Fat Loss and Fitness Secrets

  |   EP16   |   47 mins.

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Nate Palmer Fitness Training

People generally exercise for two reasons: to function better, or for aesthetics.

Weight loss is synonymous with fitness. One benefit of training for function is that your ideal body usually follows.

I connected with Nate to shatter prevalent myths and give us actionable steps to burning body fat, building muscle, and getting lean.

Episode highlights

Training can amplify performance at work and how you show up in relationships Share on X7 simple tenants can fill you with energy and accelerate your body transformation goals Share on XSteady-state cardio is not the best way to burn fat Share on XSimple nutrients and supplements can enhance performance Share on X

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About Nate

Nate Palmer is a NASM certified personal trainer and corrective exercise specialist. He is also a Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach. Nate is the bestselling author of Passport Fitness: The No-Nonsense Guide to Staying in Shape no Matter What City You Wake Up In. Nate is also the creator and founder of Bod in a Box – the HIIT Home Gym. He specializes in working with entrepreneurs and business owners to create energy, focus, and a lean, healthy body that shows up for your work, family, and focus time.

Top things you’ll learn from Nate

  • 10 minute post-meal walk increases energy and stimulates digestion
  • Why Nate chooses to use nicotine (but doesn’t smoke) to improve his cognition
  • Training can amplify performance at work and how he shows up in relationships
  • Key daily “investments”
    • AM routine
    • 32 oz of water
    • 60 seconds of vigorous exercise
    • Eat the right: breakfast, lunch, and dinner
    • 20 minutes of movement per day
    • Planning your three key outcomes the night before
  • Busting the top fat loss myths
  • Why cardio doesn’t lead to long-term weight loss
  • The hidden benefits of building lean mass
  • How to eat more and burn more fat
  • The problem with eating small meals
  • The good side of carbohydrates
  • Both of us have problems with the “If it Fits in Your Macros” approach to weight loss and nutrition
  • Ideal foods to eat for breakfast to increase fat loss
  • The ultimate form of movement
  • Why group fitness classes are over-rated
  • What makes HIRT a better option than HIIT
  • The reason caffeine isn’t a good pre-workout supplement
  • Nate’s top workout and performance supplements
    • Creatine
    • Muscle Egg flavored egg protein powder
    • Beetroot extract
    • 02 Gold Stim-Free Pre-workout

Resources mentioned

Books, Videos, Information, & Other Resources

  • Book: Never Split the Difference
  • Book: Wilderness Survival Guide
  • Book: The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

Connect with Nate

This podcast is brought to you by

Nick Urban is a Biohacker, Data Scientist, Athlete, Founder of Outliyr, and the Host of the Mind Body Peak Performance Podcast. He is a Certified CHEK Practitioner, a Personal Trainer, and a Performance Health Coach. Nick is driven by curiosity which has led him to study ancient medical systems (Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hermetic Principles, German New Medicine, etc), and modern science.

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Music by Luke Hall

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