial. I mean, it’s just so fascinating to me. Scientists are finding out more and more about especially, like, the the secretions from the queen to create the royal jelly, which is still just like the mana that bees well, the queen creates, and it just so healing.
Andy Hnilo [00:09:41]:
But honey as well, so dynamic beeswax is like basically a nutrient dense glycerin that, can be a that you can get so many different beautiful, textures and consistencies with. So I knew I had I wanted to have that as my my base and as many products as possible. And then Evan Healy, e v a n Healy, h e a l y, had a blue lavender cleansing milk that I would use. And, just kinda just sharing. It’s like, just, you know, sometimes you, you know, Eminence, May Lindstrom, that those are the only two that like, Blue Cocoon from May Lindstrom. Just amazing product. Right? Eminence had, like, the strawberry rhubarb, but just what I was fascinated about were were, like, the ingredients. It was just so much different than grabbing something.
Andy Hnilo [00:10:32]:
You know, I’m not gonna throw another brand under the bus, but it’s it’s poetry versus artificial, you know? And that love you know, since I was 18, 19 years old, I I have a long story I’ll make a long story short. I had very bad back acne. On an off day in Berkeley, California, I went to this, like, Chinese herbalist store, on Shattuck Avenue in Berkeley, and I met with this guy. I think I had, you know, I was just trying to, I was getting made fun of, but it’s not like I went there to I was like led there. And I I talked to this guy and I learned about the importance of ingredients. I was using Neutrogena clear cell, I think at the time. And he explained how, philosophy, Chinese philosophy of vitality and building your blood and cleansing your blood and removing impurities and just, you know, you gotta pay attention to everything you consume, everything you put on top of your skin. I left that store.
Andy Hnilo [00:11:24]:
I bought my first, supplement about it was Flora. I think they’re still around. It was like a horsetail, silica aqueous horsetail silica extract, and so it was my first supplement. But I left there and went from those products to Dove, which had five ingredients. Two of them are coconut derived surfactants. So that signaled to my to me that at 18 years old, naturally. But even and then it was like and it had an instant effect. I mean, I was still using Per Plus in the hair, but, like, on the face and body, I mean, there’s no better feeling when you’re going into your body around 20 year olds who are, like, more mature than you have just an embarrassing back acne and you have cystic acne on your face when you have clear skin and those mosquito bites all around and when those go away it’s the best feeling in the world.
Andy Hnilo [00:12:08]:
You show up to school a little bit more confident. It’s just I remember that. And so year after year, just, what what are some of my products? I think it was, a cure, had a good scrub. So, like, ingredient you know, brands that use just all clean ingredients. And I’m talking ingredients that you can identify as being natural and not synthetic and artificial. Now some of our peptides are lab made are but they all have natural elements to them. Our preservative system. Right? Lactobacillus fermentation, we’re using daikon radish and coconut, but lactobacillus, same ingredient, similar, you know, probiotic strain that you have in your yogurt.
Andy Hnilo [00:12:52]:
I love explaining that that will protect the microbiome. Like phenoxyethanol, sodium benzoate, like, the worst. You know, they these brands that are okay with just water, glycerin, alcohol, propylene glycol, butylene glycol, isoprene glycol, the synthetics, that luckily people are, starting to become more and more aware of with apps like Yuka. They do these great. You can just scan the UPC code and get a zero to a hundred rating on, the cleanliness of your products, and you’d be very surprised what, it’s good, though. You get to, you know, know your ingredients. It’s my in my opinion, the most important thing to do because, well, why would you ever run a rub like a trace percentage of a government recognized carcinogen on your largest detoxifying organ, your skin? And, I mean, it was something you’re repeating daily. Right? Why would why would you do that? It is, to me, I don’t know.
Andy Hnilo [00:13:47]:
It’s mind boggling to me that that brands are still doing that. But the thing is the the world is going towards and learning more about the importance of what we put on top of our skin no matter how much they try to hide it with their key ingredients and all these hoops and, you know, courses you have to go through to find a full ingredient deck where ours like, I was debating this year switching our label and putting it on the back and having our ingredients on the front because it’s everything that I’m about and have been since day one. Very disappointed with what other companies are okay with putting into their, bottles, but it’s no art. Just look at it. Look at it. We’re now gonna be, you know, checking out EWG. I it’s a little it I I thought it was, you know, a little expensive in the past, but I’m realizing it’s a good opportunity to get in front of new customers. And, so we’re gonna be going that route too.
Andy Hnilo [00:14:39]:
Hundred out of a hundred on Yuka with, I think, all of our products that go 95 on on one, but that’s pretty legit. And, so YUKA, Yucca app. Highly recommend for the listeners out there that they download Think Dirty and Yucca app. They’re great ways just to find out about trace toxins and elements into your, you know, self care products. It’s really important.
Nick Urban [00:15:01]:
Yeah. Not even just self care. Like, I’m going to the grocery store and I don’t know what some things on the back of the label are, like very long chemical names. I’ll scan it and see what those apps say about whether they’re safe or questionable or dangerous.
Andy Hnilo [00:15:15]:
Yeah. Yeah. Lab made, artificial, synthetics, just I like refining forms of nature’s creations, clays, extracts, botanicals, butters, explaining the process of, you know, curing an essential oil from picking a fruit and then crushing the seed and the hiring a village to, you know, work. I mean, that was originally how we we got our, essential oil blend for the Pro Cleanser. And then, I mean, the supply chain on that was so difficult. We had to go a different route with organic oils, but that’s what we did in the beginning. You know, it’s just it’s a it’s an obsession for ingredients that, is definitely not optimal for supply chain, but it’s my form of art. It’s my truth.
Andy Hnilo [00:16:01]:
It’s my curiosity. It’s my, passion attention to anyway, I just I love the, I found my thing with formulation. And also, you know, now it’s fashion as well. You know, getting away from polyester. Poly poly yeah. Polysorbates, polyester. Just it screams styrofoam to me. It screams drywall.
Andy Hnilo [00:16:26]:
I want stone. I want ceramic. I want minerals, crystal. I want diamond, gold, natural elements, you know, cacao pods, coffee beans, you know. I mean, explore every part of that. We’re using green coffee oil as like a mild diuretic caffeine component in coffee.
Nick Urban [00:16:46]:
What’s the deal with that? I see a lot of, like, hair care and skin care products that have caffeine or coffee in them. And is it because the caffeine is a diuretic?
Andy Hnilo [00:16:56]:
That too. But also it’s it could be a good delivery method for certain, botanicals and extracts. We have it in our toner, which is combined with niacinamide and alcohol. It just refines the pills to a different level. Caffeine is energy. I don’t hold on. But, I mean, that’s that’s broad. It’s general.
Andy Hnilo [00:17:15]:
So but, you you know, energizing the mitochondria of the cells, I mean, it it just I can’t explain the science perfectly on that, but it makes complete sense to me to have in hair care products as well. It just theoretically. But, on for the skin care, that I guess, the mitigating of pores is probably the highlight for caffeine, but also there’s gotta be something there that it does to the mitochondria. I can’t confirm or deny that right now, but it’s just, you know, something to look at.
Nick Urban [00:17:49]:
Andy, one of the things that struck me as I was looking at your products when I was first looking into skin care is just how clean they are. Based on everything you’ve described, like, the your formulas, you could pretty much consume these things. You could eat them because I guess your skin is technically consuming these things to begin with, and you wanna be pushing good nutrients in through the skin instead of toxins. And I also saw you guys won some awards. It might have was it through Yuka or someone that was rating you really highly in terms of overall cleanliness?
Andy Hnilo [00:18:20]:
First off, thank you, by the way. I appreciate that. I, we we do have a very high rating on Yuka. I think we’re a hundred across the board. First off, big shout out to that company because I think they’re going into food as well. You know, it’s standing UPC because so, their brand, I believe, out of Canada, Y U K A. But, yeah, that that’s the thing. I wanted to just be, it’s the truth is, in the beginning, there weren’t any brands that didn’t have one type of hole in there.
Andy Hnilo [00:18:48]:
Whether it’s fragrance, colistrins, or preservative that I didn’t know. And this was at Air One in LA, like, a really good, cosmetic section. And so that’s besides ancient Egyptian magic, and I really like blue lavender, cleansing milk from Evan Healy. I think that’s pretty close to a a perfect product, but I didn’t like the preservative they’re using and a couple other different elements. And so we made the pro cleanser, but, those were what I was using beforehand. But it was so hard to find something without a hole. That’s really what got me into this. I create, in my opinion, no hole products.
Andy Hnilo [00:19:20]:
You don’t have any of those things you have to ask me about in the conference booth that I can’t answer without, like, positive emphasis. Even our preservative, we have a lactobacillus fermentation that that we combine with daikon radish and a little, coconut fermentation. Same strain. Probiotic strain is like, the strain that’s in your yogurt and, and just, you know, helping protect the microbiome. That’s our preservative system combined with their own glass that their whole motto is preserved by the bottle, not by toxins, by mitigating the artificial, UV ray artificial light and UV rays and only allowing the good violet light to enhance the life of, you know, tomato paste originally made for tomato paint, like natural food, products to enhance the life over time. It’s like kinda like the, the fine wine, situation where it really, you know, enhances the life of natural ingredients. And so that’s it just was a no brainer to go that route as our packaging system, but I really like for the color as well, but it’s anybody using their own glass is doing it right. Allows you more freedom with your botanicals and just get more dynamic with your, yeah, raw extracts.
Nick Urban [00:20:37]:
What’s so cool about that too is we’re in the era of microplastics and nanoplastics and bisphenols and all these other chemicals that are everywhere. They’re in, like, the water. They’re in a lot of the products we’re using. But by using that, like, really high quality glass, you’re, like, creating the opposite. Not only is it not getting contaminated with those ingredient or those toxic substances, but it’s actually enhancing and preserving and amplifying everything else that you’re putting in there that’s beneficial.
Andy Hnilo [00:21:07]:
By manipulating the light frequency that touches the and and doesn’t touch the raw ingredients and just mitigates oxidation and, mitigates the possibility for mold and the, you know, the oxidation of the formula.
Nick Urban [00:21:23]:
Yeah. And we’re in an also in an era where light and therapeutic light and manipulating and modulating light is also growing really quickly. So it’s cool to see that you guys already, like, figured this out and are building this into your products.
Andy Hnilo [00:21:37]:
Yes. Yeah.
Nick Urban [00:21:39]:
Okay. So you mentioned several times things to look out for such as some of the stabilizers and things. You’ve also told me in a previous conversation that it’s almost like baking a cake when you look at the ingredients panel of a lot of products or certain things you wanna make sure that you don’t see as the top I think it’s five ingredients or so.
Andy Hnilo [00:21:58]:
Yeah. Within it’s just ingredient decks are well, first off, it it just blows my mind, how difficult it is to get to find a a full ingredient deck with a lot of these clever companies these days. And, as the world leans towards, healthier products, we get to show what we’ve been about since day one. You know? It’s very expensive to create clean products to the at the level that we do. $31 for our $89 body lotion. I’ll just tell you our cost on that. So if we wholesale that, we’ll make you a little over $10, and that’s fine.
Nick Urban [00:22:32]:
And that’s something people don’t understand either is, like, a lot of the $80 products out there that you’re consumers paying $80 cost them pennies or maybe a couple dollars maximum to make.
Andy Hnilo [00:22:42]:
It’s, our bottle, I would wager, our bottle and pump, no formula for that body lotion is a cheap is more expensive than entire formulas. I mean, I mean that. At the volume of some of these big brands
Nick Urban [00:22:54]:
Andy Hnilo [00:22:55]:
At the volume, you gotta understand these wrong grades, especially it’s already the I could yeah. Just glycerin is pennies, water is free, you know, and then combine three different forms of alcohol, butylene glycol, these synthetic peptides and synthetic fillers and additives are basically free. Then you come up with a nice plastic bottle that’s under 10¢. And then direct on the bottle, maybe another 3¢ upcharge. I’m telling you, these formulas are a lot cheaper than people think. Ox is under $10.15 cents at certain people’s volume. So you gotta understand that bottle pump is $2.72, $2.72. That’s bottle of pump.
Andy Hnilo [00:23:33]:
You know? So, yeah, and I’m not yeah. I mean that. And so just step this is my big challenge to other brands. How clean can you get? You know? How clean can you get? And then just go, you know, because come customers are looking for clean products, and they’re looking for truth and honesty in that. And we can all read. I just highly suggest people to download, Think Dirty Yuka app, spread scanning brands, and a lot of companies are gonna give you a big, beautiful marketing presentation on their you know, they have to do these V2s because now they’re getting called out on the butylene propylene glycol. Just saw something out that it’s isoprene glycol got replaced for propylene, and and now it’s like, that’s a cleaner version. It’s a four out of 10 as opposed to one or two.
Andy Hnilo [00:24:20]:
And that that’s it’s insulting though. Come on. It’s just a lot better. It’s not, though. Like, we so, anyway, it’s a a big, passion and responsibility of mine just to do my best, and here’s what I did without knowing business. No. I want purity. People will come in droves for quality.
Andy Hnilo [00:24:40]:
I know I will. Always will. Farmers’ markets, you love people’s story and explain how they grew something. I’ll pay whatever. You just look that person in their eye, and it’s just like, you know, I use a little cayenne pepper. I’m not using herbicides or pesticides. Boom. I love that.
Andy Hnilo [00:24:54]:
I’ll go with that guy, and he explains the dynamic, mineral, capacity of the soil. I mean, this is a gentleman out in Ojai. Anyway, I just love that. People that can talk about their art and the the lengths they went to to for a clean product that you are then gonna put on top of your largest organ. Aren’t you, like, from a human level, wouldn’t you here’s what I did for you, and you could do this every day for as long as you want. Hopefully, you love it. It’s all about results with us. It’s never about the ingredients and, like, because that’s that’s, like, the first thing, but it should be the most important one.
Andy Hnilo [00:25:28]:
Like, well, I I I I create perfection. Every one of our products, I wouldn’t change a decimal point back in 02/2013. Still would. Something different. How did I know? I just you know, I’m very proud of the formulas that we had in 02/1617, night cream 02/2015. No water in that formula. Two different plant derived stem cells, Edelweiss, Gardenia, CoQ10, Chaga, first four hour milk and grass fed colostrum, Manuka honey, 10% vegan hyaluronic acid. What else? And that’s and it’s thick.
Andy Hnilo [00:25:57]:
A little goes a long way. A 50 ounce 50 mill ounce, 50 millimeter jar will last you, what, two months? I’m not worried about a subscription model getting you on that one month thirty mil. Oh, let’s run up the bank account. No. Be not just peep we’re very smart, and we love when people are considerate and mindful and thoughtful towards our health and wellness. That is what I that’s in my DNA and hardwired and will never leave. And so it’s like, it’s a fun part right now to just show what we’ve been about since day one. And I’m not I’m not gonna, yeah, call out individuals.
Andy Hnilo [00:26:30]:
It’s just you see them at conferences. And I love to compete. I’ll sleep with them.
Nick Urban [00:26:36]:
Yeah. I love that you’re bringing the farmer’s market mentality of this where it’s, like, obsession over the details and quality. It has, like, that nostalgic, like, small scale, like, batch, like, artisan feel, yet it’s also like you’re able to create enough scale where you can get this out to other people around the world. And it’s not like just because it’s, artisan that it’s gonna expire a week after you get it. Like, I’ve noticed myself that when I use your products, a tiny bit goes a very long way versus the other ones. Like, first of all, ingredient profile is not usually very impressive, but then it’s, like, very watery and a huge container lasts barely a month.
Andy Hnilo [00:27:16]:
Yeah. It’s, I was yeah. Just what what would I want as a consumer? Ingredients, value, volume. Yeah. I mean, that’s in performance and just I have extremely sensitive skin. I just started building these. These were never it was never supposed to be a business. That clay mask and paste, which is now our night cream, a % healed my skin.
Andy Hnilo [00:27:42]:
I just had friends who were asking what I did, who saw me in the ICU because it was a, you know, legitimate, dramatic change within three to four weeks, but until I started talking because my gel was still wired shut and my teeth were gone. But like the and the scarring, swelling was still, you know, out a little bit, but the abrasive skin was clear. I mean, it just that true, like legitimate double take, what did you do? I’m like, oh, all right. And, just started sharing, what I was building in my little bedroom, moved everything out of my bedroom in six sixty square foot apartment, North Hollywood, California, into my living room, made that bedroom my lab, put in my inversion table, and just went to work, you know, and started making more of this mask and went around town to friends of friends, people I didn’t even know, you know, bamboo bowl, lavender, apple cider vinegar, and just mixing up clay mask. All I wanted was, like, just some feedback. Right? People would take pictures. I’d post that because in that time, I was recovering and, like, you know, this intense period of my life. So, like, I would just share it back then on, social media.
Andy Hnilo [00:28:51]:
All the eyeballs got on, so the algorithm was in place. I would do Instagram or face I wasn’t even on Instagram, I don’t think. Yeah. It wasn’t. I didn’t get on Instagram till, like, 02/2014 or ’15. But back on those Facebook lives, I was just kinda sharing what I was doing in my recovery, started drinking bulletproof coffee for the first time. Was just drinking coffee with this weird clay mask and going, dude, I’m you know? Every now and then people would ask about it, like online, but I had a friend of mine, Mary Halls, who owned a med spa in, San Diego, California called Alvarado Skin Institute. So I drove down there, shared the mask with her.
Andy Hnilo [00:29:29]:
She loved it. And then she, asked if she could try it out on a few of her customers. They loved it too. So they brought her on board as a clay based facial treatment mask, mineralizing clay based, racial treatment mask. And there was no name for the company. I thought it was unbelievable that like it’s now in a spa, like what a victory. At that point, I was back, like, you know, modeling and acting again, which is great. Like, I didn’t think I would I was told I would never do it again.
Andy Hnilo [00:29:55]:
And I had to shoot like six months. I know I had a a runway job seven eight weeks later. And then after that, I had a a shoot six or seven months. Not trying to make this big whole model, you know, thing. But, anyways, it was back to, like, my thing that I told I wasn’t gonna be able to ever do, and I kinda understood it at the time. I was unrecognizable. So, like, those little victories were building back my spirit. You know? And, this played and people just wanna know what I did.
Andy Hnilo [00:30:20]:
Like, I was back in the industry, and so that was a victory right there. And so people wanna know what I would do. Like, here’s what it is. Like, a guy in I was so nervous and kinda shy, you know, with my buddies. Like, yeah, I just remember going over to my my friend’s house, but they still did it though. You know, like, four or five guys sitting around. I think they were gonna go out that night. I had to work, but just sitting around explaining, you know, a lot of these guys, you know, what’s that? Next thing you know, we’re all sitting in that living room with the clay mask on.
Andy Hnilo [00:30:48]:
I was like, oh, it’s cool. I just wanna know. They loved it. That’s the thing. Guy, we do care about, like, care of ourselves and looking and feeling good. And so I just, that was never intended to be anything, but I love the reactions. I knew I had something, you know, even when, like, the most, like, you know, you know, critical, they’re out there. It’s okay.
Andy Hnilo [00:31:08]:
You’re allowed to have your opinion. But the victory is, like, the most discerning customer, like, man, they just get this, glow in their eyes whether after trying the product or trying it the night before. Conferences are the best. Because I’ve seen and heard it’s okay. I’m passionate. You know, sometimes, you know, people have questions, but I go just do it tonight and, come here and just tell me how you feel in the morning because yeah. It’s, you know, because a clay mask and what I share and what it did for me, it’s kind of hard to believe, but man, there’s nothing I believe in more and there’s no other treatment that I would do, other than the clay mask. Like, I’ve tried, you know, lasers, microneedling, all that unpredictable downtime.
Andy Hnilo [00:31:51]:
I know what I’m getting every single time with that clay mask, dermal oil combo.
Nick Urban [00:31:55]:
Well, Andy, you’ve teased several times about your job being wired shut and that you might not ever act and model again. Will you walk us through your story? What exactly happened? Why would you be concerned of that of those things?
Andy Hnilo [00:32:11]:
Yeah. Well, I’m sorry. I didn’t touch on that. Yeah. 03/20/2011, I was crossing the street, in, Los Angeles, California. Got hit by a Westbound Landing Land Rover no. Tundra in the eastbound lane run over by a Land Rover and, close cut off in the middle of the street, woke up at Cedars Sinai ICU with a compound fracture of my jaw, seven broken ribs, collapsed lung, just on a morphine drip. Yeah.
Andy Hnilo [00:32:38]:
Just quickly found out the severity of what had happened the night before, and, it was a long road to recovery. But I I my ankles, you know, my elbows, my wrists, shoulders, I was, you know, all intact. I could walk. Like, people don’t survive those actions. I remember, you know, my nurse was a former marine. He’s like, hey. Hey. Just wanna let you know.
Andy Hnilo [00:33:00]:
Like, you know, as I was leaving, it’s like, any day you can walk out of the hospital, it’s a pretty good day. Look at the recovery. You know? That really, set the tone for just my mindset moving forward. I was alive. Like, my family was around. Like, wow. I dodged a big time bullet there.
Nick Urban [00:33:17]:
That’s quite the story. I’m glad. I would never have guessed by looking at you now.
Andy Hnilo [00:33:22]:
Yeah. No. It’s I don’t know. Yeah. Yeah. I’m very grateful to be alive, and, I’ll never look the same, but I don’t even think about that anymore. And that’s, like, one of the first or second times I ever thought of that.
Nick Urban [00:33:36]:
Yeah. The fact that you could also get through this far into the interview and not even bring that up shows that you are living proof of what you can do when you take care of yourself, choose to work on yourself consistently.
Andy Hnilo [00:33:48]:
Thank you, brother. I appreciate that. It led to a lot. I can’t imagine doing anything else. I mean, this is my flat out thing. I I really mean that though too. It’s just I I believe you have to have people like that though in this industry. I know I’m not alone.
Andy Hnilo [00:34:04]:
There’s so many beautiful people in the skincare. Amerijian, a huge fan. Osea, great people. May Lindstrom, haven’t met, but a huge fan. Eminence, pioneers set the tone early on, but their formulation just of purity, that is art. Your Ingredia Deck to me says a lot about you individually. I I you know, I love the Etsy’s, the smaller, creators that you find some very impressive formulas, on Etsy. But just, yeah, the the purest, just results focused, customer focused.
Andy Hnilo [00:34:40]:
The fact that they’re we’re eleven years into this. It was just from one product to the other, one by one, like learning how how to create a liquid product, finally finding a product or a a manufacturer to create what was then my moisturizer, then night cream, body lotion, gold serum, Angel’s Mist, but then realizing they couldn’t, you know, make a cleanser for me. And then so I’ve had seven different manufacturers for, well, 15 different products. It’s gonna be 17. Yeah. So that’s a lot of different phone calls you gotta make for supply chain, different formulations. I have several different chemists too. And so, yeah, I don’t know if I’ve shared that, but it’s awesome.
Andy Hnilo [00:35:19]:
I love that part detail. It’s it’s beyond obsession. It’s, yeah, this is, it’s just like making an album. How how good can you make it? And they just people can read it off you in the booth or podcast. It’s just like there are so many quality kick ass ingredients that didn’t make the cut. What you’re gonna hold for the rest as long as I’m running alliterra is perfection that I worked a very long time on. I mean, our meteorites go five, six years, and it should have been four three to four. But, because we had it wrapped up two years before we actually released, I was working on the sugarcane tube, but in from Brazil, but found out I mean, a year into it that had a trace element of plastic in the in the sugarcane tube that would have seeped into the formula.
Andy Hnilo [00:36:05]:
All I wanted was that for a little visual variance. And and also to be able to share my customers that, yeah, we went sugarcane. I mean, this is what? 02/1617, something like that. Seventeen yeah. I think. Or ’18. But when we first got into that conversation yeah. Yeah.
Andy Hnilo [00:36:22]:
But then we ended up going mirror on glass and, you know, it’s just the unnecessary things, aren’t unnecessary to me. We don’t I don’t speed up anything in that process. This is your offering, man. Like, yeah, the the and I still I mean, I’ve it’s a little bit different business than I’ve seen. I’ve heard it all, you know, burnout. I just you know, getting rid of alcohol was like a superpower. So I’m excited. I I call this year two, because I’m a little over two years sober from booze, but I get to lock in daily and have true energy and clarity towards something that is a gift to be able to have Alatura, to be able to have purpose and responsibility to people that take their hard earned money to to take a chance and believe in my products and continue to leave reviews and lift my soul and heart and what what else fuels, you know, that I’m sure you can relate.
Andy Hnilo [00:37:21]:
There’s nothing that that fuels me more than having that. And it’s a big responsibility, but perfect time to have it considering, where we’re at as a world and cleanliness, pointing out the yellow five and yellow six. Finally. I mean, I just oh, what it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. It does. That’s toxic buildup over time. A good friend of mine is getting blood work right now that they can’t, you know, mycotoxins, what was the other? Daylates.
Andy Hnilo [00:37:49]:
Yeah. Daylates. I mean, just thick on that blood work. This person is a very healthy individual. They had one thing that they were using, and, it it’s a brand for decades that they were encouraged to use. So it’s just it’s a big passion of mine. And I I I was told certain things don’t matter. Now we’re finding out they do.
Andy Hnilo [00:38:12]:
Purity of ingredients, what you put on top of your largest detoxifying organ, your skin, should never have a trace element of any toxin, that you’re putting on top of it. And I these brands switching from butylene, propylene glycol to isoprene and putting a big bowl over the eyes of the customer focusing on key ingredients. Where’s that full ingredient deck though? It’s a responsibility. Get that full ingredient deck. Put it up. Take pride in it. Why are you hiding? Why are you hiding these on these landing page? Key ingredients. Key benefits.
Andy Hnilo [00:38:46]:
We wanna see that full ingredient deck. Don’t be don’t lie. Come on. It’s it’s rampant these days, and I’m disgusted with it. Seriously.
Nick Urban [00:38:54]:
It’s like the plastic water bottle companies. It’s they have a big BPA free sticker. It’s like, oh, that’s great until you realize they’re using chemical analogs like BPE and BPS that are just as toxic as BPA.
Andy Hnilo [00:39:07]:
Yeah. It’s just such a yeah. It’s very, deceptive. So, like, deception and cheap is what I’m going against. You know what I mean? And then, like, in in in my opinion, the lack of mindfulness, like and then less volume. And and then, like, greed, more money. That’s what I get to go against, and I’m a competitor. So this is a gift to me.
Andy Hnilo [00:39:29]:
Like, we give back all in the process. If I broke even on this, I’d be just fine. And so, I just that’s this is my heartbeat and a bottle pretty much, man. That’s
Nick Urban [00:39:41]:
What’s gonna happen too is over time, you’re gonna be exonerated while it comes out that more and more of these ingredients that other companies are using, and they’re just so prevalent and ubiquitous and our lives are actually really bad, then all of a sudden people see your brand that you’ve been doing things right the whole time, and it’s a big check mark of of quality that you didn’t fall into the same
Andy Hnilo [00:40:05]:
gimmick. Proud to pay. Proud to pay. Quality. Because it’s just I’m so big about, like, this says everything about you. Like, it’s just I wouldn’t just have a business just to make money. I know it sounds stupid. I guess that’s what business is for, entrepreneur.
Andy Hnilo [00:40:23]:
But it’s different. It’s unique, but I I stand by what I just said. And, this is my art. When you combine both and it turns into livelihood, I okay. Call me lucky or whatever. I’m beyond grateful and that this is a responsibility. If you turn some type of art and curiosity and passion that all stem from an event that nearly took your life and led into something that poured gas on those embers of creativity and sourcing is one component, no AI or smaller staff. I’m still on social media.
Andy Hnilo [00:40:55]:
You know? I’m writing the emails every now and then too, working with the copywriter. We’re both dialing in the voice, and I I’m we’re never gonna be too big because I love this. Like, why don’t they pass it off to somebody else? And it’s it involves creativity, and there’s also such a a big demand for pure products, and it’s all encompassing the clothing that we wear. This, unfortunately, is a shirt that could have been organic cotton, but that’s you know what I mean? But it’s not. And it it’s our largest organ. Like, I’m kinda I wouldn’t call myself a hypocrite right now, but I’m just saying, like, down the road, like, it’s all encompassing. Who knows? Fashion maybe next. Lifestyle will start getting into supplements.
Andy Hnilo [00:41:35]:
This is everything that I do. It’s not just skin care. It’s it’s supplements including that too. A revitalized supplement made 02/2015. Leucine. Like, I don’t know if you look at leucine, amino acid supplement, with anyways, and it also helps the absorption of the, you know, adaptogens, like, we have Reishi, spirulina, Oshoosh, Shizandra, Ashwagandha, Ganostemma. It’s a game changer. Divine nine too in that in that formula.
Andy Hnilo [00:42:02]:
But we’re using leucine as our flowing agent, not microcellulose, sulf sodium dioxide, sulfur dioxide. It just everything matters, but it mattered back then too. And we’ve only gotten better. You know? Just there are weird peep people out there that are obsessed with not weird, but just, you know, eccentric people out there that are obsessed with their their, their opportunity and their art. This is mine. And, going against, I just look at it as an opportunity to compete in an industry for what’s right.
Nick Urban [00:42:38]:
I will always pick the person who is putting their everything into it. They’re obsessing over their ingredient profile. They’re pouring their, like, lifeblood into their offering to the world. Hard to argue that that person’s gonna do a worse job than someone who’s like, oh, well, I outsource this all. Like, I look at the business every great once in a while, and it seems to be doing well.
Andy Hnilo [00:42:59]:
Thank you, man. I mean, I I’m glad you see that and feel that that’s a % just what it is. It’s not like I designed it that way. I got very lucky, and this is an opportunity that I’m seeing lack of truth and a little manipulation, deception, dishonesty. We love going against that. We love going against that. Yeah.
Nick Urban [00:43:18]:
Yeah. Because, I mean, the the truth always prevails over a long enough time horizon. And so if you just keep doing the right thing, it’ll become apparent eventually.
Andy Hnilo [00:43:27]:
Yeah. And it’s fun too. Like, people are buying something that I made, and they they have questions. Absolutely. Absolutely. You better believe we have different protocols and tips and and the FAQs are fun. We’ll hop on the phone. I just it’s different.
Nick Urban [00:43:42]:
Were you saying the Leucine is an oral formulation or is that part of the skin care line?
Andy Hnilo [00:43:49]:
That well, it’s our it’s our first supplement. With Vitalize, I’ll I’ll send you a bottle of that too, but it’s it’s a game changer. It’s very similar to Stem Regen, very Stem Regen Speed. Right? Very similar ingredient deck and profile, similar adaptogens that I made 2,000, yeah, fourteen, fifteen. Anyway so, like, yeah, adaptogenic herbs really help build my body cleanse, build my body back by really my blood and cleansing my blood with, adaptogenic herbs and that formula. I I I drove around town, met with, Jing Herbs, Dragon Herbs. I went to Air One, met with Ruth Kalkin, Sage Danvers, Crosby, who, Daniel Vitalis played a big role, Daniel Wolf David Wolf. Excuse me.
Andy Hnilo [00:44:36]:
But yeah. Yeah. The OGs in the early I mean, dude, I’m I’m, like, about to be 44. So this is twenty something years ago that I really started diving into, just herbs and then, you know, started to grow a little bit more year over year because it’s effective. It changed my life, changed how I felt, changed the activity, changed the workout performance, changed the recovery, changed the mental. And just kept because it was so you know, it affected how I felt and looked, so, like, it gets better every year. And, yeah. So I had had that in my back pocket kind of going into formulation and how I was gonna recover after such a big accident that, that I went through.
Andy Hnilo [00:45:17]:
But, yeah, health and wellness, learning your ingredients. You know, learning getting just nutrition and what you put on top of your skin, the clothing you’re wearing, sunlight you’re getting or the sunlight you’re not getting, sweating. I think you would agree. You know, primal grounding, starting to ground every day, breath work every morning right after that. And I’m kinda going on a little tangent here, but
Nick Urban [00:45:40]:
love this. This is right up my alley, and I agree with you on all those. To make sure I get the chronology of this all right, you were interested in herbs to revitalize and build your blood at a younger age, then you had your accident. After your accident, you started building your own formulations. Is that the right order?
Andy Hnilo [00:45:56]:
Yes. Yeah. I kinda went, you know, to the early stages where the passion began, life changed, back knee back acne cleared up, boom, gained confidence, stayed the course on those natural ingredient products, Boom. Went down to LA, became an actor model, learned about clays. That was the thing because clay that’s the only reason I got clay mask. Boom. Found out about Aztec Healing Clay. Boom.
Andy Hnilo [00:46:19]:
One ingredient sourced that night elsewhere. Learn you know, in that sourcing, met Jason Etan from greenclays dot net found out about pyrophyllite, ylite, lozool, montmorillonite, kale, and, I mean, zeolite, and then the different forms internally, externally, and the benefits of of different clays. And it was cheap, so I would just order all of them, make these like little concoctions as opposed to this one Aztecile clay. It was like 2,006 to 2,000, 10 ish. It’s just, you know, just playing around. I think I at that point, I had added, kelp powder and I think vitamin c, but I just yeah. It was all just, you know, start start from the Aztec Healing clay and then expanding my knowledge on clays in general and then adding different extracts and experimenting based on particle size and just trial and error. And then the accident was a perfect but but this was just like my Sunday routine to, like, refresh before a week of auditions.
Andy Hnilo [00:47:20]:
I was in the entertainment industry for a little bit, so that that was my, my little thing because I couldn’t afford facials and things like that. But it worked, and then, the accident, basically, I had that going. And then in the process of trying to figure out how I was gonna build my my system back, I came up with this ingredient deck for a tonic that I would make in a smoothie every morning, kinda put through a little straw on the back corner of my mouth. Jaw was wired shut. So some of those ingredients in that tonic, I would then put in experiment into that clay mask. You know? And then, you know, like, that’s that that, supplement turned out to be revitalized. Clay mask turned out to be the Alta or clay mask, and then that little paste turned out to be our night cream. But that’s a % how it happened and just had nothing but time.
Andy Hnilo [00:48:07]:
Then there’s a lot of information out there. You have a little bit of money. You know? Clays aren’t that expensive. Raw ingredients like beeswax, sea buckthorn definitely is. Plant derived stem cells can be, but it’s all, at your fingertips and how bad you want it.
Nick Urban [00:48:21]:
What’s cool too is that a lot of the ingredients you’ve mentioned so far, like astaxanthin and copper peptide, those are typically ingested or injected in certain in, I guess, the copper peptide example. But, also, if you can’t consume it orally or you don’t wanna inject it or you just want a different delivery mechanism, you can put that on your skin and you can get the photo protective effects. Like, when I was in Baja, I was using this because the UV index was really high there, and it helped protect me against the sun and gave my skin a little extra fortification.
Andy Hnilo [00:48:50]:
Nice. Yeah. It’s, barriers. You know? I I just when you put on a clay mask, go sit outside, put a little on your, you know, arm or leg, that the sun doesn’t penetrate that. So, I mean, that’s just like a an example of what certain barriers can do, which is why I’m interested with adding not only, non nano zinc for we’re working on our sunscool right now, but also different, clays like a and pearl pot. So, I mean, those were once hard you know, pearl this comes from mother this come from mother of pearl. Clays, you know, often just rich, mineral deposits that were solid at one point. And so just, combining those barriers along with non nano zinc, which has been, proven one of the only things, titanium dioxide as well to, protect against sun rays.
Andy Hnilo [00:49:47]:
So, but we also wanna, you know, absorb some of that. So we’re adding gold into our sunscreen as well as other, copper peptide as well, just to, like, respect and get some type of conductor element from the gold, in my opinion. We’ll you know, to to get some element of the the benefits from the sun, while protecting from it. Respecting while protecting. It’s a really unique formula and also way we’re going about it because I love sunlight. And what what we wanna ensure protection, like, above and beyond clean ingredients, but also just some type of benefit that we could get from the gold. Golden sun, I just think hand in hand and have so much more energy towards it. But this is all theory.
Andy Hnilo [00:50:36]:
I gotta figure out how to explain it, but it it’s it’s it’s in there for a reason. Gold is, yeah, fat one of my favorite, elements and ingredients. And so, we’ll see for that.
Nick Urban [00:50:49]:
Some of the ancient cultures used to consume gold too because they felt that it would increase the conductivity of their body and they get more easily access higher realms and a greater state of consciousness.
Andy Hnilo [00:51:01]:
Can I take that and just yeah? Can you send that to me?
Nick Urban [00:51:04]:
Yes. Absolutely.
Andy Hnilo [00:51:05]:
Beautiful. Exactly. I think I’d read that somewhere as well. I I just yeah. That was a great explanation of exactly, how and why I wanna use it.
Nick Urban [00:51:14]:
Yeah. What’s cool is you’re really bio harmonizing the light. You’re, like, helping the body get the most out of it and minimizing the potential damage and things that are, like, the negatives of, like, overexposure light.
Andy Hnilo [00:51:24]:
Yes. All great things.
Nick Urban [00:51:26]:
Yeah. Absolutely. Andy, what else? So you’ve mentioned a bunch of different ingredients that are in your formulas. Are there any that you find you mentioned gold just now. Any others you find particularly fascinating or that you think will get more attention in the coming years?
Andy Hnilo [00:51:41]:
Frankincense, myrrh. Frankincense and myrrh, boswellia, blue lotus, mastic. Mastic is interesting. It’s a little sticky, but it’s dense. It’s bitter. That’s medicine in my opinion. Mastic, m a s t I c.
Nick Urban [00:51:57]:
They make gum out of mastic, don’t they?
Andy Hnilo [00:51:59]:
Yeah. Mhmm.
Nick Urban [00:52:00]:
Uh-huh. Okay.
Andy Hnilo [00:52:01]:
Probably it’s huge in grease. But I think I think you can powder it at the yeah. I think there’s anything like that similar to beeswax in my opinion. And also the the resin, from frankincense tree, from the frankincense tree boswellia.
Nick Urban [00:52:15]:
And those two are often essential oils. I think I have some of the some boswellian frankincense over there.
Andy Hnilo [00:52:21]:
Yeah. No. But also the the paste, the powder, you know, you can emulsify it and reconstitute it as a base, as a beyond, like, a healing, you know, thickener state thickener to the formula as opposed to glycerin, which is often a base. You know? There’s just that’s the thing. I really
Nick Urban [00:52:42]:
like it. Also profoundly anti inflammatory, I think. And then I think it also it might have I’m sure it has other mechanisms that will later be like, oh, it’s a senolytic. It’s a xenomorphic. It’s something else that we don’t even know necessarily yet.
Andy Hnilo [00:52:53]:
Exactly. I mean, but frankincense and myrrh, blue lotus, gold, propolis, honey, beeswax, It’s been used for thousands of years. Those are the ingredients, those remedies, those time tested ancestral remedies are what we wanna pay respect to. It, it’s it’s just so interesting. I’m I’m a very I’m just very curious and interested, in in Egypt. It it just has a a very, powerful place in my heart. I keep in touch with more people from Aswan, Egypt than I do after sixteen years in LA. You know? I mean, we’re already talking about potentially, you know, a plot of land right along the Nile.
Andy Hnilo [00:53:35]:
We’re, like, crunching numbers right now. It may happen to grow jasmine and blue lotus from seed right along the Nile. My brother, Bassam, like, what if that happens? Like, it it I give what it could really quickly, but it’d be a complicated, you know, back and forth. But
Nick Urban [00:53:52]:
It’s so cool. And there’s also that’s one of those areas of the world. I think that Egypt and Africa, there’s gonna be an explosion of, like, our understanding and knowledge of the different ingredients and substances that come out of there because they’re pretty untapped. Yeah.
Andy Hnilo [00:54:06]:
I just said it yesterday. A friend asked me about Iboga. Interesting. That is, Scotty, hit the nail on the head. There’s so much out there that we haven’t even extracted yet, cracked open, you know, looked into, tested, you know, trial and error on so many different things. That’s just a a huge part of the curious element for me. And, you’re you’re absolutely right. Africa like, I keep thinking Lagos and Nigeria and, Eritrea, I mean, Ethiopia.
Andy Hnilo [00:54:38]:
There’s a lot of healing medicine located in our earth and in the plants in this world, and I will explore other cultures and find out what they’re doing to for their health, wellness, to calm their system, to reduce inflammation, to slow down the acceleration of disease. And a lot of the time it’s community sunlight, good whole foods, movement. You see these lean, you know, people walking around in their seventies vibrant smiling, you know, I’m sure their skin’s a little it’s already other than it. It it’s, that’s how I wanna be active and, you know, healthy. And that comes with what we’re consuming, how we’re feeling, how much sun we’re absorbing, what we’re putting on top of our skin, how much we’re sweating out through movement and activity. But, yeah, that kinda going on a tangent. But, yeah, ingredients, sourcing them, and then meeting people along the way is, is a huge part of this.
Nick Urban [00:55:38]:
In addition to the plants and botanicals, there’s also so much ancient wisdom in the people who have been stewards of the land over there in different parts of the world that by having a place there or a facility or something, you’ll be in more close proximity to that and you can bring some of that into the Western world. You can modernize some of that ancient wisdom.
Andy Hnilo [00:56:00]:
Absolutely. But and pay extreme respect to it. But we yeah. That’s a that’s a big part of why the ingredients are are in our formula. Big tribute to, Egyptian, ancestral remedies.
Nick Urban [00:56:15]:
Well, Andy, I know we have to start wrapping this one up. You’ve been gracious with your time today. If people want to connect with you to give Alatura Naturals are you Alatura Naturals still, or are you just Alatura?
Andy Hnilo [00:56:27]:
Oh, it’s all it turn naturals as a brand, but all it turn naturals is the website. We like to have that naturals just to show a little bit more than the word all it turn. So
Nick Urban [00:56:37]:
Well, you guys can go over there and check out some of his creams, his serums, his products. He also was generous enough to set up the code urban. So if you guys use that, that should save you on any orders with him. And he’s also going to be at a number of different health and wellness events over the next couple months. So if you happen to be in Austin for the Health Optimization Summit or the Biohacking Conference, go over here, join us, and give his products a shot in person yourself.
Andy Hnilo [00:57:09]:
Yeah. No. Thank you for having me on, Nick. This is a fun conversation. I appreciate you, pointing out the intricacies of Alator. I love what I do and, it’s people like yourself to give me the platform and opportunity to share what we’re about. So thanks for having me on.
Nick Urban [00:57:24]:
And I appreciate you bringing light and knowledge about a lot of these substances, specifically the clays today that you mentioned. You round off, and I’ve never heard of a lot of them. So now I have my own research to do. But it’s nice to know that I can trust a company when they actually show their full ingredient deck, and they’ve been vetted by third parties that they actually do things right. So thank you for creating awesome formulas.
Andy Hnilo [00:57:44]:
Thank you, brother. I appreciate that.
Nick Urban [00:57:47]:
Alright. Take care.
Andy Hnilo [00:57:48]:
Thank you.
Nick Urban [00:57:49]:
I hope that this has been helpful for you. If you enjoyed it, subscribe and hit the thumbs up. I love knowing who’s in the 1% committed to reaching their full potential. Comment 1% below so that I know who you are. For all the resources and links, meet me on my website at mind body peak dot com. I appreciate you and look forward to connecting with you.
Connect with Andy Hnilo @ Alitura
This Podcast Is Brought to You By
Nick Urban is a Biohacker, Data Scientist, Athlete, Founder of Outliyr, and the Host of the Mind Body Peak Performance Podcast. He is a Certified CHEK Practitioner, a Personal Trainer, and a Performance Health Coach. Nick is driven by curiosity which has led him to study ancient medical systems (Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hermetic Principles, German New Medicine, etc), and modern science.

Music by Luke Hall
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