Vibroacoustic Therapy: How to Heal With Sound

  |   EP108   |   77 mins.

Craig Goldberg

Host Nick Urban chats with Craig Goldberg of inHarmony about Vibroacoustic Therapy and the science of optimizing health with audio. They discuss how vibration, sound, and frequencies tune the human brain and body.

As well as the use cases to enhance trauma release, memory optimization, meditation, and more.

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Episode Highlights

Any music, but especially tracks that you know the lyrics to, can dramatically change brain activity Share on X"The sound lounge helps you to look back on those traumatic experiences through a different lens. It might take a horrific or negative experience and make it neutral. Might take a neutral experience, make it positive, might take a… Share on XWe make files a lot smaller via compression… but we also lose some of the qualities of the music that make them therapeutic Share on XAudio can harmonize both hemispheres of the brain Share on X30% of hearing comes through vision, the brain filters out most of the information Share on X

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About Craig Goldberg

Craig Goldberg is a Technologist & Certified Vibroacoustic Therapy Practitioner on a quest to help humanity achieve a deeper sense of inner calmness through the use of sound and vibration. His work is backed by 40+ years of research. As a patented inventor, he is constantly exploring new ways to help people reduce stress and anxiety, heal, and transform their lives for the better.

Top things you’ll learn from Craig Goldberg

  • Craig Goldberg’s morning routine for health, performance, and bioharmony
  • Using tech-assisted meditation to reach deeper states faster
  • Impact of nn-EMF and WiFi exposure on health & challenge of determining the cause of symptoms
  • Sleep hygiene, health, and vibroacoustic technology
  • What is vibroacoustic therapy (VAT) and the science behind how it works
  • How music harmonizes the brain and activates different parts at different times
  • Biofeedback tools used to measure the body’s activity (HRV, Braintap, etc)
  • inHarmony also creates custom music with embedded artifacts to distract the mind and guide it into a deeper meditative state
  • Sound therapy, pseudo-psychedelic effects, and brain activity changes (corpus callosum)
  • Effects of the inHarmony Sound Lounge on trauma and memory
  • Connect with Craig & use the inHarmony code URBAN to save 5%

Resources mentioned

  • Gear: inHarmony Sound Lounge (code URBAN saves 5%)
  • Article: Best DIY Morning Hydration Drink

Connect with Craig & inHarmony

This Podcast Is Brought to You By

Nick Urban is a Biohacker, Data Scientist, Athlete, Founder of Outliyr, and the Host of the Mind Body Peak Performance Podcast. He is a Certified CHEK Practitioner, a Personal Trainer, and a Performance Health Coach. Nick is driven by curiosity which has led him to study ancient medical systems (Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hermetic Principles, German New Medicine, etc), and modern science.

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Music by Luke Hall

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1 thought on “Vibroacoustic Therapy: How to Heal With Sound”

  1. Wow, this episode on vibroacoustic therapy is fascinating! Sound healing has always intrigued me, and it’s incredible to learn about the potential of using vibrations to promote healing. The way this therapy combines music, vibrations, and relaxation sounds incredibly soothing and therapeutic. I’m definitely inspired to explore this healing modality further. Great job on the informative show!


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