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E 67

The Ancient Science & Benefits of Barefoot Movement

View on Zencastr Episode highlights Podcast Sponsor Banner About Guest Steven Sashen is a serial entrepreneur who has never had a job, a former professional stand-up comic and award-winning screenwriter, and a competitive sprinter — one of the fastest men over 55 in the country. He and his wife, Lena Phoenix, co-founded the footwear company … Read more

E 66

The Science of Harambe System

View on Zencastr Episode highlights Podcast Sponsor Banner About Khalid Bou-Rabee Khalid Bou-Rabee is a Professor of Mathematics at the City University of New York specializing in Geometric and Combinatorial Group Theory. He holds a BA in Mathematics from Rice University and a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Chicago. When COVID-19 hit, and … Read more

E 65

Analemma: Ultimate Water Structuring & Energizing System

View on Zencastr Episode highlights Podcast Sponsor Banner About Mario Mario has been working in the field of health and wellness for the last 15 years. He was the CEO of various companies and led the development of extraordinary new technologies aimed at revolutionizing the ways we maintain our health. His life mission is to … Read more

E 64

Activating Your Body’s Master Regulator

View on Zencastr Episode highlights Podcast Sponsor Banner About Scott Scott Schwab is an author, speaker, entrepreneur, and innovator. In 2014 Scott authored the book Standing Accountable: Increase Your Success by Holding Yourself Responsible. In 2018 Scott became a Ted Speaker as he spoke about how Time is killing Education. That same year, Scott was … Read more

E 63

How to Improve Vision Naturally & Ditch Glasses For Good

View on Zencastr Episode highlights Podcast Sponsor Banner About Claudia Muehlenweg Claudia Muehlenweg, founder of Holistic Vision LLC and creator of the Naturally Clear Vision Method, always hated her glasses and has made it her mission to help others see clearly naturally… just like she has done. Claudia is a sought-after international speaker and workshop … Read more

E 62

Shield Your Body From Electrosmog (EMFs)

View on Zencastr Episode highlights Podcast Sponsor Banner About R Blank R Blank is the CEO of Shield Your Body, whose mission it is to Make Technology Safer. With hundreds of thousands of customers in over 30 countries, and having been interviewed on platforms ranging from ABC television to ElectricSense, R is an internationally followed … Read more

E 61

Vitality Begins With Understanding (Core Tests)

View on Zencastr Episode highlights Podcast Sponsor Banner About Reed Over 20 years ago, Reed recognized people were caught in a “cycle of trial-and-error” and committed himself to be the last person they needed to see. With guidance from top leaders in alternative medicine, he reviewed thousands of labs for thousands of people and made … Read more

E 60

Quench: The New Science of Hydration

View on Zencastr Episode highlights Podcast Sponsor Banner About Guest Dr. Dana Cohen has helped thousands of patients find relief from a variety of health problems utilizing the principles of integrative and functional medicine. She was American Board of Internal Medicine certified in 1998. Dr. Cohen served on the Board of ACAM, the leading voice … Read more

E 58

Abracadabra: The Enlifted Method to Upgrade Your Mindset & Life

View on Zencastr Episode highlights Podcast Sponsor Banner About Mark England Mark England is a TEDx speaker and co-founder and head coach of Enlifted. He has been researching, presenting, and coaching on the power of words and stories for the past 15 years. Mark holds a Masters degree in education and was an elementary school … Read more

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